I adore this game and I love the devs so I hate to give a game "bad" publicity but I gotta be real
idk what the report button does
but this is basically one guy out of every single one ive come across playing today. for some reason its worse in south american servers. I reported him 3 times in 3 different matches.
im having a fucking mental breakdown man. It just straight up ruined my mood. "time to put the controller down" and all, and I seriously rarely get mad at games, but god damn
here's the difference:
if a player griefs you in a fighting game when you lose, ultimately he's right, so you deal
playing Rocket League with randoms who are
terrible and at the same time call you whatever racist / homophobic racist slur at you for missing and at the end of the game say "lol learn to play faggot" when your score is way higher than them seriously grinds my gears to a point I havent experienced in a game in a long time
it aint even about the moment itself, wether the trolling works (which fuck it but it does, I almost threw my controller today after being demoted a rank cause of a shitty teammate who kept shitting on me while playing awful), but it's the fact that its such a good god damn game that it seriously bums me out to see people ruining it like this
it was bound to happen, it's a very popular multiplayer competitive game, but god damn man Psyonix oughta implement a better report function cause it is seriously keeping me from playing. It's intolerable.
Ive been playing since it came out, and after hundreds of hours it is absolutely keeping me away from it at times.