this this film connect in anyway shape or form to TFA?? only one word answer please and thank you.
Direct sequel!
this this film connect in anyway shape or form to TFA?? only one word answer please and thank you.
Direct sequel!
this this film connect in anyway shape or form to TFA?? only one word answer please and thank you.
well bronson you gonna tell us what you feel about the movie or what
I liked it
I already did!
I waste time through varying means okay gawd geez
A concise and to the point review.I already did!
I figured I would tho
A concise and to the point review.
Well the last review of a movie I did on here nearly caused catastrophe so
Caused a few 500 internal sever errors i presume.Well the last review of a movie I did on here nearly caused catastrophe so
I dont agree on your first point but i agree on the second.
I have high hopes for EP8.
Did you say you liked TFA or a Transformers movie?Well the last review of a movie I did on here nearly caused catastrophe so
Caused a few 500 internal sever errors i presume.
Did you hated a Marvel film or what lol
Did you say you liked TFA or a Transformers movie?
I saw BvS like a week before it came out and it was...not good
I don't really post advance reviews anymore cause it was a total shitshow
That wound aint healed yet Bronson goddamn.I saw BvS like a week before it came out and it was...not good
I don't really post advance reviews anymore cause it was a total shitshow
I own A New Hope at my house. If I want to watch A New Hope, I will watch A New Hope.I had a similar experience recently as well. I went to a high school reunion and it was just such a blatant nostalgia grab. All of my old friends were there. I was like, what this fuck is this shit?
They plastered the name of my high school everywhere - talk about embarrassing - and just kept pounding us over the head with this sentimental bullshit.
And in the back of mind I was thinking, maybe this isn't a complete travesty, maybe I can express a reasonable amount of dissatisfaction that might be more commensurate with the experience, but, hell no, I absolutely had to let everyone know that this was one of the worst experiences of my life. And fuck all of those people who seemed to enjoy it.
I've watched it a million times and a lot of them recently and I still believe it gets a bum rap. Luke's story post Jabba's palace is ESB level stuff.It's pretty clearly better than ROTJ. You might need to go watch it again; nostalga is a helluva drug. RO is clearly top 3. Just a matter of where you put it now.
That wound aint healed yet Bronson goddamn.
For those of you amused by Giacchino's pun-laden cue titles, he released the original titles before Disney presumably ordered him to cut it out. Here they are, spoiler-tagged (just in case although there's nothing notably spoiley).
A Krennic Condition
Jyn and Scare It
Going to See Saw
That New Death Star Smell
Jedha Call Saw
When Ambush Comes to Shove
Erso Facto
Go Do, That Eadu, That You Do, So Well
Have a Choke and a Smile
Erso in Vain
Takes One to Rogue One
World's Worst Vacation Destination
Scarif Tactics
Bazed and Confused
Switch Hunt
Transmission Impossible
Live and Let Jedi
My actual ranking of the movies:
Empire Strike Back > A New Hope > Rogue One > Return Of The Jedi > The Force Awakens > Revenge Of The Sith > The Phantom Menace > Clone Wars.
Nah leave it in. You deserve it for all your constant tomfoolery.Just pull out the knife
Makes sense, it was originally pitched as a plot for the live action tv series that was being planned but Lucas shot the idea down. It probably would have worked really well as a mini series.
That is mean.Nah leave it in. You deserve it for all your constant tomfoolery.
I grew up with the OT aswell, my favorite SW movie is RoTS and I think TFA is one of the more embarrassing cash ins I have ever seen in my life, so much pandering I wanted to walk out the theater, is not about they didnt take any chances, is about how diabolical and evil that people is in making the same movie twice and you know what? the audience fucking ate it all up.
Oh man. This is a bit nutty.
I can't say I agree. A successful cover only works if it:
A) Ticks the nostalgia bone and all the love that comes with it.
B) Makes its own mark
TFA nails both for me.
He deserves it!That is mean.
I've never seen a theater-full of moviegoers wild the fuck out like the did in the last 10 minutes of this movie.
Double Toasted Review
They loved it. Korey says it's the best SW movie since Empire and Martin nearly gives it a "Better Than Sex".
Spoilery review?
But where is Rey?
The whole film im wondering where is Rey, did she die?
This one I don't really get. Fair enough if you mean that that's somehow the feeling that TFA left you with ultimately, but ... Surely you don't really think that anyone involved was just phoning it in?Though it was much better than TFA. Felt less like a lazy cash grab.