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Riots in Sweden

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Gold Member
Unless you are one of the extreme religious people going nuts or someone enjoying egging people on, just do the MJ and watch fools act like fools.

michael jackson mj GIF


Gold Member
They can byrn the Bible everyday and i wouldn't care either. Raised Catholic btw...
This is the difference with people. I dont know a single person who would think we should attack police and burn emergency cars to make our point cross. What ever the cause. This is not part of scandinavian culture. This has come abroad.
You can burn my house down. I'm not going to burn down anyone's house or chop your heads off.


Gold Member
My point is that most Muslims take their religion too seriously. Way too serious.
I wondered this too.

I wonder if someone with extreme killing retributions have the same view if someone punched them in the face or stole their car. IMO, you'd think those kinds of actions would lead to even worse counterattacks.


In a free society people should be able to safely burn their own books within regulation even if they're making a statement with it.
There's always the potential for social repercussions. More about losing social status, funding or jobs, than these criminal responses.

The rioters will have to come to terms with what is reasonable legal free expression in Sweden and their zealotry.

There's spiritual practices which involve religious blasphemy which aren't illegal.
Possibly there's going to be more burnings now. Hadn't considered it myself, but meh, if the opportunity arises and its convenient.

Ankh-f-n-khonsu says it is wise to destroy the Book of the Law after the first reading and many people burn it.


Gold Member
Just curious. For those of you who know about Qurans being burned leading to big tie counterattacks, what's their view if someone feels like just throwing it in the trash? No big political statement or bonfire or anything. They just feel like getting rid of it like other books on their shelf to free up space.

Technically, that book is going to be in a landfill in the next 24 hours.

Same kind of retribution? Or only if it's political kinds of events like book burning?


I wonder whats the reason Muslims are incompatible with our culture. We gotmany Indian people, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnam. Never heard anything bad about them.
I wonder whats the reason Muslims are incompatible with our culture. We gotmany Indian people, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnam. Never heard anything bad about them.
Just how deep do you want to go down the effect of extremest religion on deaths throughout times.


Neighbours from Hell
Different cultures have different values. And those cultures can exist together so long as you follow the laws of the country you’re residing in. People have every right to be offended by the burning of a book if they so choose, but if you set stuff on fire you belong in a prison. You can keep your beliefs locked away from a civilized society so you can’t harm anyone else or destroy their property.


Gold Member
I too feel the urge to commit extreme violence and atrocities when someone burns a bunch of paper.

Example # 49678362859 of societal incompatibility of certain religions in Western civilization.


Gold Member
Not sure what it is about other parts of the world, but most Muslim people in Canada are probably mostly in the Toronto metro area.

Not sure when the wave of Muslims came over (immigration), but maybe the 80s? When I was in the tail end of high school in the early 90s there were already a bunch of Muslim students.

Fast forward to 2022, and the entire Muslim community here seems pretty chill. Many mosques built over the past decade or two, lots of middle eastern restaurants. Doesn't seem to be any trouble here.

I'm going to assume all you Europeans getting influxes of Muslim people are getting a mish mash of good and volatile people. Whereas we get the good ones.


I think that in Islam the holy word is taken as something more literal? Like the Bible is Holy Book because the message contained within is holy, the book is just the vessel. It's more symbolic. But I believe in Islam the book itself becomes sacred, the written/published words are sacred. Making it, in a sense, closer to magical thinking despite being Abrahamic religion. At least that's what I've read/was taught but I don't pretend to be an expert in any way.

So in a sense true believers have no choice but to react against it. Those views are also incompatible with western paradigm.

Practically, I always thought that you can only be tolerant with people willing to be tolerant.
Not sure what it is about other parts of the world, but most Muslim people in Canada are probably mostly in the Toronto metro area.

Not sure when the wave of Muslims came over (immigration), but maybe the 80s? When I was in the tail end of high school in the early 90s there were already a bunch of Muslim students.

Fast forward to 2022, and the entire Muslim community here seems pretty chill. Many mosques built over the past decade or two, lots of middle eastern restaurants. Doesn't seem to be any trouble here.

I'm going to assume all you Europeans getting influxes of Muslim people are getting a mish mash of good and volatile people. Whereas we get the good ones.
Europe got the muslim refugees that can't or wont fully integrate into their new countries properly over the last few years.


Gold Member
I think that in Islam the holy word is taken as something more literal? Like the Bible is Holy Book because the message contained within is holy, the book is just the vessel. It's more symbolic. But I believe in Islam the book itself becomes sacred, the written/published words are sacred. Making it, in a sense, closer to magical thinking despite being Abrahamic religion. At least that's what I've read/was taught but I don't pretend to be an expert in any way.

So in a sense true believers have no choice but to react against it. Those views are also incompatible with western paradigm.

Practically, I always thought that you can only be tolerant with people willing to be tolerant.
I'm not religious, but considering the wacky shit you can probably read in any of them I always thought these old mythical stories were meant for one part entertainment and one part general guidelines in life. BUT not to be taken seriously or literally as if some dude who wrote it 2000 years ago really knew what the hell was going on in life.

It's like seeing those stories about Moses parting the red see holding up a wooden staff and commanding water to part. I'm going to assume nobody actually believes that. But who the fuck knows.

I remember a tv show stating that what may had happened is that bed of water goes wet or dry during what season it is, but storytellers made it sound like a old white haired grandpa magically parted water like a mage in D&D. When in reality it was mother nature who adjusted the lakebed over months.
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I wonder whats the reason Muslims are incompatible with our culture. We gotmany Indian people, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnam. Never heard anything bad about them.
Because the Quran is basically a war doctrine and tells the faithful to enslave/kill non Muslims.

