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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Is currently staging a hunger strike outside Gearbox HQ while trying to hate them to death
Was hoping for a Mario 3D world port, one of the few games I want to play on Wii-U


And they don't need GTA on their machine, they need more of that unique software, and a promise that it's the place to be for that from the get-go.

Some people still don't get it. GTA is exactly what they need. Along with Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Battlefield, Far Cry, and every single big name third party franchise that skips Nintendo.

If you aren't offering the latest hot games, then you won't be selling consoles. Nobody is clamoring for another Mario with the latest gimmick.


Kiddy image isn't a problem for them anymore, really. That's an old talking point that seems irrelevant today. They also have several high profile teen+ titles, from the jrpgs on wii u, monster hunter , Bayonetta.

this defense was raised against the gamecube back when it had eternal darkness and resident evil, but when majority of your library is child focused, and the competition has the likes of GTA i think an argument can easily be raised that nintendo's demographic is still very much centered around children. and for a time it worked. but that market moved on. and kids these days seem to be playing more COD then they are mario. if nintendo can't cater to the markets demands, then they may as well just not bother, unless of course they're happy with Wii-U levels of niche success, in which case i guess they'll carry on.


I can't see them developing the ports and then holding them because profiles and levels don't come over. They are huge hits on the Wii U and could be even bigger on hardware that may sell from day one. It will be interesting to see if they use mobiles for the second screen through an app or if they go the controller route again.

Mobiles could be amazing, since it would open up a possibility to PacMan Vs., Chrystal Chronicles and 4 Swords Adventure ports.


Smash Bros will have new characters added - including Haruka Amami from The iDOLM@STER

iDOLM@STER Platinum Stars is one of the rumoured Bamco titles already in development for the system, hence the cross promotion in Smash.

Mystery Costumes of a selection of popular iDOLs will be made available in Mario Maker.

Splatoon will be a sequel rather than a port. Squid Sister crossover concert with iM@S idols will be held to promote it. Platinum Stars will have Squid Sister outfits as exclusive NX content.

That moment when two of those things could actually happen in the future.
my opinion is still that it doesn't really matter what the Nx will be..they have no chance of it being a success since they burned bridges with pretty much any demographic on the market right now,AND they are going against two already established consoles...

I disagree; Nintendo could do quite well if they do the following:

1) Don't give it a shit name. The "Wii U" was fucking stupid; too many people thought it was an add-on for the Wii/a hardware revision/etc.

2) Repair relations with third parties.

3) Keep the cost as low as possible.

4) As few gimmicks as possible. The console/portable hybrid may do well, as that's something that's inherently appealing, but that aside, give us a normal controller. The Wii was lightning in a bottle; they need to stop trying to recapture that. I love the Wii U, but most of my favourite games barely use the gamepad at at all.

5) Make it look sleek, and not like a toy. Many people are quite image-conscious, and when buying technology, they want something that looks somewhat "professional".

6) Give us a solid online infrastructure and voicechat. Stop trying to protect children by crippling the online experience. If people can jump into an online game of Mario Kart or Smash Bros. and talk to people, that alone would shift units.

Or at Mario Kart 8 / Splatoon..

The online in those games are as smooth as butter, which is definitely commendable, but neither offer much in the way of customising online games, and voice chat is entirely absent. And of course, online extends further than just the games themselves; the Wii U itself lacks a good friend/party system.


Kiddy image isn't a problem for them anymore, really. That's an old talking point that seems irrelevant today. They also have several high profile teen+ titles, from the jrpgs on wii u, monster hunter , Bayonetta.

I don't know about that, a non gamer happened to be in the same room while I was explaining the mechanics of Splatoon by showing a youtube clip I talked over to someone and she asked why I would play a kiddy shooter instead of CS GO like I used to before.

I'm still kinda in the 90s mindset when colorful games featuring mascot characters where the best games around (Mega Man, Banjo Kazooie, Mario, ...) but nowadays it seems that people associate games that feature simplified cartoon characters, basic geometry and all that as games specifically for kids. This means they base target age on presentation aspects, when in fact in video game terms a game for kids is something that deliberately features shallow gameplay which adults would find repetitive and not stimulating, like some of the LEGO based games are a little too one dimensional for gamers who are looking for a deep gameplay experience. But a game like Splatoon is in my mind equivalent to CS GO, there's nothing inherently more kiddy about it. However I would say the former is more kid-friendly.

