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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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It doesn't really make any sense for Nintendo to chase the "best specs" market, since those people will never buy a Nintendo console anyway. It would make more sense to focus on building the most efficient and affordable console possible while still making porting from current gen consoles easy. Nintendo should chase the "cheap console" market which has been underserved for a while now.
True, but that could play in Nintendo's hand. The mass media will see the PS4K and a possible XOne 1.5 as new consoles, that are able to play the games of the "old ones".

Thus, instead in Nintendo being 3 years late to the party, they're at the new party from day one. If they can spin it this way, a possible disadvantage of the system would be gone.


Is 10k still in this thread? Did he see that he is now a celebrity on german tech sites? Should i PM him the link? :D


Going against two consoles that are the same as people already have, but slightly more powerful and not as well supported (because devs still have to target vanilla PS4/X1 hardware), and a niche thing with no appeal outside of the most hardcore?

I don't see a problem.

Going against two consoles who are already more established in console sales and mindshare than Nintendo's current Wii U in less time. Not having any investment in VR as far as we know (which could not matter in the end, but still it's the new hot thing coming out for gaming) and even with the 1.5 version of consoles it's also still left to be seen how average consumers will react with their dollar to the PS4K and the revised XB1.

Even with all of this, I'd want to get a head start on revealing the next hardware to the public to get the idea of what it is and gear up for launch title blowout at E3. If they DON'T reveal the NX until E3 it's gonna take an awful lot for Nintendo to "win" E3 and many gamers wallet for the holiday season.


The Birthday Skeleton
True, but that could play in Nintendo's hand. The mass media will see the PS4K and a possible XOne 1.5 as new consoles, that are able to play the games of the "old ones".

Thus, instead in Nintendo being 3 years late to the party, they're at the new party from day one. If they can spin it this way, a possible disadvantage of the system would be gone.


Is 10k still in this thread? Did he see that he is now a celebrity on german tech sites? Should i PM him the link? :D

Knowing our current wonderful gaming media, what title would you think will prevail: "Console gaming in 4k*" or "Mario in real HD"?


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
No matter what level of power we ultimately end up getting even the worse case scenario will be enough to fix my main graphical gripes with current Wii U titles.

That being said E3 needs to hurry the fuck up and get here. We need deets.


The Birthday Skeleton
Anyone know what sort of E3 appearance Nintendo will have this year? That could help and support the argument they do indeed intend on revealing the new NX there.


Real 3d Mario in real HD.

No. REAL mario. In HD.


Anyone know what sort of E3 appearance Nintendo will have this year? That could help and support the argument they do indeed intend on revealing the new NX there.

We know they have a ton of floor space. No idea on if they have a stage or not, but they've had it every year, even if their presentation wasn't on it. Smash tournament, then nintendo world championships. (wait, what did they use it for in 2013? Maybe not every year, I guess)
NX supporting 4k? What for?

2012 Mario was just "HD ready". :D
Well, pretty sure not for UHD Bluray playback, but Netflix / Amazon streaming? Doubt that they won't have/allow apps for them, and if the GPU is able to handle it, why not? It's not that PS4K will render Witcher 3 in 4K, either. :]

And Smash Bros. was 1080p, Mario is in it, so that's your Full HD Mario!


The Birthday Skeleton
Well, pretty sure not for UHD Bluray playback, but Netflix / Amazon streaming? Doubt that they won't have/allow apps for them, and if the GPU is able to handle it, why not? It's not that PS4K will render Witcher 3 in 4K, either. :]

Until Amazon and Netflix will get their apps properly running on NX, the NXX will be launched.

And Smash Bros. was 1080p, Mario is in it, so that's your Full HD Mario!

SSB was not launched in 2012.


It's cute that people think Nintendo won't mention NX before or during the investor meeting. These are investors. Iwata thought they was so important so he mentioned NX a whole year too early. C'mon.

Not saying it's happening but it's much much more likely than not.

Also, if you are taking Emily's words to mean that NX is weaker than PS4/XB1 than you are just worse than those who thought NX would be as good or stronger than PS4K.

Anyone know what sort of E3 appearance Nintendo will have this year? That could help and support the argument they do indeed intend on revealing the new NX there.

