Is core_specific_config = "true" in all of those configs? That not being enabled in each one is the only reason I can think of that it wouldn't work. I just tested with BSNES and Desmume cores and each one I loaded had the specific aspect ratio, shader and save directories I set for them.
I thought you might have been onto something then, but sadly yes core_specific_config = "true" is in both the configs i have for BSNES and gambatte cores. Just to run through this step by step and start with a clean install and added core_specific_config = "true" to the retroarch.cfg file......
1.Set bsnes_balanced_libretro core
2. Select shader and apply
3. Set aspect ratio
4. Select Overlay and set to your liking.
5. Select 'Save New Config' (it automatically names it bsnes_balanced_libretrol.cfg, so had to add the .dll inbetween libretrol and cfg.
6. Select gambatte_libretro as core
7. Select shaders and apply
8. Set aspect ratio
9. Select Overlay and set to your liking
10. Select 'Save New Config' (names it gambatte_libretro.dll.cfg)
Have a down anything wrong in the above steps??
If i do the above and then load the bsnes_balanced_libretro core and load a game, it still has the Gameboy shader and overlay applied but it also seen to have my bsnes_balanced_libretro core overlay (which is a black CRT bezel) over the top of the gameboy overlay
EDIT: its working now, for some reason the when i saved the bsne config it didnt make the 2 files in the config folder, but now it has and it works. Thanks for the help!>
Is there a way to quickly switch between the cores on the fly rather than having to go from a number of options to get to the core you want?
Also can you hide the mouse cursor?