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RIDGE RACER 3D |OT| You've entered the slipstream! Go Go Go!

Would you guys recommend Ridge Racer 3D over Pilotwings Resort? I got Pilotwings at launch, but it's still in it's shrink wrap, and I was considering returning it/selling it, as I'm really not pleased how lacking in content it is. The only reason I got it at all was I had to choose a game in order to get a 3DS for £175, and Pilotwings Resort was the only thing that really stood out to me (apart from Street Fighter, but I already own that, and I'm not willing to pay full price for it again).

Ridge Racer didn't strike me as a noteworthy game, but I'm starting to think that I may have been wrong, as it now looks more enticing than any of the other 3DS launch games.
Ben2749 said:
Would you guys recommend Ridge Racer 3D over Pilotwings Resort? I got Pilotwings at launch, but it's still in it's shrink wrap, and I was considering returning it/selling it, as I'm really not pleased how lacking in content it is. The only reason I got it at all was I had to choose a game in order to get a 3DS for £175, and Pilotwings Resort was the only thing that really stood out to me (apart from Street Fighter, but I already own that, and I'm not willing to pay full price for it again).

Ridge Racer didn't strike me as a noteworthy game, but I'm starting to think that I may have been wrong, as it now looks more enticing than any of the other 3DS launch games.

Well Ridge Racer is definitely packed with content. I'd say you're looking at 10 hours minimum if you decide to do all the races. I went with it and Street Fighter ahead of Pilotwings as I'd heard it was a bit lacking. I'll be buying it when it comes down in price though.


I'd be tempted to stick with pilot wings, nintendo games hold their retail price well, which means they probably also hold a decent trade in price too. Ridge racer, as much as i'm enjoying it, is more likely to drop in price (either new or used)


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I've been playing this game a bit for the last 2 days and I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed that the graphics aren't as good as the PSP game. In fact, it's a major step down. Comparing the 3DS game to the PSP one is like comparing N64 to PS2. As a matter of fact, I'd say most N64 racers look better than this for the AA alone. It really is inexcusable and once the novelty of the 3D wears off, you realize just how shameful the graphics are. This is the only 3DS game I have so far, but if this is what we have to look forward to with graphics, I'll be completely disgusted. I thought the graphics were supposed to be better than Wii in many ways, but I'm not seeing it. I literally feel like I'm playing an N64 game in widescreen, with cleaner IQ and 3D. How pathetic would be if a system that came out 5 years ago has better graphics than one that just released this year. I'm starting to get irritated at Nintendo's stance on graphics./Rant


Been pleasantly surprised by the game so far - I'm a huge Ridge Racer fan, especially the more recent releases (PSP, PS3, etc). Love how they continue to incorporate older titles into the brand, getting a new car manufactured by Lucky N Wild brought a huge smile to my face. This is one of my favorite series of all time, I usually a buy a system if Ridge Racer is a launch title.

The soundtrack is ace, especially remixed songs of the past - courses are oldies but goodies, new ones are good too but so far seem very wide from what I've played. Haven't tried the easy drift but honestly don't get why its there, drifting is easy enough as it is.

Graphics aren't as good as the PSP version but are still acceptable. This is by far the best ridge Racer a Nintendo system has ever gotten - the DS one is awful and the N64 one wasn't too hot either.

So yea if you love Ridge Racer you know what you're getting, tough to recommend it to newcomers though as they might not like the fact that your car glides around the track. I wouldn't want it any other way. If you go into it knowing your playing a different kind of racer, you should have a blast.


