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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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I'll say ig again, but Nintendo's silence is deafening.

We're also doing this to ourselves. Nintendo has a plan, but our impatience is getting to us, so we have rumors left and right making the wait seem even longer.

Is it mom and dad's fault the car ride to disney is slow and boring? Especially if they want disney to be a surprise for the kids? Announcing that NX was in development/production was akin to telling the kids the family is going on vacation and that the destination is a mystery. NX reveal is like driving past the disneyworld banner off the side of the highway. We're still in TN driving down from canada.


Well, I guess from a price stand point, this is better for the consumer, which Nintendo has never really been one to push to the fiscal extremes like PS3/XBO.

I think we all knew in the back of our heads that the PS4K stuff was never going to happen.

It really, really is time for Nintendo to get out there and speak about things, I think. This is turning into the Wild West, people are getting nuts
What it does, how unique it is, and the quality of first party titles will fade into the background - as will third party support - if it's dead in the water due to a high price point.

Only if you care about the system during its lifespan. Every gamer who rediscovers retro platforms for the first time in their life will say you that things like the price, the launch lineup etc. ultimately don't matter.

and they'll say fuck all

"we look forward to unveiling the system at E3"

Hey, they might release a PDF letter with the system's name written in overly stretched serif.

You shouldn't expect any information at the investor meeting, don't know why this is a thing.

Because of these letters:



So Emily's clarification reads like NX "powa" is certainly less than what 10k is suggesting.
You shouldn't expect any information at the investor meeting, don't know why this is a thing.

E3 / special (digital) event or nothing.

Yeah it will be "We'll talk about NX at E3" or maybe "We hope to sell about XXX units of NX this fiscal year" or whatever

"Our development of the NX game console is progressing very well, please look forward to future announcements"

Probably below PS4 now :(
I've expected this all along. About the only thing I could see, due to the patent we saw some time ago, is if Nintendo finally decided to have expandable consoles, and thereby having a XBO or less machine with expandability. That would enable them to hit a low price for average consumers and also keep the "core" happy if they want to spend more money. But alas, I don't really think it'd happen.


Man...people need to chill on the specs for the NX. Tbh, all I'm worrying about is if it'll have games, if it'll be fun and if developers will jump on the platform. As long as the specs are comparable and/or better we'll be good. I can understand why some would be upset but look at the other side, it's gotta have some titles.

I'm fine with it personally. I just wanna know if this thing will be fun.

So many people obsessed with wanting to hear specs. All I want to see is the name, logo, style language... whatever. After the decade of Nintendo DS lite and Wii branding, I am thirsty to see something new in this regard.

Nintendo used to be the only one of the big three who invented new branding for every new device. It was interesting.

Yeah...I mean, to me, the specs talk just started getting VERY specific for a while. There's more to discuss with all of 10k's information here than just "power." Power talk is great and all, but I want to know what Nintendo intends to do with all that power. Personally, I think it'll be at least on par with current Microsoft and Sony consoles. It isn't that hard to hit those specs at this point in time for a reasonable price.

Speaking of which...

I think NX will be the best tech $299 can buy.

This is a more interesting line of thinking I wish techies would focus on! There are three scenarios here: Nintendo makes a profit, breaks even, or takes a hit. Let's make the profit and hit scenarios be ~$50, either made or lost on each console. Exclude too much in the way of things like "AMD is cutting them a discount," "the console has 5 screens which will drive up cost," etc. Assume a normal distribution discount from the manufacturers (there were some neat charts in the one NX thread about how much different components cost) and that there may be possibly one screen, but no more. Also, the technology has to release this year sometime; older is fine, but don't count in 2017 stuff at the moment.

I'd find this type of speculation more interesting!

I did t believe all the previous rumors but..can I understand how a counter rumor is a confirmation?

I'd say that Rogers holds the same level of credibility as 10K in this case. Rogers has track record, but has been wrong / had outdated info before, 10K's sources have at least been given a go by the mods, plus he (she?) always stated them as rumors. Let's call it a tie!

