Actually, has anyone talked about what API NX will be using? Obviously it won't use DX12, but I wonder if Nintendo will go with Vulkan or Mantle? Or maybe a custom version of OpenGL/OpenCL? I like to see them adapt to Mantle or Vulkan.
Which 3rd party games would Nintendo realistically secure exclusivety deals for? BG&E2? That would pretty much be like Bayonetta 2, nobody would care about it. What about bringing their characters into 3rd party games? Sounds more likely, but certainly won't improve sales by much.
Read at least the entire post...
Well they did recently join the Khronos group behind Vulkan so maybe.
Well they did recently join the Khronos group behind Vulkan so maybe.
We know they are part of the VULKAN Khronos Group. So my guess would be Vulkan and openGL
I'm expecting Nintendo to lock down some kind of big Japanese exclusive, like a Monster Hunter or even something from SE. Probably nothing Western apart from BG&E2, maybe a another Lego game.
Lego Legend Of Zelda.
Alternatively, what if Capcom shift MHX2 to PS4/NX console and MH5 becomes handheld guess on monster hunter is that monster hunter 5 will be multiplatform ps4/nx while nx gets more of the games that aren't part of the main series, while the ps4 main game is there simply to sell better in the west. capcom might be investing a lot in the game to bring it from ps2/psp/wii/3ds levels to nx levels.
i think we'll see japan look at ps4 and nx as a single entity starting in 2017, especially as ps vita dies off. it'll be a lot like how western publishers view microsoft and sony consoles as a single audience.
Wont improve sales at all, if people who don't care about first party Nintendo, why would they care about Nintendo characters in 3rd party games?
Nintendo's style (like Miitomo) is cutesy and distinctly Japanese, and for the majority of gamers, especially in the West, those that buy PS and Xbox, this is unappealing.
That is why their consoles have been selling to the same Nintendo fanbase since the SNES.
I would want a more refined, grown up OS, up to date and modern feature set, competitive network features, good hardware and full 3rd parry support.
Anything less is a downgrade from the existing platforms.
I'm less interested in the power, and more interested in Nintendo's ability to put together a robust and cohesive online strategy. Simple integration of shop, purchases, friends list, invites, messaging and voice chat. Nintendo games will always be good, no matter the power, but for this to be a modern console I expect an experience that matches the competitors, not just a comparable CPU / GPU.
Not sure if discussed, and not to say i don't believe 10k and his sources, but the reasoning behind NX>PS4 seems a bit silly. Because if Jaguar is a bottleneck for the PS4, then Nintendo could have still used a less powerful (or on par) GPU but with a stronger CPU to avoid bottlenecks.
On the other hand, if they know[/] that it's more powerful all around and threw in that motivation too, then it's a different thing.
Also, seems i got all the 4 ports right![]()
One could say that this is Nintendo trying to muddy Sony and MS's year 4/5/etc of their console's lifespan. The combined sales of the PS4/XB1 are, what - about 60 million at this moment? There's a potentially a lot of sales that can be stolen from them from people who haven't locked down whether they want a PS4 or XB1. Whether Nintendo can do it though...You do realize that even if Nintendo did all the above, the PS4/XBO audience are going to outright ignore the Nintendo NX, due to them just being content with what they have, right?
It's a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of situation here.
Those people only care about NBA 2K, FIFA, Madden and COD. If the NX gets ports of those, Nintendo will win big as they will be able to capture a piece of that market in addition to its current child-friendly fanbase.
You do realize that even if Nintendo did all the above, the PS4/XBO audience are going to outright ignore the Nintendo NX, due to them just being content with what they have, right?
It's a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of situation here.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I'd like to note that this description is complete voodoo chicken bullshit, start to finish.Based off my high school programming skills and some research, it seems like x86 to ARM does require more work, x86 is 64-bit and ARM is 32-bit. But any decent compiler supports 64-bit math on ARM. The dev's mainly recompile the code into ARM, and then the integer values get changed, and fix any errors that come up, recompile again, see if it works, rinse and repeat.
I believe that a console reasonably more powerful than PS4 sold at 299$ at cost or very small margin is feasible, but that depends on how expensive the new gimmick is.It is possible to have a more powerful hardware. But I don't believe for a second Nintendo has the intention to sell it at higher price. It's the only way to have a more powerful machine. I don't know how they could if they want to stay as lower as possible without lose.
To be fair that 10k's take on the subject, not something his sources told him. That bit is not that important anyway, although it's obviously incorrect.I haven't read the whole thread, but I'd like to note that this description is complete voodoo chicken bullshit, start to finish.
