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RTTP: Sekiro - Finally time to git gud at this


Gold Member
I bought this game for like $10 or something for PS4 on a sale last year, and decided to start playing it. I spent hours/days on Lady Butterfly, quit, beat Chained Ogre after 2 tries and Oniwa on my first try (first time, ever, with a boss in a From game), Blazing Bull on 2 tries, then FINALLY beat Lady Butterfly. Heart was pounding when I finally killed her. Then I go to this asshole Seven Spears Ashina and he pushed my shit in.

I think they were just fucking with people with this game lol.
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I bought this game for like $10 or something for PS4 on a sale last year, and decided to start playing it. I spent hours/days on Lady Butterfly, quit, beat Chained Ogre after 2 tries and Oniwa on my first try (first time, ever, with a boss in a From game), Blazing Bull on 2 tries, then FINALLY beat Lady Butterfly. Heart was pounding when I finally killed her. Then I go to this asshole Seven Spears Ashina and he pushed my shit in.

I think they were just fucking with people with this game lol.
I have a small bit of advice that helped me: Turn off the music completely.

I know some people here won't like that suggestion, but considering the fact that the game's parry system is pretty much a rhythm game, the music was the biggest factor that threw me off with multiple big fights like Lady Butterfly. Not to mention it adds unnecessary tension due to the instruments being used and it's faster tempo, as sometimes it is so overbearing that you may not catch onto certain sound effects due to it.

Turning off the music made everything much more clear, like a fog had lifted from my mind. I was sharper and I could time things much better. The only downside is that it will sound like you're playing a demo mode from an arcade game.


Gold Member
I have a small bit of advice that helped me: Turn off the music completely.
jesus preach GIF


I bought this game for like $10 or something for PS4 on a sale last year, and decided to start playing it. I spent hours/days on Lady Butterfly, quit, beat Chained Ogre after 2 tries and Oniwa on my first try (first time, ever, with a boss in a From game), Blazing Bull on 2 tries, then FINALLY beat Lady Butterfly. Heart was pounding when I finally killed her. Then I go to this asshole Seven Spears Ashina and he pushed my shit in.

I think they were just fucking with people with this game lol.
Dont give up.. the game is about to click with you and then nirvana awaits... She also kicked my ass and the next boss is always harder in sekiro. The end boss is also fucking hard. But is all worth it.

Sekiro is never unfair... you are always 1 x 1 against bosses.. there are no ultra chain infinity stamina combos .. the bosses always stop from time to time and all the moves have telltales. In time you will learn.

Best From game avaible until bloodborne receives the 60fps treatment.
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I managed to finish the entire game with no music. I don't think I would have otherwise.

Maybe it's my ears, maybe not. To test this I'd have to hand someone guitar hero and audibly play the music to an ACDC song as they attempt to hit the keys to the rhythm of a Dragonforce song.


Gold Member
I managed to finish the entire game with no music. I don't think I would have otherwise.

Maybe it's my ears, maybe not. To test this I'd have to hand someone guitar hero and audibly play the music to an ACDC song as they attempt to hit the keys to the rhythm of a Dragonforce song.
It's all good! I was only messing around and I'm happy you finished the game <3


So been busy with Elden Ring but eager to get back to this after watching SGDQ's hitless run:

I was tempted to grab the PS4 version for my collection but its surprisingly still expensive
It kind of clicks once you realise the aim is not to attack, but to parry/dodge and strike only when optimum to do so. Great game tbf - culminating in that incredible final battle and then going into new game where it now seems utterly trivial because you have learnt how to beat everyone. Such power!


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I am trying this game again since release. How in the fuck did I ever beat this?

In 6 years time I feel 100x worse.

I’m at lady butterfly and I feel confident moreso on this fight than the one prior with the drunk guy. Had to cheese that shit.

Butterfly I’m getting to phase two consistently without taking damage but I guess I forgot wtf to do for phase 2. When the summons come out or the light show of 900 orbs I get vaporized. Plus her stagger meter recovers so much faster than phase one. I had her into orange over half way, then had to peel off a second to not get hit, and she’s back to one fourth.

