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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Well, what's the difference between an insider and someone who gets in touch with sources anyways.

Well the info's not primary if you're simply getting in touch with the sources instead of being the actual source, for one thing.

But the point toward them was more it's ridiculous to blow things off completely when an effort was actually made to try investigating something and a reliable person like Emily Rogers can vouch for it and was directly involved.
In terms of quality of games, hell no, that's never going to happen again. AAA games are too big and have too much money involved to allow for the industry to pump out that many quality titles in such a short time span again. Safe and uninspired AAA games are here to stay.
Thank god for indies, which Nintendo seems to have alright ties with.
Seems like most rumors I keep hearing about NX are all pointing to a console is about as powerful as a PS4. Here are a few comments about these rumors:

1. The port talk is really making me uneasy about the launch lineup of the Wii U. If we expect at least 4 ports at launch, I fear that Nintendo might see it as enough to launch the console and not launch anything new and interesting. I get it if you never bought a Wii U this might be interesting, but for me I have zero interest in rebuying these games again and want to see something new, and since I expect any third parties that are left on the Nintendo bandwagon to just release more ports, it's up to Nintendo to show something new that isn't just another game that didn't get people interested in buying the Wii U in the first place.

2. Am I one of the only people who would actually like to see backwards compatibility? I really do hope that it is included since I still think it would be awesome to have a Nintendo console that plays all Nintendo games, whether through b/c or Virtual Console. Seeing how well Dolphin and even Cemu emulators work on current hardware, they might be able to get away with software emulation, but what I can see happening is, using the SCD technology, they can add an attachment that will allow you to play Wii/Wii U games without giving the extra cost to the user.

3. I really doubt the PS4K or Xbox 1.5 is going to have much of an impact on if NX will get ports or not. I don't expect many developers to abandon 60 million+ consoles this early into the generation in order to make exclusives for an unproven concept. Besides, if rumors of a unified architecture for the NX are true, then Nintendo could easily follow a similar approach to Sony and Microsoft if the incremental upgrade takes off for consoles. But for now, the only barrier for Nintendo to get over with third parties is to get their games to sell on their hardware.


Well, what's the difference between an insider and someone who gets in touch with sources anyways.

No idea. Some are very vague, some use code, some go into detail.

Then you also have Trev and just telling everything without withholding information and it burned him like Icarus flying too close to the sun.


Well the info's not primary if you're simply getting in touch with the sources instead of being the actual source, for one thing. But the point is more it's ridiculous to blow things off when an effort was actually made to try investigating something.

Yeah but Emily's not the actual source either right, and neither were "insiders" like Trev. They all get in touch with people who know things.

edit: I'll just go ahead and put a check mark next to 10k on my ballot submission for insider hall of fame. He's #2 behind IndieGamerChick :p


Well, what's the difference between an insider and someone who gets in touch with sources anyways.

Someone who gets in touch with sources is more likely to get something wrong since he's just forwarding the info the insider gave him.

Outside of that, no difference.


I asked this in another thread.

When has he been right on any rumor? The guy just wants Youtube views.

I think he may have made mention of Twilight Princess Picross before the leaks happened, but I don't recall him ever being correct about anything substantial.


I don't understand how porting player data can be so complicated. Nintendo wrote the code to store the data initially, did they lose all the source code for the WiiU version or something?
Would be surprised if it's much more powerful than ps4 as that could put it in the 300 to 400 range

They need to be in the 250 to 300 range.

Sony and microsoft should be trying to hit 200 as well.

Maybe costs are good for Nintendo to hit 300 but that would put it just above ps4 imo

Shouldn't be a big difference in games if much.

Ps4k would be more powerful?
If this is true there's no reason why all these PS4 JRPGs shouldn't come to the NX too, right?

All depends on Nintendos business relationship with bandai/SE/sega and the marketing deals they can secure.

They can't simply write checks to get ports otherwise every company making an NX game will get pissed for not getting $$$ to bring their games to it.
I don't understand how porting player data can be so complicated. Nintendo wrote the code to store the data initially, did they lose all the source code for the WiiU version or something?
It's all tied to people's profiles which are in turn tied to specific hardware.
I seriously hope Nintendo reveals something at the E3, because the stream of rumors is friggin' killing me to the point it would be a good idea to stay away from the internet until June.


Unconfirmed Member
Seems like most rumors I keep hearing about NX are all pointing to a console is about as powerful as a PS4. Here are a few comments about these rumors:

1. The port talk is really making me uneasy about the launch lineup of the Wii U. If we expect at least 4 ports at launch, I fear that Nintendo might see it as enough to launch the console and not launch anything new and interesting. I get it if you never bought a Wii U this might be interesting, but for me I have zero interest in rebuying these games again and want to see something new, and since I expect any third parties that are left on the Nintendo bandwagon to just release more ports, it's up to Nintendo to show something new that isn't just another game that didn't get people interested in buying the Wii U in the first place.