MadOdorMachine said:
I've been playing this game a bit for the last 2 days and I have to admit, I'm a bit disappointed that the graphics aren't as good as the PSP game. In fact, it's a major step down. Comparing the 3DS game to the PSP one is like comparing N64 to PS2. As a matter of fact, I'd say most N64 racers look better than this for the AA alone. It really is inexcusable and once the novelty of the 3D wears off, you realize just how shameful the graphics are. This is the only 3DS game I have so far, but if this is what we have to look forward to with graphics, I'll be completely disgusted. I thought the graphics were supposed to be better than Wii in many ways, but I'm not seeing it. I literally feel like I'm playing an N64 game in widescreen, with cleaner IQ and 3D. How pathetic would be if a system that came out 5 years ago has better graphics than one that just released this year. I'm starting to get irritated at Nintendo's stance on graphics./Rant

Blame Scamco, not Nintendo. Check out the graphics in some of the other games, and remember that launch titles usually look like shit. Or go check out the trailer for RE: Mercenaries. With the memory revelations unearthed today, we'll be getting some excellent graphics down the road.


Flib said:
Blame Nintendo, not Scamco. Check out the graphics in some of the other games, and remember that launch titles usually look like shit. Or go check out the trailer for RE: Mercenaries. With the memory revelations unearthed today, we'll be getting some excellent graphics down the road.

You got that first sentence messed up, Nintendo didn't make Ridge Racer, Namco did.


Ben2749 said:
Would you guys recommend Ridge Racer 3D over Pilotwings Resort? I got Pilotwings at launch, but it's still in it's shrink wrap, and I was considering returning it/selling it, as I'm really not pleased how lacking in content it is. The only reason I got it at all was I had to choose a game in order to get a 3DS for £175, and Pilotwings Resort was the only thing that really stood out to me (apart from Street Fighter, but I already own that, and I'm not willing to pay full price for it again).

Ridge Racer didn't strike me as a noteworthy game, but I'm starting to think that I may have been wrong, as it now looks more enticing than any of the other 3DS launch games.

Nah, keep Pilotwings. Pilotwings makes use of the new technology, looks great, plays great, while Ridge Racer looks like it was made for another era entirely. Cheap feel to it.


Picked this up. My biggest surprise, I like it more than PES. I thought I would neglect everything with PES, but this and Ghost Recon have all of my time. Highly nostalgic, sense of speed is good. I was fearful because every video on every site had tons of crashes so I thought the controls were gimped. Not so at all, I played the first track like I'd never put down the series.


I'm thinking of getting this game but I wanted to know: can you turn the announcer's voice off? (that voice saying "you've entered a slip stream, go for it!" etc etc)


I have played Ridge since the first one on PS1, I love this new Stereoscopic version. The 3D actually enhances the game play this time around, you can easily see if your car can fit round bend or in between two cars on a corner. Very well done Namco.

Still can't get my wife to see the 3D though, really weird she just says its all blurry so she turns it off. Should have got her a DS instead.
The 3D-effect really makes this game shine. Sure, it might not be visually as impressive as RR on PSP, but the 3D is what makes it stunning. The novelty hasn't worn off, either - I'm still in awe every time I fire up the game.

Once you unlock the Advance Grand Prix, the real game begins. Everything up to that point is practice. Believe me: if you like the franchise, or like arcade-racers in general, RR3D is addictive and, yes, the best launch-game ( in my opinion, at least ).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Flib said:
Blame Scamco, not Nintendo. Check out the graphics in some of the other games, and remember that launch titles usually look like shit. Or go check out the trailer for RE: Mercenaries. With the memory revelations unearthed today, we'll be getting some excellent graphics down the road.
I don't think it's fair to blame Namco here. They usually deliver outstanding visuals in their launch titles. Ridge Racers PSP was one of the most impressive games at launch with full 60 fps and great visuals while Ridge Racer 7 remains one of the only PS3 games to run at both 60 fps and 1080p while delivering lovely visuals.

I'm quite surprised by their 3DS results as its way below par. I suppose it's been almost 5 years since Ridge 7, though, so who knows which team really worked on the 3DS game.
mandiller said:
I'm thinking of getting this game but I wanted to know: can you turn the announcer's voice off? (that voice saying "you've entered a slip stream, go for it!" etc etc)
I did see a volume slider for Music, BGM, and Voice in the Options. So I'm assuming you can (though I actually like the announcer, so I didn't. :p ) I'll try it later if nobody else answers.


dark10x said:
I don't think it's fair to blame Namco here. They usually deliver outstanding visuals in their launch titles. Ridge Racers PSP was one of the most impressive games at launch with full 60 fps and great visuals while Ridge Racer 7 remains one of the only PS3 games to run at both 60 fps and 1080p while delivering lovely visuals.

