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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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I think you'll get middle case ram and very good gpu by thraktors metric. Closer to 2.0TF then 2.5.

But that doesn't sit with what you said,

10k said:
T4 Rumors
The NX will be more powerful than the PS4. "By a noticeable amount".
From the CPU, to GPU, to RAM

How better CPU, GPU and RAM than PS4 but only 8gb ram and 2tf?


Something is certainly off, because no one goes from 100% certain to totally dismissing the idea this quick. Puts the "source/s" into question, and whether they are actually hearing this information. I'm leaning towards the idea of folks piggybacking of each other.

Who? The rumor of the 4 games is days old and people commented on it long before night. Now tonight is the straw that broke the camel's back? To go from "Yes, at least 2 are definitely happening" to "None are" is a major shift.
Funny thing, i didn't even use him as a source. Wonder where he's getting his info from?

Back to the power talk. The NX doesn't need to eclipse or double the PS4 if the SCD's do what I think they do and Nintendo implements them the way I think they will.


haha no worries. A 2.5 tf GPU and more RAM than the PS4 sounds like a dream for a Nintendo console. If the CPU is 15-30% more powerful right now I'm hoping there's a chance Nintendo ups the performance even more by launch (though that's just me getting greedy). If this is all true it's really fascinating to see how Nintendo plays the power game after 2 generations.

I guess we shouldn't get greedy. Anywhere between PS4 and PS4K would be good, because PS4K games will need to be made with PS4 in mind as well.

I think you'll get middle case ram and very good gpu by thraktors metric. Closer to 2.0TF then 2.5.

I can live with that.


Look at how fans thought of Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 coming the same year as Marvel vs Capcom 3.

How is that the same situation at all? Do you really not see the difference between releasing an Ultimate version of the same game quickly and releasing a full-fledged sequel to a game that is already almost 2 years on?

Problem is Nintendo haven't cultivated the atmosphere of having a game be replaced by another in the same gen. And the problem with NX's lifespan is - when do you expect this game to come out, realistically?

A port of the previous game isn't a new game for that generation, it's exactly that: a port of a game from a previous generation. And we have no idea how long NX lifespan will be, so we can talk theoretically, but I would say I wouldn't expect Smash 5 before 2018 probably. 4 years after the original release of Smash 4, 2 years after this theoretical port. No one will feel burned by this.
I wouldn't be too sure. From the looks of things, I don't think Smash 4 will outlive Melee at this rate (as much as I want Smash 4 to thrive). And as stated earlier, if that's just for the FGC, imagine the casuals.

The casuals who give every character reveal trailer millions of views and tons of free coverage for Nintendo? I think they're the easiest crowd to please of all. There's no difficulty whatsoever in wooing them. People who don't normally play video games bought Brawl and are still buying it. Keep the crowd happy, give them what they want, and they'll keep coming back. Smash Bros is successful in part because of what a novel and appealing concept it is to this crowd.

Prioritizing FGC over casuals worked out pretty well for Street Fighter V. :V

How is that the same situation at all? Do you really not see the difference between releasing an Ultimate version of the same game quickly and releasing a full-fledged sequel to a game that is already almost 2 years on?

A port of the previous game isn't a new game for that generation, it's exactly that: a port of a game from a previous generation. And we have no idea how long NX lifespan will be, so we can talk theoretically, but I would say I wouldn't expect Smash 5 before 2018 probably. 4 years after the original release of Smash 4, 2 years after this theoretical port. No one will feel burned by this.

You haven't addressed my suggestion that it'll be more than a simple port, which is the crux of everything I've been saying. If it IS, then I'd agree. I doubt Nintendo would just do a simple port though.


I have to be honest in saying that bold sounds like the biggest load of BS i've ever heard. Not a single soul on earth is going to hear "development troubles at team internally at Nintendo is facing" until they tell you in an interview postmortem. The splitting the user base thing in general sounds silly. The Wii U is in their rear view mirror dude.