If I show a clip of Duck Tales on NES as someone in my mid-20s and say this is one of my favorite gaming experiences ever they would guaranteed think I'm a weirdo who likes kiddy things, but for those who appreciate good game design know whatsup. The masses don't perceive things this way though. I'm supposed to play a QTE fest combat game like AC or a skinner box riddled game like The Division because of my age, or something.


Exactly, so it will be sat along side the current-gen consoles what we have now. Exactly why I made the point that I feel like its one of the main contributing factors to the incremental upgrades from both MS/Sony.

we still have to see what Sony and MS do with those rumors about PS4k and XB1.5. They may end being just nothing or reality.
There's also other things like friends playing popular franchises online, see COD , FIFA etc... if you switch to NX will will probably be 'alone' for a while.


my opinion is still that it doesn't really matter what the Nx will be..they have no chance of it being a success since they burned bridges with pretty much any demographic on the market right now,AND they are going against two already established consoles...

While depressing, I think you might be spot on.

No-one is looking at Nintendo to deliver a console with a lot of hardware power because chances are it'll have little to no initial third-parties on-board to support the platform. Relying on the trickle of games out of Nintendo's first-party studios simply isn't enough to invest in a platform as a consuer when the biggest and most anticipated games are all multiplatform and not hitting NX. It'll sell to the Nintendo faithful and that's it. Like the Wii-U did.

So it's a problem that can't be solved with a single solution. Third parties are not going to invest heavily in the NX platform unless it has a active multi-million playerbase that actually spends money on third-party games and not just Nintendo products. And to get that kind of an audience, Nintendo needs to have all third-parties on board from day one.
All the hardware power in the world means jack shit to people when it means not being able to play the new Division, Dark Souls, Destiny, FIFA or Assassin's Creed games. People put way too much stock in a new Metroid or Zelda to convince people to make the jump. It certainly isn't hardware power holding those games back.

And Nintendo simply doesn't hold the sway to make those third-party relations happen. No-one is again going to gamble away their money on the NX when they've seen the Wii-U come crashing down, getting no return on any of their investments. The people thinking that third parties will just magically show up with games once Nintendo drops a decently powerful box are delusional. Simple as that.

In my eyes, the only thing Nintendo can realistically do to re-establish themselves is aim for a pricepoint that's as low as humanly possible and with a unique and innovative 'hook' that gets people talking. If they are going to try and bump shoulders with the other two by creating a more powerful, pricier console only without the games to back those up, it's going to be a complete trainwreck.
Some people still don't get it. GTA is exactly what they need. Along with Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Battlefield, Far Cry, and every single big name third party franchise that skips Nintendo.

If you aren't offering the latest hot games, then you won't be selling consoles. Nobody is clamoring for another Mario with the latest gimmick.

Nobody wants another Mario...lol. So thats why his games still sell 5 million copies on a dead console? If everybody would argument like u do, you never would see a LOT of games ever again. Not every game needs to sell 20 million tp stay relevant.
And no, i dont think Nintendo consoles shouldnt get all yout mentioned games butits not granted that your console will sell good IF u have them. Or why is the XBone so many selled units behind the PS4?
Why would they go after a franchise that's never had any relation to Nintendo hardware or it's fanbase?
And Rockstar would be out of their minds to piss away all of that hard work and money on a fanbase that would ignore it anyway.

Um... Why wouldn't they go after a franchise they haven't had? That's literally the best way to grow their market. Trying to pick up something people are already buying on the console anyway isn't going to get them a larger cut of the market at all, just maintain the status quo. Looking at the wants of the current fanbase just means another Nintendo console with less sales than the last. And something like an open world Rockstar game is going to be hurt by timed exclusivity in the slightest. It's one of those "too big not to sell" kind of things. It would sell at least as many copies regardless, they're just going to be staggered across releases. So it's just a matter of Nintendo ponying up enough money for Rockstar/TT feel it's worth the effort to launch on a Nintendo platform first.


6) Give us a solid online infrastructure and voicechat. Stop trying to protect children by crippling the online experience. If people can jump into an online game of Mario Kart or Smash Bros. and talk to people, that alone would shift units.