Rosti said on twitter that Nintendo will have 3 large rooms. He also speculated they'll have a theater or something. I'm guessing it's that room where Nintendo usually has a roundtable. Last year they chose not to have one simply because they had nothing to really talk about lol.
Until Amazon and Netflix will get their apps properly running on NX, the NXX will be launched.

SSB was not launched in 2012.
Not having any problems with those apps on Wii U. Don't use them very often, but for those rare occasions, they worked, what are the problems?

SSB not, no, but it was on Wii U, which launched in 2012, offered up to Full HD gameplay if supported by the game, let's not move goalposts in this fun-discussion.


And risk getting overshadowed by the competition? Revealing the device(s) ahead of E3 would probably be best for Nintendo.

Meh. I wouldn't worry about being overshadowed to be honest. However, it would be best for them to get some of the stuff out of the way before E3. Have E3 be about the games.

Although, I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to wait until E3.


It doesn't really make any sense for Nintendo to chase the "best specs" market, since those people will never buy a Nintendo console anyway. It would make more sense to focus on building the most efficient and affordable console possible while still making porting from current gen consoles easy. Nintendo should chase the "cheap console" market which has been underserved for a while now.
I dont think this cheap console market exists or is nearly as big as you think it is. What does releasing a sub $200 if thats even possible machine do for them? Because that's the only way they would make a splash.

I'd love to see some evidence that a "cheap console" market exists? Because the data tells me that the majority of the market is a-okay with $300 machines.

The micro-console or android console market isn't really tracked the same way atm, but if you want to talk that Nintendo should have been making a bestly $150 box to compete with apple tv, fire tv etc then maybe I could see that. That is a totally different direction though. And that is where thr mythical cheap console market is probably hiding, but thats not a dedicated gaming machine either.


Come on... that way I would only have one console below my TV.

Didn't say it wouldn't be nice to have it. I'm just saying don't count on it. I think a lot of people would prefer to only ever have one console that can play all the games/media that appeals to them, but that isn't always possible, ESPECIALLY when you're a nintendo fan. Nintendo consoles have never played disc media, unfortunately.
But let's me honest, even PS4-hardware is enough so that games don't look bad, it's not 2006 anymore where the difference between the Wii and PS3 is raelly significant.

Even Nintendos Wii U games don't look bad (some of them look great), people are more mad about the "opportunity cost" because it "could look better for this timeframe / money".


I'll say ig again, but Nintendo's silence is deafening.
That's because the console hasn't been announced yet. Companies don't say "fuck the reveal we had planned, here's a bunch of info" simply because there's a moderately active thread on GAF.

So what's the very latest rumor / news?
Latest rumors are that its either stronger than a high end PC, weaker than N64, or somewhere in between.

Latest news is the console hasn't been announced yet.
I really don't think Nintendo is scared of being overshadowed by the competition at E3. To me, it's a bit of a stretch to assume that Nintendo would reveal the console before E3 because they're scared.
Hey, considering it won't have GDDR5
and an optical drive
that's fairly normal!
You shut your filthy mouth with that talk! :p
Well with Wii U being 176GFlops, if it hit 500 that'd be a massive leap for Nintendo and they could sell it for $150. 0_0
And that would make it officially the most underpowered console for its time. Even beyond Wii and Wii U. Bring it on!


That's because the console hasn't been announced yet. Companies don't say "fuck the reveal we had planned, here's a bunch of info" simply because there's a moderately active thread on GAF.

Wait. Are you saying the industry doesn't revolve around us? :'(
I don't know why people are all of a sudden thinking there might be no "gimmick"

We have quotes from both Iwata and Kimishima stating that there will be "a brand new concept" and Iwata stated that they are reluctant to reveal early so that "competitors won't steal our ideas."

These aren't the kind of things CEOs just BS about, there is bound to be something unique about this system. Plus, Takeda (I think) was alluding that Nintendo always tries to think about new inputs or interfaces for their hardware, so I'm 100% sure there will be a new "gimmick" with this console. Hopefully a cheap-ish one.

