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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
Smash Bros port's graphics should be drastically improved. Wii U version looks like a PS2 game upscaled to HD, only the character models are more updated. But the game runs in 1080p 60fps, it was worth it. But still should be improved drastically.

You have a rose-coloured view of PS2 games, that's for sure. Smash Wii U had a lot beyond character models in the new stages that pre-HD consoles couldn't handle. There was beautiful dynamic lighting in the Battlefield stage with loads of polygons and higher res textures that go beyond PS2 games. That's not even getting into the effects in Pyrosphere. It looked nothing like a PS2 game in HD.


Are we really going to discredit something because one guy chimed in despite the abundant rumors from various people all saying the same thing. Even 10k's post.


Yes, but no legit sources were bullish on Wii U specs. It was only gaf.

This time it's different.

I dont see any specs, just its got a better this and that than the competition.

An leak from an actual dev would be more interested in what it does rather than console wars.

It sounds fan made, but who knows.

Are we really going to discredit something because one guy chimed in despite the abundant rumours from various people all saying the same thing. Even 10k's post.

So where is the data, CPU type, clock speed, GPU cores, bus bandwidth etc, rather than simple its da best ? You can understand the 'leaks' are not exactly technical in nature and sound like fan wishes, which is suspect.

Every console gamer wants a ZEN + 970 equivalent machine in a console, who will deliver it ?
Even if I tend to believe in Smash/Mario Maker/Splatoon being choose as ports, I don't believe Emily/Dr_Cupcake/others that (for now) looks just like "it seems we're going there, I'll take some buzz by just retelling what is believed as GAF concensus, and if it ends up wrong, it would be everyone else fault anyway so it's a win-win".
After the 3D printed hoax, the community sounds like finding some comfort in following this trend.
Couldnt of said it any better. Only thing im really fucking with is LCGeek stuff right now. The coincidence of "insiders" coming forward based on rumors/leaks dropping is just way TOO convient. Why isnt any of this news popping up on its own? It's essentially ride the wave of the hot new groupthink.

Look if you a insider or leaker drop some real shit that only you know. Whoever piggyback, cross they ass out.
Are we really going to discredit something because one guy chimed in despite the abundant rumors from various people all saying the same thing. Even 10k's post.

No, it was a joke about his credibility.

However, I do think he's bandwagoning, as he seems to be doing increasingly more these days


I love how the narrative changed from "PS4-level? NintendofanboysLOL" to "of course it will be", and the only thing that's changed in the interim is the PS4K and XB1.5 being leaked. Guess us filthy pitiable little plebs can have the scraps now that there's a new hotness, huh?

It's really and truly priceless.

It's not like Devs want Nintendo consoles...

This is a common misconception. Devs DO want Nintendo consoles. The problem has been that what they've been given over the past 10 years is Nintendo vanity projects instead.

Well there's a thing, what would be the manufacturing cost of a high capacity (16-64GB) ROM card with a decent data transfer rate and how much of that can be mitigated by savings on logistics?

Simply put, yeah, a huge bulk of the extra cost can be saved in logistics. There are other savings to be had, but they're not as clear-cut.

One such savings for 3rd-parties is a reduction in royalty fees. Because a lesser royalty fee collected would be better than NO royalty fee collected.

But yes, there are several options for cost reductions that Nintendo could take to make cartridges appealing to more than just themselves.

No, it was a joke about his credibility.

However, I do think he's bandwagoning, as he seems to be doing increasingly more these days

Yeah, his word doesn't mean much, but doesn't discredit others.


Even though it clearly wasn't a Smash Bros. amiibo?

Yes, I was sure it had some smash bros functionalities since at that point I didn't expect a amiibo for a popular character from a indie game to be solely for that game.

It sounds stupid in hindsight, but at that time it was what I believed.


This is a common misconception. Devs DO want Nintendo consoles. The problem has been that what they've been given over the past 10 years is Nintendo vanity projects instead.

I think more accurately, Devs want machines they can make money writing games for. The outcome is as you described but I don't think there's any innate desire for a Nintendo console. Not any more anyway.


Honestly good to hear it might be more powerful than PS4. This midlife update by Sony makes even more sense.

And Xbox. Its a new process node and all console makers will make better consoles imo. All new 2017 consoles will be better than the 2012/2013 models is my guess. Question is which one will be strong and reasonable value.


Like that great money maker the Wii U?

You need an install base to generate income.