Make no mistake, our Western leaders knew exactly what they were doing by importing people from this culture.
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Gold Member
Motivation behind burning book? Seems like unecesaey violence

Provocation obviously.
This is not the first time he has done something like this.

Last time it lead to violent protests but not on this scale of violence (they activily tried to murder police).

He is not the problem though.
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Europe got the muslim refugees that can't or wont fully integrate into their new countries properly over the last few years.
And all of them want to go to rich European counties!

That also raises something to think off, Spain and Portugal have a lot of Muslim influence since their inception yes the land was taken away… but nobody wants to move here!


My point is that most Muslims take their religion too seriously. Way too serious.
If you think that most muslims act like those dummies, you are wrong. The majority are people like you and me living their lives with love for other human beings.
Do you think that most democrats in the US act like antifas morons ? Or that most republicans act like alt right no vaxx cuckoos ?


If you think that most muslims act like those dummies, you are wrong. The majority are people like you and me living their lives with love for other human beings.
Do you think that most democrats in the US act like antifas morons ? Or that most republicans act like alt right no vaxx cuckoos ?
I hooe so but the latest history says otherwise. Bataclan attack, Charlie Hebdo, some guy doing GTA during Christmas in Germany. Knife loving peaceful Muslims x 100. More and more during the years.

You know why the police got some much problem finding most violent dumbasses? Its because other peace-loving Muslims are covering them no matter what.

We're different than them. Accept that. If somrle white dumbass rapes, kills or burn someone i will be the first one to criticize him.


France (my country, so I know it well) is next.
It’s my country too, i know it like the back of my dick and it is definitely not next. Except if your talking about cops killing people, we never know with that macron cunt.
The way France assimilate its muslims immigrants (whether they come from north africa -a lot- or middle east -far less-)has nothing to do with the communautaristic way they do it in northern europe countries.


Tag, you're it.
It’s my country too, i know it like the back of my dick and it is definitely not next. Except if your talking about cops killing people, we never know with that macron cunt.
The way France assimilate its muslims immigrants (whether they come from north africa -a lot- or middle east -far less-)has nothing to do with the communautaristic way they do it in northern europe countries.
Wait a few more years. See what happen.
Paris is horrible as soon as you get off the main streets/avenues. Ditto for Lyon and Bordeaux. From my work, I have been in these cities for the last 3 years and in certain districts it feels like you are no longer in France.

Now I agree France is not the same as Sweden, but the result... I doubt it will be different. Whether it is Macron or LePen, we are fucked anyway :(


I hooe so but the latest history says otherwise. Bataclan attack, Charlie Hebdo, some guy doing GTA during Christmas in Germany. Knife loving peaceful Muslims x 100. More and more during the years.

You know why the police got some much problem finding most violent dumbasses? Its because other peace-loving Muslims are covering them no matter what.

We're different than them. Accept that. If somrle white dumbass rapes, kills or burn someone i will be the first one to criticize him.
I really think that you have, for a reason that is yours, a tremendously pessimistic view of muslims.

I don’t think muslims cover their criminal coreligionnaries. People with family ties might cover for one another, but it’s not a religion thing. Are you refering to the uk grooming gangs ? Its a family ties thing and a partner in crime thing, and when you add total incompetency from the british police you get that horrible and tragic story.

We are NOT « different from them », or as much as we are different from hindus or orthodox christians. Muslims are human beings like everyone else.

« Hath not a muslim eyes? Hath not a muslim hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick them, do they not bleed? If you tickle them, do they not laugh? If you poison them, do they not die? » (i’m stopping here for obvious reasons 😅)


I really think that you have, for a reason that is yours, a tremendously pessimistic view of muslims.

I don’t think muslims cover their criminal coreligionnaries. People with family ties might cover for one another, but it’s not a religion thing. Are you refering to the uk grooming gangs ? Its a family ties thing and a partner in crime thing, and when you add total incompetency from the british police you get that horrible and tragic story.

We are NOT « different from them », or as much as we are different from hindus or orthodox christians. Muslims are human beings like everyone else.

« Hath not a muslim eyes? Hath not a muslim hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick them, do they not bleed? If you tickle them, do they not laugh? If you poison them, do they not die? » (i’m stopping here for obvious reasons 😅)
Got some experience during the years. Living in NL. A few politicans killed for being against Muslims (no records of burning Quran). Many under police protection. Thats normal to you?

Did you know that most synagogues in France and Germany are protected 24/7 against local Muslim communities? You really want to live in such world? Uncertainty?


Wait a few more years. See what happen.
Paris is horrible as soon as you get off the main streets/avenues. Ditto for Lyon and Bordeaux. From my work, I have been in these cities for the last 3 years and in certain districts it feels like you are no longer in France.

Now I agree France is not the same as Sweden, but the result... I doubt it will be different. Whether it is Macron or LePen, we are fucked anyway :(
Really i don’t think it will be the case. Maybe im too optimistic we can only wait and see… i hope im right for the sake of everyone. I leave in Paris near blvd Davout / Porte de Montreuil. There is a lot of northern african immigrants but it doesn’t feel like no longer in France. It is ramadan now so i see people at night going home from their fast breaking meal with family and friends, it is really friendly and you can greet them and exchange a few words, there is no animosity. Of course there are « racailles » who swear on the coran before trying to rob you, but something tells me that those might not truly be men of faith…
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