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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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I don't think they're trying to compete in terms of tech, but more just making sure that ports are possible in terms of parity. They can no longer just abandon 3rd party.
Just a bump in power (if true of course) I would say is just from tech becoming more mature and efficient.
No one is expecting the NX to be full of the newest stuff on the market.
But if it's that powerful the price will presumably be pretty high and I really don't think the appetite is there from core gamers to pick it up en masse. I think Nintendo should have gone affordable and made their core focus gamesgamesgames. Shared library, multiple ways to play, lower entry price, etc.....
I didn't say it was coming soon, but your whole point seems to break down to the fact that Smash 4 took a lot of effort, therefore there will not be a Smash 5. We're talking about a series that gets a brand new installment every console generation, not every few years. Smash 4 had a lot of effort, no doubt, but that doesn't mean their just going to stop making new games in the franchise. The logic honestly doesn't even hold up.

And there's plenty of reason to port it, the same for porting any game from a popular franchise. Extends the life of the game, gets more money overall from the project with minimal effort and money put in, if the NX is not BC with Wii U than that means they can potentially sell it to a new audience who did not get to play that version of the game before, and it helps to bulk up their launch line up. Plenty of viable reasons.

In a best-case scenario the port IS the new game, is what I'm getting at.

I don't think Nintendo will do a straight port and then wipe their hands entirely clean of it by hitting reset and making an entirely new game (meaning potential cuts and other such losses) 2 years later. That would sour many fans' perceptions of the franchise. The port will be the basis of the series going forth. There would be no benefit of porting SSB4 if they're going to wipe their hands clean with a new game. And there's no point in making a new game if they're going to bring over SSB4 as a complete edition with potential new content either at launch or through the long-term. I can't see both of those things happening. There's no reason other than "tradition".

It's going to be one or the other and so far it's looking more like the latter.


Neo Member
Anyways, you all should pay attention to the supplementary computing devices patents, I'm very sure those are going to be used to extend Nx's power over its lifetime, especially as the install base grows. Rösti is the man for that.



Probably just damage control since Nintendo is likely hunting for heads by now.

Perhaps. Still, to go on Twitter an hr ago and say "Yes!!!" to suddenly turn to "No...." is just odd. Either everyone is feeding from the same source, or people are starting to piggyback off each other for information.


It wasn't directed at you. I was just commenting on the edit part lol. It's all good, Nirolak reassured me to keep posting.

Anyways, you all should pay attention to the supplementary computing devices patents, I'm very sure those are going to be used to extend Nx's power over its lifetime, especially as the install base grows. Rösti is the man for that.

The return of the Expansion Pak.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
"There were NX ports of Splatoon and Mario Maker in development. From what I've heard, the Splatoon one is dead in the water. It looks like that's not going to happen mainly because they didn't want to split the userbase much. They didn't know how to transfer the swag and stuff that people got -- the levels they had accrued -- and bring that over to NX in a way that worked. Maybe that's because the architecture is different -- who knows. Uh and that seems to be a similar problem with Mario Maker. Although, from what I've heard, that doesn't seem to be so much a nail in the coffin.

I have to be honest in saying that bold sounds like the biggest load of BS i've ever heard. Not a single soul on earth is going to hear "development troubles at team internally at Nintendo is facing" until they tell you in an interview postmortem. The splitting the user base thing in general sounds silly. The Wii U is in their rear view mirror dude.


It wasn't directed at you. I was just commenting on the edit part lol. It's all good, Nirolak reassured me to keep posting.

Anyways, you all should pay attention to the supplementary computing devices patents, I'm very sure those are going to be used to extend Nx's power over its lifetime, especially as the install base grows. Rösti is the man for that.

Exactly, there seems to be plenty of room for power growth of the games are indeed scale able as the patents imply.


As in "Heathcliff"
they won't. ps4k will likely shit on nx.

No Kidding. People expecting NX being better than PS4K is actually expecting too much.

That's awfully vague. I've heard Smash/Zelda for NX, and the possibility of Mario Maker. Splatoon was the biggest one in question. And he went from certain to not believing it in less than an hr.

I think I still believe in Toto for Smash NX rumor. He haven't been wrong in the past, has he?


Keep in mind, in order for NX to beat the (basic) PS4 GPU, the GPU from Thraktors list that corresponds to "15-30%" or "noticeably" more powerful is the "best case scenario".

Edit: lol, i just read your edit, so nevermind.

haha no worries. A 2.5 tf GPU and more RAM than the PS4 sounds like a dream for a Nintendo console. If the CPU is 15-30% more powerful right now I'm hoping there's a chance Nintendo ups the performance even more by launch (though that's just me getting greedy). If this is all true it's really fascinating to see how Nintendo plays the power game after 2 generations.


I can understand why they don't want to risk porting splatoon if they can't figure out how to transfer that stuff. I feel like people would've been more open to re-buying the game if they knew they could transfer their level and rank info, as well as all their outfits and rolled abilities. That grinding stuff takes hours upon hours to do. People will probably feel like they'd be better off sticking with the U version if it meant they can keep their stats.
Might just be better to get into straight into spla2n next year.