The Wii U came too late. The simple reality is the 8th console generation was the end of wide diversity engines. The Wii U relied on 7th Generation engines that frankly were just no longer being used outside of a few exceptions.

NX at least by rumors is more than enough to run 8th Generation engines and the 9th Generation of consoles will remain running on 8th generation engines as Unreal 4 etc are not going anywhere anytime soon so NX is in a safe spot.

While sales of device always boost support its a simple reality that you need to play ball with what's being used and not run counter to everything


Day 1 with Zelda.
But I'm sure the OS, accounts and network will be 10/10 crap that could be considered modern in 2005.


I think more accurately, Devs want machines they can make money writing games for. The outcome is as you described but I don't think there's any innate desire for a Nintendo console. Not any more anyway.

I don't think there's a desire for a Nintendo console specifically, just another viable platform option that gets more players in the console space to buy their games, and it wouldn't matter who makes it happen.


Ok hypothetically let's say the NX is powerful, it gets all the best versions of multi platform games, and as much third party support as the PlayStation and Xbox.

What are the chances of mainstream success? It seems that this time Nintendo aren't necessarily going down the gimmick route targeting non gamers with their console. (Which is a good thing. All I want is a traditional powerful console from Nintendo)

But the "average" mainstream gamer, you know, the type that plays call of duty, GTA and annual sports games is going to stick with their PlayStation and Xbox. Nintendo still have a perception of being a "kids machine". I'd imagine they might be drawn towards the more powerful versions of PlayStation and Xbox (if those rumours are true)

Of course over time if word gets around then yes things and perceptions can change. But reputation is a hard thing to change.Nintendo have a mountain to climb either way I think. The Wii U provided me with the most entertainment but it has done Nintendo no favours at all.

I really hope Nintendo do well. For me personally I'd be over the moon having the best versions of games plus the brilliance of Nintendo exclusives. Hell a new mario kart (which is inevitable at some point) with AA and even better graphics than MK8, and a new MarioGalaxy would be a dream come true


WiiU was more powerful than ps360. To be expected since PS4/XBO aren't high end pcs.

By how much is the clue. And price obviously....


Splatoon would benefit from 1080 with AA. Game is super jaggy.

WOuldnt be a bad idea to just port over the heavy hitters like Mario kart as well. Move the Wii U classics over immediately. Charge a lot less and pretend the WiiU didn't happen


I remember this as well, as a lurker.

We where getting a 4870 radeon equivalent, loads of ram and a processor out of this world, from "verified" ninsiders.

Turned out to be a lot of bollocks.

It kind of feels like it's happening again...

4870 was something GAF speculated on after the whole "GPU is of the R700" family. There were quite a few that even said it was probably going to be closer to a 4830.
And to be fair, devkits had like 3GB of RAM, so compared to the 360's 512MB, 2-3GB was a lot. Of course, it ended up being 1GB for games.

I remember really believing those R700 rumors because they made a lot of sense, it would have been cheap and position WiiU in a more comfortable positions against the new Ps-Xbox, but Nintendo pursuing nonsensical minimal power consumption crushed that kind of rational thinking.

That's why I don't believe "reasonable" Nintendo hardware speculation anymore.
The Mario Maker/Splatoon stuff strikes me as a "let's see if this is easy to do, and then maybe we do it?"

Zelda/Smash make all the sense in the world (for the reasons you cite). I'm just at a spot where, from what I've heard, I don't feel confident in being like "yup. Absolute certainty." I still think both will hit NX, though.

Pretty much everything else you listed adds up with the murmurs I've heard. Just with all the fake shit out there, I'm super wary if there's even a nugget of doubt.

I would guess that the decided to bring Zelda to NX, port Smash with all the DLC as it's easy to do and cross-plattform-online is a plus but not really necessary and release both at launch. Then later in NX's first year, they are considering bringing Splatoon and Mario Maker over - but it's not fully greenlit as they are still discussing the scope: 1:1 port, 1.5 versions with new features?

Again, just my guess and I have no clue at all but this is how I would do it as Nintendo and it would explain the conflicting sources.

Daft Punk

I love how the narrative changed from "PS4-level? NintendofanboysLOL" to "of course it will be", and the only thing that's changed in the interim is the PS4K and XB1.5 being leaked. Guess us filthy pitiable little plebs can have the scraps now that there's a new hotness, huh?

It's really and truly priceless.

Persecution complexes don't become you.


That's not going to happpen not even for the entire console life. It's not Nintendo style so don't set yourself up for disappointment.

