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Rock Band 3 |OT|

Oh, why must they tease me! On the in game RB3 Music Store, it shows The Doors Free Pack, and The Doors Greatest Hits pack...and both say "currently unavailable."

Fuckers. Now they are just teasing.

Stormwatch said:
I pre-ordered my copy from Gamestop online and just got an email with the code to download the 3 songs. The code seems too short to work on the Xbox Marketplace, so I assume it has to be entered into the game itself.

There is a "Redeem Code" screen in the game itself. Must go there.


May contain jokes =>
Quick clarification: When it's said that Rock Band 3 doesn't include crowd singing, does that mean that no songs have it or just that the RB3 disc songs don't include it, like most DLC?
Local gamestop in Canada didn't get the codes. They also don't have any of the instruments for tomorrow yet. This is going to be frustrating...


Rewrite said:

What a douchey review. He seems mad that people would rather play this than real instruments. I'm not sure why they don't make similar complaints about Madden (just work out and learn to play football, stop living your fantasies through video game football), which they overrate year after year.

Jabs like "if you're going to buy this, even though it teaches you to play guitar, why not just buy a real guitar" don't make much sense if a person's goal is to learn guitar while also having fun playing a video game. For someone like myself who would love to get an idea of how to play guitar (and am anxiously awaiting next year's Squier), but have no motivation to do it unless it'll be fun from the start, it's perfect.

I also think there's something to be said for the fact that most of us sucked at RB when we first picked up the plastic 5 button guitar, and went on to dominate on expert. While it may be unrealistic, that progression that I can see in hindsight gives me confidence that if I put in similar time on the pro guitar, I'll get to a decent level.

To each their own. Review the game, not the people playing it.


Cutwolf said:
What a douchey review. He seems mad that people would rather play this than real instruments. I'm not sure why they don't make similar complaints about Madden (just work out and learn to play football, stop living your fantasies through video game football), which they overrate year after year.

Jabs like "if you're going to buy this, even though it teaches you to play guitar, why not just buy a real guitar" don't make much sense if a person's goal is to learn guitar while also having fun playing a video game.

To each their own. Review the game, not the people playing it.

Agreed. Love the "if you're going to pay this much for a fake guitar... why not spend a little more and buy the real thing?" line. I guess EA's check didn't clear :lol


AlphaTwo00 said:
Local gamestop in Canada didn't get the codes. They also don't have any of the instruments for tomorrow yet. This is going to be frustrating...
The lady at Eb told me prolly in November and that I should preorder the guitar. Never change eb.
Just called and got my preorder code from the store i got it early from. Downloading the pack now. :D

But now they know that the guy sold the game early, so he is probably going to get canned. :(


I think he meant 'spend a little more and buy the real Fender.'

Which makes perfect sense, not sure why anyone is bothering with the 100 key 'guitar.'

I do understand why someone might get the half-keyboard however.

I just don't think the 'GH' skills learned on a plastic guitar carry over to the real thing like the drums or the keyboard can, so why bother with yet another plastic guitar? Might as well stick with the old style ones or learn how to play a guitar. That's how I read it at least.


Are there any good pro guitar videos out there? The regular youtube dudes haven't uploaded all that much yet :( Also, have they changed hopo timing at all?


navanman said:
Seems a fair review IMO. If you don't invest in the new instruments that enable pro-mode, then the game is a refined and improved RB2 which is no bad thing.

"If you don't buy a controller, Madden is just a very average football simulator."

A bit of a hyperbolic analogy, but it sort of gets across my problem with that sentiment.

The review docks points for the personal choices people make on how they play the game and how much they spend.

Instead, they should review the whole package for everything it provides and not discount it because some might not choose to use the new features.

I think he meant 'spend a little more and buy the real Fender.'

I don't, because he mentions the real Fender at another point in the review. He seems very clearly to be implying get a real instrument and stop trying to learn on Rock Band, as evidenced by him saying "stop trying to live your rock fantasies on the plastic instruments."

It's sort of like Grandpa Syndrome. You know how old people resent new things that they didn't have growing up/learning to do something? It's like that.


For anyone who ordered Rock Band from amazon, I preordered the keyboard bundle and could not choose release day shipping, so I chose 2 day. However I just got an email saying my order has shipped and will arrive tomorrow. I have prime. Yeaahhh! :D


Do we know if the Gamestop songs are pro mode in guitar/bass? What about the three free Doors songs?

