Talks about:
4K capability
A reveal next month
More amiibo
Using AMD
Woof. Doesn't even cite the report? Sounds like made up nonsense.
Talks about:
4K capability
A reveal next month
More amiibo
Using AMD
If they can achieve ps4 level graphics at 60 fps on a wiiU
He buries the fact that there are rumors. Doesn't mention the word until later in the story, and implies this is all confirmed before that...It doesn't seem like it is his info. He references a 'report' that says those things, but I'm not sure which one he is talking about.
What about fidelity scaling
Wouldnt you just need 4K capability to make very simplistic games at 4K?
We are hitting peaks though
The difference will be smaller than it was in the past and it might just need to be "powerful enough"
Hell WiiU might have done better had they threw in an HDD and leaned hard on how well their games ran at 1080p
Among a mountain of other "fixes" WiiU needed
You're missing the point by focussing on genre descriptors rather than actual gameplay.
"Strategy games" of the ilk of FE or AW are... what, FF:T? Which even backed by the very recognisable brand name "Final Fantasy" (vastly more recognisable than "Fire Emblem") is punching sales figures in the 200k range on an install base of hundreds of millions of people where "Brain games" (aka logic puzzles) are in the 10s of millions of installs in various flavours of Sudoku / Nonograms / etc.
Here's a brain Training clone punching 5 million plus on Android alone
I hope Bayonetta 2 and wonderful 101 are on the port/remaster list for NX.
An upgraded port of Smash 4 makes all the sense in the world. A true Smash 5 would be years and years in the making unless they made it a straight sequel to Smash 4, meaning using the same engine and many of the same assets... at which point, why not just release Smash 4 Complete now and reap the income that it would provide? You can even keep adding DLC over time.
Mario Kart is a totally different animal, as the turnaround on sequels has been about 3 years since Double Dash. We're technically due for another Mario Kart in 2017 anyway, so porting 8 in 2016 would more directly compete with the sequel in a way that a 2016 Smash 4 Complete won't be competing with a 2020/21 Smash 5.
I would still want a MK8 port
its so fucking good.... i would hate to leave it buried on WiiU...
I hope MK9 is equally as good and lets you access all the amazing tracks. I hate how tracks get shuffled and buried
Just bundle em as DLC or something
Based on what? What do you mean exactly for powerful console? Because I don't think it's that simple realize an hardware significantly more powerful of the ps4, with a comparable price point.I think people are forgetting that Nintendo can make a powerful console in the current market at a reason price point
Going with a mass market chipset just makes sense
Sure, you could always output 4K if you wanted to try and scale up or run titles that don't require a lot of grunt from the GPU. That just requires a decent scaler and HDMI 2.0.
I think pushing 4K for complex titles in the console price range is still quite a few years off. Graphics cards capable of this on PC will still be over $500 well through 2017.
I would still want a MK8 port
its so fucking good.... i would hate to leave it buried on WiiU...
I hope MK9 is equally as good and lets you access all the amazing tracks. I hate how tracks get shuffled and buried
Just bundle em as DLC or something
Cool. Hey, how about announcing this goddamn thing already?
Don't act like yall don't know what I'm talking about. This thread was already starting with confirmation bias. People coming into the thread trying to counter this rumor with another rumor and people using this rumor to basically talk down the systems of this gen that has already done enough to be successful in their approaches. I obviously have no problem with hypotheticals drawn to explain Nintendo strategy of this "system" based on the rumor which lots of people have talking about especially comparing it to the Wii U success and the Financials etc etc...
But the confirmation bias is real and it's a logic I don't understand. You can't counter a rumor with another rumor.
And for the record just to add my two cents on this rumor... I believe that it will be on par with everything that exist today but with Nintendo flare. I don't believe any power rumors from any company until the final confirmation because playing with power is something people all too well fall for way too much and then when it's confirmed, everyone has an issue with it. So I'm not twisting anything to fit a narrative at this point.
I agree completely. What I'm hoping is that they make the next Mario Kart more of a service, and start releasing classic tracks by the bushel.
Even if the NX is stronger than the PS4 it won't matter, as it would be perceived as weaker anyway, case in point, many an idiot proclaimed the 3rd party games in the og. WiiU sizzle reel to look worse than their 360 version, when the footage was in fact from the 360 Version.
Still, this pre announcement phase is always the most entertaining time, and I think that the 3D print fake alone has made the NX speculation the most epic one ever.
The most hilarious part is calling them a "small company". They're worth as much as Sony.
Let that sink in for a minute.
I agree completely. What I'm hoping is that they make the next Mario Kart more of a service, and start releasing classic tracks by the bushel.