Yep, I recall being pretty miffed that I upgraded to the pc version of bf3 from 360 but essentially had to start from zero ,since some of the unlocks were a pain in the mass to get. I think bf4 and Destiny offered stat transfers 360>XB1 PS3>PS4 making it painless to upgrade. If you can't offer that I wouldn't be surprised if folks were hesitant


It's so unusual to hear that, so much so that I simply don't believe it.

Maybe a bit more powerful.

I can't even see a bit more.
I just barely got on the Gamecube before the Wii came in. Seeing a powerful Nintendo would be foreign to how I've known them all my life. :|

Would love it though!
Perhaps. Still, to go on Twitter an hr ago and say "Yes!!!" to suddenly turn to "No...." is just odd. Either everyone is feeding from the same source, or people are starting to piggyback off each other for information.

Agreed; this is fishy

It's really possible that there are people at Nintendo trying to make make Mario Maker/Splatoon and their online components work with NX that might or might not work. That's all there is to it. Companies experiment with these stuff.

He's saying all 4 games aren't coming from what he's heard, which makes no sense for Zelda especially


I'm really having a hard time digesting all the "good" Nintendo news/rumours we've been getting lately... So uncharacteristic but very welcome. The wait for E3 is going to be long and tortuous indeed...


In a best-case scenario the port IS the new game, is what I'm getting at.

I don't think Nintendo will do a straight port and then wipe their hands entirely clean of it by hitting reset and making an entirely new game (meaning potential cuts and other such losses) 2 years later. That would sour many fans' perceptions of the franchise. The port will be the basis of the series going forth.

Does a remastered port of a previous gen game sour fans' perceptions of any franchise? Do you not realize how incredibly common of a practice this has become? And no one said 2 years later anyway. Just at some point in the NX's lifespan, however long that will be. Your logic is completely loopy, I have absolutely no idea how you're coming to these conclusions. It seems like you just want Smash to become a service and are trying to paint this potential port into that mindset.
Zelda needs to happen.
That's not even up for debate, would be legit the most foolish decision Nintendo ever made if the decided not to port their crazily expensive new Zelda game to the new system
I have to be honest in saying that bold sounds like the biggest load of BS i've ever heard. Not a single soul on earth is going to hear "development troubles at team internally at Nintendo is facing" until they tell you in an interview postmortem. The splitting the user base thing in general sounds silly. The Wii U is in their rear view mirror dude.

Thanks for the perspective. Though I think overall, everyone involved has been saying that Splatoon is the part of the rumour that's most up-in-the-air and should be taken with the most grain of salt. So I guess if it's false then it's not a ton of skin off anyone's back.

Does a remastered port of a previous gen game sour fans' perceptions of any franchise? Do you not realize how incredibly common of a practice this has become? And no one said 2 years later anyway. Just at some point in the NX's lifespan, however long that will be. Your logic is completely loopy, I have absolutely no idea how you're coming to these conclusions. It seems like you just want Smash to become a service and are trying to paint this potential port into that mindset.

Look at how fans thought of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 coming the same year as Marvel vs Capcom 3.

Problem is Nintendo haven't cultivated the atmosphere of having a game be replaced by another in the same gen. Their brands like MK and SSB are perceived as ever-green. Even now Brawl is the only Wii smash on store shelves.

And the problem with NX's lifespan is - when do you expect this game to come out, realistically? SSB4 is done on Wii U as of late 2015/early 2016. Sakurai needs some time off for his own sake as he's noted the amount of physical toll the game has taken on him. Assuming he does two years or so, that puts start of development in 2020 or so. By then NX will probably be halfway through its life at the very least, and done at most.

I guess it could be done without Sakurai. But then that puts things up in the air. And again... Would be strange to have TWO SSB4 games being marketed and supported throughout a console's lifespan, DLC-wise, with amiibos, advertisements, promotions...

Granted, if NX is simply a "service system" like the iPad or whatever, that changes things and makes it more reasonable to have "multiple per system" (since then there's only one "Nintendo system"). But regardless, I don't think a from-scratch Smash 5 is happening for a long time.


I'd be happy if this is true. I don't want the hardware to be a limitation for the 3rd party support they can receive.

With that said, this wait is killing me. All these rumors. Come on! reveal the damn thing already.


Junior Member
If SSB5 is coming so soon, then why even bother porting SSB4? What do they have to gain by doing that if it'll be replaced in a few years?

Thing about past precedent is things can always change according to modern trends, market demands, and whims of the creator. Long-term service games are in vogue big time right now. Look at how many fighters are following that model - Killer Instinct, Street Fighter. Doing that for SSB4 would be pretty big, and the market is game for it.

If I'm overthinking it then there sure are a lot of other people in this thread overthinking it too..
But as stated earlier, Nintendo can only pump so much money into a game for a set amount of time before people stop giving a shit. Sooner or later, people are gonna want a genuine Smash 5.


I'm really having a hard time digesting all the "good" Nintendo news/rumours we've been getting lately... So uncharacteristic but very welcome. The wait for E3 is going to be long and tortuous indeed...
I think the idea is not to digest them till its confirmed; just to feel them out with your "tongue" until then.


