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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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The n64 was highly gimped, they majorly cheaped on vram and other aspects of the system...

The GameCube is the only exception, and even that was only "moderate" hardware at the time, that was quickly and harshly trumped by the original xbox the next year.

The next year? Xbox came out 3 days before in NA (or 2 months after the GCN's Japanese launch)


Pretty much where I'm at, although competent secs may equate to some decent ports and it's rumoured to be supported with plenty of games so...I still don't know lol

Yeah, it's all about the games to me no matter the specs. I had a Wii U, I had a GC and I had a Wii. I played them due to the games.
Aw man, I am very happy if NX reaches PS4 in terms of power level. I don't really need a super power gaming machine, and I don't think that the market needs it as well.

Imagining Mario, Zelda or anything from Retro, Monolith or Next Level Games can make with PS4 graphics (with Nintendo magic) can already make me hype like crazy.
Aw man, I am very happy if NX reaches PS4 in terms of power level. I don't really need a super power gaming machine, and I don't think that the market needs it as well.

Imagining Mario, Zelda or anything from Retro, Monolith or Next Level Games can make with PS4 graphics (with Nintendo magic) can already make me hype like crazy.

I dunno, I feel like people were saying the same thing about Wii U and being at PS3 levels. The games matter the most, of course, and I'll probably get Zelda on the NX if it looks that much better. However, I'm past the point of being "satisfied" with new hardware that's on the same tier as old hardware. I guess it's the part of the market Nintendo made for themselves with cheap, affordable hardware.
So many people obsessed with wanting to hear specs. All I want to see is the name, logo, style language... whatever. After the decade of Nintendo DS lite and Wii branding, I am thirsty to see something new in this regard.

Nintendo used to be the only one of the big three who invented new branding for every new device. It was interesting.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
So on par with current gen consoles confirmed then. Maybe even a little bit less.

I thought the 10k rumours were too good to be true.


The n64 was highly gimped, they majorly cheaped on vram and other aspects of the system...

The GameCube is the only exception, and even that was only "moderate" hardware at the time, that was quickly and harshly trumped by the original xbox the next year.

Having some design flaws and bottlenecks doesn't mean it wasn't high tech or nor powerful. Gamecube was better balanced but N64 had more impressive features for its time
SNES also had great hardware, even though it could probably have been released a year earlier, and famicom was a beast in 83
I'm not sure why "Nintendo's always done this"/"Nintendo's never done this" is being used as a serious argument.

What Nintendo's always done/never done has resulted in a continuous decline in sales for each and every generation, save for one extreme anomaly. They're not going to stick to the same rulebook again and just pray for the Wii to repeat itself when the Wii U proved that approach isn't going to work twice.

Unless they want to risk a console that doesn't even crack 10 million this time.

Which they don't.
The n64 was highly gimped, they majorly cheaped on vram and other aspects of the system...

The GameCube is the only exception, and even that was only "moderate" hardware at the time, that was quickly and harshly trumped by the original xbox the next year.
The N64 was a powerful system for it's time full stop. Just because they didn't go full on Silicon Graphics Workstation on it doesn't mean it's another underpowered consoles in line with the Wii.

And as some have explained over and over again, the Xbox was by no means far ahead of the GC, they both have their individual strengths and weaknesses, the GC is definitely far closer to the Xbox than the PS2.


I'm not sure why "Nintendo's always done this"/"Nintendo's never done this" is being used as a serious argument.

What's Nintendo's always done/never done has resulted in a continuous decline in sales for each and every generation, save for one extreme anomaly. They're not going to stick to the same rulebook again and just pray for the Wii to repeat itself when the Wii U proved that approach isn't going to work again.

It's not as simple as that, though. We have to look at the success of their handheld business as well. We're at a crossroads here, I think, where we won't be looking at the handheld in isolation anymore. They should look at what works for the console, yes, but also for the handheld. How can they maintain the marketshare of the handheld while also leveraging that to see better results for the console? If they can do that, then the latest generations of console sales becomes less relevant. That's the most interesting part here - not whether they go 'decently powerful' or 'ps4k powerful'.
Suddenly the NX will be less powerful than the XBox One for a lot of people and they start to believe Rogers where they otherwise never believe a word fron her. Lol...

"Specs are good" what does that mean?! Does it mean its better than the PS4? Same level? Worse? Good for a Nintendo console? Good for a high end PC gamer?