Also, again with the overreaction, "power level is wrong" doesn't really translate into "worse than current gen consoles", this could mean wrong by 1% to x%, not a definitive "worse than xyz". And the term "good specs", if this is from her source, then whats this source's understanding of good specs? For quite some people on this board, good specs translate to PS4K. ^^

Imo, where still at the same spot as before. And about specs, i'm sure it will stay that way, even when Nintendo unveils the thing, as they never share any technical specs with the public.

I love how suddenly Rogers is Gospel. Man the confirmation bias in this thread is revealing aF

I agree. It's ALL rumors at this point. Anyone can claim whatever they want, whether they have a track record or not. Both 10k and Emily operate in the same way making connections with sources and figuring things out.

Honestly, also run a few scenarios through as well:

Not everyone has the same power level of devkit or software emulating the system. Not everyone has physical devkits. Not every part/person of every company knows everything about the console (corporate screening to prevent NDA breakings; for instance, an artist may only know a very little bit relevant to how detailed to make a model, but not the full specs...but then they end up being a source). Lack of much power information period. (Probably the case with most indies; they might have a rough guideline that is a bare minimum but are commenting/sharing information that makes it seem that is the high end). There are far too many scenarios, not even counting "making things up" because it's the internet.

10k, you don't need to leave at all unless you want to. You certainly shouldn't be banned or anything for a counter rumor. (Again, others pointed out the Trev vs. NWR thing.) But, outside of sharing information, you're a contributor to all the speculation and stuff here and it's just great hearing other excited voices about this!


Membero Americo
There should be at least a shipment numbers forecast for the next FY. But it could be very well just that and nothing more.

They can update their forecast later if they don't want to include it for a system they haven't officially revealed yet.


Maturity, bitches.
I was going to buy Nitnendo's next system but since they haven't said anything about it I'm not. If only they had realised how important 18th April is.


I'd say that Rogers holds the same level of credibility as 10K in this case. Rogers has track record, but has been wrong / had outdated info before, 10K's sources have at least been given a go by the mods, plus he (she?) always stated them as rumors. Let's call it a tie!

Also, again with the overreaction, "power level is wrong" doesn't really translate into "worse than current gen consoles", this could mean wrong by 1% to x%, not a definitive "worse than xyz". And the term "good specs", if this is from her source, then whats this source's understanding of good specs? For quite some people on this board, good specs translate to PS4K. ^^

Imo, where still at the same spot as before. And about specs, i'm sure it will stay that way, even when Nintendo unveils the thing, as they never share any technical specs with the public.

If it was 1% then she would have said "he's close". "Good specs" to me mean it's hitting XBO/PS4 level and I'd add "at the most".
So Emily's clarification reads like NX "powa" is certainly less than what 10k is suggesting.
Could be, or it could be that you guys jumped to conclusions with 10Ks "maybe, possibly, with optimization might be" post, just like some people jump to conclusions now with Roger's statements. You know, the "power gap is wrong, has good specs = lower than XOne" posts. ;]

Some of you guys are like Sith, you deal in absolutes!

Also, i sure expect them to cover the basic stuff about the system(s) sometime after their meeting next week, just not any technical stuff about hardware. But that won't be at E³ either, because it's Nintendo, and they never released some hard facts about the hardware.

Best we can hope in this regard is when more devs get the devkits and someone like Digital Foundry get their hands on them.

If it was 1% then she would have said "he's close". "Good specs" to me mean it's hitting XBO/PS4 level and I'd add "at the most".
That's quite the details you draw out of those vague sentences. And again, what i said in my post, the vagueness of Roger's statements make them victim of ones subjective views.
Because of these letters:


Or a press event.

Yeah it will be "We'll talk about NX at E3" or maybe "We hope to sell about XXX units of NX this fiscal year" or whatever

There should be at least a shipment numbers forecast for the next FY. But it could be very well just that and nothing more.

Yeah, if they give any information it's probably just "See you at E3" like you said.

AFAIK, the superior CPU statement by LCGeek has yet to be debunked right?


The Birthday Skeleton
They can update their forecast later if they don't want to include it for a system they haven't officially revealed yet.