If we look back to Nintendo's recent past control "gimmicks," the only one that I see which wasn't foreshadowed was the Wii remote. They played around with 2 screen gaming way back with the Gamecube and GBA, which eventually evolved into the DS line as well as the Wii U, so I think we can look to the recent past to see what kind of "gimmick" (or innovation, depending on how it pans out) they'll come up with this time.

I personally think it's eye tracking input onto a TV. The new 3DS has toyed around with eye tracking and they've filed a few patent applications like that, but we haven't explicitly seen any inkling or demonstration of direct input based on eye movement, which I think is very technically feasible and quite cheap, hardware wise.

But who the hell knows, they could pull out another Wii remote where the "gimmick" comes right out of left field!

PS: I personally still believe there will be a screen controller included in each SKU, though I think at this point a nice streamlined touch screen gamepad should be pretty cheap, and not the main "focus" of the "gimmick."


You shut your filthy mouth with that talk! :p

And that would make it officially the most underpowered console for its time. Even beyond Wii and Wii U. Bring it on!

Wait what

It would be releasing mid-gen. The wiiU which is also out this gen would be 1/5th the power of this theoretical console.

How could it be more under powered than a system 1/5th the power?


I really don't think Nintendo is scared of being overshadowed by the competition at E3. To me, it's a bit of a stretch to assume that Nintendo would reveal the console before E3 because they're scared.

In a broader sense, yeah, NX will be the talk of the town this E3. At best, people upset with ps4k may complain loudly (if ps4k ends up something to be upset about) and it might be heard, but a brand new console always gets journalists/fans writing/talking (for better or worse).

Even at ps4k's BEST case scenario (free ps4k for all ps4 owners, ps4 discontinued, ps4k comes out at same price, is twice as powerful), a hardware upgrade < a new console, news-wise.


That's because the console hasn't been announced yet. Companies don't say "fuck the reveal we had planned, here's a bunch of info" simply because there's a moderately active thread on GAF.

Latest rumors are that its either stronger than a high end PC, weaker than N64, or somewhere in between.

Latest news is the console hasn't been announced yet.
But they could at least throw people a bone. For example, as much as I hate it announce when they are going to announce it.
Wait what

It would be releasing mid-gen. The wiiU which is also out this gen would be 1/5th the power of this theoretical console.

How could it be more underexposed than a system 1/5th the power?

Yeah, you caught me. I was thinking 2x Wii U, which for GPU floating point would be about 1/10 the performance of the rumored PS4k specs. That's the same as Wii U or thereabouts. I take it back. Wii would still probably be the lowest powered console relative to its competition all other things considered (RAM, CPU, etc).


what's the current sitch with these rumors

I really don't think Nintendo is scared of being overshadowed by the competition at E3. To me, it's a bit of a stretch to assume that Nintendo would reveal the console before E3 because they're scared.

Nintendo's not scared of any fucker. They released the Wii in the era of HD and then they release the Wii U in the era of tablets and phones.


Well with Wii U being 176GFlops, if it hit 500 that'd be a massive leap for Nintendo and they could sell it for $150. 0_0

I wouldn't call that massive by any stretch of the imagination. It's barely enough to have 720p Wii U graphics in 1080p with similar frame rate performance. At that point, they might as well just rebrand Wii U without the controller and with an overclock. The only "good" reason to go this route would be if the console does nothing more than run handheld games in HD.

Either way, don't set you expectations that low or you'll be disappointed by the price. :p It's safe to say that on-par with XBone for $299 is the baseline. Cheaper or faster is gravy.

IMO, they need to be easy to develop for and either slightly faster than XBone or slightly faster than PS4. Why those two places specifically? It would mean that third-party devs could just port over like-for-like PS4 or XBone settings with minimal time spent optimizing. If it's slightly weaker than XBone, for example, a lot of games will skip it even if they can run it because devs won't want to optimize for a 5th or 6th platform. So, it ha to be as simple as possible.
Is there anyone who can actually speculate on the savings if a disc drive was not included in the console? I think that's something important which is being understated.


Is there anyone who can actually speculate on the savings if a disc drive was not included in the console? I think that's something important which is being understated.

Probably a good $20-30.

Edit: Actually more like $15-20 after considering the cost of the card slot.
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