I’m almost thinking I don’t replay this because it’s just as hard or even harder now with aging, to play. The idea of the final boss or secret Owl fight makes my brain hurt.
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Gold Member
I am trying this game again since release. How in the fuck did I ever beat this?

In 6 years time I feel 100x worse.

I’m at lady butterfly and I feel confident moreso on this fight than the one prior with the drunk guy. Had to cheese that shit.

Butterfly I’m getting to phase two consistently without taking damage but I guess I forgot wtf to do for phase 2. When the summons come out or the light show of 900 orbs I get vaporized. Plus her stagger meter recovers so much faster than phase one. I have had her into orange over half way, then had to peel off a second to not get hit, and she’s back to one fourth.

I’m almost thinking I don’t replay this because it’s just as harder or even harder now with aging, to play. The idea of the final boss or secret Owl fight makes my brain hurt.
when the phantoms come out you can either use a snap seed or just run around. When they turn into butterflies (she says something like "you're quite skilled, wolf"), wait a second until they start coming at you and then keep running, or hide behind a pillar. When she is attacking in phase 2 she will shoot butterflies at you sometimes you can deflect or dodge (miight take some damage) but she will follow that up with a nasty combo that ends in a perilous strike sweep which you can jump over and do a lot of posture damage.

She really only regains posture at >50% health. But yes it is annoying in the beginning of that phase becaue as soon as she summons the phantoms unkless you want to use snap seeds she will regain all posture.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
when the phantoms come out you can either use a snap seed or just run around. When they turn into butterflies (she says something like "you're quite skilled, wolf"), wait a second until they start coming at you and then keep running, or hide behind a pillar. When she is attacking in phase 2 she will shoot butterflies at you sometimes you can deflect or dodge (miight take some damage) but she will follow that up with a nasty combo that ends in a perilous strike sweep which you can jump over and do a lot of posture damage.

She really only regains posture at >50% health. But yes it is annoying in the beginning of that phase becaue as soon as she summons the phantoms unkless you want to use snap seeds she will regain all posture.
Where do I buy more seeds? I used the one that npc gave me.

Also when I used it it only got rid of a few illusions not all of them. Is it due to proximity?


Gold Member
Where do I buy more seeds? I used the one that npc gave me.

Also when I used it it only got rid of a few illusions not all of them. Is it due to proximity?
I think they are in the ashina outskirts, I actually didnt use them. You don't need them, but chances are she will regain her posture once if not twice.

I think it's possible if you are really aggressive to keep her from spawning them entirely, but I didn't try that.

And yea it's based on proximity.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I think they are in the ashina outskirts, I actually didnt use them. You don't need them, but chances are she will regain her posture once if not twice.

I think it's possible if you are really aggressive to keep her from spawning them entirely, but I didn't try that.

And yea it's based on proximity.
Yeah I had one run where I was over 50% on her and kept staying in her ass so she couldn’t summon anything.

I watched a parry video again to learn to not spam it or be blocking to do it. Good video because it made phase one trivial.


The giant ape duo was also where I called it quits. Yeah no way I was having fun.
Genechiro fight would be something I can replay with my eyes close now inside my head. So many tries and it never broke me.

I see a pattern here where I quit Doom Eternal also on double Marauder.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
The giant ape duo was also where I called it quits. Yeah no way I was having fun.
Genechiro fight would be something I can replay with my eyes close now inside my head. So many tries and it never broke me.

I see a pattern here where I quit Doom Eternal also on double Marauder.
How’d you fair in Elden ring duo gargoyles or dark souls 1 gargoyles?

Elden ring has a lot of duo bosses. God skin duo is also a pain,
It kind of clicks once you realise the aim is not to attack
Sekiro can favor an aggressive playstyle if you're skilled enough. Sure, waiting for the right chance to counter is essential, but a lot of bosses can be pressured and are easier if you're aggressive.

