The "problem" with Islam IMO is not that it's a "worse" religion - it's very interesting, sophisticated religion elevated by many philosopher thinkers, one that teaches to treat other people (fellow Muslim true believers) well. And of course Muslim people aren't inferior to anyone, that is racist nonsense. I've only been to couple of Muslim countries but I had positive impressions and heard a lot of good things about others. There are good and shitty people everywhere, that's a given. Within those countries it's a coherent working set of beliefs from which culture flows.
The "problem" present here with Islam as a religion... is that there are still lots of people that genuinely, passionately believe in its tenets. Enough to die for, or to kill for, if necessary. Used to be true for Christianity as well, but it's increasingly weird for us to comprehend.
Of course there are large swaths of muslim people who are just like majority of modern Christians – born into certain culture/belief and just exist in it, following some rules more out of habit. But a lot of believers still “take their religion seriously”, right to the logical conclusion.
In western values almost everything is malleable except for personal freedom, tolerance is the cornerstone of it, whereas in many religious dogmas including Islam there are things that can NOT be tolerated. (And it makes sense to me, you either believe you’re subjected to eternal damnation for something, or you don’t. And if you DO believe it, makes no sense to take it lightly. )
Islam isn’t unique in this regard, but its young-er, still passionate and growing religion, which still takes itself seriously – and still in period of growth….