I guess we should just wait for another week until we get first infos from Nintendo themselves.
I dunno, I feel like people were saying the same thing about Wii U and being at PS3 levels. The games matter the most, of course, and I'll probably get Zelda on the NX if it looks that much better. However, I'm past the point of being "satisfied" with new hardware that's on the same tier as old hardware. I guess it's the part of the market Nintendo made for themselves with cheap, affordable hardware.

I totally understand your point, but I don't know if the power level difference would make much difference. I mean, of course Nintendo's first party games will have better performance from the games made by other first-party developers if NX is better than the other two in terms of power level, but the third party will be more likely to make games so that all three platforms can play. So the only issue left is still about the attractiveness of the games from Nintendo.

Although I do agree that NX's tech should be better than the other two as they are old, but the difference may not result in a great difference in the games NX is going to get except those from Nintendo, which IMO are already good enough if they reach PS4 level.

So many people obsessed with wanting to hear specs. All I want to see is the name, logo, style language... whatever. After the decade of Nintendo DS lite and Wii branding, I am thirsty to see something new in this regard.

Nintendo used to be the only one of the big three who invented new branding for every new device. It was interesting.

Agreed. Apart from these, I am also excited towards the gimmick, which directly impact the branding Nintendo wants to create. In addition, I also think branding is much more important than specs to general customers.


Suddenly the NX will be less powerful than the XBox One for a lot of people and they start to believe Rogers where they otherwise never believe a word fron her. Lol...

"Specs are good" what does that mean?! Does it mean its better than the PS4? Same level? Worse? Good for a Nintendo console? Good for a high end PC gamer?

I guess we should just wait for another week until we get first infos from Nintendo themselves.

People are just going to make whatever assumption they want on the power until we get something concrete and even then that might not be enough proof for some.
I totally understand your point, but I don't know if the power level difference would make much difference. I mean, of course Nintendo's first party games will have better performance from the games made by other first-party developers if NX is better than the other two in terms of power level, but the third party will be more likely to make games so that all three platforms can play. So the only issue left is still about the attractiveness of the games from Nintendo.

Although I do agree that NX's tech should be better than the other two as they are old, but the difference may not result in a great difference in the games NX is going to get except those from Nintendo, which IMO are already good enough if they reach PS4 level.

Oh, yeah, I get that feeling as well. Like, how much more is Nintendo willing to spend to make the difference noticeable? If your hardware is only 20-30% better, what's even the point if the differences will be negligible? How much further are you willing to go to get that difference? That's basically the thought process I would go through if I had to design a console.

So many people obsessed with wanting to hear specs. All I want to see is the name, logo, style language... whatever. After the decade of Nintendo DS lite and Wii branding, I am thirsty to see something new in this regard.

Nintendo used to be the only one of the big three who invented new branding for every new device. It was interesting.
Definitely. I'm really interested in seeing the new branding.


Maturity, bitches.
I'd say that Rogers holds the same level of credibility as 10K in this case. Rogers has track record, but has been wrong / had outdated info before, 10K's sources have at least been given a go by the mods, plus he (she?) always stated them as rumors. Let's call it a tie!

Also, again with the overreaction, "power level is wrong" doesn't really translate into "worse than current gen consoles", this could mean wrong by 1% to x%, not a definitive "worse than xyz". And the term "good specs", if this is from her source, then whats this source's understanding of good specs? For quite some people on this board, good specs translate to PS4K. ^^

Imo, where still at the same spot as before. And about specs, i'm sure it will stay that way, even when Nintendo unveils the thing, as they never share any technical specs with the public.
Oh, come on now. You managed to overhype a lot of people including yourself. Own it.

Better to deflate now than at the reveal. We can actually enjoy the reveal with decent expectations.
Hah, this is so true. I'm a Nintendo fanboy as much as the next guy, but things really were getting out of hand in this thread. Seriously, people. The last two Nintendo home consoles do not in any way allude to a super-powered console. I'm not saying it's impossible for Nintendo to release a high powered console ever again, but recent trends point to this Keep your expectations in check.


What happened to the poster from the WUST who, after months and months of endless speculations basically came out and told us exactly what the WiiU had inside it... There was much wailing about it as it didn't match up to the other rumours in the threads, but it was spot on in the end?

Also, I'm pretty sure Emily Rogers got quite a bit wrong about the WiiU? (Could just be my mind playing tricks though)
What happened to the poster from the WUST who, after months and months of endless speculations basically came out and told us exactly what the WiiU had inside it... There was much wailing about it as it didn't match up to the other rumours in the threads, but it was spot on in the end?

