Funny you mention that...And I bet the majority of those people aren't scum who hopped on a boat, headed to the American coast, conveniently lost their passports, and their first words when they arrived weren't "help me, give money". It's damn hard for foreigners to get legal residence in the US, and I guess most of these Muslims you speak of are a valuable contribution to any society they go to.
And those are the people I welcome, too. Not, for example, Turks who have lived in Germany for sixty years, yet can't hold a conversation in German.
And don't get me started on shit like honor killings.... commited by people who murder their own daughters and sisters for tainting the family honor if they are caught being in a relationship with a German, while the brothers of these youg girls bang a different blonde girl every day of the weekend. (Those are the absolute extreme cases, I know, but what I'm trying to say is that they do happen, and there are people who not only don't want to assimilate, but literally consider us infidels animals who will tarnish the honor of their whole family).
Anecdotal: I have a good friend, she's -- you know, tall, blonde, green eyes, the whole works. For a little while, several years ago, she was dating this one Muslim dude. They would fight all the time because he refused to introduce her to his family, because she wouldn't be "approved." He didn't have a problem banging her every weekend though

But again, he's just a retard and most Muslim people I've come across are simply living their lives and contributing to our city just like everyone else.
If you are a minority group, you may have an extremist portion of your group (so, radical Islamists being an extreme version of Muslims; BLM being an extreme version of black people; radical LGBTQ+ Twitter activists being a radical version of the majority of gay/lesbian people; etc). If the radical wing in your group does something dumb, or dangerous, it would be a good idea for the majority of people in that group to DENOUNCE that behavior. That way, everyone else that doesn't belong in your group can see that you don't endorse the bad behavior, and they won't associate the bad behavior with EVERYONE in your group.
So if you have radical Islamists do something dumb, have the representative of the majority Muslim population put out a statement condemning the actions of the radical Islamists. It would help.