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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Just remember that LCGeek said the CPU was 15-30% above the XB1 CPU which means the GPU would have to at least match that performance bump. At minimum, it's going to be above PS4 specs.

Ehh I don't know about that. Multiple members of TechGaf were entertaining a sub-XBO console even after LCGeek's leak.


I don't think it's a worry, as Nintendo and people can make certain games for Wii U no problem. The larger the power envelope the better/easier it will be for development and titles all around, though; not just third-parties.
Ah ok, makes sense.

I hope that we get word on the reveal date in the next couple weeks.


Indeed. It would be nice though to hear from those sources close to Nintendo what exactly they mean by "still good".

I'd like to know too. "Still good" still sounds, well, good and didn't even give off an air that it will be as low as some might think. We were all just aiming too high.

Right now this thread is mostly people shaming imaginary people for being too hyped lol. I think the majority expected this.

Okay, well some then. I still kept firmly in my mind that it would at the very least be parity even though there was all this discussion about Polaris.


Unconfirmed Member
Fiji? Or GCN 1.2? Because Fiji is the Fury which NX is obviously nowhere near. Being GCN 1.2 based is not unreasonable though, but I'd be extremely surprised if they matched PS4 specs with that.


Just remember that LCGeek said the CPU was 15-30% above the XB1 CPU which means the GPU would have to at least match that performance bump. At minimum, it's going to be above PS4 specs.

Not necessarilly, because the CPU was the bottleneck with PS4. So it was number one on the list to improve.


I get the feeling I'll be banned when NX is revealed even though I claimed none of this nothing more than rumors from people within the industry.

The clock is ticking down.


If Zelda could be 60 they'd make it 60. WW and TP are likely just an excuse since they have ocassuonal drops, but if Kojima could do it on 5 platforms I'd hope the Zelda team can

I'm expecting them to target 30fps because all of the other console 3D Zelda games were that excluding the N64 games which were 17-20. In this situation they probably could bump up the FPS, but I think they will focus on the visuals.
I get the feeling I'll be banned when NX is revealed even though I claimed none of this nothing more than rumors from people within the industry.

The clock is ticking down.

Calm the fuck down dude. Im sure someone will post your tweets on GAF when you are gone.


But I thought Nintendo "has no fucking clue what they are doing". ;)

There are dozens of different dev-kits of the NX out there in the wild and just one is real. DOZENS!
Touché lol

Maybe NX is running the engineers instead of the engineers running its development.
I get the feeling I'll be banned when NX is revealed even though I claimed none of this nothing more than rumors from people within the industry.

The clock is ticking down.
You may want to ask the mods about that now just in case :p

Not necessarilly, because the CPU was the bottleneck with PS4. So it was number one on the list to improve.

True, and it was one of the biggest complaints with the Wii U as well.


So... I just realized that none of this really changes my range of hopes and expectations lol. My true "expectation" was nothing more than "enough power for most third-party ports" though, with my absolute hope ceiling being 50% more powerful than PS4 and my expected range being from 1.1x XBone to 1.1x PS4.

Calm the fuck down dude. Im sure someone will post your tweets on GAF when you are gone.

You're not helping him. :V

I was just pointing out this type of thing has happened in the console space before.

Indeed, but times have changed. It's going to affect price/performance if they do it now. I think it would be a mistake.


I get the feeling I'll be banned when NX is revealed even though I claimed none of this nothing more than rumors from people within the industry.

The clock is ticking down.

You reported it as rumors and you at least made an attempt to get it run by the mods. I don't think you did anything wrong here. You just reported what you heard.

People's expectations are going to go crazy no matter what. It's the hype cycle of pretty much every console release. Hell, it took months for people to realize that the CPU in the PS4 and XB1 was a bit of a dumpster fire even after it was revealed. Gamers are prone to believe that console manufacturers and AMD have found a way to circumvent the laws of physics, economics, and thermodynamics until proven otherwise with shitty framerates.


So I was pretty much right on the money. The gimmick doesn't sound very Nintendo-like. And I still expect PS4 specs at $299.


Calm the fuck down dude. Im sure someone will post your tweets on GAF when you are gone.

But seriously, I'd say it's a bit too much back and forth now and it's best to just lay low until the real reveal. The wait will soon be over and even though Nintendo never release specs we'll at least debating about the power based on how demos look at not just guessing wildly.
What's the assumed latest date they can reveal the console? On stage at E3?


