Lighting was nice.
Nice, I scored mine there for like 5, XIII-2 for 6.50 and LR for 9.I just got XIII off of eBay for $1.50 last week. Excited to play through it on my Series X.
Same here. It looks so damn good on my SeXI just restarted this game last week, and I'm having more fun than I did the first go around.
On Series X it's a beautiful game and doesn't look like a 360 era game at all thanks to all the work Square/MS did.
I always think of XIII as a spiritual successor to X. Both follow that same linear style traversal.
I found XIII superior to X in most ways, especially that OST. I think X is the most overrated game in the franchise.
My pc screens from 2014
That’s one of the worst things in gaming, when the developers flop like that. There were some moments in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword involving a main character that were so cringe that I was nearly sweating I was so embarrassed...the dialogue is absolutely cringe-inducing. To call it Sunday morning catoon-level would be do to cartoons a disservice. Snow is annoying and Vanille is simply an embarrassment.
What Final Fantasy post-XII lacks is a coherent creative vision. XII suffered from this as well, but Matsuno was involved long enough to imprint it with some of his style. XV is a good example of this failing: a half-arsed open world, a final act on rails, disjointed story sections, etc.
That’s one of the worst things in gaming, when the developers flop like that. There were some moments in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword involving a main character that were so cringe that I was nearly sweating I was so embarrassed...
Would you say FF XIII is a must play given the things it does right?
XIII is not even close to X, doenst matter how you spin it.I always think of XIII as a spiritual successor to X. Both follow that same linear style traversal.
I found XIII superior to X in most ways, especially that OST. I think X is the most overrated game in the franchise.
That’s excellent. Does the lore generally carry on to the next game and others in Final Fantasy, even if only a little? I know that each game is essentially its own, but can the events that took place in FF VII be known by a wise NPC in say in FF XIII for example? Or is it that every game’s setting takes place in a different world, at a completely different time in the FF ‘universe’ usually?And while the story told in the game is lackluster, the lore explained in the menus is kind of interesting.
One of my enduring memories of playing FFXIII, 11 years ago, is peeking behind me every once in a while during cutscenes to make sure none of my family was passing by and judging me for playing what must have seemed to them some kind of animu game made for special children.So I am about five hours in. Maybe it's just because I am no longer a twentysomething, but the dialogue is absolutely cringe-inducing. To call it Sunday morning catoon-level would be do to cartoons a disservice. Snow is annoying and Vanille is simply an embarrassment.
That’s excellent. Does the lore generally carry on to the next game and others in Final Fantasy, even if only a little? I know that each game is essentially its own, but can the events that took place in FF VII be known by a wise NPC in say in FF XIII for example? Or is it that every game’s setting takes place in a different world, at a completely different time in the FF ‘universe’ usually?
On the contrary, I'd say FF13 had a really cool overall concept based on Cocoon and Pulse. That overall concept was created by Nojima, but he didn't actually handle the writing like he did for 7, 8, 10, and 7R. It's the writing and dialogue in FF13 that completely squanders the potential of that concept. And of course the technical issues that made them de-prioritize having NPCs and a livelier world.
In the day and age where people are autoing, and skipping animations and cut scenes in Gacha games on the regular, making a full turn based console RPG that keeps the user engaged is going to be a near impossible task.I meant gameplay-wise, an area where Nojima had no influence whatsoever. The whiplash between what we saw on XII, to XIII, to XIII-2 to XV - with its open world grafted onto what clearly was originally an on-rails experience - shows that they not sure which way to go. Now, after XV, it seems like the franchise has basically left turn-based combat behind for good.
And honestly, I don't understand the jrpg fandom. I'm playing Ys 9 right now and I like it. But the impressions I've read of this story and Falcom's other stuff from fans is that the story is good. But I can't stand it most of the time. It's full of trite bullshit. Things that no grown adult could find compelling. "Oh here's this cat girl(who's adopted because it's Japan!) who wants to help the poor and do her own thing. So she opens a flower shop! Here's a gruff dude who wants to fight everybody. It's all lame anime shit and Ys 9 is still somehow better than the previous games when it comes to characters and story. So I've never understood what was so bad about XIII's writing and story compared to JRPGs and games in general.
this is actually very 'lazy' or the devs infact, or probably has no time to implement proper world building story/section due to problematic crystal tools. one of big 'crime' of FFXIII is almost none world-building. all the lore information is keep in datalog menu, asking player to spend time read all those long list of essay by themself or they just wont understand the game is. basically like the devs just didnt bother to properly presented the world towards playerthe lore explained in the menus is kind of interesting.
Much like FFX's Calm Lands, FFXIII has a large area to explore somewhere around ~70% of the game (at Chapter 11), which makes the game significantly better. Besides the open field, it has a few side locations to explore, plenty of optional bosses, good rewards to find or earn, some of the best farming spots in the game, chocobo sidequests and plenty of different enemies of varying power.
It's at that point when you get to ask yourself: "How do I beat those monsters? How do I get access to that treasure chest at the middle of the lake or over the hill if I can't walk there? How do I go through to that path?", and the answer is, in good RPG fashion, to explore, explore, explore.
It's a drastic shift in game design, and even the director behind that map was a different person than the main director. It's also the only thing that FF13 has over FF7:remake, as the is significantly better than FF13 at offering a linear, cinematic gameplay experience.
But it takes a while to get there.
LOLSo basically it turns into FFXV at Chapter 11, got it.
XIII is not even close to X, doenst matter how you spin it.
Well, the only explanation possible is you being a masochist. That's the only way XIII can be better than X.