Yes and that goes for ANY system right now
Even current PCs
I think this whole 4K gaming push is going to amount to 4K media and simple games that avoid using heavy resources
This year is going to be one for the ages,good or bad it's going to be huge.The hype phase is always the most exiting. This year we have all three manufacturers rumouring console updates/new consoles, so E3 should be very entertaining.![]()
Even if the NX is stronger than the PS4 it won't matter, as it would be perceived as weaker anyway, case in point, many an idiot proclaimed the 3rd party games in the og. WiiU sizzle reel to look worse than their 360 version, when the footage was in fact from the 360 Version.
Still, this pre announcement phase is always the most entertaining time, and I think that the 3D print fake alone has made the NX speculation the most epic one ever.
He's probably going by market capitalization, which isn't up to date either. (Sony: 3,81 trillion yen / Nintendo: 2,30 trillion yen)Based on what metrics?
Talks about:
4K capability
A reveal next month
More amiibo
Using AMD
The rumored specs on the PS4K seem aimed squarely at VR and not at 4K gaming. I think Sony knows that pushing 60+ fps for the PSVR with the current PS4 will become a serious struggle when developers want more complex games.
I think we're more likely to see MK9 Holiday 2017. It would be a great title for simultaneous release on the handheld and console.
Smash, Mario Maker, Mario Kart, and Splatoon all need to be Persistent service type games in my mind
This year is going to be one for the ages,good or bad it's going to be huge.
The most hilarious part is calling them a "small company". They're worth as much as Sony.
Let that sink in for a minute.
You're severely underestimating Nintendo's capacity to deliver high production value games. That's not cause it's cartoony that it's not technically amazing. Hell even that Toad game looked like a pixar movie, regardless of teh available power. I'm speaking assets and art there.
Akki, as to doubling down on a console vs. a handheld, I do believe it's possible a HH will release this year in JP and a console in the West (I want to say Nintendo has hinted at such a possibility but I don't have the comment handy), or that we get a HH at the same time as the console or perhaps next Spring with the console this year. They may believe this year's 3DS games including Pokémon will be enough to hold off on the HH a bit longer. They may want to attempt to give their console business a huge shot in the arm this year, and to triage 3DS in the meantime as a system to replace soon after. As to doubling down on the screen idea, I agree a refined Wii U is a potentially concerning idea, so hopefully if they include a screen they've got a way to do it in a way that's cheaper and/or much more appealing to consumers.
Yup. The guts of all four of these games are robust and solid. Just keep refining and adding content, and at the very least the time between sequels can be extended while Nintendo sees increased revenue over time per title.
Based on what metrics?
If the console ever gets left behind they can just release a NX.5. If the market demands it, at least. They can see how the ps4k will be receivedTrue. Around the PS4 level would be amazing for Nintendo but unless it gains massive traction early on, it is in danger of getting left behind once the Xbox and PS4 successors get announced 2 or 3 years down the line. (If they both don't go down the .5 upgrade path of course)
The Wii U library isn't too vast, porting key titles is likely the way to go.I hope they figure some way to emulate WiiU titles then
Would love to carry my digital library over
You really think that? Call me crazy but I think MK9 will be a mid 2018 game. I think the new Mario 3D game will get the 2017 holiday lol. This is just based on the history of the games and an educational guess. Mario Kart Wii came out in April and Mario Kart 8 came out in May.
I hope they figure some way to emulate WiiU titles then
Would love to carry my digital library over
This guy gets it!
If the console ever gets left behind they can just release a NX.5. If the market demands it, at least. They can see how the ps4k will be received
And unless Nintendo gamers actually start buying third party games instead of the handful of yearly first-party Nintendo titles, that will never happen.
That alone is a way bigger issue than any power concerns.
You may be right. I'm not clairvoyant. My thought was that the NX handheld will be released mid to late 2017, and the power of Kart would make it a great launch title.
Talks about:
4K capability
A reveal next month
More amiibo
Using AMD
If the console ever gets left behind they can just release a NX.5. If the market demands it, at least. They can see how the ps4k will be received
The Wii U library isn't too vast, porting key titles is likely the way to go.
Article is 2 years old.
And unless Nintendo gamers actually start buying third party games instead of the handful of yearly first-party Nintendo titles, that will never happen.
That alone is a way bigger issue than any power concerns.
Sony just needs to show TLOU 2 for me to flip out. The Ps4 for me is exclusively used for ND games anyway.All we need is some crazy game rumours to start surfacing and we are set! I wonder if Sony will pull of another Shenmue style coup this year? I wonder if MS or Nintendo will try to one-up this year as well. Fun fun!
So have you checked the market caps today? Because Sony is now worth approximately double what Nintendo is now. Not to mention market cap is only one basic metric for "company size."
In nearly every way Sony dwarfs Nintendo, from employees, revenue, and assets/liabilities. People should stop parroting around a two year old article.
Sony just needs to show TLOU 2 for me to flip out. The Ps4 for me is exclusively used for ND games anyway.
If Nintendo blows the lid on NX i'm already dead