Baron Aloha
A Shining Example
Reviews are just starting to come in. 0% Fresh (or 100% Rotten) so far.
Reviews are just starting to come in. 0% Fresh (or 100% Rotten) so far.
"As video game movies go, this one contains less plot and character development than Pac-Man."
"If creative bankruptcy was legally actionable, this film would be in Chapter 11."
^^^ Um, he's not dead."George Romero must be spinning in his grave! "
We get a knife in the head, bloodless head shots, gunshot wounds and damaged creatures (Lickers and Dogs). Just dont blink and you might see some grub. Easily the driest Zombie movie ever made and its an R-rating! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN!?!
We get two tit shots from a couple of female Zombie hookers (Im not kidding) and we also get lots of Milla flesh with her phone dialer nipples being the highlight.