Personally i'd like to see a two tiered system.

Something like they have now, so everyone (no matter the age) can have some fun online, safely, at no extra cost..

....and then a a fully featured online service ala PS4/XB1 (for a fee).

That way you get the best of both world's and nobody is excluded.


Fascinating rumors! I have to agree with others -- if they're making ports of Wii U games then there's a high chance the NX won't be backwards compatible. At least not on day 1.

power isn't it's problem. it's late arrival and third party support are it's problem. if nintendo can somehow secure a couple of MASSIVE third party exclusives it might make them a more attractive prospect (we're talking GTA big here, not something niche like BG+E2).

but if it's just ports of Wii-U games and NX only mario and zelda yet again, using the same gimmick as the Wii-U (second screen gaming) 3 years too late, who exactly is going to rush out to buy that?


Being a powerful console is a fantastic thing, but at this point in time, Nintendo's main problem isn't power. It's the lack of support from publishers and developers.

Let's look at this from a wider perspective. If the NX is an entirely new console from Nintendo, then what are the incentives for third parties to make their games on the platform? How are third parties going to benefit from adding a fourth platform to their current 3 (PC/XBO/PS4)? What exactly can they gain from releasing a version of their game on the NX?

Assuming the NX is a brand new console from Nintendo, then what will change the minds of publishers and developers to start supporting Nintendo again? Developers aren't going to do cartwheels now that a Nintendo console can do subsurface scattering without killing the performance, and not being a nightmare to develop for didn't bring a great amount of support to platforms such as the Vita! If pubs and devs won't support the platform then consumers won't support the platform, and we're right back to square one.

From my perspective, Nintendo has to either:

1) Do what you suggested and start buying massive exclusives. It doesn't have to be permanent exclusivity -- timed would work. I'm talking about games like Far Cry 5, Red Dead Redemption 2, Mass Effect: Andromeda, Skyrim 2 etc. This isn't a sustainable long-term strategy, but in the short-term, it gets their console moving off shelves.

2) Pay every publisher to make a version of their game for the NX. Nintendo could (theoretically) cover a significant amount of the development costs. This is more sustainable than #1, but Nintendo still spends a ton of money and there is no guarantee that the NX version will have an edge in the marketplace against the PC/XBO/PS4 version.

3) Create something so cool with the console that consumers flock to it. This is the original Wii strategy, i.e. Rely on what we've created to drive adoption and growth rather than what others have to or will create. This is the ideal strategy, as it has the knock-on effect of attracting devs and publishers to the platform without massive monetary incentives. For example, if the NX has a global rewind feature (i.e. Rewind any game at any point) then devs and pubs might want to be able to market their game to younger and much older audiences as a rewind feature makes a lot of games more accessible and much easier to complete.

All of this assumes the NX will be a console from Nintendo. I strongly believe Nintendo are playing a much different game with the NX. I would be super surprised if the NX turned out to be just a console from Nintendo (and Nintendo alone) that had powerful specs. That, to me, would be an indication of Nintendo not learning anything from how the market responded to the Wii U.


I disagree; Nintendo could do quite well if they do the following:

1) Don't give it a shit name. The "Wii U" was fucking stupid; too many people thought it was an add-on for the Wii/a hardware revision/etc.

If you think the Wii-U name was actually a big reason the thing failed, you're kidding yourself. It's maybe reason #152 on the list.

2) Repair relations with third parties.

Okay. Exactly how would Nintendo convince third-parties to invest in an unproven platform that's historically shown to be unfavorable to third party games? Why are you acting like this is a achievable goal?

3) Keep the cost as low as possible.

Agreed. As low as it can possibly go.

4) As few gimmicks as possible. The console/portable hybrid may do well, as that's something that's inherently appealing, but that aside, give us a normal controller. The Wii was lightning in a bottle; they need to stop trying to recapture that. I love the Wii U, but most of my favourite games barely use the gamepad at at all.

A Nintendo console that's cheap as dirt, but without a 'hook' is dead in the water in terms of mass adoption. There are two established, conventional consoles out there that play all the games. Nintendo would be crazy to lose the only thing they have, which is their unique approach to gaming. The Gamepad was a misstep, the Wii-mote wasn't.

5) Make it look sleek, and not like a toy. Many people are quite image-conscious, and when buying technology, they want something that looks somewhat "professional".

