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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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There are a couple of reasons why I think Luigi's Mansion 3 makes sense. 2 obviously did very well and outsold its predecessor, so I don't think Nintendo is going to wait another decade to revisit the series. Not only that, but looking at Next Level Games' history, 2013 (LM2) to 2016 (MP:FF) is the biggest release gap they've ever had. It seems weird that they would spend three years only working on Federation Force. There were rumors regarding a Wii U game in the works, so it's pretty likely Nintendo decided to switch it to NX.


So, according to some here... Below Xbox one would be underpowered, but above ps4 would be suspect. OK. Makes sense.

There was a time when Nintendo made powerful systems for generations before the Wii. It's weird to see some so suspect even though Nintendo is rebranding and ditching the Wii brand which also means ditching that low power strategy.


But if Mario is Nov 2017, which it very well may be, what are the big launch games?
Just Zelda U/NX?

I guess Zelda, Pikmin, and Luigi, and the new IP they make, can be a launch lineup.

It's not a gamechanging one though.

That sounds like an amazing launch lineup if you add in third-party games (Sonic 30th anniversary, late ports of games like FF15, Deus Ex, the Witcher 3, Batman, Call of Duty 2016). Probably Nintendo's best since the Gamecube. They have one big system selling game, two smaller IPs that are appealing to Nintendo fans, and a wildcard. If you add in stuff like a 3D Mario game and a port of Smash then it gets even better.

I'm not sure if they'll have that, though. Nintendo traditionally doesn't have that many games hit day 1. I feel like Luigi's Mansion won't hit launch.


Current ps4 price was 399$ maybe even more at launch. Still cost 344$ so if nx is better why should it be cheaper? 399$ is 3y ago. Everything getting more expensive. Iphone 6plus was about 800$. Think 399$ will be a good price.

PS4 will be $300 by the end of the year, and $250 on Black Friday.
There are a couple of reasons why I think Luigi's Mansion 3 makes sense. 2 obviously did very well and outsold its predecessor, so I don't think Nintendo is going to wait another decade to revisit the series. Not only that, but looking at Next Level Games' history, 2013 (LM2) to 2016 (MP:FF) is the biggest release gap they've ever had. It seems weird that they would spend three years only working on Federation Force. There were rumors regarding a Wii U game in the works, so it's pretty likely Nintendo decided to switch it to NX.

They've said enough for us to know it was an abandoned dsi game ressurected to fill a gap. Not sure it'll be there for launch but it would make sense for them to be working on LM3 in the background.


The Birthday Skeleton
And yet you think they'll target PS4k immediately just because it's more powerful...

Or, they could just use PS4k to double the framerate for a better experience in PSVR, which also means less development resources and no risk if screwing over their entire fanbases. Which sounds more likely to you?

Why are mixing the development for VR with the development for the normal games? Development for VR is not relevant for NX.

And if you want to consider PS4 level enough, my opinion shouldn't stop you. Still doesn't make PS4k inexistent. (if indeed exists in the first place which is the whole basis for this discussion). I assume you also think that PS4k will not be successful and PS4 will still be the big seller among the two for your whole little theory to work.
They are sourcing MercurySteam. I'll read it more carefully in a bit, BT the very first sentence basically says MercurySteam has claimed to be developing RotBP for the NX.

Edit: apparently they aren't. It says a bit further that "their sources claim". Damn, this isn't loading properly in my tablet, I'll give it a careful read in a bit.

Thanks! :)


What about Retro's game? Can we all agree that it seems like the big May 2017 game? Or maybe November...?
Retro has been on a three-year schedule since Metroid Prime 2. Tropical Freeze was finished by the end of 2013. Based on this, it's very likely they'll have their game ready this year, but Nintendo might not want to drop everything at once. I can see them release it in February or March before the fiscal year ends.


The RevoGames post was posted 23 hours ago, which is before 10k reported it in his second batch of rumors.

It says it comes from their sources.


Yeah. I don't see a 2x power of PS4 console coming from Nintendo. At best it will be on par.

Before this gen, I didn't see Sony having a great Operating System. If Nintendo really is going for a PC architecture, it shows they are looking to fix at least some of what they've been doing wrong. Anyway, I'm hopeful Nintendo has grown wiser after the WiiU failure.
What about Retro's game? Can we all agree that it seems like the big May 2017 game? Or maybe November...?
If Zelda NX is the big game then I could see Retros game being at launch or like a week or two after.

I want Nintendo to have two big games because I can already see people crying "Zelda doesn't count because it's on the Wii U too".


Imagine Luigis Mansion with cg like graphics...

Shouldn't even be too much of an issue to do either with the art style and clean look. I think that's what has me most excited, to see some of Nintendo's top games with CG like graphics cause it will really make their art styles look even better.