The giant ape duo was also where I called it quits. Yeah no way I was having fun.
Genechiro fight would be something I can replay with my eyes close now inside my head. So many tries and it never broke me.

I see a pattern here where I quit Doom Eternal also on double Marauder.
The second ape that joins the fight is very weak. Use firecrackers and fire attacks to get rid of him fast. Run and jump away as much as you need to.

As for the Marauders, are you good at quick swapping? Marauders go down pretty easy if you quick swap into a rocket blast while they're exposed.


Sekiro is actually easier than Dark Souls + a Shield. The Shield consumes stamina with every block while blocking with your sword in Sekiro does not. The only difference is instead of holding the L shoulder button to block, you just tap it like crazy. It's better if you time it right but you don't have to if you want to just block.

Or at least that's how i remember it.

The game was not that hard for me except for the final boss. I think it was the hardest boss i ever managed to beat in any game. Any harder than that and i would just give up.


The nicest person on this forum
Sekiro is actually easier than Dark Souls + a Shield. The Shield consumes stamina with every block while blocking with your sword in Sekiro does not. The only difference is instead of holding the L shoulder button to block, you just tap it like crazy. It's better if you time it right but you don't have to if you want to just block.

Or at least that's how i remember it.

The game was not that hard for me except for the final boss. I think it was the hardest boss i ever managed to beat in any game. Any harder than that and i would just give up.
In Sekiro you get posture damage if you deflect unsuccessfully and if your posture breaks in middle of enemy’s combo you are essentially fucked.

Also you can give Kuro’s charm back to him and if you do you start getting chip damage from unsuccessful deflect.
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In Sekiro you get posture damage if you deflect unsuccessfully and if your posture breaks in middle of enemy’s combo you are essentially fucked.
IIRC, this happens if a hit gets through. If you just randomly deflect the air it doesn't really do anything. So spamming the deflect only increases the chances to do so.

Do i remember this game wrong? I do remember spamming the deflect button and doing very well 90% of the time.


The nicest person on this forum
IIRC, this happens if a hit gets through. If you just randomly deflect the air it doesn't really do anything. So spamming the deflect only increases the chances to do so.

Do i remember this game wrong? I do remember spamming the deflect button and doing very well 90% of the time.
I recently replayed that game, spamming might be more effective against enemies who quickly attack like those Centipede enemies with claw weapons but most the time you getting unnecessary posture damage and end up getting yourself killed.
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Loves his juicy stink trail scent
IIRC, this happens if a hit gets through. If you just randomly deflect the air it doesn't really do anything. So spamming the deflect only increases the chances to do so.

Do i remember this game wrong? I do remember spamming the deflect button and doing very well 90% of the time.
The video I watched said the initial block touch to try to deflect gives you 30 frames of a chance to capture anything in that to count as a deflect. So the first hit is always easier to time to deflect in a series of hits. As you continue to spam the deflect it can go down all the way to 7 frames only, making it much tougher to deflect.
Funny people say this, but I played ER with a dex/faith build and summoned the mimic every boss.
Still it was very hard.

Then I respecced to sword/shield and everything is WAY easier even without summoning.

So yea, to me git gud in ER means no shield or heavy armor.

OT: Sekiro is amazing
Played it three times since it's released all 3 times I failed at final boss , I start to doubt my abilities to game as an old 38 year old gamer.
I see videos where they make light work of the final boss but countless tries later I just can't seem to kill him.


Played it three times since it's released all 3 times I failed at final boss , I start to doubt my abilities to game as an old 38 year old gamer.
I see videos where they make light work of the final boss but countless tries later I just can't seem to kill him.
He is fucking hard .... first form is easy but the second it gets tough..... first form just learn the pattern and attack in his back and with mikiri counter ... second form you have to learn how to approach avoiding his jumps (close the gap) , deflect and use mikiri and abuse the purple shield.... third form is easier since you can punish him with the lightning jump counter and do serious posture damage quickly.