So I was pretty much right on the money. The gimmick doesn't sound very Nintendo-like. And I still expect PS4 specs at $299.
K, but what's the gimmick? I missed it I think. I'm fine with the specs though.

Edit: still just the controller or...


You reported it as rumors and you at least made an attempt to get it run by the mods. I don't think you did anything wrong here. You just reported what you heard.

People's expectations are going to go crazy no matter what. It's the hype cycle of pretty much every console release. Hell, it took months for people to realize that the CPU in the PS4 and XB1 was a bit of a dumpster fire even after it was revealed. Gamers are prone to believe that console manufacturers and AMD have found a way to circumvent the laws of physics, economics, and thermodynamics until proven otherwise with shitty framerates.

And no matter what happens, people aren't going to care a day or two after knowing the truth. Don't fear disappointment. Embrace it and enjoy the ride. Expect that you might be disappointed, and then you'll handle the disappointment better without having to be a negative nancy.

Unless you're in the PS4k thread, though. Those guys need to calm the fuck down. They at least have a point of reference that they could be using! But I digress...

I don't know how anyone complains if this ends up happening.

You clearly haven't been paying attention. People think it'll be a repeat of Wii U if it doesn't match or beat PS4k. It's largely due to the fact that people are expecting a half-gen leap with that instead of something reasonable though.

We know history and history has taught us that Nintendo dropped the ball two times before with the 3DS and Wii U in terms of delivering on expectations of a high powered platform and third party support.

3DS was exactly what everyone expected... Hell, it was better than I expected with how amazing some games look.


Why though? For comparison, the Wii U is 352 GFLOPS, compared to the 360 at 77 and the PS3 and 230. So going just by flops it's 4.57x the 360 and 1.52x the PS3. And given what that actual FLOP difference comes to there's no reason 2x the PS4 is out of the question

That can't be right lol. Oh wow just looked it up. It looks like another source said 115 though.


What is considered to be "good" though?

It should be noted that 2x PS4 would be close to 4TFLOPS, so it is best for someone to shut that thought down.
No, that's not how it works. It means with the new architecture, API, optimizations and higher specs the game could end up doing twice as many things on the screen (double the framerate, or more AA, more particles, longer draw distance, better texture and shadow resolutions, etc.) Nintendo could put out a 2TFLOPS GPU at 14nm and still get 2x the performance of the stock ps4.


You clearly haven't been paying attention. People think it'll be a repeat of Wii U if it doesn't match or beat PS4k. It's largely due to the fact that people are expecting a half-gen leap with that instead of something reasonable though.

Yeah, I think people have become as much or more unhinged about the PS4K than people are about the NX.

Nobody is leaving behind the 50 million people that own an XB1 or PS4. It would be ludicrous to expect a user migration at this point in the lifecycle. With how long it takes to make AAA games with premium fidelity, it doesn't even feel like the libraries have really even been fleshed out yet.

Mory Dunz

If Zelda could be 60 they'd make it 60. WW and TP are likely just an excuse since they have ocassuonal drops, but if Kojima could do it on 5 platforms I'd hope the Zelda team can

Emily didn't say otherwise. Just not some of the specifics mentioned

Zelda NX will be 1080/30fps.

That's about the only thing I'm confident about these days.

30 fps is fine for zelda regardless.


Honestly, I think there's something to an underpowered (but not extremely underpowered) console if it doesn't have an expensive "gimmick," (or a gimmick at all) and is easy to develop for. Nintendo could basically market it as a cheaper alternative to the PS4/X1 if it's efficiently designed to keep costs down. I don't know if they'll do this though. I don't know wtf they'll do.


Whoa, I missed a lot apparently. So the "gimmick" was bullshit (probably good), and we're likely back in the PS4 ballpark rather than PS4k? Most of us can probably live with that.


Zelda NX will be 1080/30fps.

That's about the only thing I'm confident about these days.

30 fps is fine for zelda regardless.

I personally feel everything should be 60 FPS. That's just how I like 'em. If there's performance room for it, I want Zelda NX to be 1080p/60.
If NX falls short on power Microsoft will probably be able to make a big power gap to the competitors with a new gen console relatively soon if they want to. I'm just wondering if they have the balls to go straight to Xbox Two or whatever in 2017/2018. I just wonder if they are able to keep full BC with Xbox One games without it being an issue.
No, that's not how it works. It means with the new architecture, API, optimizations and higher specs the game could end up doing twice as many things on the screen (double the framerate, or more AA, more particles, longer draw distance, better texture and shadow resolutions, etc.) Nintendo could put out a 2TFLOPS GPU at 14nm and still get 2x the performance of the stock ps4.

