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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Some people still don't get it. GTA is exactly what they need. Along with Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Battlefield, Far Cry, and every single big name third party franchise that skips Nintendo.

If you aren't offering the latest hot games, then you won't be selling consoles. Nobody is clamoring for another Mario with the latest gimmick.
How did the Wii sell millions without GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Battlefield, Far Cry and every other big name game that skipped it?


Germany is like the market for Sony in europe and every store has an all right Wii U presence here.

Your area seems to be the outlier.

actually,for what i know, spain and Italy are the biggest "sony countries" in europe really

but that just seems to demonstrate than other than maybe the UK ,all of europe seems to be "sony-centric"


Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.

Wii U was expected to get the same ports as 360 and PS3, and that didn't happen. The console still went ignored. Even ports that did show up were missing features or dlc.

That alone tells you that Nintendo's problems go beyond simply needing a box on par with the competition.
Yeah, because of mobile, but even in that context the X1 is pulling terrible numbers Japan

Concerning Europe: actually Nintendo is doing pretty good in Europe too. It just doesn't look that way because Sony currently has one of their best generations ever and Nintendo one of their worst.
Otherwise Nintendo isn't all too far behind Sony here.

So if you ignore the current gen nintendo isn't far behind? say what now?

In the UK in nearly every retail store i've been too, the nintendo section consists of Amiibo and thats it and they sit, along side disney and skylanders, but next to zero presence for console/handhelds.


Wii U was expected to get the same ports as 360 and PS3, and that didn't happen. The console still went ignored. Even ports that did show up were missing features or dlc.

That alone tells you that Nintendo's problems go beyond simply needing a box on par with the competition.

That's on the publishers, not Nintendo or the Wii U, or does Nintendo need to pay for those missing features.....


Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.

the list of problems the wii u had was really,REALLY big

so much really that I predicted its demise and the motivation behind it months before the console was even on the shelves..it was just one dumb decision after the other


Ubisoft is still releasing Just Dance on Wii U, so you are proven wrong.

Eh, you mean those year late ports for full price, Yeah, those publishers are idiots if they thought those were gonna sell. But it's the perfect excuse to not release games anymore though.

No, there were day and date ports too. They didn't sell because people who want to buy violent high-production games are not an audience that's ever been cultivated by Nintendo. Sony did that since they were created, but to highlight it even more, look at what the creators of Jak, Ratchet and Sly did on the PS3.


299 bucks? I really doubt it. At the best you can have a comparable machine. Maybe.
I used to think the same thing, but the PS4K leak kind of showed (imho at least) that Sony's margin on PS4 may be higher than we thought, and the tech may be even less expensive when the NX comes out.

That being said my original specs were a bit below Xbox One, and while i'm a bit more optimistic with all these sources reporting the same thing (and basically agreeing with the WSJ), i'm still not ruling that possibility out. As long as it doesn't go below 1tflop and the price is right, it could be enough for me.

What are the chances of NX targeting 4K?
For media content? Might happen. For games? Nah.


No. You don't want another Mario, not nobody. I don't buy a Nintendo console to play gta. I buy it to play Nintendo's awesome unique and exclusive well made finished games.

And that is why WiiU is selling awfully. Sure there are lots of nintendo fans out there that buy their consoles just for their games. It happens that there are a lot more people willling to buy consoles for other games available on other platforms.


Another rumour by Liam Robertson:

Since Retro is apparently working with Yoshio Sakamoto, I wouldn't doubt that they're doing Metroid, but, I mean... it's a TiLMEN rumour.


I don't know if I should trust this guy. I trust Emily, but I've heard Liam does not have a good rumour reputation.

That is not a rumor by Liam, just him commenting on a rumor spread by TiLMEN - who is one of the least trustworthy sources on this planet
Wii U was expected to get the same ports as 360 and PS3, and that didn't happen. The console still went ignored. Even ports that did show up were missing features or dlc.

That alone tells you that Nintendo's problems go beyond simply needing a box on par with the competition.
How is third party devs either not giving DLC even for single player games or flat out saying no DLC sometimes before for the games were released Nintendo's fault?


So if you ignore the current gen nintendo isn't far behind? say what now?

In the UK in nearly every retail store i've been too, the nintendo section consists of Amiibo and thats it and they sit, along side disney and skylanders, but next to zero presence for console/handhelds.

True..although I have to say that Retail presence for all things gaming has dropped massively in the UK (although at least PS4 and XB1 still get some shelf space).