Also, I'm pretty sure Emily Rogers got quite a bit wrong about the WiiU? (Could just be my mind playing tricks though)

That was Arkam. He definitely got ganged up on in the WUSTs too because he was dropping information people didn't want to hear or refused to believe.


Also, again with the overreaction, "power level is wrong" doesn't really translate into "worse than current gen consoles", this could mean wrong by 1% to x%, not a definitive "worse than xyz". And the term "good specs", if this is from her source, then whats this source's understanding of good specs? For quite some people on this board, good specs translate to PS4K. ^^

I don't think she would have commented if that was the case.
She does have an impressive track record.
Yet she also doesn't say anything concrete, just that the rumours posted by 10k aren't accurate or false

That's why I said confirmation bias all up in here. And while I quoted cyberheater, he isn't the only one in here. Honestly at this point, the thread should be closed as it's nothing more than he said she said Circle jerk with no substance and we're firmly back to a full on WUST.


So trying to catch up here.
The rumors is: more powerful than PS4 and controller with screen for remote play?
Sounds like atleast 339$ which I think is to much for a Nintendo console.
And a controller like that sounds way to expensive it's that WiiU gamepad all over again.
I hope It's not true myself, I hope we see a cheap console from Nintendo again.


Thing is, my expectations are grounded in historical statistics. Nintendo has never consciously gone for a high-tech console. Nintendo has consistently had less and less market share every gen (Apart from Wii). Nintendo has consistently stated they want gaming to be for everyone and they want to bring new things to gaming. Nintendo has almost always had consoles for $250 or less. (And yes as I demonstrated sometime ago, inflation doesn't have a 1:1 relation to price and affordability)

As I have also said, ANYTHING can happen but when we look at Nintendo's history, one has to be blind to the last 30 years to think they are going for a high-end console.

And according to history, PS3 should have wiped the floor with everyone. Historical precedent doesn't really work in this industry. Rarely, if ever, has it worked, especially when it conveniently blinkers out the conditions for market position within each generation.
As for the "never consciously gone for a high-tech console" comment, I see other posters got to that before I could, so....

Apparently the implication was that they were unconscious when they made those.

I admit, this gave me a great laugh.

Only Wii and Wii U were underpowered consoles.

People have been revising history thanks to the Wii and Wii U since 2006, and I unfortunately don't see anyone stopping any time soon, sadly.

Not to mention the Famicom. Yamauchi demanded they'd make a product that no one could compete with for three years

OK, that just makes this "historical precedent" talk about their hardware direction even more hilarious than ever.

I'm not sure why "Nintendo's always done this"/"Nintendo's never done this" is being used as a serious argument.

Because they have nothing better to use to refute anything that's contrary to their preconceived notions of what Nintendo is and stands for?

What Nintendo's always done/never done has resulted in a continuous decline in sales for each and every generation, save for one extreme anomaly. They're not going to stick to the same rulebook again and just pray for the Wii to repeat itself when the Wii U proved that approach isn't going to work twice.

Unless they want to risk a console that doesn't even crack 10 million this time.

Which they don't.

According to some people, Nintendo actually ARE just brainless enough to think that this is a thing they can do, completely and totally ignorant of the world around them and have NO desire to improve their situation whatsoever.
I don't think she would have commented if that was the case.
If you mean the "good specs = PS4K" sentence, that was just an example, see the PS4K thread. Good specs to me mean not lagging behind the other consoles by the margin that Wii and Wii U did. It's a subjective thing.

Given a go doesn't equal verified. Also 10k posted a interpretation of what the sources say, according to his own posts.

And if you use the excuse that they are just rumours then they don't hold the same value as Emily's info.
Wait, Rogers stuff is info? That's new to me, as info would be something official. Rogers statements are rumors, just as 10K's stuff.

And maybe something was lost in translation on the way of sources --> 10K --> posts in this thread. Still, there should be enough reasons why the mods didn't nuke 10K like they did with ShockingAlberto. For now.

Again, it's subjective to your view. For you, rumors about a high specced Nintendo console hold less value than rumors about that not really being the case. For me, they hold about the same value, simply because i believe that the mods did their homework about 10K's sources, and Rogers did keep her stuff very vague and thus impossible to draw some conclusions out of them.
No one knows anything.

Not even Nintendo. They're working blindfolded hoping whatever they're making turns out good.

Wasn't there a LinkedIn profile of some Nintendo engineer with something like "I'm working on software for NX, which is so secretive, I don't know what I'm working on sometimes"?
Wait what I missed?