All his moves as usual in this game are choreographed so is a question of learning.

But it really is a really hard boss until you have his number.
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Gold Member
Still plugging away at this. Beat Genichiro last week and Guardian Ape today. I found phase 1 to be harder than phase 2. because his moves feel kind of janky and random in phase 1 and he kept farting on me (lmao). Once I got to phase 2 with some healing gourds it was pretty simple to just parry and stun. I didn't even have enough spirit emblems to use the spear so it was all sword.
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So I'm back to this fucking game, I have played and beaten every single Souls, and Soulslike out there aside from Nioh 2 and Wo Long, but this one, oh this one is the one that gives me the most trouble and I need a place to vent. Coming off a 2nd run of Elden Ring (of which I did legit with no summons or OP builds)

Straight away let me say, its a good game, still looks fantastic and the setting is amazingly well done, I prefer this Japan style to say GoT or Rise of the Ronin(which I still need to play at some point), however this being s FromSoft game, it of course is full of bullshit along the way. When I got through this originally I did give myself god mode just to say the ending, so its time for an actual legit playthrough

Let me preface this with, I'm bad at this game, the lack of a shield and the emphasis on parries/block fucks me over, when I play Souls games I usually dodge and Sekiro really does not like that style of gameplay at all. I'm an hour back in and the chained Ogre has killed me so many times I got Dragonrot and 30% Unseen Aid, what the fuck is with FromSoft punishing players that are dying a lot, Demons Souls was horrundus for this, anyway, beat the Ogre and got past the Giant Snake eventually, even found a headless, fuck fighting that for now

I have forgotten a lot of this game so thats a nice outcome
My man. Leave those fucking Headless alone. Trust me. They're bastards even later in the game. Clean them up when you're up to it and can stock up on the items required. That, or choose mental destruction and wet pillows.
Once I understood the real healthbar of every enemy is actually the posture gauge it was doable. I beat the final boss while he was still around half health because I just keep pressuring his posture bar.


The nicest person on this forum
Once I understood the real healthbar of every enemy is actually the posture gauge it was doable. I beat the final boss while he was still around half health because I just keep pressuring his posture bar.
That’s really what the game is all about and why most bosses have multiple health. Once you break their posture you can take out their entire heath bar even they are mostly full.

Sekiro rewards aggression.
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Gold Member
Beat Isshin the Sword Saint. It took me like five tries. i couldn’t believe I finished him so quickly considering what others said about him. I also didn’t use combat arts and barely used prosthetics throughout the entire game, it was pretty much just parrying and mikiri counters. I actually didn’t even know what combat arts were until I was like 2/3 through the game lol. So maybe it makes sense I was able to wreck Isshin.

Honestly this is one of the best games ever. Top 10 for me for sure.
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Gold Member
Beat Isshin the Sword Saint. It took me like five tries. i couldn’t believe I finished him so quickly considering what others said about him. I also didn’t use combat arts and barely used prosthetics throughout the entire game, it was pretty much just parrying and mikiri counters. I actually didn’t even know what combat arts were until I was like 2/3 through the game lol. So maybe it makes sense I was able to wreck Isshin.

Honestly this is one of the best games ever. Top 10 for me for sure.

I also beat him at my 3rd try, i just got very very lucky.

The secret weapon to beat human bosses is to use oil and then your fire tools to incinerate them, they will take constant poise and health damage for multiple seconds
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Completed another playthrough. All healing items were gone and I died on last phase. I was pissed but then I realized I still had one resurrection and beat isshin


Gold Member
Completed another playthrough. All healing items were gone and I died on last phase. I was pissed but then I realized I still had one resurrection and beat isshin
You could have used a jizo statue too. I actually did use one on the last fight (and a divine grass) but didn't need it.


The best From game. You got this OP.
Not had chance to play due to personal reasons and not being at my own home but eager to jump back in, I have this thing where if a game is beating me I go out of my way to destroy it, Sekiro is one of those, I will get the Platinum on this, just to prove a point
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