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Reuters: U.S. to issue decree on transgender access to school restrooms

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Because both men and women don't want this, overall.

These backwards preferences will eventually give way to progress. No reason unisex bathrooms can't include urinals either. Not all women are unable to use them ;-) And not all women are slow or men fast for that matter.
The future will be Unisex stalls instead of unisex bathrooms.

Each stall will have a sink and a toilet and effectively be a closet-sized room with a lock on the door, only allowing one person at a time (or a parent w/ child).

Many places already do this and yes, there will be long lines.


These backwards preferences will eventually give way to progress. No reason unisex bathrooms can't include urinals either. Not all women are unable to use them ;-) And not all women are slow or men fast for that matter.

Except it's not backwards prefernces. Has nothing to do with urinal to penis to stall to multigender piss meeting on the floor.
Because it's 2016 and things like sexual harassment and sexual assault still exist.

People aren't usually assaulted in public bathrooms and I don't really read or hear about a lot of reports covering victimization in unisex restrooms.
Plus...signs with or without dresses on them don't have magical properties; they rarely deter rapist and predators from assaulting people.
If you're a cisgender woman and you're really worried about that relatively rare scenario you should be absolutely terrified of using the bathroom in the same house as your dad, brother, husband, boyfriend, or uncle considering that 70% of women's victimization is committed by non-strangers (usually male) in familiar/comfortable settings.
The bathroom thing doesn't bother me, but I have to admit that I have some reservations about gym locker rooms.
My wife had lunch with a friend today who raised the same point. Bathrooms have stalls. Who the hell cares what parts the person in the next stall has? But walking around the locker room half naked (or all naked as some are wont to do)...

Another point: Obama's decree says all public schools... So this means elementary schools too?

I think the eventual legislation about this is going to be very interesting. Too bad we don't have a functioning Supreme Court.
The future will be Unisex stalls instead of unisex bathrooms.

Each stall will have a sink and a toilet and effectively be a closet-sized room with a lock on the door, only allowing one person at a time (or a parent w/ child).

Many places already do this and yes, there will be long lines.
If they take away the urinals I will not be happy at all.
These backwards preferences will eventually give way to progress. No reason unisex bathrooms can't include urinals either. Not all women are unable to use them ;-) And not all women are slow or men fast for that matter.
They did a thing at my University where all the bathrooms were unisex for a day. All the urinals had out of order signs on them. That sort of ended my support for the whole unisex bathroom thing.

At some point you are going to have to acknowledge that this isn't just some "backwards preference". For many people sex and gender are fundamentally the same and you will never be able to convince them otherwise. Others feel like passing trans people that have gone through reassignment surgery are legitimate but those that have not aren't. And the idea that a huge group of people should be inconvenienced and limited just so a small minority feels better is bound to breed a lot a resentment. You have no idea how petty people are as a group.


I don't see why you would have to drop urinals when doing a unisex bathroom. It would actually benefit women since most men won't bother using toilets if there is a urinal there. First time I used a unisex bathroom was in a restaurant in southern France. Went to the bathroom, went to a urinal and while I was doing the deed a woman came out of the stall. I wasn't sure wtf I just did so I went to check outside the door to see if she made the mistake or if I did (didn't even use reason lol there's a fucking urinal, so it couldn't have been a woman's bathroom). Anyways, there was no gender sign in the front door. It was definitely strange for me but I can see it becoming the norm in a couple of years (decades?)


I don't see why you would have to drop urinals when doing a unisex bathroom. It would actually benefit women since most men won't bother using toilets if there is a urinal there. First time I used a unisex bathroom was in a restaurant in southern France. Went to the bathroom, went to a urinal and while I was doing the deed, a woman came out of the stall. I wasn't sure wtf I just did so I went to check outside the door to see if she made the mistake or if I did (didn't even use reason lol there's a fucking urinal, so it couldn't have been a woman's bathroom). Anyways, there was no gender sign in the front door. It was definitely strange for me but I can see it becoming the norm in a couple of years (decades?)

Again, who does this exactly help?
God what a fucking non issue
Both sides of the issue probably feel this way, just for different reasons. That's why it's an issue.
The bathroom thing doesn't bother me, but I have to admit that I have some reservations about gym locker rooms.
Barring the removal of gendered bathrooms entirely, to me it seems like bathrooms are almost a red herring; the locker room thing gets into the real meat and potatoes of the issue and will probably be a much more serious focal point.


And don't forget those of us that simply want more room to bring all our shot in with us.

Who is Huelen shooting in the bathroom?

