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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Could we finally get our SNES2?

In terms of quality of games, hell no, that's never going to happen again. AAA games are too big and have too much money involved to allow for the industry to pump out that many quality titles in such a short time span again. Safe and uninspired AAA games are here to stay.


The point is that they'd want ANOTHER series that's Mario Kartish levels of big. And after they develop the first entry in that series then the team can make Splatoon 2.
I'd think Splatoon 2 would be out 2-4 years after the original to keep the series in people's minds and growing. Maybe they could put another team to do Splatoon 2 and put some of the creative leads to something else like you suggest, but they've got to be making Splatoon 2, no?

I'd be really surprised if they weren't. This, sadly in a way, isn't the NES or SNES days where quick enough turn around provided space for creative mobility like you are suggesting.
In terms of quality of games, hell no, that's never going to happen again. AAA games are too big and have too much money involved to allow for the industry to pump out that many quality titles in such a short time span again. Safe and uninspired AAA games are here to stay.

Nintendo can totally make a ton of middle sized quality games if the shared library is true. It doesnt have to be AAA games for it to be SNES tier.
The point is that they'd want ANOTHER series that's Mario Kartish levels of big. And after they develop the first entry in that series then the team can make Splatoon 2.
Oh, I'm sure there will be developers on new projects, I just think the core of the Splatoon team will be working on the follow-up already. If by some chance they are doing something else like you put out there, I'd be just as excited; super bright minds.


Unconfirmed Member
Didn't say they were bad systems (I play both of them a lot), but they are fuck ups compared to their predecessors. They went from Wii to a system that will sell less than Gamecube.

To be fair, there wasn't much of anything they could have done to get lightning to strike twice. The Wii was the right product at the right time, but that audience was gone by the time the Wii U hit. And that's not even factoring in all Nintendo's missteps.


Damn the more NX threads there are, the more hype I get. Zelda and Smash for launch sounds real fucking good. Can't wait till E3 to see what Nintendo has up their sleeves, all the need is some solid third party support and a strong online infrastructure and they'll be set.


Didn't say they were bad systems (I play both of them a lot), but they are fuck ups compared to their predecessors. They went from Wii to a system that will sell less than Gamecube.

Yea both 3DS and Wii U launched overpriced and both remain somewhat overpriced :S In terms of the actual systems not really fuckups tho. Also in terms of sales Vita is the real fuckup (also in terms of games and it just not really needing to exist seeing as it doesn't really offer anything unique)

EDIT: XB1 offers EA Access which isnt on any other console if people are wondering what is unique about XB1
EDIT2: Wii U GamePad is part of Wii U System imo
EDIT3: If the Vita is outselling Wii U life to date it may be because Vita launched before Wii U but maybe Wii U is just the real sale failure


Nintendo can totally make a ton of middle sized quality games if the shared library is true. It doesnt have to be AAA games for it to be SNES tier.

I definitely have more faith in Nintendo/Japanese developers to make quality games than the Western AAA industry, that's for damn sure. Although I'm pretty sick of Nintendo trying to homogenize their franchises e.g. removing the non-linear and in-depth aspects of 3D Mario to make it a linear and more simple platformer. I'll still take it over most AAA rehashes though.

And there's no way the NX and the 3DS successor share a library. The NX will probably get a few up-ports from the handheld, but nothing close to a fully shared library.


2-fold or more? What are we talking? $600? Or did Sony and Microsoft suddenly get a raging clue for losing money again?

Think the accepted rumor is 2x increase on GPU in PS4k, they're still deciding between $399 or $499. MS meanwhile said they're "not a fan of .5", also suggesting substantial advancements. The OG PS4 and Xbone are after all at least 3 years old by the time these would release, certainly that's a lot of room for improvement in another $399 or $499 box.


A machine coming out 3 years (if it comes out this year) should be more powerful than the PS4. If it equal or less powerful, it will be a failure. Not that power is always the most important things, but I don't see how the NX won't be more powerful.

I hope the games they are porting really take advantage of that power...I would hate a slightly better Zelda over the Wii U version.


Think the accepted rumor is 2x increase on GPU in PS4k, they're still deciding between $399 or $499. MS meanwhile said they're "not a fan of .5", also suggesting substantial advancements. The OG PS4 and Xbone are after all at least 3 years old by the time these would release, certainly that's a lot of room for improvement in another $399 or $499 box.

I get why iterative releases are preferable to wholesale user migrations. I just don't understand the timing unless they are doubling down on VR and think the horsepower will make or break future PSVR titles.