Are there any examples of 1080 60 games on PS4 that really pushes the hardware? Because thats probably about the level of graphics we can expect from NX first party, if these rumours are true.
Ok hypothetically let's say the NX is powerful, it gets all the best versions of multi platform games, and as much third party support as the PlayStation and Xbox.

What are the chances of mainstream success? It seems that this time Nintendo aren't necessarily going down the gimmick route targeting non gamers with their console. (Which is a good thing. All I want is a traditional powerful console from Nintendo)

But the "average" mainstream gamer, you know, the type that plays call of duty, GTA and annual sports games is going to stick with the best PlayStation and Xbox. Nintendo still have a perception of being a "kids machine".

Of course over time if word gets around then yes things and perceptions can change. But reputation is a hard thing to change.

I really hope Nintendo do well. For me personally I'd be over the moon having the best versions of games plus the brilliance of Nintendo exclusives. Hell a new mario kart (which is inevitable at some point) with AA and even better graphics than MK8, and a new MarioGalaxy would be a dream come true

I believe Iwata described the NX as having a unique 'hook', and that Nintendo wouldn't talk about NX from fear of competitors stealing their ideas. There'll be a gimmick for sure...


I've got a feeling that this must be one of the contributing reasons to the console updates from both MS and Sony.

If this is true and Nintendo release a console with better specs than the PS and Xbox and they get true third-party support, then suddenly you have a console with the best third-party support with some of the greatest exclusive IP's in the business.

The NX sounds great though, looking forward to E3.


Are there any examples of 1080 60 games on PS4 that really pushes the hardware? Because thats probably about the level of graphics we can expect from NX first party, if these rumours are true.

No reason to expect that from the first year(s) of this console. Just because it's a little more powerful than the PS4 doesn't mean Nintendo, who were slow to get going on HD in general, will leap to what experienced AAA developers are doing on the PS4 now.

I've got a feeling that this must be one of the contributing reasons to the console updates from both MS and Sony.

If this is true and Nintendo release a console with better specs than the PS and Xbox and they get true third-party support, then suddenly you have a console with the best third-party support with some of the greatest exclusive IP's in the business.


People think that's all on Nintendo but it isn't. Just because it's the most powerful console does not mean it will get the best third-party support. Spoiler alert: It won't. And it's a hopeless goal.


I believe Iwata described the NX as having a unique 'hook', and that Nintendo wouldn't talk about NX from fear of competitors stealing their ideas. There'll be a gimmick for sure...

I hope it's a good one.

I don't mind gimmicks as such, but I want a more "normal" controller.

A refined pro controller (with better triggers) for example would be great.

An article on Eurogamer mentions:


"Then there's the question over whether Nintendo can afford to go disruptive with its new hardware. It's a strategy that worked to stellar effect with the Wii before falling completely flat with the Wii U, and as people look to the NX to offer parity with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One while getting those third-party publishers back on board, it doesn't feel like Nintendo can afford to gamble on another oddity

I'm definitely in agreement with the above, but Nintendo do their own thing so I look forward to the reveal of their console.

Either way I'll be buying it as I grew up on Nintendo and have bought every piece of hardware they've released since the nes.
10k said:
Based off my high school programming skills and some research, it seems like x86 to ARM does require more work, x86 is 64-bit and ARM is 32-bit. But any decent compiler supports 64-bit math on ARM. The dev's mainly recompile the code into ARM, and then the integer values get changed, and fix any errors that come up, recompile again, see if it works, rinse and repeat. It's not as important or inefficient as people think, especially for larger devs. Besides, ARM is heavily supported and the more worked on architecture. So don't get too focused on if it's x86 or ARM. In the end, as long as it's not shitty PowerPC (Nintendo, please, no) it'll be fine. It won't be the reason Nintendo won't get third party ports, if anything, NX sales will.

I'm confused, wouldn't any cores/designs from >2013, or ARM v8, be 64 bit or am I missing something?


Ok hypothetically let's say the NX is powerful, it gets all the best versions of multi platform games, and as much third party support as the PlayStation and Xbox.

What are the chances of mainstream success? It seems that this time Nintendo aren't necessarily going down the gimmick route targeting non gamers with their console. (Which is a good thing. All I want is a traditional powerful console from Nintendo)

But the "average" mainstream gamer, you know, the type that plays call of duty, GTA and annual sports games is going to stick with their PlayStation and Xbox. Nintendo still have a perception of being a "kids machine". I'd imagine they might be drawn towards the more powerful versions of PlayStation and Xbox (if those rumours are true)

Of course over time if word gets around then yes things and perceptions can change. But reputation is a hard thing to change.Nintendo have a mountain to climb either way I think. The Wii U provided me with the most entertainment but it has done Nintendo no favours at all.