I'm quite surprised by their 3DS results as its way below par. I suppose it's been almost 5 years since Ridge 7, though, so who knows which team really worked on the 3DS game.

If Balcony isn't to blame, then install who? Certainly not the the manufacturer that provided a platform that's a good deal faster than its nearest competitor. Unless you mean to blame some outsourced developer?


ascully said:
Still can't get my wife to see the 3D though, really weird she just says its all blurry so she turns it off. Should have got her a DS instead.

She's probably focussing on the point in the distance rather than on the screen, so the screen itself is out of focus. One good way to find that out would be to pick up a 3D scene with a lot of HUD (I think the scene before a race where it runs through images of all the racers overlaid on track pictures is good); see if deliberately trying to focus on those images brings the whole thing into focus.

In Pilotwings, the vehicles pretty much are directly in the plane of the screen. I wouldn't be surprised if that wasn't a very conscious decision in Nintendo's part, given it gives you a good focal point to work from all the time.
This will be the first RR game I sink my teeth into. I followed the series as an observer since the first one, and only played Type 4 briefly. Can't wait to get my hands on this (hurry up and get here!).
dark10x said:
I don't think it's fair to blame Namco here. They usually deliver outstanding visuals in their launch titles. Ridge Racers PSP was one of the most impressive games at launch with full 60 fps and great visuals while Ridge Racer 7 remains one of the only PS3 games to run at both 60 fps and 1080p while delivering lovely visuals.

I'm quite surprised by their 3DS results as its way below par. I suppose it's been almost 5 years since Ridge 7, though, so who knows which team really worked on the 3DS game.

I don't think the game looks bad per se, but the visual style has been simplified from the PS3 / PSP -iterations. I don't mind it, since the 3D is what makes this game ( in my opinion ).

The car-models certainly are ugly, though. :D


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
kinggroin said:
If Balcony isn't to blame, then install who? Certainly not the the manufacturer that provided a platform that's a good deal faster than its nearest competitor. Unless you mean to blame some outsourced developer?
I dunno, perhaps there is something behind the scenes we are unaware of?

I'm simply noting that Namco's Japanese teams have traditionally delivered great looking, great performing Ridge Racer games at launch. The fact that this is 30 fps with slowdown while looking worse than the PSP games in some ways is not what one would expect from them.

Dave Long

I think regardless of the graphics being sub-par, the game really is outstanding at showing the depth and volume that 3D adds to videogames. It's interesting, but I've noticed that my eyes seem to quickly grasp the 3D image now without any adjustment period. Maybe I'm just holding the 3DS at the right distance automatically or something, but I never feel like I'm fighting to see the 3D. It's just there, and it's pretty awesome.

My biggest problem is not having enough time to play. I want to spend a lot more time driving, fighting and strategizing than I've been able to so far, not to mention fishing in my desk.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Dave Long said:
It's interesting, but I've noticed that my eyes seem to quickly grasp the 3D image now without any adjustment period. Maybe I'm just holding the 3DS at the right distance automatically or something, but I never feel like I'm fighting to see the 3D.
Same with me. First hours with PES were a constant fight to keep the right spot. I don't know if it's my eyes or my grip, but I have adjusted something as I now get 3D in its full glory 95% of the time.
Dave Long said:
I think regardless of the graphics being sub-par, the game really is outstanding at showing the depth and volume that 3D adds to videogames. It's interesting, but I've noticed that my eyes seem to quickly grasp the 3D image now without any adjustment period. Maybe I'm just holding the 3DS at the right distance automatically or something, but I never feel like I'm fighting to see the 3D. It's just there, and it's pretty awesome.

My biggest problem is not having enough time to play. I want to spend a lot more time driving, fighting and strategizing than I've been able to so far, not to mention fishing in my desk.