Mory Dunz

Retro has been on a three-year schedule since Metroid Prime 2. Tropical Freeze was finished by the end of 2013. Based on this, it's very likely they'll have their game ready this year, but Nintendo might not want to drop everything at once. I can see them release it in February or March before the fiscal year ends.
Yeah, I think the game is probably close to completion even as of now. But will get pushed back for the schedule.

If Zelda NX is the big game then I could see Retros game being at launch or like a week or two after.

I want Nintendo to have two big games because I can already see people crying "Zelda doesn't count because it's on the Wii U too".
Yeah, I want two big games. 3D Mario and Zelda would be great but I don't see it. So maybe a combination of "smaller" games like pikmin, luigi's mansion, new IP, and a wii u port will suffice.

Revogamers is also seemingly reporting the Raiders of the Broken Planet on NX rumor, but it's in Spanish so I can't tell if they're sourcing 10k or if they have their own source, or anything.

Anyone that can read Spanish be willing to summarize this article please? :)

Edit: Found it on Go Nintendo BTW.


según nuestras fuentes, a la nueva consola de Nintendo, NX.

They have their own sources.



Revogamers is also seemingly reporting the Raiders of the Broken Planet on NX rumor, but it's in Spanish so I can't tell if they're sourcing 10k or if they have their own source, or anything.

Anyone that can read Spanish be willing to summarize this article please? :)

Edit: Found it on Go Nintendo BTW.


"MercurySteam vuelve con Raiders of the Broken Planet, juego que huele a NX"

MercurySteam comes back with Raiders of the Broken Planet, a game that smells like NX.

"Una aventura multijugador online y asimétrica que pone rumbo a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC y, según nuestras fuentes, a la nueva consola de Nintendo, NX."

An online multiplayer asymetrical adventure coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC and, according to our sources, Nintendo's new console, NX.


Why are mixing the development for VR with the development for the normal games? Development for VR is not relevant for NX.

And if you want to consider PS4 level enough, my opinion shouldn't stop you. Still doesn't make PS4k inexistent. (if indeed exists in the first place which is the whole basis for this discussion). I assume you also think that PS4k will not be successful and PS4 will still be the big seller among the two for your whole little theory to work.

I'm talking about VR development because that's most likely why PS4k is being made. VR requires high frame rates, and PS4 falls short. Thus, the main purpose of PS4k is to get higher frame rates for AAA PS4 games, not mind-blowing visuals. At least that's what I think, but I honestly can't think of a single other reason for why Sony would do this.

No, it'll be successful. I do believe that PS4 will still be the main product for some time though. You seem to think it'll be like another generation and that PS4 support will peter out after a couple of years. I just think that's unlikely, especially if the difference is only 2x. Even if it is targeted, it won't be a generational difference. It'll be high settings vs ultra settings. PS4k will not be playing AAA games in 4k, that I can assure you.

At any rate, I consider on-par with PS4 "acceptable" and 50% faster to be "enough."

It being posted 23 hours ago doesn't validate 10k.

Yeah, if anything it makes things even more suspect. I'd believe it more if came after the post. Now I'm even more certain that these sources are just regurgitating existing rumors and adding fake hype so they can bask in the meltdowns.



Pleasure! ^^

So 10k is the source?

Well, they don't actually say it, but considering the article was published 22h ago it's... not a possibility. The first paragraph goes like this (the rest of the article is about the game itself):

revogamer said:
El estudio español MercurySteam ha roto su silencio. Raiders of the Broken Planet es el nuevo proyecto en el que los responsables de Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate, y del resto del reboot de la saga Castlevania, se encuentran inmersos. Una aventura multijugador online y asimétrica que pone rumbo a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC y, según nuestras fuentes, a la nueva consola de Nintendo, NX.

The first line does quite literally say "Spanish studio MercurySteam has finally spoken. [...] Will be coming to PS4, XONE, PC and, according to our sources, the Nintendo NX".

Mory Dunz

Shouldn't even be too much of an issue to do either with the art style and clean look. I think that's what has me most excited, to see some of Nintendo's top games with CG like graphics cause it will really make their art styles look even better.

That Meowser vine with the extra shaders and IQ seems like a good level (assuming the artstyle stayed the same in the next 3D mario which is unlikely.)


Luigi's Mansion 3
Pikmin 4
Zelda U
New 3d Mario
New Retro game
Possibly Beyond good and evil 2.

All of these games with the power of something better than a PS4 running them.

All revealed at E3.



I really hope they reveal the console soon, and follow it up with "and we'll show you you the games at E3"
]There was a time when Nintendo made powerful systems for generations before the Wii.[/B] It's weird to see some so suspect even though Nintendo is rebranding and ditching the Wii brand which also means ditching that low power strategy.