Otherwise, existing users feel like they got left holding the bag.
That's very surprising and that explains the red.
Even if for NX is more powerful than PS4, PS4 still has the larger install base and will be tough to compete with.

Regarding the PS4K and Xbox one 2

Once their install base is larger than the PS4 and Xbox One they'll be taken more seriously by developers.

The PS4K is already having a negative ring by customers who bought and are happy with their ps4.


I definitely have more faith in Nintendo/Japanese developers to make quality games than the Western AAA industry, that's for damn sure. Although I'm pretty sick of Nintendo trying to homogenize their franchises e.g. removing the non-linear and in-depth aspects of 3D Mario to make it a linear and more simple platformer. I'll still take it over most AAA rehashes though.

And there's no way the NX and the 3DS successor share a library. The NX will probably get a few up-ports from the handheld, but nothing close to a fully shared library.

I think it's possible that quite a few of their mid-tier titles and staples do.

3DS got Mario Golf and Mario Tennis, while Wii U got Mario Tennis. Why do you need 2 Mario Tennis games in a generation? People are going to buy one, play it, enjoy it, and move on. They're filler. They're not supposed to be the reason you buy something. They're just there to fill in gaps.


If NX means Wii U fire sale, I'm down. My back log is huge. I can wait to pick up an NX with all the Wii U games I've accumulated. (I sold my Wii U, it was a Zelda Edition and got $500 for it.)


I think it's possible that quite a few of their mid-tier titles and staples do.

3DS got Mario Golf and Mario Tennis, while Wii U got Mario Tennis. Why do you need 2 Mario Tennis games in a generation? People are going to buy one, play it, enjoy it, and move on. They're filler. They're not supposed to be the reason you buy something. They're just there to fill in gaps.

Two separate games will sell more, flat out. You could apply the same logic to Mario Kart and that's never going to happen. The handheld Mario Golf and Mario Tennis games used to differentiate themselves from the console games significantly by having fully featured RPG modes. Mario Golf hasn't had a console game since the Gamecube and Mario Ultra Tennis was undoubtedly rushed beyond belief, with proper development time they could have differentiated Ultra Tennis from the 3DS game more. Not to mention the fact that Mario Tennis 3DS and Ultra Smash came out years apart and each tried to filled separate holes in their respective system's lineups, Nintendo wouldn't have that leverage if they blow their load at once like you're suggesting.


This is going to be an amazing E3
Nobody discussing about its price which is the primary factor for its success, but not powerful system (mostly it wont make a big difference in buyers purchases due to PS4k, so people who want more power can get that and who want less price can get OG PS4 and also we are not sure all 3rd party games are coming to NX) than PS4. PS4 will reach $299 this holiday by the time NX releases, so for NX to be powerful then it has to be around $349 - $399 if Nintendo want make profit from hardware mostly. NX powerful is only good for their fans and their IPs but for regular 3rd party gamer (who need cheaper price) and hardcore(who need powerful system) gamer its not useful.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Yea both 3DS and Wii U launched overpriced and both remain somewhat overpriced :S In terms of the actual systems not really fuckups tho. Also in terms of sales Vita is the real fuckup (also in terms of games and it just not really needing to exist seeing as it doesn't really offer anything unique)

EDIT: XB1 offers EA Access which isnt on any other console if people are wondering what is unique about XB1
EDIT2: Wii U GamePad is part of Wii U System imo
EDIT3: If the Vita is outselling Wii U life to date it may be because Vita launched before Wii U but maybe Wii U is just the real sale failure

Sony doesn't release Vita sales info anymore as far as I know, but the Wii U is probably slightly ahead of Vita now. This is despite launching later and at a higher price. Not a hard accomplishment, admittedly, but it's better than nothing.


So as the rumors intensify and become more recurring, it seems safer to assume that the NX will come more raw power than a PS4. With the latest rumors, having up to a 30% power bump (CPU, but likely across the whole board) over the PS4, that would still be a smaller power increase that PS4 has over the XB1.

So it would look like this:

NX >>> PS4 >>>>XB1

If we do the math, 30% on top of 1.8Tflops is about 2.3Tflops.
The percentage difference between XB1 (1.3Tflops) to PS4 (1.8Tflops) is about 40%.

If we hypothesize where PS4K might fit in on the scale above (Assuming target specs are 2x power PS4), it would be a bit larger than the gap between NX to XB1.

So the performance difference in NX to PS4 games should be about nearly as much as the difference between XB1 to PS4. So I imagine the graphic fidelity we are currently seeing but targeting and realistically achieving 1080p/60fps to be more common, particularly with cross platform titles.