You could argue that the lack of presence for anything Nintendo in certain regions is the thing most likely to push Nintendo to releasing a digital only console. No point in trying to keep retail happy with physical product... when they won't carry your physical product anyway.
I know, but I wanted to make a point. You don't need all the big name games, yes they can help sell your console, but sometimes Nintendo can do without them as seen with Wii.

Lol it's not sometimes, it's one time, and it was lighting in a bottle, chances of that happening again are slim to none.


Another rumour by Liam Robertson:

Since Retro is apparently working with Yoshio Sakamoto, I wouldn't doubt that they're doing Metroid, but, I mean... it's a TiLMEN rumour.


I don't know if I should trust this guy. I trust Emily, but I've heard Liam does not have a good rumour reputation.

Liam has such a bad rep that afaik, threads based off his rumors ended up getting banned.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This doesn't make sense to me IMO. Basically no part of it makes sense except the remasters, which do.

Ubisoft is still releasing Just Dance on Wii U, so you are proven wrong.

Eh, you mean those year late ports for full price, Yeah, those publishers are idiots if they thought those were gonna sell. But it's the perfect excuse to not release games anymore though.

Year late ports is not why Assassin's Creed 3 and Call of Duty were atrocious bombas at launch but whatever.


How did the Wii sell millions without GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Battlefield, Far Cry and every other big name game that skipped it?

Dude, the Wii is the only console in the history of the industry to buck the trend. It was a fad.

As much as some people want to deny it, it is the very definition of it.


Eh, you mean those year late ports for full price, Yeah, those publishers are idiots if they thought those were gonna sell. But it's the perfect excuse to not release games anymore though.

It was quite baffling that EA didn't put the whole trilogy for the Wii U's launch, especially when they did the same thing a year later for the Mass Effect trilogy on the PS3/Xbox 360.


That is not a rumor by Liam, just him commenting on a rumor spread by TiLMEN - who is one of the least trustworthy sources on this planet

tilmen is garbage

Liam has such a bad rep that afaik, threads based off his rumors ended up getting banned.

Thanks. No idea about who Tilmen is (Nintendomination could be? My memory is playing with me), but I won't pay any attention to him. Same with Liam. I got hyped, and I shouldn't do this to myself never more.


How is third party devs either not giving DLC even for single player games or flat out saying no DLC sometimes before for the games were released Nintendo's fault?

You think the evil publishers/developers all just gather around a table to conspire how to screw poor Nintendo over on content?

Yeah, somethings not right.


Was hoping for a Mario 3D world port, one of the few games I want to play on Wii-U

Sorry. We were going to give you a 3DW port since it's one of the GOATs and dessert vres to be played by more people, but we didn't know what a Wii-U was.

Signed, the Anti-Hyphen Wii U Truth Squad

By one of them you mean the XboxOne that doesn't exist in japan and is doing terrible in EU?

Is it doing that poorly there? Bizarre. I wonder at what point it becomes even more evident to gamers that the Xbox and PlayStation experiences are ultimately too similar to justify the existence of both.

I don't know about that, a non gamer happened to be in the same room while I was explaining the mechanics of Splatoon by showing a youtube clip I talked over to someone and she asked why I would play a kiddy shooter instead of CS GO like I used to before.

I'm still kinda in the 90s mindset when colorful games featuring mascot characters where the best games around (Mega Man, Banjo Kazooie, Mario, ...) but nowadays it seems that people associate games that feature simplified cartoon characters, basic geometry and all that as games specifically for kids. This means they base target age on presentation aspects, when in fact in video game terms a game for kids is something that deliberately features shallow gameplay which adults would find repetitive and not stimulating, like some of the LEGO based games are a little too one dimensional for gamers who are looking for a deep gameplay experience. But a game like Splatoon is in my mind equivalent to CS GO, there's nothing inherently more kiddy about it. However I would say the former is more kid-friendly.

If I show a clip of Duck Tales on NES as someone in my mid-20s and say this is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever they would guaranteed think I'm a weirdo who likes kiddy things, but for those who appreciate good game design know whatsup. The masses don't perceive things this way though. I'm supposed to play a QTE fest combat game like AC or a skinner box riddled game like The Division because of my age, or something.

Unfortunately, I have to second this as true to my understanding of core gamers as well. Well said and to me very accurate.

While depressing, I think you might be spot on.