If Nintendo let Tantalus (a western company) port Twilight Princess, I don't think it's inconceivable that they'd get a leaky western company to port Splatoon and Mario Maker in order to free up staff at EPD. Not sure how likely that it would be, but it's possible.
I know they are capable of it. They don't lack the know how or skill. I'm saying that for many people looking forward to the NX, the possibility of it being less powerful than an Xbone was a legitimate concern. That we are now hearing that NX might be more powerful than the PS4 is welcome news.
Oh for sure very welcoming news, I want this new Nintendo to succeed and be a force in this market again.


Interesting, is this speculation or has one of your sources lead you to this conclusion? I'd still be 100% satisfied with that but that doesn't sound "noticeably better" that the PS4 in either of those departments (though I could be wrong).
Oh am I a legit insider now who gets all his posts taken as leaks? :p everything I know about the NX is in the OP.

That was just my own speculation. I still think it's ARM based, even if one of my sources is adamant on x86.


The rumors are sounding good so far. I want it to be powerful enough so third parties will jump on this. Either way, I'm fine with ports as longs as we get sequels as well.


I guess we shouldn't get greedy. Anywhere between PS4 and PS4K would be good, because PS4K games will need to be made with PS4 in mind as well.

Yeah honestly I'd be happy with PS4 performance. If all games can reach 1080p at a good frame rate I'd be perfectly satisfied.

Oh am I a legit insider now who gets all his posts taken as leaks? :p everything I know about the NX is in the OP.

That was just my own speculation. I still think it's ARM based, even if one of my sources is adamant on x86.

haha okay gotchya
I don't think it matters how much more powerful the NX is in comparison to the PS4 because there's a PS4 and Xbone; developers have a level of parity that works for them. The only way NX would be a power player would be if it became the lead platform, and that's a tall order.

But Nintendo even being in the running is a huge step up for them considering where they've been the past two generations.

Yeah, I'm with you on this. If the NX offers slightly improved performance over PS4 it's just a bonus. The most important thing is it offers easy porting with no compromises for 3rd party devs.


But that doesn't sit with what you said,

How better CPU, GPU and RAM than PS4 but only 8gb ram and 2tf?

Not necessarilly. CPU being more powerful than XBO CPU is already noticeable. So, that's rather subjective. How much is "noticeable". Is the difference between XBO and PS4 noticeable? Also, maybe a newer GPU pushing comparable flops, can still be better. See how WiiU's GPU pushed less flops than 360's GPU but still outperformed it.


...TPHD had a ton of changed visuals. No, they didn't touch the geometry. But unchanged? *jerkoff emoji*

Are you sure? Because as far as I'm aware they just mirrored the game and had better support for widescreen. I've heard that maybe a few very minor things may have been updated, but the visuals are practically the same from everything I've seen. And that includes playing both versions in Dolphin.


I have no doubt there's a handheld out there but nobody is saying shit about it and it's likely only in the hands of Japanese devs.

Yeah, Western devs, by and large, don't give a shit about traditional handhelds. Doubt the successor to the 3DS will change this.


But that doesn't sit with what you said,


How better CPU, GPU and RAM than PS4 but only 8gb ram and 2tf?
Well, the CPU is noticeably better already. 2TF is a decent increase over 1.8TF, and the ram could be clocked higher.

I'm just saying I'd be happy with that. I was told noticeably better. But I don't know what that means in a numeric metric. 15%? 45%?


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Are you sure? Because as far as I'm aware they just mirrored the game and had better support for widescreen. I've heard that maybe a few very minor things may have been updated, but the visuals are practically the same from everything I've seen. And that includes playing both versions in Dolphin.



No insider knowledge, pure speculation but here's how I think the power will work.

The NX is a software platform as much as a hardware platform. Looking at how 2 player mode works for Pokken tournament is a good start. Essentially it tapes 2 Wii Us togeather to increase the power so it still runs smoothly. I believe this will be how the NX will work. It will exist in 3 parts.

1 an ARM based handheld. Power wise it will run current gen games acceptibly for its resolution. Probably 720 0r 900p. This device will be able to output to a TV and mimic the Wii Us Dual screen
2. A custom likely X86 unit based on AMDs zen and Polaris architecture. You will be able to run games on this device probably on par with the rumoured specs of the PS4K.
3. This is where things start to sound insane. The GPUs in the NX handheld and home console will be able to communicate togeather somehow. Based on a scaleable OS. This in practise should allow a person owning both the handheld and the home console to pair the two devices togeather similar to an AMD crossfire style card for a greatly increased performance benefit. This may even work with up to 4 devices for local multi player.

