More pickups???
Went to a few more HardOffs over the past week. Much less stuff than last week but I'm kinda running out of stuff to buy.
That Caffeine Free Pepsi is awfully close to those carts.Ew, Caffeine Free Pepsi.
Has to be the least threatening thing a villain can do.
More pickups???
Went to a few more HardOffs over the past week. Much less stuff than last week but I'm kinda running out of stuff to buy.
Dos box is acceptable why not just use that? Save yourself the headache.Man, people keep shooting down my attempts at theoretically building a modern PC for old, non-emulated DOS gaming. I want to believe there is a way dammit!
Dos box is acceptable why not just use that? Save yourself the headache.
I won't settle for emulation.
I mean, sure. You can get an old pc for DOS gaming, just see how Krejlooc set up his rig. But don't discount DOSBOX. It's a more-than-sufficient option.
I mean, sure. You can get an old pc for DOS gaming, just see how Krejlooc set up his rig. But don't discount DOSBOX. It's a more-than-sufficient option.
Dude, imagine if I were barging into the SNES thread asking people why they bother buying the original hardware and cartridges when SNES9x is a more than sufficient option? Not to pick on you specifically but it seems like DOSBox always gets a pass for some reason when any other emulator gets dissed by people into original retro stuff.
Relax, it was just a suggestion & you can boot from your original CD-ROMs. Also Is it possible to dual boot and install win95 and just use dos that way?Dude, imagine if I were barging into the SNES thread asking people why they bother buying the original hardware and cartridges when SNES9x is a more than sufficient option? Not to pick on you specifically but it seems like DOSBox always gets a pass for some reason when any other emulator gets dissed by people into original retro stuff.
Any idea how I can remove this mark from my ps1?
Relax, it was just a suggestion & you can boot from your original CD-ROMs. Also Is it possible to dual boot and install win95 and just use dos that way?
No.Ew to all Pepsi, am I right?!
I haven't played that in many years!Nice pickups, I Love Puzzle Bobble.
He was banned? No wonder I haven't seen him in months.Was he permabanned?
He was a very informative contributor here but sadly had a penchant for derailing threads because he couldn't let an argument slide lol.
If only he could control his need to argue lol.
Man, people keep shooting down my attempts at theoretically building a modern PC for old, non-emulated DOS gaming. I want to believe there is a way dammit!
Ew to all Pepsi, am I right?!
DOS discussion lead me to search eBay for Gateway and Packard Bell computers. One mans trash is another mans treasure indeed.
I've owned many over the years and found that they're just too fragile for my tastes. They literally break from delicate use or non-use. The ribbons inside are held together with glue that becomes undone over time leading to garbled graphics.I still want a Virtual Boy.
What's the best emulation-machine <= 100 in your opinion?
I was watching for an Android dongle.
like original game boys, which get the vertical line issue. It's hard to do R&D on custom designed tech to last 20 years I guess.I've owned many over the years and found that they're just too fragile for my tastes. They literally break from delicate use or non-use. The ribbons inside are held together with glue that becomes undone over time leading to garbled graphics.
Theyre like ticking time bombs.
Such a shame because there are a games on it I really enjoy playing (Jack Bros. especially).
Anyone got any backlit modded gbas going? UK here.
I regret losing my old one
A New Nintendo 3DS or a Wii homebrewed with retroarch. Seriously.
A New Nintendo 3DS or a Wii homebrewed with retroarch. Seriously.
I need to softmod my Wii but I'm afraid of losing my VC games, which are plenty.
Yeah the nice thing about Wii is 240p output via Component (and RGB if you have a PAL one).
Yeah the nice thing about Wii is 240p output via Component (and RGB if you have a PAL one).
It should be noted that that was actually his second account, after his first one (Cooljerk) was permabanned quite a while ago. AFAIK, the mods knew exactly who he was, but were letting him have a second chance, which he must've blown.Was he permabanned?
He was a very informative contributor here but sadly had a penchant for derailing threads because he couldn't let an argument slide lol.
If only he could control his need to argue lol.
Yeah the nice thing about Wii is 240p output via Component (and RGB if you have a PAL one).
Even if you have a USA Wii, it's easy to change the region to PAL for true RGB Scart output! The restriction is software based, dependent on firmware region.
Posted this in the GB thread but things are a bit slow there...
Hey guys
Just bought this on ebay for a respectable £50. Look good? Backlit and biverted.
The only worry I have is this line in the description:
Note: you may notice very faint vertical lines from time to time. This is normal and is present to
some extent on every Game Boy Pocket. It can be slightly more noticable on a backlit screen
though. I thought I would mention this incase you assume it to be fault.
Not sure how accurate that is...can't say I've ever noticed it on a GBP before - but you can see it in the Mew photo above.
Anyhow. Opinions?
It should be noted that that was actually his second account, after his first one (Cooljerk) was permabanned quite a while ago. AFAIK, the mods knew exactly who he was, but were letting him have a second chance, which he must've blown.
AFAIK, he was TheSonicRetard. Cooljerk was his name elsewhere. Every thread I spotted his name he was always arguing with someone and his name was gray...
What a shame. His posts were very often super fun reads.
yeah, as a sega & retro fan, Krejlooc was a loss to the community...RIP man
Yeah, I've had less-than-cordial run-ins with him off of GAF vis-a-vis the Steam Controller, so I'm not exactly mourning the loss of his GAF account.
No, "vis-à-vis", not "via". Fancy way of saying "with regards to".Steam Controller? Is there some weird messaging app with the Steam controller?
No, "vis-à-vis", not "via". Fancy way of saying "with regards to".
Basically, I expressed doubts about the design, and he was a complete pretentious ass about it because he had a beta one and went on about how I wasn't qualified to criticize its design because I hadn't gotten my hands on one, how dare I have opinions.