The Wii was super sleek, the Wii-U also didn't look bad at all. The gamepad could lose a bit of it's Fisher-Price look, for sure. But this is really low on the list of priorities.

6) Give us a solid online infrastructure and voicechat. Stop trying to protect children by crippling the online experience. If people can jump into an online game of Mario Kart or Smash Bros. and talk to people, that alone would shift units.

Agreed, and so far Nintendo has barely shown capable of supporting even last-gen communication standards and practices. They are completely outclassed in this area and their conservative stance on online interaction is still as ridiculous today as it was years ago. As far as it shifting units, that's just nonsense. A proper online infrastructure is the expectation on any modern console. Nintendo is just far, far behind.

Speak for yourself, I got and still getiing enjoyment out of the Wii U.

I'm talking about investors and developers here. Not consumers.


Fascinating rumors! I have to agree with others -- if they're making ports of Wii U games then there's a high chance the NX won't be backwards compatible. At least not on day 1.


Being a powerful console is a fantastic thing, but at this point in time, Nintendo's main problem isn't power. It's the lack of support from publishers and developers.

Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.


to be precise,any console is doing kinda bad in japan for what i recall
and europe is sony's territory

Yeah, because of mobile, but even in that context the X1 is pulling terrible numbers Japan

Concerning Europe: actually Nintendo is doing pretty good in Europe too. It just doesn't look that way because Sony currently has one of their best generations ever and Nintendo one of their worst.
Otherwise Nintendo isn't all too far behind Sony here.
Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.

Exactly. Look at dem goal posts move ! :p


While depressing, I think you might be spot on.

No-one is looking at Nintendo to deliver a console with a lot of hardware power because chances are it'll have little to no initial third-parties on-board to support the platform. Relying on the trickle of games out of Nintendo's first-party studios simply isn't enough to invest in a platform as a consuer when the biggest and most anticipated games are all multiplatform and not hitting NX. It'll sell to the Nintendo faithful and that's it. Like the Wii-U did.

So it's a problem that can't be solved with a single solution. Third parties are not going to invest heavily in the NX platform unless it has a active multi-million playerbase that actually spends money on third-party games and not just Nintendo products. And to get that kind of an audience, Nintendo needs to have all third-parties on board from day one.
All the hardware power in the world means jack shit to people when it means not being able to play the new Division, Dark Souls, Destiny, FIFA or Assassin's Creed games. People put way too much stock in a new Metroid or Zelda to convince people to make the jump. It certainly isn't hardware power holding those games back.

And Nintendo simply doesn't hold the sway to make those third-party relations happen. No-one is again going to gamble away their money on the NX when they've seen the Wii-U come crashing down, getting no return on any of their investments. The people thinking that third parties will just magically show up with games once Nintendo drops a decently powerful box are delusional. Simple as that.

In my eyes, the only thing Nintendo can realistically do to re-establish themselves is aim for a pricepoint that's as low as humanly possible and with a unique and innovative 'hook' that gets people talking. If they are going to try and bump shoulders with the other two by creating a more powerful, pricier console only without the games to back those up, it's going to be a complete trainwreck.

yep ,pretty much what i think...the big publisher go where the install base is,and the users go where the big publisher go..is a circle that nintenbdo can't break by the power of nintendo games alone,nor by confiding in their "aficionados",since there were already not that many,and many more are now diffident about nintendo after being shelved for the "new demographic" with the wii and buying a console that was already dead day one with the wii u


As far as seeing ports of Super Mario Maker, SSB4, & Splatoon for the NX, I would be down with that. Especially if they are complete editions, so that I don't have to worry about wasting precious HD space with all those patches and DLC. (Especially if they offer a 40% discount for those who had picked up the Wii U versions of those games.)


Yeah, because of mobile, but even in that context the X1 is pulling terrible numbers Japan

Concerning Europe: actually Nintendo is doing pretty good in Europe too. It just doesn't look that way because Sony currently has one of their best generations ever and Nintendo one of their worst.
Otherwise Nintendo isn't all too far behind Sony here.

