Hero of Legend
Hopefully Nintendo will unveil the NX soon enough.
So many rumors, I still want to know where that guy on twitter heard this May 9th date for the unveiling.
This. One thing that killed the Wii U at launch was that it only got a lot of ports and not enough new games. Why should people buy a new, expensive system when they can play those games on a console they can buy for much less money on Amazon, eBay etc?
Mario Maker would be really sweet. Wanted to try it but no way I'm getting a WiiU at this point
Remind me of all thise Wii ports that were available at launch. Please.
And the reason why their porting Wii U games, is because that console sold like crap and their hoping that more people hop on the NX train. These games will be new to many people if the console sells well.
I just want that new main Mario game...
Any idea when you guys think it'll release? I wonder how it'll be.
1. The port talk is really making me uneasy about the launch lineup of the Wii U. If we expect at least 4 ports at launch, I fear that Nintendo might see it as enough to launch the console and not launch anything new and interesting.
2. Am I one of the only people who would actually like to see backwards compatibility?
Ooo, the new mini-DVDs
Definitely going to be hard on the wallet this time me thinks, we generally go all out at launches in my family. 2 consoles + most of the games offered at launch so she'll be a doozy for sure... For some reason 399$ wouldn't at all surprise me but I'm still praying for 350$ at the most. Ps4 graphics for Zelda is gonna be sick so I'll probably miss a little work at launch to soak up the madness and revel in what's probably going to be the best Zelda yet. I'll buy Splatoon NX if it pans out because we still don't own it, probably cash in on what could be Ssb4 definitive edition too. Not to mention if there's any credence to FF or DQ making launch...man, all I'm missing is whatever Capcom is offering personally and I'm hoping for MH and REsomething. This is gonna be the best launch evah imo.I know Nintendo likes to make a profit of hardware but I really hope they don't intend to make this more the 399$.
So, do they expect the hardcore loyal fans to but a new console with current ports? What is in store for that group of fans?
They used that exact argument when porting Wind Waker to Wii U, because "GameCube didn't sell that well". It ended up doing a lot worse.
For me, ports are only signs of not having enough time developing fresh content.
So, do they expect the hardcore loyal fans to but a new console with current ports? What is in store for that group of fans?
So, do they expect the hardcore loyal fans to but a new console with current ports? What is in store for that group of fans?
I'm totally fine with older games, but I was playing these in 2015. They wanna port something, give me Luigis Mansion NX. It just depends on of Nintendos focus is leaning on these ports or not. If it's just trying to flesh out a less than compelling launch, I may as well stuck to my Wii U and other consoles for a couple of years.
Yeah, I'd figure the same too. I'd be happy with a discount, but then you have to apply that to disc owners without them getting the shaft and that's harder to do.
Metroid Dread, a Masahiro Sakurai X Retro Studios production.So, do they expect the hardcore loyal fans to but a new console with current ports? What is in store for that group of fans?
So, do they expect the hardcore loyal fans to but a new console with current ports? What is in store for that group of fans?
It sounds like it. Not into restarting my investment with library again. I want my library to follow me not rebuy older games I own or hang on to old hardware.New games? This isn't the launch line-up
Nah, cartridges are more plausible now than they've ever been, and they've gotten better than blu-rays because read and write speeds are not fast enough to read the data so those discs plays second fiddle to hard drive installs.
Also Terrell has this post about how logistics are the biggest money hog for any company and Nintendo could mitigate the cost by having the format across both systems.
Also a cartridge slot means less moving parts, less power consumption, less heat, more ventilation, smaller looking system.
It sounds like it. Not into restarting my investment with library again. I want my library to follow me not rebuy older games I own or hang on to old hardware.
So, Zelda and Smash for sure, Mario Maker and Splatoon maybe. If Nintendo can't get it working they may scrap it.
Nah, cartridges are more plausible now than they've ever been, and they've gotten better than blu-rays because read and write speeds are not fast enough to read the data so those discs plays second fiddle to hard drive installs.
Also Terrell has this post about how logistics are the biggest money hog for any company and Nintendo could mitigate the cost by having the format across both systems.
Also a cartridge slot means less moving parts, less power consumption, less heat, more ventilation, smaller looking system.
No matter what happens, 64 GB game cards in 2016 are a total pipe dream. Still expecting discs, as Panasonic's Wii U ones can essentially be reused if they can be made dual-layer.
But I own a Wii U and can just get it there. What else?
It's just a shame it's PORT WATCH with these leaks. You'd think with all these sources, one new game would get out there.
Better tentacle physics then pl0x
It makes sense for them to port Smash, it always takes about 7 years until the next instalment in the series, that would leave the NX without Smash for 5 years, they're never going to do that. So it's best to get Smash out ASAP for NX.
I image they'll add content/DLC to it to differentiate it from the Wii U version and try to resell the game to people who own it already.
SMM makes just as much sense, they'll probably just keep adding content to that.
Software wise the rumors about nx have been so boring so far. As a wii u owner I dont have a single reason to be interested in nx so far.
And no, graphics are not a reason per sé for me
I don't but I'm very disappointed that my older games are stuck on an old box. Now a new PS4 is coming. This shit sucks. Ps one classics stuck on PS3.You must really hate the PS4 then.
They're not calling it that, it looks ugly.I hope they're developing Spla2n at any rate...
But I own a Wii U and can just get it there. What else?
It's just a shame it's PORT WATCH with these leaks. You'd think with all these sources, one new game would get out there.
If this is true there's no reason why all these PS4 JRPGs shouldn't come to the NX too, right?
To be honest, I find it fishy that the sources didn't bite about if it's using an optical drive or whatever. 10k asked them about the format used but they would not say anything. Which is odd because surely an optical drive is no secret.
So yeah: nothing too crazy here
I don't but I'm very disappointed that my older games are stuck on an old box. Now a new PS4 is coming. This shit sucks. Ps one classics stuck on PS3.
I was being facetious. Technically, despite Zelda being new, it does also fall into the category of 'Wii U port'. But that doesn't bother me that much because, as I say, it's a brand new Zelda game. It's no different to what they did with TP a decade ago.
Hopefully we get Pikmin 4 at launch at least, and a new 3D Mario.
I think it's safe to say that Pikmin 4 will be an NX exclusive.
I highly doubt it gets a dual release on Wii U.
Already "outdated" due to PS4K, but we'll see.
Hmm... Before, I'd have said launch, but I'm not sure on that. I think it could easily be saved for a holiday 2017 title.
Zelda, Pikmin 4 (as hinted by Miyamoto), and a Smash deluxe edition are three solid ways to start things off as it is. Mario might be overkill.
A guess pulled out of my ass says it'll be a launch window game.
It was confirmed not too long after 3D World that the staff was already working on a new Mario for new hardware. That puts the next Mario at about 3 years of dev time by this fall, which is enough time to plausibly make the NX launch. If not, it'll be a first year game.
And GAF told me that I'm losing by not buying a Nintendo Wii U immediately because it has games I want to play. Looks more and more like I'm winning. Give me that Smash!
It's not like Devs want Nintendo consoles...Dev's don't want a ps4k, even if they manage it to make it more powerful as NX. Dev's don't want to create games for 2 consoles ps4 and ps4k. It's why they are happy consoles aren't like pc.