My gym has unisex toilets that are quite nice. They don't have stall doors, but they are closed rooms, so you can poop in peace. Nobody can look over and under.
Unisex toilets make toilet access harder for men and it removes the urinals, but I've noticed that unisex toilets are a lot cleaner.
Before the change to unisex toilets, they would be a fucking a mess. I mean... We're talking shit on the walls. Shit on top of the toilet. And it was a daily routine. Every week someone would clog the toilets with cheese burgers, use 5-10 rolls of toilet paper on the ground. It was just disgusting.
If you really think about it, unisex toilets make sense. And I don't think anybody is at risk of anyone more danger than anywhere else. I just don't understand the argument the republicans are making here. I hear their fears. a man could pose as a transgender and molest kids in the girls bathroom. That could happen, but why would that come down to transgender bathroom rules? that make no sense. molestation and rape doesn't appear in correlation to bathroom etiquette.
The whole thing is absurd, but I want to say that I really think toilets in the public space needs to strive for more privacy than many of the stall doors where you can peek through. That has nothing to do with gender based toilets, I just hate public toilets for that reason. You can hear other peoples poop hitting the water and they can hear yours. your pooping sync is embarassing.
I'm for unisex toilet. And I hope that in perhaps 100 or 200 years it will be a starship trooper situation where men and women will shower and change in the same vicinity as well. I'm optimistic that we will move past this bullshit.