I'm considering getting it from GS to get the three free songs but would prefer if they are pro mode since I'm definitely getting the Fender.


Second-rate Anihawk
DJ_Tet said:
Do we know if the Gamestop songs are pro mode in guitar/bass? What about the three free Doors songs?

I'm considering getting it from GS to get the three free songs but would prefer if they are pro mode since I'm definitely getting the Fender.

The free Doors songs have pro guitar, but the rest of the pack doesn't. No clue about the free GS songs.
Just downloaded and looked at the GS free songs. I didn't pay ultra close attention, but it didn't seem like there was pro mode except for the keys and drums.


Ok thanks guys. I guess I'll still get it from KMart, it will be easier that way anyway. Didn't want to miss out on free Pro DLC but I can wait for regular songs.

Man, I can't believe it's finally here (almost!)
Joe Molotov said:
Games used to have cheat codes all the time, go whine some more.

At least it wasn't advertised during gameplay "Oh, you've failed, why not just remove the option of failure and carry on?"!

That IGN review is bullshit. No way this should score lower than RB2. Fuck IGN.


Subete no aware
God, I can't read reviews anymore... not because I disagree with their opinion, but because they are just so poorly written.

It's just a list of bullet points that have been expanded to fit a word count that they can spread across two pages. Yuck.




This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
firehawk12 said:
God, I can't read reviews anymore... not because I disagree with their opinion, but because they are just so poorly written.
Yeah, IGN especially is worse than ever. I also still can't believe that their reviews are shorter than they used to be, AND the font size is so massive. I guess this is how they think they can get away with writing reviews that are like five paragraphs long.


Subete no aware
vatstep said:
Yeah, IGN especially is worse than ever. I also still can't believe that their reviews are shorter than they used to be, AND the font size is so massive. I guess this is how they think they can get away with writing reviews that are like five paragraphs long.

It's said because Goldstein is supposed to be one of their "big reviewers" - he's attributed with calling GTA4 "Oscar Worthy" after all - but, just woof. This is first year undergrad shit.

Joe Molotov

Dartastic said:

I don't know why they even bother talking about replayablity for any game, when we all know they just plow through every game as quickly as possible, if they even can be bothered to finish the game at all. With a game like Rock Band 3, I'd be surprised if he sunk more than 3 or 4 hours into it before calling it a day.


I can't believe of all things, they gave Replayability an 8. The one game with the largest, most expansive DLC library that updates on a weekly basis. That's just ridiculous.


DJ_Tet said:
I think he meant 'spend a little more and buy the real Fender.'

Which makes perfect sense, not sure why anyone is bothering with the 100 key 'guitar.'

I do understand why someone might get the half-keyboard however.

I just don't think the 'GH' skills learned on a plastic guitar carry over to the real thing like the drums or the keyboard can, so why bother with yet another plastic guitar? Might as well stick with the old style ones or learn how to play a guitar. That's how I read it at least.
Some of us are bothering with the plastic guitar because we don't want to wait until "who the hell knows when" 2011. Plus once my fingers are blistered and bloody, I'll need something to fall back to. Plus once i get my squire, It will be nice to have the second instrument.
Deadstar said:
For anyone who ordered Rock Band from amazon, I preordered the keyboard bundle and could not choose release day shipping, so I chose 2 day. However I just got an email saying my order has shipped and will arrive tomorrow. I have prime. Yeaahhh! :D

Oh man I hope the same happens for mine, it says the 29th. I sent an email and complained saying I chose 2 day and thats 3 days after release, they just too bad pretty much.


This game is literally creating musicians. Not many games do that, if any. Can't wait to learn Keys next. Thanks for teaching me Drums, RB!


Subete no aware
I don't know if this is all EBs in Canada, but I just got a call that told me the bundle/instruments were delayed. Fucking Canada.
Deadstar said:
For anyone who ordered Rock Band from amazon, I preordered the keyboard bundle and could not choose release day shipping, so I chose 2 day. However I just got an email saying my order has shipped and will arrive tomorrow. I have prime. Yeaahhh! :D

I have Prime and ordered a keys bundle from Amazon, but haven't gotten any such email yet. Does your order status page still say "being prepared for shipment"? Mine does, and still says the delivery date is estimated at 10/29 (which makes no sense because that's more than 2 days). I've noticed in the past when things look weird like this on the status page, it usually means you are getting things earlier than expected despite the page implying that it will be later than expected. This is especially true for Release-Day Delivery. I have even had release-day delivery games show up BEFORE I even get the shipping notice sometimes. Crossing my fingers.