This fallacy is getting old... Nintendo has ALWAYS had a policy of withered technology (older tech that can be produced cheaply and make a profit). It wasn't Nintendo that changed it's policies, it was everyone around them that did.

The NES and SNES were based on decades old hardware, the gameboy same story. The gameboy color nearly a decade later was still using the same hardware in the gameboy just more ram and a double clocked processor. The GBA, while using a modern for the time ARM7 processor, was severely gimped (16mhz, compared to my PDA at the time which was 233mhz, which I upgraded to a 400mhz one before the GBAs end of life). N64 used modern tech, but it was gimped heavily by cheaping out in video RAM and other elements... so much so that it was one of the first systems to be emulated by PCs at full speed while the console was still out!

The ONLY system that comes close to matching this "nintendo used to make powerful hardware" is the gamecube, which was modern (again, for the time) hardware, that was well balanced between graphics and cpu and RAM. It safely outperformed it's chief rival (the PS2) handily and even traded blows with the much more expensive and powerful X-box (we all remember the fur shader debacle).

Compare Nintendo at the time to it's competitors and you'll quickly see that Sega and Sony ALSO followed the same design philosophy up until the original X-box... This is because Microsoft changed the name of the game to one of truly 'powerful' systems and Sony needed the high end tech to power their upcoming blu-ray players that could also play games (the PS3).

Nintendo kept on the same path it always had of withered technology... so if Nintendo IS releasing hardware that outshines it's competition, even a couple years late, it's still a pretty significant shift in how they've done hardware up until this point.


In the comments we have:

Volfir asks:
"En otros medios habla solamente de Pc, One y Play4. ¿De donde la fuente de que saldrá en Nx también?"

In other mediums it talks only about Pc, One y Play4. What source says it's coming to NX too?

Dee responds:
"Internal, tee hee"

ricardo2001 says:
"La fuente es de confianza. Tened en cuenta que es un estudio español."

It's a trusted source. Keep in mind that this is a spanish studio.

Dee says:
"El de NeoGaf ha dicho hoy lo mismo que nosotros.
Eso es que vamos bien."

The neogaf guy said today the same thing as us. That means we are on the right track.
(Note: I don't know if this Dee guy works at that site).

Mory Dunz

So 10k is practically a rumour aggregator more or less.

Isn't that basically what he said?

So what is this Raiders of the Broken Planet game, and why should we care? Never heard it and the company so I'm asking
edit2: googling mercury steam leads me to see that they've made the newer castlevania games. Were those good?




Slightly more powerful than PS4 or a bit below Xbox One, I probably couldn't tell the difference either way unless comparing multiplatform games (and I won't be playing multiplatform games on NX anyways if it's not as powerful or better than PS4).

That said I'm expecting it to be a bit more powerful than PS4, just because all the rumors are adding up. That Polaris rumor in it's entirety I'm not buying tho.

Just confirm it's releasing this year Nintendo pls.

I beg u.


Isn't that basically what he said?

So what is this Raiders of the Broken Planet game, and why should we care? Never heard it and the company so I'm asking
edit2: googling mercury steam leads me to see that they've made the newer castlevania games. Were those good?

Overall they had more negative reception than positive, but a decent amount of people liked the first one.

Also the reason this is big is because it gives credence to more things 10k has said.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Maybe he was the one who DM'd me lol? He said he was Spanish.

...Well, it's also true MercurySteam is, indeed, a Spanish developer.
I'm going to say the odds are high, then.
Nintendo need to reveal it already so 3rd party/indies can talk about it.
Like it would be nice if Yooka-Laylee had a NX port.
I agree. Nintendo isn't allowing anybody else to talk about the NX. Don't they realize how much more hype that builds when a third party dev can speak and praise the console?! Lol

I hope Yooka Laylee comes to NX and for those who backed the Wii U get the option to have it for the NX instead.

Yeah, I want two big games. 3D Mario and Zelda would be great but I don't see it. So maybe a combination of "smaller" games like pikmin, luigi's mansion, new IP, and a wii u port will suffice.

I hope if Nintendo has both ready (Zelda and 3D Mario) they would just say "screw it lets go all in and put both at launch and make it the greatest launch of all time. Let's give them the biggest IP's which gamers would definitely buy the system for at launch".


Unconfirmed Member
Controller with a screen worries me. They need to have an affordable controller scheme in my opinion, so here's to hoping that it costs $50-$60.


That's a fair way of looking at it. It's why I don't like being called an insider.

I didn't visit that website though. The rumor came from a DM from a Spanish person.

A rumor aggregator implies you're just pulling old rumors from various websites as opposed to finding "sources."
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