It is exciting though to imagine what Nintendo and 2nd party partners might achieve with these specs!
A machine coming out 3 years (if it comes out this year) should be more powerful than the PS4. If it equal or less powerful, it will be a failure. Not that power is always the most important things, but I don't see how the NX won't be more powerful.

I hope the games they are porting really take advantage of that power...I would hate a slightly better Zelda over the Wii U version.

Yeah, and then the wii u happened, and it was 6 years.. lol

I'm afraid if there is an expensive gimmick involved, we're screwed, unless Nintendo can afford to lose 50-$100 at least per console sold in its first year.


Nobody discussing about its price which is the primary factor for its success, but not powerful system (mostly it wont make a big difference in buyers purchases due to PS4k, so people who want more power can get that and who want less price can get OG PS4 and also we are not sure all 3rd party games are coming to NX) than PS4. PS4 will reach $299 this holiday by the time NX releases, so for NX to be powerful then it has to be around $349 - $399 if Nintendo want make profit from hardware mostly. NX powerful is only good for their fans and their IPs but for regular 3rd party gamer (who need cheaper price) and hardcore(who need powerful system) gamer its not useful.

Price is not the primary factor. Value is. The Wii could have been $100 more and sold just as well. Gamecube got to $99 fast and it didn't help sell it.

The NX will sell out at launch regardless. If they can get a price cut within the first year, they will be fine.


As in "Heathcliff"
Interesting. My sources were very adamant on Zelda and smash. They weren't 100% on Mario maker and Splatoon. But Zelda was almost certainly delayed for NX and smash is too big of an investment and amiibo seller to die on the Wii U. And Sakurai is in no condition for a smash 5, which wouldn't be ready any time soon anyway.

To be fair, Sakurai already said that he have a new project ready.


Two separate games will sell more, flat out. You could apply the same logic to Mario Kart and that's never going to happen. The handheld Mario Golf and Mario Tennis games used to differentiate themselves from the console games significantly by having fully featured RPG modes. Mario Golf hasn't had a console game since the Gamecube and Mario Ultra Tennis was undoubtedly rushed beyond belief, with proper development time they could have differentiated Ultra Tennis from the 3DS game more. Not to mention the fact that Mario Tennis 3DS and Ultra Smash came out years apart and each tried to filled separate holes in their respective system's lineups, Nintendo wouldn't have that leverage if they blow their load at once like you're suggesting.

Well, you can argue that by creating only 1 Mario Tennis or Golf or whatever they'd free up development resources for a completely different game that'd have the potential to sell more than two separate games from the same series released relatively close to each other
Anyone expecting new content is setting themselves up for disappointment. Sakurai isn't involved with Smash 4 anymore so there's no reason to expect new characters/3DS version content being ported over. It'll most likely just be a straight port of the Wii U version with the DLC included.

He just said he was taking a vacation. Didn't say he wouldn't come back. There's not much reason for people to buy this game again if there's no new content. I sure as hell am not gonna spend money on a port that just came out with just prettier graphics.
My money is on IC, Wolf, and Snake coming back, along with at least one newcomer. Out of those veterans, I can see IC and Wolf at least.


I can see the "smart glass" solution very clearly now. I doubt sincerely that the standard NX package will come with a screen'd controller. They want to keep the price down in spite of power boost. With a smart phone / tab solution everyone can still have access to making Mario Maker levels etc, and they've clearly indicated that the communication with smart devices will ramp up.

I think the handheld might work as a controller as well, an optional use of it.


I can't believe people are complaining about possible launch day ports.

Ports are better than JUST 1 or 2 new games.

And in no way is this indicitve of the NX being a "port machine" lol what kind of logic is that

The NX will develop it's library in time. We're talking about launch right now.

Several ports plus 1 or 2 launch exclusives would help out anyways. We don't need a repeat of the anemic release schedule of the Wii U have barely 3 major releases per year.

Padding out the library with some cross gen stuff will help the NX fill in those gaps where lapses of new releases don't happen.

It would also reasonable expect Nintendo have been working on software for some time. It would be pointless to release a new console without some sort of software in the works for it, and I mean something more substantial than something like Nintendo Land which felt more like a tech demo for the Gamepad more than anything else.


He just said he was taking a vacation. Didn't say he wouldn't come back. There's not much reason for people to buy this game again if there's no new content. I sure as hell am not gonna spend money on a port that just came out with just prettier graphics.
My money is on IC, Wolf, and Snake coming back, along with at least one newcomer. Out of those veterans, I can see IC and Wolf at least.
You're not the target audience, the millions of people who didn't buy the Wii U are the target audience.

