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Returning Gamecube Or Selling It...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Error Macro said:
Who buys a GC just for the Resident Evil games? There are many, many, games on the Game Cube to buy and enjoy, as there are for all of the systems. Don't be so closed minded, foo'.

You see it all the time, though...

People are always saying "Oh, that ONE game I wanted on PS2 isn't very good? Well shit, I better trade it in because LORD KNOWS there isn't anything else I could possibly want on the system". This obviously applies to all systems...

Either people just have VERY limited tastes...or they refuse to look hard enough. I mean, it's especially bad when you see them digging around through known crap on one system they love and then claiming there is nothing worth playing on another.


dark10x said:
Why in the hell would you even post something so...foolish? What does this accomplish? Nothing. It just creates flames.

Now apply this response to this thread's creator.

Seriously, you shouldn't have bought a system for just RE4. You know you can just RENT a GC when RE4 comes out and then beat it and return it. Pretty easy and it saves your $$.
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