For anybody with the bundle coming from Amazon that wants to make sure they play tomorrow, this is what I suggest. I've done it in the past before I had Prime. I'd choose Super Saver Shipping just to avoid the shipping charge and do the following:

Go to a store on release day (I go to Target because it is closest and opens at 8:00AM) and just buy the game there. Keep your receipt. Play the game.

When your copy from Amazon shows up, return that sealed copy to the store.

Essentially you are "borrowing" the game from the store for a few days, and then returning a brand-new sealed copy. There is a point in time when you have paid for two copies, but you get your money back when the second copy shows up and you return it. Why do this? The answer is that it's way cheaper to buy stuff on Amazon. Thanks to a $20 credit from Reach and a gift card, I was able to get the keys bundle for about $60 on Amazon.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I agree that IGN's quality has been declining steadily, but on the other hand, do you guys really need 5 pages of 10-size font to tell you how a game actually is?

Also, the 8 for replayability on a music game is incredibly laughable.


Joe Molotov said:
I don't know why they even bother talking about replayablity for any game, when we all know they just plow through every game as quickly as possible, if they even can be bothered to finish the game at all. With a game like Rock Band 3, I'd be surprised if he sunk more than 3 or 4 hours into it before calling it a day.
Ditto, but you'd think that when you have a game that literally grows by the week, and can teach you a skill set that will last you the rest of your life, that you'd have one of the most, if not the most re-playable game ever. Ya know, as long as they're bothering to keep assigning ridiculous numbers to games.
Dartastic said:
Ditto, but you'd think that when you have a game that literally grows by the week, and can teach you a skill set that will last you the rest of your life, that you'd have one of the most, if not the most re-playable game ever. Ya know, as long as they're bothering to keep assigning ridiculous numbers to games.

The real irony is that IGN gave Rock Band 2 a 10 for Lasting Appeal. Rock Band 3 expands on every single thing RB2 did, and also introduces a giant new time-sink of guitar lessons, yet somehow scores lower in replay value. WTF!?
Akala said:
all the Gamestop songs should be on RBN day one right? Right?

I don't wanna go in Gamestop.
First off they're not RBN. They're regular RB DLC songs. And no, they won't be online day 1. We don't know when they will be up for download.


That girl in the bunny hat
bounchfx said:
This game is literally creating musicians. Not many games do that, if any. Can't wait to learn Keys next. Thanks for teaching me Drums, RB!

Heh. I'm the same way, I drum for a band because of RB. And hopefully by learning keys I'll be able to actually contribute songs in a half-decent manner. So far all I've been able to do is give them lyrics and say "it's kinda Dinosaur Jr. ish....".

Akala said:
all the Gamestop songs should be on RBN day one right? Right?

I don't wanna go in Gamestop.

Not RBN, regular DLC, and no. They'll be released regularly eventually, but not day 1.

EDIT: I accept the ninjaing as I'm finishing an RBN track right now and can thus be excused. :p


StrikerObi said:
The real irony is that IGN gave Rock Band 2 a 10 for Lasting Appeal. Rock Band 3 expands on every single thing RB2 did, and also introduces a giant new time-sink of guitar lessons, yet somehow scores lower in replay value. WTF!?
It's cool, I give IGN a 1 on readability. It's cause I can't really read too good.


firehawk12 said:
Guelph ON.

Maybe all the assholes in Toronto are getting their bundles first, the fuckers. :lol

Goddamn. I'm in Owen Sound and haven't heard anything yet but it will certainly be a sad day if they don't get it. RB1 all over again.


Subete no aware
Fuck. I just realized that I'll have to rent RB3 just to get the week 1 DLC. Harmonix should have really either made it a code download or expanded it to purchases in the first month.

Maddog said:
Goddamn. I'm in Owen Sound and haven't heard anything yet but it will certainly be a sad day if they don't get it. RB1 all over again.

Yeah, they date I got was some time in November.

I guess I could just buy the game itself, but I really have no interest in standard Rock Band anymore.
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