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Rome Total War appreciation thread


I've been somewhat amazed at the meger appreciation for this game on GAF when this is such an incredibly good game - certainly the best game in the series and by far the best strategic RTS game I've ever played... yeah and the soundtrack kick ass too.

Any takers? Are there any people out there who appreciate this game or have people just stopped playing good games? :D


The majority of PC titles get pretty much passed over here on GAF. The game looks great, but I'm forever behind on games. I get so addicted to online play in games, that when I stop for a bit.. I try to catch up some. (I just purchased the Warcraft III battle chest! :( )

So, I'll probably post some positive impressions of Rome: TW in 2 years give or take. On the upside, playing these games late saves you a ton of money! :)


I wasn't planning on posting, however, after watching three seperate attempts at a rome: total war thread crumble and die this week, I owe it to the developers to stir up some interest in the product, not out of sympathy, but because the game truly deserves it.

I remember when medieval: total war came out, i was really hoping they'd turn to something greek or roman as their next project, as my historical interests are primarily focused on those two great civilizations. I've always enjoyed the strategical aspect of the 3d battles in the total war games, but was always impatient to master the tactical, financial, economic, and military administration of the games. The tutorials for this "risk" like part of the game was never very indepth and feel its one contributer in hurting the game's popularity.

Thankfully, creative assembly announced rome: total war and it has really pushed me to sit down and patiently learn how to play the game. Actually, it's not all that difficult and rome: tw is an improvement in that they have streamlined the managerial aspects of running your empire. If you want full control over things like taxes, building projects, troop recruitment, popularity, and/or religion, they give you that option; however, if you're like me and find spending 30 minutes each turn managing the taxes of the provinces in your empire time consuming and exhausting, you can have the AI do it for you, leaving you only to focus on moving your troops amongst other things.

I"m inclined to believe from anecdotal evidence and my own experience that most gamers find the total war games simply too involving or overwhelming. I have several coworkers who think the 3d battles look absolutely fantastic--and they do--but they admit that the game is just too much for them, without even giving it a chance.

Perhaps, that's why these threads keep disappearing, for one thing the market is already saturated with games this season and secondly most gamers while fascinated/appreciative of rome total war simply don't get it--warped by an overabundance of traditional rts, i suspect.

P.S. I started the campaign as the julii. It's around 247 b.c... recently wiped out the gauls and the spanish(it will be fun to use them my next campagin game; you can choose to play as any faction you've conquered), looking towards carthage next. If i can beat them, i'll have all of western europe under my control. They have one small province in southern spain, just begging for me to grab, but they have nearly half my military might in that one settlement alone, hoping i don't bite off more than i can chew.

Definately, my most satisfying moment, was utterly crushing the spanish army. I approached their province with my army and they came out to meet me. However, since they initiated the attack all i had to do was wait for them to come to me. I set up my men on the top of a huge mountain, four units of calvary in front, and the spanish general came right up after me (i'm playing on medium difficulty and should've opted for hard; i've won 47 battles, no losses). It came to a huge calvary rush down a steep hill. I utterly obliterated them using only 4 units. 950+ troops vs their 950+..only 2 of their men left the battlefield alive, I lost 6 men, lol.


Yeah, its unfortunate that there isn't enough appreciation for this game - yet people go nuts over advanced wars. I like advanced wars too mind you, but it is decidedly '8-bit' and primitive in comparison.


I love this game so much. I'd rather not be posting about it, instead I would be playing. I have been playing it straight from the last 4 days. Its so addicting, I'm falling back on my studies though and thats bad cause I have mid-terms next week :(. Things move so fast in University.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
This is GOTY so far, by a LONG SHOT. I absolute cannot even begin to describe the epic amount of effort Creative Assembly put into every aspect of this title. Polish is the word, absolutely tons of it. This is one for the history books, with Sid Meiers Civ, Master of Magic/Orion, X-Com and Starcraft as one of the most memorable, epic entries in the strategy genre.

Buy this game people, trust me.


I'm really loving this game. Must have played for 20 hours over a 2 day period, with school, work, eating, sleeping, and studying my only breaks--absolutely fantastic, addicting, very addicting game here.
Shame.. i saw a big display at best buy..lots of copies, looked rather lonely really; hopefully, it was a restock, but i have my doubts..havne't sold many at work either. :(


Tag of Excellence
I haven't really bothered because this is GAF and there are now about 7 of us who enjoy this game?

Anyways yes, this is truly a fantastic game and it will always get my support no matter how many threads die.


This game has most certainly had a very large negative impact on the schedule of everything I'm working on. Its like digital crack... I'll be working on something else and I'll hear the music playing in my head like a siren song and I just can't resist being drawn back to the game.... :D

This game is a poster child for music being an element of replay value, other developers should pay attention to this and make sure their music is as memorable. Sound and music is so underrepresented these days.


Time ta STEP IT UP
Is this game like a tradition RTS? Do you make new units and send them out to kill other units and buildings? Do you have recourses to gahter and stuff?

Hook me up with some info!!


Badabing said:
Is this game like a tradition RTS? Do you make new units and send them out to kill other units and buildings? Do you have recourses to gahter and stuff?

Hook me up with some info!!

It's like a cross between Civilization and an RTS.

You manage cities and build armies like in Civilization (turn based). When an army attacks, the game goes into real time mode where the battle is decided (or you can opt for the computer to just calculate the final result).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Badabing said:
Is this game like a tradition RTS? Do you make new units and send them out to kill other units and buildings? Do you have recourses to gahter and stuff?