Even if they were to do those ports I doubt they would be all the launch games, or even all be launch games. It would give them some content to help fill the first year.

Wii U owners are kind of in a weird place, where Nintendo needs to have some good new games to attract them, but at the same time they also make up Nintendo's most reliable audience. So a lot of Wii U owners will probably pick it up regardless.


I might be wrong on this but I think the majority of people who're considered insiders on GAF don't claim to be the primary source of their information. Same with Emily.

But if the dude doesn't want to be considered an insider on GAF "just" because he did some fine investigation work, or whatever his reasoning is, then that's fair enough in my opinion. Maybe he doesn't want people to read too much into his regular posting habits on here. People love reading too much into Emily's tweets, we just saw that in the previous NX thread. Maybe he doesn't plan on making a habit out of this kind of stuff.

Can a mod verify your ass got in touch with industry insiders?

Doesn't even need to be a mod, I'll verify his ass


At this point, I feel like the rumors are repeating themselves over and over. Just reveal the damn thing already Nintendo!


Yeah, everyone was over analyzing Emily's tweets over anything she said and it got dumb. Much of what she was talking about were her opinions and not rumors or leaks. Heck, some even over analyzed a joke.
Nintendo hates bottlenecks?

Tell that to the Wii U and it's craptacular CPU.

They are also known to downgrade components at the last moment.

Also with it being 3 years late to the show, it needs to be meaningfully more powerful for anyone to be easily able to see the difference.

Will be interested to see what they do, they have a mountain to climb in order to regain any semblance of a market share in the home console space.


splatoon, mario maker, smash brothers, second/touch screen... sounds exactly like wii u to me

whats the new concept then?

I hate to break it to you, but games aren't part of a system concept.
That's like saying that the PS4 is basically a PS3, because they both have the Uncharted games and Last of US.


The handheld bits are interesting. That thing may be farther out than I thought it was.

I still think the CPU is most likely an ARM. Going with x86 at this point just doesn't seem to really buy Nintendo much of anything.


Nintendo hates bottlenecks?

Tell that to the Wii U and it's craptacular CPU.

They are also known to downgrade components at the last moment.

Also with it being 3 years late to the show, it needs to be meaningfully more powerful for anyone to be easily able to see the difference.

Will be interested to see what they do, they have a mountain to climb in order to regain any semblance of a market share in the home console space.

The whole bit with the bottlenecks and "If the CPU is stronger then the other parts must be stronger" is quite odd to me. I guess that this could just be speculation on 10k's part.


Ugh, ports. If they don't have BC and these ports aren't added to my account or whatever, might be the first Nintendo console I don't buy at launch for a few generations. Would be annoyed if they just port everything and expect full price again.


Yeah, everyone was over analyzing Emily's tweets over anything she said and it got dumb. Much of what she was talking about were her opinions and not rumors or leaks. Heck, some even over analyzed a joke.

That's the issue with being labeled an insider. You lose the ability to just speak freely or share opinion and speculate. People look at everything said with a microscope to find clues or hints.


Neo Member
IF the 'remaster of Splatoon' rumour is TRUE... perhaps this will be the Splatoon 2 that we'll be getting?

Wii U version:
  • splatoon
  • all the current DLC
  • 4 battle modes (Turf Wars, Splat Zones, Tower Control, Rainmaker)
  • online battle of 4 vs 4

NX version:
  • splatoon 1080p with new single player campaign(?)
  • all the current DLC
  • 4 battle modes (Turf Wars, Splat Zones, Tower Control, Rainmaker) and more (perhaps custom mode/rule?)
  • new weapons
  • new maps
  • new multiplayer option new bigger maps (dungeon style?) that supports 8 vs 8? or 2 vs 2? Or it can be like 4 vs 8, 2 vs 3 ?

Which I can imagine the new weapons / maps / new battle modes are the ones giving Nintendo trouble on trying to make it cross-compatible with Wii U players IF they don't want to segregate the players to 2 online mode (play with Wii U players? play with NX players?)


Nintendo hates bottlenecks?

Tell that to the Wii U and it's craptacular CPU.

They are also known to downgrade components at the last moment.

Also with it being 3 years late to the show, it needs to be meaningfully more powerful for anyone to be easily able to see the difference.

Will be interested to see what they do, they have a mountain to climb in order to regain any semblance of a market share in the home console space.

I think Nintendo will have a very hard time winning back people again. Whenever I hear people at work talking about Nintendo (and that doesn't happen often) it's ALWAYS about Nintendo in the past. Present Nintendo has become completely irrelavant today because they've isolated themselves by not getting FIFA, Call of Duty, GTA etc.

The NX must do more than just unifying their system and presenting Ps4 graphics, because if that's all what they have, people won't have a reason to stop playing Ps4 and get on to NX.