If 3 is true then Nintendo can move to an iterative upgrade cycle, but replacing the home console every 5-6 years and the handheld every 2-3. This shared boost should allow people to feel comfortable buying the home console but also motivate them to buy the handheld.


The casuals who give every character reveal trailer millions of views and tons of free coverage for Nintendo? I think they're the easiest crowd to please of all. There's no difficulty whatsoever in wooing them. People who don't normally play video games bought Brawl and are still buying it. Keep the crowd happy, give them what they want, and they'll keep coming back. Smash Bros is successful in part because of what a novel and appealing concept it is to this crowd.

Prioritizing FGC over casuals worked out pretty well for Street Fighter V. :V

You haven't addressed my suggestion that it'll be more than a simple port, which is the crux of everything I've been saying. If it IS, then I'd agree. I doubt Nintendo would just do a simple port though.
Savage. Well people asked for a new street fighter alpha so Capcom gave them an alpha state of street fighter v.


You haven't addressed my suggestion that it'll be more than a simple port, which is the crux of everything I've been saying.

I don't see anyway else to address other than saying that I don't think it'll be more than a simple port, as I see no reason for it to be more than a definitive port with all DLC included with some degree of visual and a performance upgrades. The development cycle on the game is, as far as we know, done. I've already given multiple reasons why they would just do a simple port of the game in previous posts (which you side-stepped addressing) as opposed to turning Smash into a service randomly.

Honestly, you really haven't given much to back up your point of why you even think this. As far as I can tell, your only real point is that Smash 4 took a lot of effort, so they aren't going to do a Smash 5. And people will feel "burned" by a full sequel, despite the fact that Smash 4 is already nearly 2 years old anyway. I don't know, I'm not seeing where you're coming from at all.


Why work on a port of splatoon when you can work on splatoon 2
Because you don't need to do a port in house, it's cheaper and faster to help build a library, and the main splatoon team is still largely free to work on the sequel anyway. There's no way they're not working on it given it's success though


Releasing a console more powerful than current gen after like 3 years is definitely a bragging right for Nintendo.
Even tho I really think the PS4K is not a good idea I cant see why it would be a non factor.
Imagine :
- PS4 the cheapiest option, probably the base development for both PS4 and NX. Will have all multiplats. Foward compatible with 4k.
- NX probably cheapier and weaker than the 4K. Probably more expensive and powerfull than 4OG. Will receive PS4 ports, not as good as PS4K still tho better than 4OG. Some important ports will skip the plataform for all the reasons we already know. No BC.
- PS4K the most expensive, the most powerfull. Will receive all PS4 ports, old games can be patched to get performance boost. BC compatible.
Now between this 3 options where do you think the regular consumer and the enthusiastics fits better?
Going further look what we already have launched in this gen, what we will receive soon and whats already announced as TBA. Now look what we have as possibilities for NX.
Honestly I dont see it as non factor, I see 4k as a huge factor.
4K can put NX in the same situation as the WiiU was between PS3 and PS4 OG!

In order for the PS4K to be a huge factor, the PS4 is going to need to be displaced - immediately - and everyone that bought one would have to be ignored. This also assumes that developers and consumers are going to embrace an incremental, unnecessary upgrade, and that all future games are going to put in the work to make a PS4K version worthwhile. The only way the NX could be put in a "Wii U situation" with the assumed level of power from the rumors is if Sony outright kills the original PS4 and there is no pushback.

Or basically a fairy tale.


Unless it's announced alongside Splatoon 2 (which seems unlikely, why fracture the playerbase?) a Splatoon port is massively disappointing. Hoping that isn't true.