Same here, actually. I don't have to fight it at all anymore. :) We humans are quick to adapt, it seems!


I wasn't going to buy a 3DS so close to launch... Then I played Ridge Racer on one... Buying one tonight now...!


Dave Long

Ridge is just really good comfort gaming. I wish it wouldn't ramp up so slowly and they would have a more even curve of difficulty. The first game is arguably still the best in that regard IMO, or maybe five.

It's the kind of game that should be there at launch, and especially this one where 3D is the selling point. In fact, the lack of more racing, flying, first-person type stuff shows just how late these companies started on 3DS products.


dark10x said:
I dunno, perhaps there is something behind the scenes we are unaware of?

I'm simply noting that Namco's Japanese teams have traditionally delivered great looking, great performing Ridge Racer games at launch. The fact that this is 30 fps with slowdown while looking worse than the PSP games in some ways is not what one would expect from them.
That just means Namco is shittier than it used to be.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
dark10x said:
Check it


The intro there is all realtime at 60 fps as well, which was very impressive back in 2000.

Unfortunately, there really aren't many good video or screenshot captures of the game as it used field rendering and the capturing equipment of the day did a poor job with it. It was a jaggy game, but the screens made it look much more so than it really was. You need a good CRT to appreciate it, unfortunately.

Aside from image quality, though, the actual detail level was much higher than RR3D and Ridge Racers on PSP.

I remember the brilliant PS2 version with one of these.


Spent countless hours chilling out to that combo.


this proves RR still owns.


(i love rr 3ds plz make rr ngp also)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Can someone please post comparison pics of the PSP and 3DS versions? The 3DS version doesn't look as crisp to me, but seems more colorful in comparison, and also has occasional background stuff going on like planes and helicopters flying overhead.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Lyte Edge said:
Can someone please post comparison pics of the PSP and 3DS versions? The 3DS version doesn't look as crisp to me, but seems more colorful in comparison, and also has occasional background stuff going on like planes and helicopters flying overhead.

I'd love this too. And hell toss in the DS version for dramatic effect!

Agreed with Dave, I think RRV probably has the most balanced approach of difficulty with progress. Too many of the games lately have been banal 'sunday cup' challenges for 95% of the game, only to really demand precision perfection for the severe endgame content.


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Lyte Edge said:
Can someone please post comparison pics of the PSP and 3DS versions? The 3DS version doesn't look as crisp to me, but seems more colorful in comparison, and also has occasional background stuff going on like planes and helicopters flying overhead.
This isn't really a fair comparison because the 3DS images have been doctored. The image on the bottom is a closer representation to what the game looks like minus the blurriness. The 3DS version is a significant step down to the PSP game which is over 5 years old. The textures are a lot flatter and there are a lot more jaggies than what you're seeing in the first 3DS vs PSP shot.


every ridge racer on a nintendo platform has looked like ass

but somehow i dont mind it with the 3d cranked all the way up
(mindless zombie goes back to playing RR3ds)
cyberheater said:
I remember the brilliant PS2 version with one of these.


Spent countless hours chilling out to that combo.

Ugh, you played it wrong. You were supposed to play it with this superior godly controller:

Super Street Fighter IV maybe the most technically proficient game on the 3DS, but Ridge Racer has proven to be my far and away favorite.

Rock solid gameplay, fun, tons of content and stuff to unlock (though almost none of it is new if you're a diehard fan of the series), and takes you a long time to beat. Really feels like I got my money's worth.

It's funnest and most addictive game game on the 3DS imo. I can't wait for the NGP version.
Ben2749 said:
Would you guys recommend Ridge Racer 3D over Pilotwings Resort? I got Pilotwings at launch, but it's still in it's shrink wrap, and I was considering returning it/selling it, as I'm really not pleased how lacking in content it is. The only reason I got it at all was I had to choose a game in order to get a 3DS for £175, and Pilotwings Resort was the only thing that really stood out to me (apart from Street Fighter, but I already own that, and I'm not willing to pay full price for it again).