Any numbers on that?I live in Europe,and they don't even sell the wii U in stores anymore other than at gamestop..although I live in a country that has been Sony's turf since 1996 basically


Nobody wants another Mario...lol. So thats why his games still sell 5 million copies on a dead console? If everybody would argument like u do, you never would see a LOT of games ever again. Not every game needs to sell 20 million tp stay relevant.
And no, i dont think Nintendo consoles shouldnt get all yout mentioned games butits not granted that your console will sell good IF u have them. Or why is the XBone so many selled units behind the PS4?

Everything is "so many units behind PS4", so it's not really a slap in the face to Microsoft considering they're at double Wii U sales with one year less time on the market. This is after a number of missteps on their part.

You can simply look at Nintendo's console sales to see that no, the masses aren't going to buy a new Nintendo console for a new Mario. They don't care. If you're not offering the latest hot games people want, then you'll get nowhere. History has shown this with every generation.


If you think the Wii-U name was actually a big reason the thing failed, you're kidding yourself. It's maybe reason #152 on the list.

It was definitely a big reason. After countless peripherals and games that started with "Wii", assuming something called "Wii U" is just another add-on for the Wii is entirely reasonable. The fact that they initially kept showing the gamepad over and over again while the actual console was hidden in the background only supported this notion.

It's 2016, four years after its release, and from time to time you still hear stories of people who thought it was just some add-on for the Wii.


3D Zelda team - dual release
3D Mario team - new game
Pikmin team - new game
Wii Sports team - new game?
Splatoon team - port
Super Mario Maker team - port

Animal Crossing team - new game not near launch
Mario Kart team - new game not near launch

That's a solid balance between Nintendo's internal development teams where a lot of games get release.


Ok there is this thread seen here. It was ok but nothing came out of it... until now.

Backing up, there's this Gaffer, 10k. Decent fella I presume.

Nintendo is struggling to transfer over player data

The reasons again are, Nintendo is struggling to transfer all player data

This absolutely reeks of bullshit.
Player data is the single most platform agnostic and transferable part of code, and I can't envisage a single scenario where the maker of software that generates player data is unable to create a second piece of software to read that player data.

You know how people have amazon accounts that haven't lost a single piece of user data in the 20+ years its been running, despite there being giant paradigm shifts in online infrastructures?

You know how WoW players haven't lost a single piece of player data despite the game being basically rewritten from scratch multiple times over that period?

Just absolutely inconceivable that this would be the case, even if you assume Nintendo are so entirely incompetent that it is a miracle that they can even program a game in the first place.


Any numbers on that?I live in Europe,and they don't even sell the wii U in stores anymore other than at gamestop..although I live in a country that has been Sony's turf since 1996 basically

I live in Europe and I see Wii U in every single toy or electronics store (Mediamarkt).


Okay, my bad Hoo-doo! But still you can't say that without proof or a source, not a single third party made their money back for any of their games? That's gonna be a hard thing to proof.

they abandoned totsally the wii u after their first games on the console

no harder proof than that really..if it was somewhat a profitable console to develop for,we would have continued seen some support..even with junk


my guess on monster hunter is that monster hunter 5 will be multiplatform ps4/nx while nx gets more of the games that aren't part of the main series, while the ps4 main game is there simply to sell better in the west. capcom might be investing a lot in the game to bring it from ps2/psp/wii/3ds levels to nx levels.

i think we'll see japan look at ps4 and nx as a single entity starting in 2017, especially as ps vita dies off. it'll be a lot like how western publishers view microsoft and sony consoles as a single audience.

It might happen, but I doubt MH5 will be on PS4. Unlike Sony, Nintendo cares about this licence and will spend money to keep it an exclusive.
That said, the PS4 will get its HD MonHun. Just not a mainline one.

But yeah, more and more games (in japan) will be on both platforms.


If you think the Wii-U name was actually a big reason the thing failed, you're kidding yourself. It's maybe reason #152 on the list.


True story...

Last summer I was in a bar with a group of friends. The following went down;

Mate 1 says to me "Shall i get an xbox 1 or Wii U?" His brother, mate 2, says to him "didn't you sell your Wii?" He says "No a Wii U is a new console" to which his brother replied "i thought it was just an add on"

Mate 2's missus then says "I thought it was an add on too"

Mate 2 then says "well when did that come out?"

I replied "years ago"

He said "really?"

This, is what happens when you choose the same name for two consoles in a row without chucking a number in there. Add to that the next to no advertisement for it here and your average punter has no idea what you are selling. So I think the name was a very big part of the failure.