...TPHD had a ton of changed visuals. No, they didn't touch the geometry. But unchanged? *jerkoff emoji*

I see what the problem is. You assumed I was talking about TPHD when I wasn't... I didn't catch the HD in your post. I was talking about the Wii version, which was visually identical to the GC one. What I meant was that hopefully this time around they do some upgrade work instead of just porting the game over with a different control scheme.
I don't see anyway else to address other than saying that I don't think it'll be more than a simple port, as I see no reason for it to be more than a definitive port with all DLC included with some degree of visual and a performance upgrades. The development cycle on the game is, as far as we know, done. I've already given multiple reasons why they would just do a simple port of the game in previous posts (which you side-stepped addressing) as opposed to turning Smash into a service randomly.

Honestly, you really haven't given much to back up your point of why you even think this. As far as I can tell, your only real point is that Smash 4 took a lot of effort, so they aren't going to do a Smash 5. And people will feel "burned" by a full sequel, despite the fact that Smash 4 is already nearly 2 years old anyway. I don't know, I'm not seeing where you're coming from at all.

I'm not sure how to respond to this, really...

I mean, if you're not seing why Nintendo investing a ton of R&D, budget, and physical capital (on Sakurai's part), Sakurai openly expressing that he's getting old, can't work on the series forever, and the sheer amount of content both at and post-launch, plus himself expressing how much he dislikes starting from scratch each time because it's such a waste of time from a development point of view and leads to popular things getting cut miiight be putting the state of this model into question a bit, then to be honest I really have no idea what to say. Sure, they could ignore that and press on, but I just don't think that'd be smart considering how long that'd take compared to just working with what they have. I simply think it's best for the series to evolve instead of thinking they have to waste time and resources reinventing the wheel every time, and there are reasons I believe that.

Let me try and find another analogy... Compare Square Enix's woes last gen (major JP devs in general, actually...) when they insisted on starting from scratch and developing FFXIII and Versus XIII with their own custom engine, to now when they're just doing everything in Unreal. Which worked out better for them in terms of public perception and the ability to put out games on a reasonable timeframe? Or Capcom's great success last gen doing everything on MT Framework, compared to this gen where insisting on hitting reset with Panta Rhei has crippled their output.

Not the best but it gives the idea across that in game development, it's better to work with an established framework than hit reset every time.

I think a totally ground-up new Smash game would be great. I just don't think it's feasible at this point to have it out within the next few years, or necessarily the thing that will work best considering how much work they'd be throwing out only to do over all again - a nightmare in the HD development sphere.


Great, anything that gives it a bigger reason to buy one is a positive. I'll probably pick one up.

What I want is a new main Mario title, please gimme one of those.
We know nothing about the PS4k CPU so why are people already saying PS4K > NX?

And before you mention the GU. it's not like they just take CPU, GPU and RAM and "multiply" them by the same number
Well, the CPU is noticeably better already. 2TF is a decent increase over 1.8TF, and the ram could be clocked higher.

I'm just saying I'd be happy with that. I was told noticeably better. But I don't know what that means in a numeric metric. 15%? 45%?

200flops is not what you would call a decent increase .
If it suppose to be noticeably better it should at least be how PS4 is comapre to X1.
Which should not cost that much to tell the truth .

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
If Nintendo let Tantalus (a western company) port Twilight Princess, I don't think it's inconceivable that they'd get a leaky western company to port Splatoon and Mario Maker in order to free up staff at EPD. Not sure how likely that it would be, but it's possible.

Nintendo isn't going to outsource Splatoon and Super Mario Maker for NX. If they were 10 year old games they might, but not at this critical juncture. Not too mention they require their internal network team as well. But I also don't expect any redone textures or anything like that. These will be literal ports with NX system specific enhancements and maybe an upscale or something. Again that's if they happen.


No insider knowledge, pure speculation but here's how I think the power will work.

The NX is a software platform as much as a hardware platform. Looking at how 2 player mode works for Pokken tournament is a good start. Essentially it tapes 2 Wii Us togeather to increase the power so it still runs smoothly. I believe this will be how the NX will work. It will exist in 3 parts.