Ridge Racer didn't strike me as a noteworthy game, but I'm starting to think that I may have been wrong, as it now looks more enticing than any of the other 3DS launch games.

I would exchange Pilotwings for Ridge Racer. RR is definately the funner game imo. There's so much content, and the gameplay is just about perfect.
Is there a way to listen to the music outside the game? I've got all these tracks to pick from before the race, but I'm not allowed to hear what they sound like? I can't for the life of me remember which is which!


OK, I know this game is supposed to have rubberband AI and all that but things are starting to get extremely ridiculous on class 3. I mean, I'm slipstreaming behind the car in first position then I use a TRIPLE nitro on full speed to pass it and suddenly that car gets a fucking rocket under the ass and appears 300 meters in front of me at 500Km/h


beje said:
OK, I know this game is supposed to have rubberband AI and all that but things are starting to get extremely ridiculous on class 3. I mean, I'm slipstreaming behind the car in first position then I use a TRIPLE nitro on full speed to pass it and suddenly that car gets a fucking rocket under the ass and appears 300 meters in front of me at 500Km/h

Just as you used the triple nitro to pass the car it moved behind you and slip streamed then it hi-nitro twice, also it probably had a higher boost than your car. Only possible explanation beyond the lame AI.


Linkup said:
Just as you used the triple nitro to pass the car it moved behind you and slip streamed then it hi-nitro twice, also it probably had a higher boost than your car. Only possible explanation beyond the lame AI.

Enough to get almost out of my view in less than 2 seconds while I'm at max speed? I call bullshit.


The A.I. is extremely predictable in Ridge games. It's meant to keep them close until like the 2nd lap, then you can pull away. Up until then they'll do seemingly impossible feats to catch back up.

But if you do avoid allowing them to take advantage of your slipstream, I've frequently managed to pass the 1st place in 2nd lap and then take a 20~ sec lead by the end.

Still haven't got any place less than first mid way through Advance Grand Prix. I'm beginning to think I'm too good at Ridge games.
Amir0x said:
Still haven't got any place less than first mid way through Advance Grand Prix. I'm beginning to think I'm too good at Ridge games.

I think it was PSP Ridge Racer (1 or 2, can't recall) had a special hard mode. It was...stupid, to the point of needing to use bounce nitros to gain position. I'm glad this game does not appear to repeat that mistake, based on what you're saying.

Edit: And who in the thread was saying this game had more nitro options than Ridge 7? I'm just seeing the same old stuff.


can someone explain how streetpass works? I had 3 or 4 hits yesterday, and the little green notification blob was on my Ridge Racer icon. Launched it, went to the streetpass duel section, it came up with a message about importing data and then....nothing. I just have the default 3 duels it normally has.

Are they supposed to show up in that list? Do I have to have cleared a certain amount of the game (still only up to the category 3 car unlocks)?

and I like how in time trial/records, it can show your times alongside those of streetpass times. But that is a particular example of where I'd prefer my friends' times to be, rather than random strangers..


any particular reason to pick different cars? I play in first person view so the looks of the cars shouldn't matter, but I just like the first default one you get - more 'classic' ridge racer. But if I want to choose one for higher top speed, will any 'standard' drift model handle the same? I want it to stick to the road at all times unless I want it to drift.
mrklaw said:
any particular reason to pick different cars? I play in first person view so the looks of the cars shouldn't matter, but I just like the first default one you get - more 'classic' ridge racer. But if I want to choose one for higher top speed, will any 'standard' drift model handle the same? I want it to stick to the road at all times unless I want it to drift.

Not really. Some of the cars within a type (eg: standard) may have a bit more acceleration vs. an slightly changed turning characteristics, but it's really more of just which car do you like the sound of? (In Ridge 7, the cars had unique HUDs too, not sure if that's the case here.) For example, I feel like the smaller car has better handling, but the bigger ones have better acceleration - but there's no real easy way to measure that, so it's pretty much to taste.

The only real performance difference comes from the upgrade packages, AFAIK.
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