amazing how many joe blows have insiders. Marvel is full of chatty cathies,
You'd be surprised. I have a few friends left from my time at Marvel and they definitely talk more freely than they should. The only difference is that my income doesn't hinge on me desperately sharing everything I hear from them, whereas for these "scoopers" it is very much the case.
Nah, the Sony situation is that Sony still has full rights to the character and movies and all that, but voluntarily brought in Marvel Studios/Disney as a collaborator. Disney didn't get any rights back in that case. Even though the new Spidey film will be in the MCU, it's still being made, produced, and distributed by Sony
Universal, as far as I know, doesn't have the rights to Hulk as a character (as in, they can't make their own Hulk movie) but still have distribution rights on any Hulk solo films. So unless Disney buys those, which would be stupidly expensive, they either have to give up that distribution cash to Universal or just not make a movie. They're opting for the later
(For the record, this is why The Incredible Hulk is in a weird place. It's part of the MCU, but not on Disney Movies Anywhere and is still distributed by Universal to this day. So if you buy TIH on home video, Universal gets the cash. Same situation with A New Hope and Fox, funnily enough)
damn, what a shame. it kinda sucks that the only way to see more hulk would be in avengers film or another hero's solo film. not that hulk appearing in them isn't cool of course, but those other characters get to have solo stories told and hulk doesn't because of some bullshit rules between corporations and them not wanting to do what's best for their capital.It's not that Disney would lose money, it's that they'd have to share profits due to Universal having first claim at distribution. From a pure profit perspective, it doesn't make much sense for Disney to make a stand alone Hulk film when they would get a greater return investing in a project they can both produce and distribute.
But why is he so popular? His movies were horrible.
I really don't get the demand for Planet Hulk. I did not like it and WWH was even worse.
Let us get Annihilation ok?
"Stupid hammer man"WOn't be a true team up unless Hulk calls him "Long Hair"
tih was a good movie. not great, but it was a good film.But why is he so popular? His movies were horrible. is Spider-Man popular? His movies were horrible.
On Oct. 15, Warners CEO Kevin Tsujihara said that if he can close the current gap by half, the studio could earn an additional $150 million a year in profits. How big is the gap? In May, License Global placed Disney first among licensors with sales of about $41 billion in 2013; Warners was seventh with $6 billion. Both have strong properties: The Licensing Letter listed Marvel's Spider-Man global retail sales at $1.3 billion and Avengers at $325 million in 2013, compared with DC's Batman at $494 million and Superman at $277 million.
How would they do Annihilation without Galactus, Ronan, Silver Surfer, Annihilus, etc.?
Planet Hulk is exactly the kind of story they could do better on film. Annihilation is the kind of story that works best in comics.
tih was a good movie. not great, but it was a good film.
I figured you were being rhetorical; I guess my post is an inadvertent answer to the person you quotedI get why Spider-Man is popular. Lol. I was using that to demonstrate that a character can still be popular after a couple of mediocre movies. Hulk is awesome and the public reacted to seeing him done well in The Avengers.
I figured you were being rhetorical; I guess my post is an inadvertent answer to the person you quoted
By combining elements from Annihilation and Annihilation: Conquest. That would require Ultron being an intimidating villain though, and the MCU really flubbed that one.
Curious if this is also going to be the first movie where Thanos actually fights someone. Would be pretty perfect for his first opponents to be Thor and Hulk.
Is Thanos going to be the villain in this film? That would be so awesome if Hulk and Thor face off against him. Then they get their arses kicked, and have to rally themselves to join the Avengers and the Guardians to take him down in Infinity War.
Surtur would be the bad guy if this is the real Ragnarok story they're doing. Wouldn't be surprised if Thanos appears at the end to jack the Teseract or something, but his involvement will likely be minimal. Plus with Loki being the King of Asgard and Thanos being pissed at him for not only wasting their Chitauri forces but losing the Mind Stone to Earth? Thanos is going to make him suffer when he shows up. Unless this was all a long con for Loki to just hand the Teseract over to get back on Thanos' good side.Is Thanos going to be the villain in this film? That would be so awesome if Hulk and Thor face off against him. Then they get their arses kicked, and have to rally themselves to join the Avengers and the Guardians to take him down in Infinity War.