Nintendo can omit them from their forecasts. See the last paragraph of the letter above.

They could, but I don't think that would be well received by the investors. Unless they announce the second mobile game before the meeting. Because now, without any details on NX, Wii U and 3ds on the dead end street and with Miitomo not delivering too much of a financial success (I know that it's not its scope, but the investors need income sources) they will be eaten alive.


I'm starting to become a little skeptical at this point. We had basically unofficially confirmed by the end of 2012 that both the PS4 and next Xbox were going to be x86 systems employing AMD's Jaguar cores, and sure enough, that's what we got.

The fact that Nintendo is, as many would hopefully presume, unveiling this system within the next 8 weeks, when we literally know nothing about the system, doesn't seem right.
I mean, what's more likely in this day and age - that all leaks are prevented and Nintendo is able to drop a bomb on this industry, or that something legitimate actually leaks out? And by leak, I mean an actual leak - not a "well I have a source that said _____". Not that those rumors are automatically false or anything, but it's hardly concrete information.

The fact that everything is so quiet on Nintendo's end may speak more about what's actually going on than we realize. Maybe this system won't actually see the light of day until 2017.


Unconfirmed Member
You shouldn't expect any information at the investor meeting, don't know why this is a thing.

E3 / special (digital) event or nothing.
Mr. Kimishima had this to say during Nintendo's Q&A session for the Third Quarter Financial Results Briefing for Fiscal Year Ending March 2016:

As for new businesses, we will present further information when we go into details about our forecasts for the next fiscal year. We do not plan to speak about NX today. We continue development and planning efforts for NX in preparation for launch, so it will require additional investment.
Source: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/library/events/160203qa/03.html
That was s statement, not a question. Some people on the last page are thinking that NX will be more powerful than PS4K. Way to make themselves disappointed...

Why would you even think the NX would be more powerful than the PS4K (not directed at you, but those who even entertained it)? Reality is and ever was is Nintendo isn't releasing an expensive console because that would cost a lot of money.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I'm starting to become a little skeptical at this point. We had basically unofficially confirmed by the end of 2012 that both the PS4 and next Xbox were going to be x86 systems employing AMD's Jaguar cores, and sure enough, that's what we got.

The fact that Nintendo is, as many would hopefully presume, unveiling this system within the next 8 weeks, when we literally know nothing about the system, doesn't seem right.
I mean, what's more likely in this day and age - that all leaks are prevented and Nintendo is able to drop a bomb on this industry, or that something legitimate actually leaks out? And by leak, I mean an actual leak - not a "well I have a source that said _____". Not that those rumors are automatically false or anything, but it's hardly concrete information.

The fact that everything is so quiet on Nintendo's end may speak more about what's actually going on than we realize. Maybe this system won't actually see the light of day until 2017.

Rumors from the very beginning were that Nintendo was furious about the Wii U leaks (presumably from Ubisoft) and that NDAs were MUCH stricter this time around.

The whole "We have to have heard about this by now for it to launch this year!!!" stuff is completely unfounded.

And speaking of "completely unfounded..."

Azak said:
If it was 1% then she would have said "he's close". "Good specs" to me mean it's hitting XBO/PS4 level and I'd add "at the most".
I'm starting to become a little skeptical at this point. We had basically unofficially confirmed by the end of 2012 that both the PS4 and next Xbox were going to be x86 systems employing AMD's Jaguar cores, and sure enough, that's what we got.

The fact that Nintendo is, as many would hopefully presume, unveiling this system within the next 8 weeks, when we literally know nothing about the system, doesn't seem right.
I mean, what's more likely in this day and age - that all leaks are prevented and Nintendo is able to drop a bomb on this industry, or that something legitimate actually leaks out? And by leak, I mean an actual leak - not a "well I have a source that said _____". Not that those rumors are automatically false or anything, but it's hardly concrete information.