Besides what everyone said, helps to divide the lines between all bathrooms ... so we don't have huge lines on the women's bathroom and no soul in the men's bathroom, for example

The real reason why men don't want unisex bathrooms. They're afraid they're going to have to wait in the same lines the women do, instead of running in-and-out.
The real reason why men don't want unisex bathrooms. They're afraid they're going to have to wait in the same lines the women do, instead of running in-and-out.
Why should we have to wait? We can go faster.
Besides what everyone said, helps to divide the lines between all bathrooms ... so we don't have huge lines on the women's bathroom and no soul in the men's bathroom, for example
Why does there need to be "soul" in the bathrooms?


My wife had lunch with a friend today who raised the same point. Bathrooms have stalls. Who the hell cares what parts the person in the next stall has? But walking around the locker room half naked (or all naked as some are wont to do)...

Another point: Obama's decree says all public schools... So this means elementary schools too?

I think the eventual legislation about this is going to be very interesting. Too bad we don't have a functioning Supreme Court.
I remember having a unisex bathroom in Kindergarten back in 1985. Was never a problem.
I remember having a unisex bathroom in Kindergarten back in 1985. Was never a problem.

I remember having a unisex bathroom in kindergarten too.

Once I went in after a girl and she had peed all over the seat. I didn't want to touch it (I've always been a bit of a germaphobe, I always hated getting my hands dirty, even as a kid) so I just peed without touching the seat, being extremely careful not to hit the seat with the stream.

After I left, the teacher/babysitter asked if I peed on the seat. I said I didn't, and that it was the girl in question. Teacher called me a liar and forced me to clean the seat as I cried. Teacher said "girls don't pee on the seat."

I don't have a lot of memories from that age, but that was very traumatic for me.
Again, who does this exactly help?

non-gender binary people, trans people, parents with children of the opposite gender

Nailed it. There's basically no reason to randomly decide that only some people should use one bathroom and some people should use another. Those categories aren't sufficient, and mostly, they're wildly unnecessary. Just take the gendered signs off of the doors, double your bathroom capacity, and enjoy the efficiency.


There have been family bathroom for years. This does not add to to parents of opposite sex children. What ever happened to states rights? Sweeping executive orders are troublesome.


A Good Citizen
There have been family bathroom for years. This does not add to to parents of opposite sex children. What ever happened to states rights? Sweeping executive orders are troublesome.
Family bathrooms are a non-solution. There are places without them, or with them in inconvenient spots. Expecting trans people to function as second class citizens is fucked up.

Civil rights are more important than states rights (which is more often than not dogwhistle for "we want to discriminate and we hate having accountability from the federal government") too.


There have been family bathroom for years. This does not add to to parents of opposite sex children. What ever happened to states rights? Sweeping executive orders are troublesome.
I've been wondering if states rights is something of an outdated concept, given our advances in communication and transportation and how things can affect others from further away now.

But regardless one of the key starting points of this was the bill in NC, which itself was a flagrant disregard for allowing a city to govern itself. So, well, fuck these people anyway, and it's not as if family bathrooms are everywhere.


I am totaly in favor of unisex bathrooms ..... but why MOST NEWS ABOUT THIS TRANS BILL features an unisex bathroom image ?

The bill is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF UNISEX BATHROOM. It is about women using bathroom for women and men using bathrooms for men

People keep saying that... is this a US thing? 'Cause it has never been my experience, ever.

What people hear are never the regular experience, just that time they went on a bar and saw someone with a waterfall menstruation that was drunk and exploded on the bathroom =P


From what I can tell it's more that certain young females think the bathoom floor is the equivalent of the wastebasket. Especially in the stall area.

Of course, men don't usually carry enough shit that they can or want to litter a bathroom floor with it.
I've been wondering if states rights is something of an outdated concept, given our advances in communication and transportation and how things can affect others from further away now.
I do feel that there are things that states should manage themselves, but stuff like civil rights, such as this?

Yeah no.
People keep saying that... is this a US thing? 'Cause it has never been my experience, ever.
I have worked as management in retail for over 15 years and the amount of times I have had to deal with customer complaints about bathrooms has been predominately women's bathrooms. The amount of projectile shit and blood I've seen haunts me.
I've seen some pretty abhorrent bathrooms from both genders, but women's far more frequently. One rest stop women's bathroom I saw was because my gf at the time wanted me to see it because it was so bad.

Looked like something straight out of Silent Hill. Blood and shit smeared on every surface.


Trump said people should use the bathroom that corresponds to the sex they identify with.

Eh. Kind of. I don't think he minds, but politically he isn't going to go that far completely when he is trying to get the conservative base(that didn't vote for him) to unite behind him. He says it should be up to states and local government, although they may have to pay a financial consequence if companies decide to boycott.