Surtur would be the bad guy if this is the real Ragnarok story they're doing. Wouldn't be surprised if Thanos appears at the end to jack the Teseract or something, but his involvement will likely be minimal. Plus with Loki being the King of Asgard and Thanos being pissed at him for not only wasting their Chitauri forces but losing the Mind Stone to Earth? Thanos is going to make him suffer when he shows up. Unless this was all a long con for Loki to just hand the Teseract over to get back on Thanos' good side.
Loki will probably pretend that's the plan. But remember, people think Loki is dead, and he's currently posing as Odin (whose real whereabouts are unknown, presumably dead though). It depends on how long Loki plans on keeping that thing going
Yeah, but MCU Hawkeye isn't the Clint we all know and love. And MCU Hawkeye is kind of boring so far.
We all know that Clint is just keeping the mantle warm for Kate Bishop.
I need this to be true.
Source pls
I can see them going to Kate Bishop when it's time for Jeremy Renner to move on
My dream is that Renner's last MCU project is a Netflix adaptation of Fraction's run, then Kate takes over.
Did that mock-up poster get you excited, too?
Can't say I've seen it. Link?
ITT: We learn that people only care about Hawkeye because of Fraction's run.
ITT: We learn that people only care about Hawkeye because of Fraction's run.
Not only that, stealthily bringing beta ray bill into the mcu fold.
The main thing I need from the new Thor movie. I need some Beta Ray Bill action on screen.
Aw yeah. It's his time. After GotG, audiences shouldn't have a problem with weird looking alien dudes being prominent characters in the MCU.
I'm all for this as long as we are also getting Beta Ray Bill in the movie...
yasss bring it all in
gimmie Beta Ray Bill too, the fans are ready for a horse faced alien
But is the world truly ready?I can live with this.
Hopefully setup Planet Hulk and hopefully we see Beta Ray Bill
Are they ready, brothers?
Yeah, but MCU Hawkeye isn't the Clint we all know and love. And MCU Hawkeye is kind of boring so far.
Not ONLY because of that run. But it's pretty great
MCU Hawkeye is a husband/father who enjoys quaint family life in a rustic farmhouse. He's not a good fit with the Fraction rendition. Good luck in adapting anything remotely similar to that run for the current MCU.
Really wouldn't be tough. He already showed some of the sarcasm/sense of humor in AoU, and it wouldn't be that hard to get him into a similar situation. You could easily have Fury tell him that they need a man on the ground in NY given all the new activity there (because of the Netflix stuff), and they can't afford to give that job to someone like Iron Man or Cap. Then you introduce Kate through one of the other Netflix shows and she shows up to help Clint in NY. Simple as that, really.
But is the world truly ready?
Are they ready, brothers?
It depends on if you're talking about Hawkguy or Hawkeye, because I vastly prefer the guy that lead the West Coast Avengers, the Thunderbolts, and was Ronin for a time over the other one. You know, the one that people like to pass off as a joke.
Really wouldn't be tough. He already showed some of the sarcasm/sense of humor in AoU, and it wouldn't be that hard to get him into a similar situation. You could easily have Fury tell him that they need a man on the ground in NY given all the new activity there (because of the Netflix stuff), and they can't afford to give that job to someone like Iron Man or Cap. Then you introduce Kate through one of the other Netflix shows and she shows up to help Clint in NY. Simple as that, really.
Weren't there rumors of Disney doing like a Young Avengers or Avengers Academy thing on ABC?
AoU hobbled him with too much family man baggage. Sure, you can do an adaptation with the surface trappings -- Kate, NY, dumb stuff, but Renner Hawkeye is just not spiritually Hawkguy. And you know what? I'm okay with that.
Just full disclosure, I don't really like Fraction's Hawkeye run, butI wouldn't be against a Hawkeye show with some wit and humor though.
Maybe. He's probably in Odinsleep so they can just go "eh" and not bother.Do we know if Anthony Hopkins is back as Odin? I think I read somewhere before that Hopkins is not to fond of Marvel, but Odin not appearing at all in Thor 3 might be a bit weird considering Loki is posing as him now storywise.
Maybe. He's probably in Odinsleep so they can just go "eh" and not bother.