299 bucks? I really doubt it. At the best you can have a comparable machine. Maybe.I believe that a console reasonably more powerful than PS4 sold at 299$ at cost or very small margin is feasible, but that depends on how expensive the new gimmick is.
From what we know Sony wants to sell the PS4K at 499, and that console should have a 2x more powerful GPU, stronger CPU, 4K Blu-Ray drive and possibly GDDR5X if they want to allow simpler games to run at 4K. That's way more expensive than what Nintendo will have, especially the BR should raise the cost quite a lot.
So i think that if Sony can do that at 499, N should be able to beat vanilla PS4 at 299, even if not by a huge margin.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I'd like to note that this description is complete voodoo chicken bullshit, start to finish.
Don't believe this guy. Sources getting worried about what he's going to post. If they were so worried they never would have gave him the info. Also, getting information from sources he doesn't even know. That doesn't even make sense. How many sources does this guy have?
I agree, and that's why (and I await to be proven wrong) I believe Nintendo can't get back into the mix in the home console market.
They abandoned the user that carried that market since the early days to chase different things, now that market is gone (to phones and tablets etc) they are now trying to get back in.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I'd like to note that this description is complete voodoo chicken bullshit, start to finish.
You do realize that even if Nintendo did all the above, the PS4/XBO audience are going to outright ignore the Nintendo NX, due to them just being content with what they have, right?
It's a "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" type of situation here.
I haven't read the whole thread, but I'd like to note that this description is complete voodoo chicken bullshit, start to finish.
think it would help if nintendo themselves paved the way for a more adult audience and adult third party offerings too and developed something that was higher then an E for everyone rating, because on top of everything else they need to shake off some of that kiddy image...not all, since people still love mario and zelda etc...but they need to do something for the people who actually grew up.
Nearly all of my Wii U games are digital copies. If the NX releases and a bunch of superior ports are released for it, then I'm going to be pissed off unless they offer some kind of major discount. I know there are inherent risks when buying digital games, and not being able to sell them is up there, but I expect them not to become obsolete in less time than a single generation.
I disagreed with them on this but they made some excellent points about how porting from ARM to x86 (handheld to console) and x86 to x86 (current PS4 and XB1 games to NX) is very easy, while it's a bit more tricky to go from x86 to ARM (console to handheld).
I expect everything except voice chat.
Shop and purchases they already did behind the scenes (they now have a web-eshop, you can see all your purchases tied to you nintendo account). They also already have a friend list and invite system.
There is no brand loyalty in the console business outside of sites like Gaf etc. Consoles sell based off what they offer and the value of the offer.
If its compelling it will sell. If it is lazy and not compelling it will not.
Nintendo has to make the argument that what they offer is compelling and if they can it will sell. It isn't rocket science. There are no lizard men conspiracies against Nintendo or anything of the sort. Wii U was a disaster in development and offered no compelling reason for its long term existence
Part of me would be fascinated to see Nintendo pull a massive coup, like getting the next Red Dead six months early or something (and with the enhanced power, bragging about having the best edition), but the majority of me knows Nintendo would never try it.
nintendo never really abandoned video game fans who enjoyed the kinds of games nintendo made. that was the perception among people who stopped buying their consoles and games when they became interested in other things.
Obsolete? Come on now. You can still play them. Maybe with fewer if any online players but your Wii U doesn't explode the day after NX comes out. Nintendo need an account system you can tie purchases to but you can still play these games next year and they're not 'obsolete.'
i don't think nintendo needs to cater to the teens of 2001-2005 who were worried about being taken seriously when the 'kiddy' term was originally used to broadly define their library. if anything, those now-20 somethings and 30 somethings are starting families of their own, might be feeling nostalgic, and want something that's different from what's being offered on other dedicated hardware.
i think it would help if nintendo themselves paved the way for a more adult audience and adult third party offerings too and developed something that was higher then an E for everyone rating, because on top of everything else they need to shake off some of that kiddy image...not all, since people still love mario and zelda etc...but they need to do something for the people who actually grew up.
Don't believe this guy. Sources getting worried about what he's going to post. If they were so worried they never would have gave him the info. Also, getting information from sources he doesn't even know. That doesn't even make sense. How many sources does this guy have?
Or at Mario Kart 8 / Splatoon..All that extra power wont mean shit if the online services aren't up to scratch. Just look at the COD ports on wiiu.
my opinion is still that it doesn't really matter what the Nx will be..they have no chance of it being a success since they burned bridges with pretty much any demographic on the market right now,AND they are going against two already established consoles...