The laws of physics still apply :p
Even with more efficiency in play


Edit: I'm going to redo this. I don't think the numbers I looked up were accurate at all now that I'm looking back at them lol

You were probably looking at the CPU. Xenos is a 240 GFLOP chip. Also, Wii U might have been half of what you said, since there was debate over if it had 320SPs or 160SPs.

No, that's not how it works. It means with the new architecture, API, optimizations and higher specs the game could end up doing twice as many things on the screen (double the framerate, or more AA, more particles, longer draw distance, better texture and shadow resolutions, etc.) Nintendo could put out a 2TFLOPS GPU at 14nm and still get 2x the performance of the stock ps4.

The difference wouldn't be that huge. 3TFLOPs maybe.

All of this just proves that you all need to stop using FLOPs.

If NX falls short on power Microsoft will probably be able to make a big power gap to the competitors with a new gen console relatively soon if they want to. I'm just wondering if they have the balls to go straight to Xbox Two or whatever in 2017/2018. I just wonder if they are able to keep full BC with Xbox One games without it being an issue.

That would be hilariously suicidal.
115? Pretty sure that isn't right either.

IIRC the 360 GPU was capable of about 240 GFLOPS and the PS3 GPU was about 220 GFLOPs.

Yeah, more checking and these are the right numbers. I was accidentally mixing CPUs and GPUs. My bad (well, IGNs, sort of). But anyway, the Wii U being 352 puts it at 1.47x and 1.6x, respectively. So my point was something approaching 2x isn't completely out of the realm of possibility, especially if Nintendo eases up on their power (wattage) restrictions

Basically FLOPS aren't the best way of comparing architectures

You were probably looking at the CPU. Xenos is a 240 GFLOP chip. Also, Wii U might have been half of what you said, since there was debate over if it had 320SPs or 160SPs.

No, the Wii U numbers were definitely right since that's the value seen on a number of different sources, including this one which seems to have pretty comprehensive specs on the GPU


I haven't really been reading them. Something about the NX will have Polarium. That game was great on DS so I'm really glad the NX will have it. All they have to do is announce that and I will not be disappointed.

I love that game, it better be on NX Virtual Console.

So basically no gamepad and no polaris.

I would definitely not go so far as to say "no Gamepad".

I would, considering how the wii and wiiu turned out, and they are in the worst position ever in releasing a console. There brand has never been weaker.
We know history and history has taught us that Nintendo dropped the ball two times before with the 3DS and Wii U in terms of delivering on expectations of a high powered platform and third party support.

So every decision that's ever made has to be a replication of past decisions? Hmmm... how different the world would look if that were the case.

I'm so glad the Wi-Fi streaming screen controller is bogus.

I gotta say, I was pretty "whatever" about that. If it was in, I would have been fine with it, but I certainly wouldn't have ever used it.

And I feel pretty assured that 10k's source was making statements conflating such a feature as "THE" gimmick from the outset, so I feel pretty good about things right now.

Right now this thread is mostly people shaming imaginary people for being too hyped lol. I think the majority expected this.

Basically. And to no surprise whatsoever, one of the first to take the swing at thin air was AzaK.

There are going to be so many disappointed people when the thing is revealed.

You must constantly have a nosebleed from the heights you have to climb in order to look down on people in this thread all the time the way that you do.

It's clear that most of you did not even have your expectations or hype in check with this fatalist attitude happening now =/

Rumors are not gospels.

Now it's all negative in here for a barely negative debunk.

Yeah, this is what getting whipped up in spec-talk for hardware that doesn't exist gets you: nowhere. And it happens every time, in and out of the video game industry, to the point where it's really a wasted exercise. But some people just can't help themselves, I guess.

Zelda NX will be 1080/30fps.

That's about the only thing I'm confident about these days.

30 fps is fine for zelda regardless.

For you, perhaps. I'm kind of done with 30fps gaming, personally.


Referring to only resolution is not accurate. It needs context. Also, CPU does not really affect resolution at all.

CPU affects frame rates. The PS4 GPU is plenty capable at 1080p, but developers are having to port code over to the GPU to make up for the lack of CPU grunt. If this code could run on the CPU you'd have more GPU power available to push more frames. I think Sony and Microsoft did ok for their power and thermal envelopes in 2012 when the consoles were designed, but Nintendo could do much better in 2015 if they chose to.
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