Okay, my bad Hoo-doo! But still you can't say that without proof or a source, not a single third party made their money back for any of their games? That's gonna be a hard thing to proof.

Are you kidding me with this post? Third-parties dropped the Wii-U like a hot rock and you think they did so just for kicks?

This is just common sense. Third-parties unequivocally decided that their money was better spent on other platforms. If not they'd still be creating games for the Wii-U.
Any numbers on that?I live in Europe,and they don't even sell the wii U in stores anymore other than at gamestop..although I live in a country that has been Sony's turf since 1996 basically
Germany is like the market for Sony in europe and every store has an all right Wii U presence here.

Your area seems to be the outlier.


Some people still don't get it. GTA is exactly what they need. Along with Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Battlefield, Far Cry, and every single big name third party franchise that skips Nintendo.

If you aren't offering the latest hot games, then you won't be selling consoles. Nobody is clamoring for another Mario with the latest gimmick.

No. You don't want another Mario, not nobody. I don't buy a Nintendo console to play gta. I buy it to play Nintendo's awesome unique and exclusive well made finished games.


Now suddenly power isn't the problem lol. I thought a couple of years ago people started saying the Wii U didn't get ports because it was teh weak 7 year old ancient hw!!!!
Now it's supposedly powerful enough or even more powerful than the PS4, but it somehow doesn't matter anymore....

Nintendo doomed since 1889.

Eh, "power" has always been one of the problems but not the only problem. The Wii U did get ports of those AAA games that target the PS/Xbox audience, and they all did terribly on that system.


they abandoned totsally the wii u after their first games on the console

no harder proof than that really..if it was somewhat a profitable console to develop for,we would have continued seen some support..even with junk

Ubisoft is still releasing Just Dance on Wii U, so you are proven wrong.

Eh, "power" has always been one of the problems but not the only problem. The Wii U did get ports of those AAA games that target the PS/Xbox audience, and they all did terribly on that system.
Eh, you mean those year late ports for full price, Yeah, those publishers are idiots if they thought those were gonna sell. But it's the perfect excuse to not release games anymore though.


2) Pay every publisher to make a version of their game for the NX. Nintendo could (theoretically) cover a significant amount of the development costs. This is more sustainable than #1, but Nintendo still spends a ton of money and there is no guarantee that the NX version will have an edge in the marketplace against the PC/XBO/PS4 version.

They probably wouldn't have to pay them..just drop the licensing fees.

They could tell all publishers "no fees for the first year",
No fees for all games rated teen or higher/ licensed sports games for the second year,
No fees for mature titles for the 3rd & 4th year/half fee for licensed sports games.

With EA they could say something like - put ALL future releases on NX (with the deals above)...and we'll also allow EA Access on the NX and take no cut for the first 12 months and only 10% thereafter.

Nintendo won't make much from fees in the first year anyway...so they might as well throw a big bone like that to get support.
This absolutely reeks of bullshit.
Player data is the single most platform agnostic and transferable part of code, and I can't envisage a single scenario where the maker of software that generates player data is unable to create a second piece of software to read that player data.

You know how people have amazon accounts that haven't lost a single piece of user data in the 20+ years its been running, despite there being giant paradigm shifts in online infrastructures?

You know how WoW players haven't lost a single piece of player data despite the game being basically rewritten from scratch multiple times over that period?

Just absolutely inconceivable that this would be the case, even if you assume Nintendo are so entirely incompetent that it is a miracle that they can even program a game in the first place.

I agree. Closest thing is whatever team is porting it hasn't got the mechanics to behave 100% the same, which will in turn break some of the more complicated levels, but even that is a stretch to go from an uncompleted port to considering abandoning it. But I've wasted enough brain cells trying to justify this claim already, it just sounds like bollocks.
I'm mostly excited about Nintendo's artstyle + lack of jaggies.

I wonder if they should just name the console: Nintendo Entertainment System/NES

Go old school, or would that cause too much confusion?


No. You don't want another Mario, not nobody. I don't buy a Nintendo console to play gta. I buy it to play Nintendo's awesome unique and exclusive well made finished games.

Case in point: this is exactly why third-parties collectively abandon Nintendo consoles. It's just not worth it.
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