The fact that everything is so quiet on Nintendo's end may speak more about what's actually going on than we realize. Maybe this system won't actually see the light of day until 2017.

it's like a cycle

No news "why don't we have any info, this is suspect"
then a rumour, if good, "wow Nintendo is back, return of the king", blah blah blah, if bad, "told you, lol nintendo, doomed", blah blah blah...
then previous rumour debunked, reactions depend on the said rumour
then no news, "why don't we have any info, this is suspect"


Assume that Emily's minimum for "good" is "able to run third-party ports." So, at least on-par with XBox One. Note that she never said anything about IndieGamerChick being wrong, though (but we also don't know what IGC meant by "technically" and if she only meant the CPU).

So, since I love
analyzing things, I've been looking over the quote that 10k posted and came to a few conclusions. First, the quote:

So far I know this: Polaris architecture as a base, mixed with Fiji, low power consumption, raw power numbers are modest increase, performance for optimized games for NX would be easily 2x PS4 performance.

First off, I noticed a couple of red flags here. First, we have this part:

Polaris architecture as a base, mixed with Fiji,

Doesn't this seem backwards? As in, it should say Fiji/Tonga base mixed with Polaris? If Polaris is the "base," then it would already have all of the features of Fiji except HBM compatibility. Maybe it's just poorly worded, but I'm gonna say that it's a red flag anyway.

performance for optimized games for NX would be easily 2x PS4 performance.

This is a kinda big one. Based on what 10k said before, most, if not all, devs only have SDKs. You can't say how an optimized game will perform for a system that you aren't yet able to optimize for, can you? This doesn't seem right, but there is one possibility to consider...

So, something about this really bothers me: Why does 10k seem so confident in this particular source? Even after the tweet, he still felt confident in this source. My theory is that this is/claims to be a developer within Nintendo. This is the only real way I'd think that he could be so confident in this source, and would mean that they have access to a dev kit. The only possible catch is that I'm not sure how well a Nintendo dev could know PS4 on a hardware level. it would also explain how he knows when the final specs will be sent to devs.

As for the "2x PS4," there are a couple of possibilities where both Emily and 10k's source could be right. PS4 is based on GCN 1.0, and that architecture has a pretty significant weak point: tessellation. This has been a huge weak point for AMD over the past few years. Nvidia just destroys them here, and they only started to catch up with GCN 1.2. If Polaris has a much better tessellator than GCN 1.0 and NX has that tessellator, then games heavy in tessellation might perform around twice as well as PS4. that's definitely a long shot, though. There's also memory bandwidth: Nintendo could be going for a solution where 1GB of HBM1 is used as a buffer and the main RAM is only DDR4 (explaining "Polaris base mixed with Fiji"). That's an even longer shot, though.

Most likely, someone trolled 10k big time; however, it's not completely ruled out. With that said, keep your expectations at "at least XBox One" but continue to hope for more if you'd like.

You shouldn't expect any information at the investor meeting, don't know why this is a thing.

E3 / special (digital) event or nothing.

They have to give a forecast for it if it's launching this year. We're very likely to be told for sure when to expect information, and we may even finally find out for sure if it's a console or a handheld.


Rumors from the very beginning were that Nintendo was furious about the Wii U leaks (presumably from Ubisoft) and that NDAs were MUCH stricter this time around.

The whole "We have to have heard about this by now for it to launch this year!!!" stuff is completely unfounded.

It is kinda odd that we haven't heard anything from the big press sites in a while.

Maybe IGN and 8-4 are hedging their bets or being coy, but they both have been talking about 2017 on their podcasts. IGN basically said a couple months ago that "they need to reveal this now if it's 2016" and 8-4 this week said "everyone thinks it has to be 2017 at this point right?".

Hopefully the SDK is as good as rumored and they can do most of the porting work on that.


Could be, or it could be that you guys jumped to conclusions with 10Ks "maybe, possibly, with optimization might be" post, just like some people jump to conclusions now with Roger's statements. You know, the "power gap is wrong, has good specs = lower than XOne" posts. ;]

Some of you guys are like Sith, you deal in absolutes!

Also, i sure expect them to cover the basic stuff about the system(s) sometime after their meeting next week, just not any technical stuff about hardware. But that won't be at E³ either, because it's Nintendo, and they never released some hard facts about the hardware.

