I doubt her intention was to completely fuck up Star Wars. Even Lucas said he had plans for a changed Skywalker.
Disney fucked up by treating Star Wars like Pirates of the Caribbean and not like it’s Marvel properties.
Character development is important and universe continuity is what keeps audiences engaged. And instead of recognizing their mistakes they blame it on IP fatigue which is nonsense.
I don't know, but this fucking always tells me that she basically had an agenda. She didn't care about what George had done with the series, nor did she have any intention of respecting it.
I'm not gonna say that Star Wars was for men, or that it had to be for men, and to keep my women out of it, but the way they went about it was completely uncalled for and fucked up.
You have a brand that was basically marketed to young boys for decades, and when boys ended up liking Star Wars a lot, why the hell tell them that they are not wanted anymore? It's like if Mattel took Barbie and decided to say we're changing our focus to mostly Ken dolls. It's just weird that what was basically a toy brand pushed towards boys, once bought by Disney started telling boys that they were in the wrong for keeping it away from girls or something. I dunno, it's just a completely fucking stupid situation which wasn't created by the fans at all, if anything, it was the franchise's own marketing that made it seem male dominated.