No-one is looking at Nintendo to deliver a console with a lot of hardware power because chances are it'll have little to no initial third-parties on-board to support the platform. Relying on the trickle of games out of Nintendo's first-party studios simply isn't enough to invest in a platform as a consuer when the biggest and most anticipated games are all multiplatform and not hitting NX. It'll sell to the Nintendo faithful and that's it. Like the Wii-U did.

So it's a problem that can't be solved with a single solution. Third parties are not going to invest heavily in the NX platform unless it has a active multi-million playerbase that actually spends money on third-party games and not just Nintendo products. And to get that kind of an audience, Nintendo needs to have all third-parties on board from day one.
All the hardware power in the world means jack shit to people when it means not being able to play the new Division, Dark Souls, Destiny, FIFA or Assassin's Creed games. People put way too much stock in a new Metroid or Zelda to convince people to make the jump. It certainly isn't hardware power holding those games back.

And Nintendo simply doesn't hold the sway to make those third-party relations happen. No-one is again going to gamble away their money on the NX when they've seen the Wii-U come crashing down, getting no return on any of their investments. The people thinking that third parties will just magically show up with games once Nintendo drops a decently powerful box are delusional. Simple as that.

In my eyes, the only thing Nintendo can realistically do to re-establish themselves is aim for a pricepoint that's as low as humanly possible and with a unique and innovative 'hook' that gets people talking. If they are going to try and bump shoulders with the other two by creating a more powerful, pricier console only without the games to back those up, it's going to be a complete trainwreck.

You make some cogent points, but we have to ask which system came crashing down. Weren't not familiar with any Nintendo system with a hyphen in it.

Sincerely, the Anti-Hyphen Wii U Truth Squad

He was. The mod who used modbot had not been aware

Did a mod end up coming in and confirming this?
This doesn't make sense to me IMO. Basically no part of it makes sense except the remasters, which do.

Year late ports is not why Assassin's Creed 3 and Call of Duty were atrocious bombas at launch but whatever.
The people who wanted to play those games were turned off for different reasons I had people who understood why the Wii didn't get DLC buy Wii Us but not buy CoD because there was no clear answer on DLC.

Wasn't the reasoning for a lot of that the state of Nintendo's online/account infrastructure?

I thought so too, but other games came out with DLC why is it that smaller studios could do it no problem ever Nintendo themselves when they released games where it was a viable option but these big companies had so much trouble, I don't see it being the main reason at all, IMHO it couldn't have been because no DLC but Nintendo's should exist if that was the case.

You think the evil publishers/developers all just gather around a table to conspire how to screw poor Nintendo over on content?

Yeah, somethings not right.
What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about a conspiracy?


As far as seeing ports of Super Mario Maker, SSB4, & Splatoon for the NX, I would be down with that. Especially if they are complete editions, so that I don't have to worry about wasting precious HD space with all those patches and DLC. (Especially if they offer a 40% discount for those who had picked up the Wii U versions of those games.)

I hope to be wrong, but I would say set your expectations pretty low for discounts on these remasters. For example I don't think Sony offered a discount on TLOU Remastered to PS3 owners.

Everything is "so many units behind PS4", so it's not really a slap in the face to Microsoft considering they're at double Wii U sales with one year less time on the market. This is after a number of missteps on their part.

You can simply look at Nintendo's console sales to see that no, the masses aren't going to buy a new Nintendo console for a new Mario. They don't care. If you're not offering the latest hot games people want, then you'll get nowhere. History has shown this with every generation.

To be fair, I do see your point, but the Wii lacked many of the kind of hot games you're referring to and was able to be a massive success with its own kind of hot games.

ETA: I see this was covered on both sides of the argument above. I do see both sides, and there's no question Wii U had a third party problem, it's just not clear to me what the best solution to it is.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Which part? Power, ports, posts above, everything...?

Not really seeing too many problems apart from some details (like splatoon and architecture/ease of port).

It doesn't make sense to me to be a different architecture than the handheld, which will surely be ARM. It doesn't make sense to me to be more powerful than the PS4 (power is not important to Nintendo's success historically, it increases the dev costs of their games unnecessarily, and it puts technological distance between the handheld and the console). It doesn't make sense to me that the console is their primary focus (the line about the New 3DS shoring up the 3DS for 2016 is really based on what, exactly?).

The people who wanted to play those games were turned off for different reasons I had people who understood why the Wii didn't get DLC buy Wii Us but not buy CoD because there was no clear answer on DLC.

There's always going to be a reason.


Are you kidding me with this post? Third-parties dropped the Wii-U like a hot rock and you think they did so just for kicks?