Best we can hope in this regard is when more devs get the devkits and someone like Digital Foundry get their hands on them.

That's quite the details you draw out of those vague sentences. And again, what i said in my post, the vagueness of Roger's statements make them victim of ones subjective views.

I don't think it's that inconclusive really. It reads pretty obvious that it's < 10K's. There's other words that could be used if it was close, or if he was understating it.
Oh btw, 10k, you're now featured in an article about your rumors on golem.de, a german tech blog/site.


Boy, writing with an official celebrity in this thread! ;)

But don't worry, they put an emphasize on making sure that we're talking about rumors. It's something.

I don't think it's that inconclusive really. It reads pretty obvious that it's < 10K's. There's other words that could be used if it was close, or if he was understating it.
1% is lower than what 10k speculates. But i did write, 1% to x%, because it's vague without any measuring added. ;]


I'm #TeamCarts and #TeamHologram.

Great teams to be on! Go big or go home!

I fully expect some form of a gimmick to make it into this.

I still feel the free-forming display is a possibility.

You know...what every happened to the donut-shaped controller rumors? Did people give up on that line of thinking?

I mean, I guess if it's jelly-filled or has a hole in the middle makes a difference. But, I've toyed in my mind imagining them doing a motion controller(s) again but with free-form displays on them. The screen would be donut-like with an analog stick/button in the middle of it that you waved around! ...I actually may do a mockup for kicks!

But, if they go with a screen, I really think it'll be able to attach to the regular console controller, may be optional, and have some game-focused functions. Again, I fully believe the Wii U Remasters mentioned in the OP and they've got to be doing that because a normal screen isn't (always?) available.


I believe we need a new Kimishima Countdown GIF!


14nm dreams dashed? 28nm ahoy! Next meltdown comes when the case is revealed to be smaller than PS4.

That is something devs would often not even know... unless they start deconstructing the devkit which i'm sure is very much against any sort of NDA.

Regardless of the Wii U standing I think a brand new console would get the biggest headlines at E3.

There's VR, and possibly PS4K, XboxOneAndAHalf and possibly FF7r, RDR2 etc news.. E3 is all about hype, and while a new console always makes sure to get some headlines, I think doing a reveal somewhere before E3 gives the best exposure.


14nm dreams dashed? 28nm ahoy! Next meltdown comes when the case is revealed to be smaller than PS4.

That would be ultra-rip. I doubt that it's going to be truly underpowered though.

That is something devs would often not even know... unless they start deconstructing the devkit which i'm sure is very much against any sort of NDA.

"Revealed" at the reveal?

On another note, you guys have a really loose definition of meltdown.


Junior Member
Regardless of the Wii U standing I think a brand new console would get the biggest headlines at E3.
At the same event as the PS4K, VR, & the XB1.5, I wouldn't be too sure. There's too much at risk to consider waiting until E3 a good call.
That is something devs would often not even know... unless they start deconstructing the devkit which i'm sure is very much against any sort of NDA.

If we're trusting Emily's sources, that's what she's saying it seems. Wrong GPU (i.e. no Polaris) and the power we discussed (up to 2x PS4) is off the mark.

Kinda of a bummer (although I hadn't written off 28nm by any means), but at least that lame Gamepad gimmick is fabricated.


At the same event as the PS4K, VR, & the XB1.5, I wouldn't be too sure. There's too much at risk to consider waiting until E3 a good call.

Going against two consoles that are the same as people already have, but slightly more powerful and not as well supported (because devs still have to target vanilla PS4/X1 hardware), and a niche thing with no appeal outside of the most hardcore?

I don't see a problem.


Junior Member
Going against two consoles that are the same as people already have, but slightly more powerful and not as well supported (because devs still have to target vanilla PS4/X1 hardware), and a niche thing with no appeal outside of the most hardcore?

I don't see a problem.
From companies that people give more of a shit about, not to mention their 4K output for movies & Blu-Ray (the latter bring something that the NX Console will likely lack). And then there's VR, the new hotness.
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