Also, expecting Snake to come back is dumb. That ship has long past sailed because Konami is a piece of shit company.


Junior Member
You're not the target audience, the millions of people who didn't buy the Wii U are the target audience.

Also, expecting Snake to come back is dumb. That ship has long past sailed because Konami is a piece of shit company.
What he said. The game, DLC included, has a massive roster that a lot of people missed out on. As for Snake, I'm pretty sure he would have returned by now if Sakurai could have helped it. Konami went to shit, plain & simple.


As in "Heathcliff"
Anyone expecting new content is setting themselves up for disappointment. Sakurai isn't involved with Smash 4 anymore so there's no reason to expect new characters/3DS version content being ported over. It'll most likely just be a straight port of the Wii U version with the DLC included.

Source on that?

Sakurai needs to stay away from smash. It's not good for his health.

You know he wouldn't. He really love Smash franchise so much that he's not willing to let it go anytime soon for now.

Calling it now. People setting themselves up for massive disappointment.

Of course, people who don't temper their expectations are going to be disappointed either way.

Sakurai is making a Fzero/Captain Falcon game

I'm up for whatever he's going to make.
To be honest I really want to know more about the handheld version. The console being more powerful than the PS4 would be nice, but I'm still not expecting anything regarding 3rd party support


Let's make a deal Nintendo:

NX is capable of accessing the digital games listed on MyNintendo, you give faithful owners like me who bought digital since day one the opportunity to purchase NX versions of Splatoon, SMM, Smash and Zelda for a small upgrade fee ($15-$20) for a 1080p/60fps version on the NX and I'm in Day One, fuck, do this for the whole Wii U library and I'll be stupid enough to go through and re buy.

I'll buy Zelda Wii U if it releases in September/October and re buy if the NX comes holiday season under a condition like this.

I want this statement to show power of the My Nintendo account and not for it to just be a clearinghouse of Miitomo avatars and coupons.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
You're not the target audience, the millions of people who didn't buy the Wii U are the target audience.

While this is true, if that's the case for all of the NX's 2016 first-party titles then Nintendo is a bit screwed. The ~13 million who have bought Wii U so far are some of Nintendo's most loyal consumers, we need new content too, not just 0-2 year old Wii U ports which will probably be full price again.

I long for a new 3D Mario like 64/Sunshine, or a Galaxy 3.


Source on that?

Every interview Sakurai has done since the DLC's been finished he's said he's taking a vacation and moving onto his next project. His next project could be more Smash 4 shit sure, but I doubt it considering the impression he's given off.


I'll say one thing about the power issue - it matters less each time.

The Wii was inferior to the PS3 and 360 and you noticed every time you turned on the machine. It was SD and the others were HD, and as a Nintendo fan it hurt. You wanted to be playing Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3 in HD, and after extended play sessions on those two it was always weird going back.

The Wii U was so stuck so far in the past that it wasn't much better from consoles released 7 years before it. It was almost ludicrously late / underpowered for the year it released. But because it was HD, and because Nintendo's franchises tend not to be realistic, that gap didn't feel like it mattered nearly as much, if at all. Where it did count, obviously, was with third parties. That hurt them.

Now that we're into ever-diminishing graphical returns, I really feel like anything even approaching the PS4 would be acceptable, and anything beyond it will be... well, frankly not that noticeable, and perhaps negligible. At this stage all that matters is how easy it is for third parties to port their games, which is just as much about SDKs, documentation, co-operation etc as it is beating the opponent's specs.


I am concerned that I will have to wait for that sweet handheld fix.

Nintendo would need to try really hard to release a system less capable than another system released 3 years ago.

That's it though, they've basically stayed a generation behind, and it's worked v ery well for the Wii, the DS and the 3DS. Not so much for the Wii U. But power isn't really the crucial part of their future success. More interesting is the business model: Will there be a shared library, with the guarantee of software flow that follows, will they manage to integrate the ecosystem on smart devices, make it easy to buy their software, keep accounts across devices. If they can make this that one place to get Nintendo games and a Japanese console experience, make it accessible and easy, future proof it in some way, then they don't need power parity with the 'competition' and they don't need all their western third party properties.

For me personally power is fairly important. I want good looking games. The Wii felt like a wet fart in that department from the start, the Wii U has been much better, especially 1st party games, but I'm glad we're getting a bit more juice for those biggger epics.


Hope they'll have more than just those ports. The Wii U failed despite those games. With Nintendo fans already having them, whom are they targeting with NX?
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