I really hope Nintendo do well. For me personally I'd be over the moon having the best versions of games plus the brilliance of Nintendo exclusives. Hell a new mario kart (which is inevitable at some point) with AA and even better graphics than MK8, and a new MarioGalaxy would be a dream come true

Im sure Nintendo gamers will buy good Third Party Ports.

Hell, I would buy any GTA or the likes immediately on NX but all that came out for WiiU was either watered down or not adequate to the other ports.


Also, would the Mario Maker port confirm a controller with a screen? I can't imagine it would work very well without one.
You still need a second screen for Splatoon and Mario Maker, I doubt it will require a 'Wii U controller' to play those (?)


People think that's all on Nintendo but it isn't. Just because it's the most powerful console does not mean it will get the best third-party support. Spoiler alert: It won't. And it's a hopeless goal.
So Nintendo release a console at a good price point which is easy to port existing games to and it won't get third party support? Your mad.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
The fact that no Western source (outside of...an indie, i.e. Thomas Mahler) has heard of a handheld component makes me think about this scenario.

...this is possibly the family of consoles, but with a different execution compared to what we thought. In fact, what I think now is that

- remember how Iwata talked about taking care of the two different (Western and Japanese) perspectives of gaming while changing the concept of home and handheld consoles? At this point, I suppose West will get the home earlier and the handheld a bit later, while Japan will get the handheld earlier and the home a bit late. Maybe, they're coming out at the same time in both regions this year, but one thing is becoming clearer, and that is...
- while Nintendo+Japanese third party developers for most of their games+indie developers+some Western developers will fully use the family concept, most of the Western developers who, unfortunately, couldn't care less / see as a way too big hurdle the porting of resource-intensive games to the handheld (even in the best case power scenario, several Western games are simply difficult to scale down well) won't develop for it and release games directly only for the home console


So as the rumors intensify and become more recurring, it seems safer to assume that the NX will come more raw power than a PS4. With the latest rumors, having up to a 30% power bump (CPU, but likely across the whole board) over the PS4, that would still be a smaller power increase that PS4 has over the XB1.

So it would look like this:

NX >>> PS4 >>>>XB1

If we do the math, 30% on top of 1.8Tflops is about 2.3Tflops.
The percentage difference between XB1 (1.3Tflops) to PS4 (1.8Tflops) is about 40%.

If we hypothesize where PS4K might fit in on the scale above (Assuming target specs are 2x power PS4), it would be a bit larger than the gap between NX to XB1.

So the performance difference in NX to PS4 games should be about nearly as much as the difference between XB1 to PS4. So I imagine the graphic fidelity we are currently seeing but targeting and realistically achieving 1080p/60fps to be more common, particularly with cross platform titles.

It is exciting though to imagine what Nintendo and 2nd party partners might achieve with these specs!

Bumping my post as im curious to get others thoughts and conclusions on this.


So Nintendo release a console at a good price point which is easy to port existing games to and it won't get third party support? Your mad.

it will get 3rd party support, but won't get all the games already available for ps4/xbo, maybe a few of them.We are already mid gen.

In may be the right step to being relevant in the home console space for next gen though, insted of being the complementary console


So where is the data, CPU type, clock speed, GPU cores, bus bandwidth etc, rather than simple its da best ?

Because nintendo doesn't communicate those - it's a lot harder than you think to get that info if it isn't provided to you, especially with custom chipsets. People were still guessing about the exact hardware inside the WiiU until it got released and even then there was a LOT of speculation/different versions about the true hardware inside and what it was capable of.

To give an example: reviews at launch for the WiiU (like engadget for example) talked about the specs like this: ": an IBM Power-based multi-core processor and an AMD Radeon custom high-def GPU. "


So another console with games from last gen

Industry in full Hollywood mode.

It's very risky nowadays with the cost of development to gamble on an unproven ip.

Also when you have big money makers like Mario Kart it's inevitable that they milk it more.

Also to be fair Splatoon is a very new IP and has great potential to become even better. Nintendo were clearly testing the water due to the popularity of online shooters, and the Nintendo spin on a popular genre paid off.

But nowadays aside from indie devs, big AAA publishers are reluctant to take big risks.

If I'm honest I don't mind sequels as such, I just don't want loads of remasters.
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