This is just common sense. Third-parties unequivocally decided that their money was better spent on other platforms. If not they'd still be creating games for the Wii-U.

Activision, Disney, Ubisoft, and WB all released Wii U games in the last year. Activision & WB in particular released multiple games.


Nintendo's online infrastructure allows for DLC? I mean, Smash and Mario Kart use it.

Now it does, but the WiiU at time of launch was pretty different from how it is today. It's possible that they relaxed requirements or improved infrastructure to make it possible later on.


It doesn't make sense to me to be a different architecture than the handheld, which will surely be ARM. It doesn't make sense to me to be more powerful than the PS4 (power is not important to Nintendo's success historically, it increases the dev costs of their games unnecessarily, and it puts technological distance between the handheld and the console). It doesn't make sense to me that the console is their primary focus (the line about the New 3DS shoring up the 3DS for 2016 is really based on what, exactly?).
I think what's really meant by "primary focus" is that the console will come out first, which makes sense considering the Wii U needs a replacement much more than the 3DS does.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think what's really meant by "primary focus" is that the console will come out first, which makes sense considering the Wii U needs a replacement much more than the 3DS does.

I don't agree, personally. The Wii U is obviously a catastrophic failure, but Nintendo absolutely has to protect its real revenue generator and likely the core of its future gaming business, the dedicated handheld market. I'm surprised they are putting so much focus on consoles. I mean, obviously I understand why they want to do it, but it's a market where I feel the chance of them being boxed out is higher and the risk is lower (it's already eroded from their business). The N3DS is not meaningfully prolonging the life of the 3DS, especially in Japan, so I would have thought the handheld would be out first. Prior to this last rumor run, I thought for sure that would be the conventional wisdom.


It doesn't make sense to me to be a different architecture than the handheld, which will surely be ARM. It doesn't make sense to me to be more powerful than the PS4 (power is not important to Nintendo's success historically, it increases the dev costs of their games unnecessarily, and it puts technological distance between the handheld and the console). It doesn't make sense to me that the console is their primary focus (the line about the New 3DS shoring up the 3DS for 2016 is really based on what, exactly?).

There's always going to be a reason.

I'm guessing they need more time to think about and develop their handheld strategy, whatever it is.


Wii U was expected to get the same ports as 360 and PS3, and that didn't happen. The console still went ignored. Even ports that did show up were missing features or dlc.

That alone tells you that Nintendo's problems go beyond simply needing a box on par with the competition.

The industry outside of a few titles dropped the PS3/360 faster than anyone could have imagined. Most of that is due to the nature of the modern industry that has now consolidated around a few engines etc.

Nintendo gambled on longer term support of PS3/360 during development of the Wii U but the 8th Generation of software was already in development on engines Nintendo did not design for.
There's always going to be a reason.

As there should, I bought and played both CoD games on the Wii U, BO2 and Ghost but the lack of new content (and BO2 having god awful hit detection) made me play those games a lot less than I would have if there was new content, or even a bigger more active community, I mean it's why I keep playing Splatoon new content every so often and it satisfies my shooter fix.
They can have all the power in the world, but if it's another Nintendo consoles without third party support and multiplats then its just going to be the wiiu all over again for them.


Ok, I scratched my head some over this (and I won't even comment on the voodoo chicken part - 10k commented out of left field there):

How is x86->arm porting more tricky than arm->x86 porting?
I have no idea. It's what my source said. I'm still in the ARM camp for NX.


Activision, Disney, Ubisoft, and WB all released Wii U games in the last year. Activision & WB in particular released multiple games.

The multiplatform big games, the tentpole releases, the blockbusters, a huge majority of them don't hit the Wii-U. You know this. Stop trying to intentionally miss the point.


It doesn't make sense to me to be a different architecture than the handheld, which will surely be ARM. It doesn't make sense to me to be more powerful than the PS4 (power is not important to Nintendo's success historically, it increases the dev costs of their games unnecessarily, and it puts technological distance between the handheld and the console). It doesn't make sense to me that the console is their primary focus (the line about the New 3DS shoring up the 3DS for 2016 is really based on what, exactly?).

There's always going to be a reason.
Personally, it doesn't make sense for them to be in the hardware business at this point. Shrinking handheld market and competitive console market. Majority of People that buy their consoles are only in it for their exclusives and I can't see them pulling anybody else away from the established ps4/Xbox ecosystem. They are better off trying something unique and hoping they catch lightning in a bottle again like the wii.
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