Another example of him trying to get the upset Cruz people behind him was appointing North Dakota Republican Cramer as his energy policy advisor. He is a big climate change skeptic and a huge fan of more drilling and fossil fuels like coal.


Nailed it. There's basically no reason to randomly decide that only some people should use one bathroom and some people should use another. Those categories aren't sufficient, and mostly, they're wildly unnecessary. Just take the gendered signs off of the doors, double your bathroom capacity, and enjoy the efficiency.

Not really. The stigma will still be there for these individuals.

Not to mention on a large scale, it simply isn't feasible for most businesses, events, etc. Perfect world? All unisex, single use, locking doors. Not happening.

If we are talking small scale, then we are on the same page.


There have been family bathroom for years. This does not add to to parents of opposite sex children. What ever happened to states rights? Sweeping executive orders are troublesome.

1. If you prefer small government, what about the rights of municipalities? H2 was the state of North Carolina shitting on their own city(Charlotte) for passing an anti-discrimination act against LGBT folk.

2. Civil Rights trump States Rights. It did with getting rid of segregation(which NC is already in the history books with acting shitty with), and it will do so here.
So how do I know which bathroom has urinals in it?

Both should have urinals. They're efficient for people that use them (like myself). All bathrooms should have a wall of urinals and a wall of stalls.

There have been family bathroom for years. This does not add to to parents of opposite sex children. What ever happened to states rights? Sweeping executive orders are troublesome.

I sort of agree, but only because I hate that this is the only way to get the government to function. I mean, for decades, opposition parties have argued with Presidents, but this obstruction for the last 6 years is insane. The government, through separation of powers, is like a car. A ton of parts work together to do their individual jobs, but no part could do its job without the others doing theirs. This isn't happening now. The GOP in Congress have decided that the car itself shouldn't exist (which is crazy), and so other branches of the government are picking up the slack.

The Dept of Education is under the Executive Branch, and Obama can order it around as he sees fit. There are things that each state is in charge of, but there are others that Obama is in charge of. Settling which is which will take months, if not years, so NC can lose funding for that long while they battle it out or they can cave.

Obama didn't start this pissing contest over who can fuck the other up the most, but he's damn sure going to end it.

Not really. The stigma will still be there for these individuals.

Not to mention on a large scale, it simply isn't feasible for most businesses, events, etc. Perfect world? All unisex, single use, locking doors. Not happening.

If we are talking small scale, then we are on the same page.

What individuals?

I'm confused about how you people use the bathroom. Do you whip your dicks out as soon as you clear the door? Do you all just strip down and poop naked? Because when I go to the bathroom, no one but me sees my genitals. Any number of people could walk in, and they'll see my back (if I'm at a urinal) or my shoes (if I'm in a stall). Why is it a problem if the other genders see your back or shoes?

People need to get over themselves in the bathroom. Go live in a dorm with a shared bathroom or something. You don't need your own private powder room because you're scared someone will hear you peeing. Just pee.


What individuals?

I'm confused about how you people use the bathroom. Do you whip your dicks out as soon as you clear the door? Do you all just strip down and poop naked? Because when I go to the bathroom, no one but me sees my genitals. Any number of people could walk in, and they'll see my back (if I'm at a urinal) or my shoes (if I'm in a stall). Why is it a problem if the other genders see your back or shoes?

People need to get over themselves in the bathroom. Go live in a dorm with a shared bathroom or something. You don't need your own private powder room because you're scared someone will hear you peeing. Just pee.

I like to do verbal play by play when I have an audience. That way we are all on the same page.


I do feel that there are things that states should manage themselves, but stuff like civil rights, such as this?

Yeah no.
It is a balancing act, I'm sure, you can't really have the average politician from California telling Alaskans how to handle their weather preparations for instance. But it seems like some of these outcries are more a shield to continue being bigots or just wrecking people's lives in general, vs an actual understanding of what is needed locally versus nationally, or disregarding how one state's actions affect everyone else.

Which, yeah, civil rights being universally enforced is damn important.


I don't get the push for unisex facilities at all. I guess it's because to me you just use whichever one you want. If you identify as a man, you use male facilities, and vice versa. Pushing unisex facilities would just make more people uncomfortable. I'd be perfectly fine getting changed around a trans-man, but I'd feel uncomfortable getting changed around a cis-woman (and a trans-woman for that matter). If that makes me some kind of bigot then I'm sorry.
I've been wondering if states rights is something of an outdated concept, given our advances in communication and transportation and how things can affect others from further away now.

Agreed. Working in alcohol distribution, I've seen how much redundant red tape businesses have to go through to get their products into different states, given each state has different rules and regulations.

Imagine if there was a uniform set of regs nationwide?
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