The whole bit with the bottlenecks and "If the CPU is stronger then the other parts must be stronger" is quite odd to me. I guess that this could just be speculation on 10k's part.

Yeah, I believe he said earlier in the thread somewhere that it was his opinion as well as the bit disagreeing with one of his sources that it could be x86 because 10k believes in ARM.
Ugh, ports. If they don't have BC and these ports aren't added to my account or whatever, might be the first Nintendo console I don't buy at launch for a few generations. Would be annoyed if they just port everything and expect full price again.

If there is no BC, I don't think those games tied to your account wil grant you access to them on the NX. We had to buy everything (or pay an upgrade fee) for XB1/PS4 ports.


Rumours said Nintendo's console would be more powerful than the competition for this and the last generation, so... *shrugs*


formerly sane
Nintendo hates bottlenecks?

Tell that to the Wii U and it's craptacular CPU.

They are also known to downgrade components at the last moment.

Also with it being 3 years late to the show, it needs to be meaningfully more powerful for anyone to be easily able to see the difference.

Will be interested to see what they do, they have a mountain to climb in order to regain any semblance of a market share in the home console space.

Nintendo didn't really try, when they do they often have a pretty good result. WiiU is such a performance insult to even Wii being a more proper Gamecube, neither matched what nintendo intended though. Good to see we are on the same page about downgrading components same goes for clockspeeds. This however doesn't change they tweak what they buy from anyone or get something to do what they have a need for.

They also don't need to be more meaningful more powerful. Consumers loves where graphics are at. If nintendo can match what PS4 already does be it driverclub or resogun, they will have plenty of consumers to milk. I'd be more worried how the power can be utilized as the low level apis are showing you can do a lot with a little. The other issues comes in the software. Said it before in tech topics for cube power will never change the software equation once you do it right in that area. This company walks away from it's past, barely milks the now especially the f2p gaming movement, and is rarely in tune with the future. I'm interested cause a system that can play ports got me to leak something that most people are still conflating other things too.

While some is reasonable and some is not, what is clear it's not WiiU 1.5 again.


That's the issue with being labeled an insider. You lose the ability to just speak freely or share opinion and speculate. People look at everything said with a microscope to find clues or hints.

Yeah =/

I don't think I could ever be an insider or anything like it cause I don't like being put under a lens.


It's all tied to people's profiles which are in turn tied to specific hardware.

Yes but it's also tied to your NNID which will now be tied to your Nintendo Account.
unless I don't remember exactly if it's a brand new nickname we use, and/or if they messed up in the 1st place not saving the actual NNID... which should be doable with an update so, no, I don't see the problem.


This is exactly what I said they should do, be aggressive with the big guns. Nobody's gonna buy a Game & Wario or Pilotwings Resort type of launch game nowadays. Splatoon 2 is presumably a H1 2018 I think, given Mario Kart is likely to come out in 2017 and be that year's big online focused game, so a port is necessary to keep it alive (Wii U community will die off) and also introduce it to the handheld audience like with Hyrule Warriors Legends.

The hardware itself being powerful doesn't make much sense to me though.


I'm getting ultrahyped! I'm not considering to buy it at launch, but hyped!

Good luck with Nintendo Ninjas. Hope things go well from now on.


People complaining about ports.. I swear dont let me catch yall rejoicing in a new or past remaster thread.. I swear!

I'm totally fine with older games, but I was playing these in 2015. They wanna port something, give me Luigis Mansion NX. It just depends on of Nintendos focus is leaning on these ports or not. If it's just trying to flesh out a less than compelling launch, I may as well stuck to my Wii U and other consoles for a couple of years.
If there is no BC, I don't think those games tied to your account wil grant you access to them on the NX. We had to buy everything (or pay an upgrade fee) for XB1/PS4 ports.

Yeah, I'd figure the same too. I'd be happy with a discount, but then you have to apply that to disc owners without them getting the shaft and that's harder to do.


interested to see how this will match up with the ps4k. Also, excited for Zelda but other game ports, meh who cares. I want NEW games.


I know Nintendo likes to make a profit of hardware but I really hope they don't intend to make this more the 399$.


interested to see how this will match up with the ps4k. Also, excited for Zelda but other game ports, meh who cares. I want NEW games.

This. One thing that killed the Wii U at launch was that it only got a lot of ports and not enough new games. Why should people buy a new, expensive system when they can play those games on a console they can buy for much less money on Amazon, eBay etc?


This. One thing that killed the Wii U at launch was that it only got a lot of ports and not enough new games. Why should people buy a new, expensive system when they can play those games on a console they can buy for much less money on Amazon, eBay etc?

Remind me of all thise Wii ports that were available at launch. Please.
And the reason why their porting Wii U games, is because that console sold like crap and their hoping that more people hop on the NX train. These games will be new to many people if the console sells well.
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