Stuff about the handheld. When's the last time we've heard a major western 3rd party really investing in handhelds?

There could be handheld news out there, but in Japan, where nothing is likely to hit here.
I have no doubt there's a handheld out there but nobody is saying shit about it and it's likely only in the hands of Japanese devs.


But if it's that powerful the price will presumably be pretty high and I really don't think the appetite is there from core gamers to pick it up en masse. I think Nintendo should have gone affordable and made their core focus gamesgamesgames. Shared library, multiple ways to play, lower entry price, etc.....
I mean idk about the price of tech but with the ps4 and x1 being 3(?) years old now and tech continuing to progress, it wouldn't be out of the question in my mind at least that they can get a slightly newer/powerful/efficient chipset at still a low comparable price.


Junior Member
I have no doubt there's a handheld out there but nobody is saying shit about it and it's likely only in the hands of Japanese devs.
That's what I've been saying, & it would make the most sense. Most western devs don't give a shit about handhelds. And while yes, the n3DS is a thing, most of what we're getting is already out in Japan.


Agreed; this is fishy

Something is certainly off, because no one goes from 100% certain to totally dismissing the idea this quick. Puts the "source/s" into question, and whether they are actually hearing this information. I'm leaning towards the idea of folks piggybacking off each other.

Or people smelt blood and are backing the fuck off

Who? The rumor of the 4 games is days old and people commented on it long before night. Now tonight is the straw that broke the camel's back? To go from "Yes, at least 2 are definitely happening" to "None are" is a major shift.


PS4K is a non-factor. No one has one, no one asked for one, and the industry has never assembled behind a half-step, ever. Same goes for the fabled Xbox 1.5. Assuming the NX is more powerful than the PS4, the "but PS4K!" argument has no traction. I don't even know why people feel that even needs to be argued against anyway. It either is or isn't.

But at least it's better than the "dum nintendo fanbois" responses. I don't know why the idea of a powerful NX upsets some people that much.

Even tho I really think the PS4K is not a good idea I cant see why it would be a non factor.
Imagine :
- PS4 the cheapiest option, probably the base development for both PS4 and NX. Will have all multiplats. Foward compatible with 4k.
- NX probably cheapier and weaker than the 4K. Probably more expensive and powerfull than 4OG. Will receive PS4 ports, not as good as PS4K still tho better than 4OG. Some important ports will skip the plataform for all the reasons we already know. No BC.
- PS4K the most expensive, the most powerfull. Will receive all PS4 ports, old games can be patched to get performance boost. BC compatible.
Now between this 3 options where do you think the regular consumer and the enthusiastics fits better?
Going further look what we already have launched in this gen, what we will receive soon and whats already announced as TBA. Now look what we have as possibilities for NX.
Honestly I dont see it as non factor, I see 4k as a huge factor.
4K can put NX in the same situation as the WiiU was between PS3 and PS4 OG!
But as stated earlier, Nintendo can only pump so much money into a game for a set amount of time before people stop giving a shit. Sooner or later, people are gonna want a genuine Smash 5.

Sure, but I'm putting my money more on the "later" side of things. If the port has enough new content then it basically WILL be Smash 5 anyway.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Thanks for the perspective. Though I think overall, everyone involved has been saying that Splatoon is the part of the rumour that's most up-in-the-air and should be taken with the most grain of salt. So I guess if it's false then it's not a ton of skin off anyone's back.

I think a Splatoon and Super Mario Maker port make sense. I think SMM has a better shot, but I don't know if they are definitely happening. But the alleged source stating they "overheard this about Splatoon NX development troubles" sounds like complete internet fiction.


I think you'll get middle case ram and very good gpu by thraktors metric. Closer to 2.0TF then 2.5.

Interesting, is this speculation or has one of your sources lead you to this conclusion? I'd still be 100% satisfied with that but that doesn't sound "noticeably better" that the PS4 in either of those departments (though I could be wrong).
If the NX really is more powerful than the PS4 I hope that Zelda gets a few graphical upgrades over the Wii U version. Pushing out the LOD distance alone would be huge for that game.


I have no doubt there's a handheld out there but nobody is saying shit about it and it's likely only in the hands of Japanese devs.

Yep. That's largely what I was getting at :p

There's not many ways to get handheld info, at least not for a good while because Japan comes first as they're the only ones that will majorly support a handheld.
I think a Splatoon and Super Mario Maker port make sense. I think SMM has a better shot, but I don't know if they are definitely happening. But the alleged source stating they "overheard this about Splatoon NX development troubles" sounds like complete internet fiction.

Right. I agree that them existing is believable, but perhaps the specific story itself might be in question.

Also agree that I would say Mario Maker works more as a long-term service game. I have to say myself that until the rumours started swirling around earlier this week, I'd never considered the possibility of a Splatoon port, but a Mario Maker just takes to being ported as a long-term service game like a duck to water.


Junior Member
Sure, but I'm putting my money more on the "later" side of things.
I wouldn't be too sure. From the looks of things, I don't think Smash 4 will outlive Melee at this rate (as much as I want Smash 4 to thrive). And as stated earlier, if that's just for the FGC, imagine the casuals.
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