Hook me up with some info!!

Giant turn based game (think along the lines of the Civilization series). You play one of 11 factions and try to take over the world basically. Every province has a city in it, take the city to take the provice. You develop the cities with various buildings and upgrades, recruit your armies from them and earn your money through them.

Combat is handled in a wonderful 3d real time combat interface. The combat plays somewhat reminiscent of Bungie's myth games, except you control giant companies of troops instead of individual units. There are tons of areas to fight, it seems everywhere I get into a battle has its own unique map. So fight at a lake, the battle map will have a lake, fight at a bridge the battle will have one, etc... Town sieges are absolute epic, catapults, rams, siege towers, ladders, boiling oil, the whole 9 yards.

Its a wonderful game, definitely worth it.


I really love that music when your looking at the world map. What is that girl singing the vocals saying? Is it all Roman? For some reason at certain times it seems like she's singing in English but I can't understand it. Except for the part where she says Gladiator or something along those lines.


Firest0rm said:
I really love that music when your looking at the world map. What is that girl singing the vocals saying? Is it all Roman? For some reason at certain times it seems like she's singing in English but I can't understand it. Except for the part where she says Gladiator or something along those lines.

I think it's Latin? The language of the Roman Empire was Latin.

The reason you can understand some of the words is that English as a language borrows lots of words from Latin, Greek, French, German, etc.


Tag of Excellence
I know this is a stupid complaint but I would have loved if the game had the option Latin audio. Hearing the units yell in English (and to a certain extent the dialogue) lessens the impact and immersiveness of the title. It feels cheap with everything else having such lavish polish. I know it was the result of time constraints/budget and the fact that the general public wouldn't utilize the feature but the previous games had native audio (if memory serves me correctly about Shogun) and it's step backwards.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
TekunoRobby said:
I know this is a stupid complaint but I would have loved if the game had the option Latin audio. Hearing the units yell in English (and to a certain extent the dialogue) lessens the impact and immersiveness of the title. It feels cheap with everything else having such lavish polish. I know it was the result of time constraints/budget and the fact that the general public wouldn't utilize the feature but the previous games had native audio (if memory serves me correctly about Shogun) and it's step backwards.

There are 11 playable factions 9 of which have their own unique languages. If they did it for one, they would have to do it for all, and that would have been far far too much effort.

Really I like the english, many useful things are said that if they were in latin would be lost. The general's big speeches at the beginning of each battle for example.
Yeah, its unfortunate that there isn't enough appreciation for this game - yet people go nuts over advanced wars. I like advanced wars too mind you, but it is decidedly '8-bit' and primitive in comparison.

I haven't had the chance to play Rome yet but I've played through Medieval a couple of times on expert (as the Spanish and then the Danish) and I find the strategy in Advance Wars ultimately more compelling. AW is only really primitive in its graphics and its fairly limited options.


Went back to this game after leaving it aside for two weeks. Still as addictive as before. Goddamn, I can't study with this shit around.

I'm currently waging a war against Carthage and the Numideans. The Marius reforms have already passed. Anybody feel that the units of the Roman armies are just way too strong? I assaulted a Numidean town with just a little over 1000 units. They had 1500 units and I completely whupped their ass and succesfully took the town.

After I'm done with Carthage and Numidea, I think I will move on to conquering Egypt....


GameFan Alumnus
I feel dumb for not having played this game yet. I've been busy with MK Deception online. Friends are getting back into Soul Calibur 2. Katamari is begging to be replayed. I still play Enemy Territory. Neo Contra and Alien Hominid arrive next week. Ultra Bust a Move is shipping soon with Live support. And Paper Mario 2 is looking awful tempting as well.

Yet everything I hear makes me want to play this game more. I will pick it up for sure. Hopefully I have time to really dedicate to it. I'm a big RTS fan (WarCraft, StarCraft, Command & Conquer) and I liked Civilization a lot. Never played a Total War game, but this will definitely be my first. I appreciate a great soundtrack too.


ElyrionX said:
Anybody feel that the units of the Roman armies are just way too strong? I assaulted a Numidean town with just a little over 1000 units. They had 1500 units and I completely whupped their ass and succesfully took the town.

Hey, you don't fuck with the Roman Legions.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
ElyrionX said:
Anybody feel that the units of the Roman armies are just way too strong?

Put the battle difficulty to hard, the battles are way too simple on medium. Every nation seems over powered on medium.


Animator in Waiting
This game is one i'm leaving till i got ALOT of free time as i know it will eat my soul once it's craked open. :D


Man, the Senate just disowned me right when I was into my massive war with the Egyptians. Gonna have to deal with the Egyptians then deal with the Romans at home. This game ROCKS!


I'm such a fool :( I set unit sizes to Huge and my PC sucks shit. Right now I hadaround 25 provinces as the Brutii and I was doing so good but the framerate unbearable it goes down to 1 fps. Armies are so big now cause i usually have have over 5,000 units on screen with everything on low. I just started again with the Carthage this time and I'm using small. It sucks but I will do with it :). Carthage are hard to play with in the beginning. I lost alot int he beginning but I'm going back on track now :D owning the Romans has never been so much fun!


ElyrionX said:
Man, the Senate just disowned me right when I was into my massive war with the Egyptians.

Just like Julius Caesar ^_^

Rome is a cool game that I wish I had time to play. I likes me a good world conquest game, and I love setting cities on fire with the siege engines.

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