1 an ARM based handheld. Power wise it will run current gen games acceptibly for its resolution. Probably 720 0r 900p. This device will be able to output to a TV and mimic the Wii Us Dual screen
2. A custom likely X86 unit based on AMDs zen and Polaris architecture. You will be able to run games on this device probably on par with the rumoured specs of the PS4K.
3. This is where things start to sound insane. The GPUs in the NX handheld and home console will be able to communicate togeather somehow. Based on a scaleable OS. This in practise should allow a person owning both the handheld and the home console to pair the two devices togeather similar to an AMD crossfire style card for a greatly increased performance benefit. This may even work with up to 4 devices for local multi player.

If 3 is true then Nintendo can move to an iterative upgrade cycle, but replacing the home console every 5-6 years and the handheld every 2-3. This shared boost should allow people to feel comfortable buying the home console but also motivate them to buy the handheld.

Not so insane at all:


The ARM® CoreLink™ CCI-400 Cache Coherent Interconnect provides full cache coherency between two clusters of multi-core CPUs, such as the ARM Cortex®-A7, Cortex-A15, Cortex-A17, Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53 processors enabling big.LITTLE™; and I/O coherency for devices such as the Mali™-T600 series GPU, and I/O masters like modem and USB.



Junior Member
A 1080p Splatoon port would have me there day one. I'm pretty excited about this next round of hardware from the big 3.


No insider knowledge, pure speculation but here's how I think the power will work.

The NX is a software platform as much as a hardware platform. Looking at how 2 player mode works for Pokken tournament is a good start. Essentially it tapes 2 Wii Us togeather to increase the power so it still runs smoothly. I believe this will be how the NX will work. It will exist in 3 parts.

1 an ARM based handheld. Power wise it will run current gen games acceptibly for its resolution. Probably 720 0r 900p. This device will be able to output to a TV and mimic the Wii Us Dual screen
2. A custom likely X86 unit based on AMDs zen and Polaris architecture. You will be able to run games on this device probably on par with the rumoured specs of the PS4K.
3. This is where things start to sound insane. The GPUs in the NX handheld and home console will be able to communicate togeather somehow. Based on a scaleable OS. This in practise should allow a person owning both the handheld and the home console to pair the two devices togeather similar to an AMD crossfire style card for a greatly increased performance benefit. This may even work with up to 4 devices for local multi player.

If 3 is true then Nintendo can move to an iterative upgrade cycle, but replacing the home console every 5-6 years and the handheld every 2-3. This shared boost should allow people to feel comfortable buying the home console but also motivate them to buy the handheld.
I know nothing about tech other than "8GB GDDR5 RAM? Sounds good to me since everyone else says it's good" lol
So if what you're saying is possible, then it honestly sounds cool. Though expensive haha


Because you don't need to do a port in house, it's cheaper and faster to help build a library, and the main splatoon team is still largely free to work on the sequel anyway. There's no way they're not working on it given it's success though

Considering how well Splatoon is doing in Japan, and what it's doing to Wii U sales there (i.e. shortages) I think they're going to try and create some kind of Splatoon bandwagon effect for NX sales.


Unless it's announced alongside Splatoon 2 (which seems unlikely, why fracture the playerbase?) a Splatoon port is massively disappointing. Hoping that isn't true.

Fracture? How so?
The rumor states they're working to get the NX port to work with the Wii U version.
If anything, they'll make the pool even bigger.


I see what the problem is. You assumed I was talking about TPHD when I wasn't... I didn't catch the HD in your post. I was talking about the Wii version, which was visually identical to the GC one. What I meant was that hopefully this time around they do some upgrade work instead of just porting the game over with a different control scheme.

Totally. I apologized earlier but this baby is going fast.

I agree; I'm figuring the Wii U version will be 720p and the NX 1080p. Not expecting a framerate increase, but would love if it did happen.


Nintendo isn't going to outsource Splatoon and Super Mario Maker for NX. If they were 10 year old games they might, but not at this critical juncture. Not too mention they require their internal network team as well. But I also don't expect any redone textures or anything like that. These will be literal ports with NX system specific enhancements and maybe an upscale or something. Again that's if they happen.

They outsourced parts of smash to Namco Bandai


I just want a Nintendo handheld that hopefully continues the awesome lineup of games the 3DS has. A home console? Meh. Nintendo hasn't earned any trust on that front lately.
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