Have you seen the recent bits over the last few hours? I can try to sum it up. :)

Basically, Emily Rogers dropped that some key bits that 10k shared are wrong, such as the gimmick (GamePad 2.0) and she says while she's been told "the specs are good", some unspecified info by 10k about the power are wrong. Again she didn't specify what bits 10k said were wrong, but I think the general assumption is that the part about the GPU being based on Polaris being wrong? I think that part is just speculation.

I think that's the gist of it.


So deflating. :(

I'm out guys.

See you at NX reveal.

Look at the at the bright side. Remember when Nikkei made a report on Nintendo hardware for Nintendo to come out and outright deny Nikkei's claims only for then later on for Nintendo make the announcement confirming Nikkei's report as accurate.

In regards to an outright denial, especially from Nintendo no less. It's best to take rumors with a grain of salt. Both rumors of existing hardware, and rumor of denial of existence of said hardware.

In short, there is no guarantee this dismissal of your claims is just a means to keep people guessing what Nintendo is actually doing.

It's not the first time rumors were turned out to be true, even after stated denial of them to begin with.


Have you seen the recent bits over the last few hours? I can try to sum it up. :)

Basically, Emily Rogers dropped that some key bits that 10k shared are wrong, such as the gimmick (GamePad 2.0) and she says while she's been told "the specs are good", some unspecified info by 10k about the power are wrong. Again she didn't specify what bits 10k said were wrong, but I think the general assumption is that the part about the GPU being based on Polaris being wrong? I think that part is just speculation.

I think that's the gist of it.

Ah, thank you for that - much appreciated. :)

Kinda gathered this was too good to be remotely true.
I never believed the Gamepad 2.0 thing but it's really amazing watching unstable individuals reinterpret Emily Rogers' vague "good specs" comment into "weaker than current gen" and other forms of FUD.


The Birthday Skeleton
Yeah, good specs could still mean better or on par with PS4, just not the insanely super console that it became the past days.


Only Wii and Wii U were underpowered consoles.

The Gamecube was more powerful than the ps2.

Pure, 100%, grade-A bullshit.

Nintendo 64

Umm no. Those consoles were only what they were comparably because they came out about 1 1/2 to 2 years after their comparable systems; PSX and PS2. They were better in some cases, worse in others but as I said, they came out quite a while after. If you read what I said I was stating that I do not think Nintendo has ever consciously gone for "POWA". If they make a system and it falls in the ball park, 1.5-2 years after the competition then that's just happenstance.
Aw man, I am very happy if NX reaches PS4 in terms of power level. I don't really need a super power gaming machine, and I don't think that the market needs it as well.

Imagining Mario, Zelda or anything from Retro, Monolith or Next Level Games can make with PS4 graphics (with Nintendo magic) can already make me hype like crazy.

I totally agree though I can already see people complaining about a weak system cause you see PS4 is already 3 years old and you know, PS4K so lol Nintendo.
As far as I am concerned I would be more than happy with a PS4 level machine I didn't even expected this a few weeks ago.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Emily didn't say what cyberheater is implying. Especially the "less" part is nowhere in her quote.

The rumour said
The NX will be more powerful than the PS4. "By a noticeable amount".

Emily said
I was told that NX has good specs, but the info in this thread on the GPU and power level is just not correct. Sorry to burst everyone's hype.

So if Emily is correct the NX isn't going to be more powerful then the PS4. So it's either going to be on par of weaker.

I shall retain my theory that it will be on par with or slightly below the XBone.

Yeah. That's where I am now.


Thing is, my expectations are grounded in historical statistics. Nintendo has never consciously gone for a high-tech console. Nintendo has consistently had less and less market share every gen (Apart from Wii). Nintendo has consistently stated they want gaming to be for everyone and they want to bring new things to gaming. Nintendo has almost always had consoles for $250 or less. (And yes as I demonstrated sometime ago, inflation doesn't have a 1:1 relation to price and affordability)

As I have also said, ANYTHING can happen but when we look at Nintendo's history, one has to be blind to the last 30 years to think they are going for a high-end console.

Your missing a big point though. Nintendo has never been in such a terrible position (other than the virtual boy but that wasn't a home console and they dumped that really quick). So while Nintendo historically have never gone for full power, with the way things are now, they have to know cutting corners on hardware wont work anymore (Wii U). Its entirely possible they could mess up again next gen or go higher-end and prove us wrong.
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