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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Well, yes. But do you think Nintendo can release a console now where the games don;'t look as good as a PS4 even if it is 4k?

If its just a port of of Smash U, why not? They re-released Zelda TP just now and it doesn't look anywhere near as good as games made natively for the system.

Still, I agree that 4K won't be a priority.


My point is strategy or war games aren't niche on mobile. Genres like rhythm and brain games aren't doing anything on mobile, so Nintendo probably would be better off with a Fire Emblem or Advance Wars style game.

You're missing the point by focussing on genre descriptors rather than actual gameplay.
"Strategy games" of the ilk of FE or AW are... what, FF:T? Which even backed by the very recognisable brand name "Final Fantasy" (vastly more recognisable than "Fire Emblem") is punching sales figures in the 200k range on an install base of hundreds of millions of people where "Brain games" (aka logic puzzles) are in the 10s of millions of installs in various flavours of Sudoku / Nonograms / etc.

Here's a brain Training clone punching 5 million plus on Android alone
Because I do not see Nintendo's next dedicated handheld (if there is one) being successful outside of Japan.

A lot of people own 3DS's, it doesn't mean they'll buy another.

There is a much better chance of the 3DS successor/NX handheld being successful than people buying premium priced games on their mobile devices.


The only thing that I know for sure is that Nintendo needs to announce it sooner rather than later. Do not finish April without announcing it, please. Also, call it Nintendo WiiW,
power, power, power !

It's so stupid since a console will always have shitty specs compared to PC anyway.

I'm really hoping that people will finally understand that graphical power is not what makes good games. Of course it's better to have more but judging a system based on this is stupid.

We had a lot of remasters, now we'll have 4K versions or at the best 4K sequels and then people will see that better graphics is not the best thing a dev has to offer in a franchise evolution.

So for PS4K (since I won't talk about NX specs) I'm hoping for this usage of the improved capabilities of the system.
- 1080p / 60fps with a decent amount of effects
- focus on level design and gameplay
- improve AI and make worlds evolve depending on your actions even more
- try new things with controllers / platforms (VR)


Good Art™
This sounds suicidal.

Nintendo doesn't want to depend on third parties or anyone else. They don't want to sell expensive hardware and they absolutely don't want to develop AAA PS4 level games.

Nintendo are the platform holders, so, by going with one hardware configuration or the other, they're deciding what kind of games can be done for their platform. If they released a powerfull console, they would have to use said power as third parties would use it. Nintendo doesn't want to enter that game.

Nintendo is a small company, yet they develop many polished, mechanical refined, "nintendo quality" games. A quick look at the competiton will tell you how they do that. Nintendo's games are simple, smaller in scope, "technically unimpressive" and have small teams and modest budgets.

Now you may be thinking about Zelda, the proof that nintendo can have an actually big team developing a more ambitious game while maintaining nintendo's desing philosophies, polish and "nintendo quality". Well, how often do they release one of those? When was skyward sword released? :p

Developing multiple "the legend of zelda level games" would probaby end up in dissaster.

And how would nintendo even compete graphically!? A significant part of nintendo's developers are used to 3ds level games for jesus christ! the rest to wiiu level games.

And what would going with a powerfull console mean for the handheld!? What about the plan of, from now on, going with a single architecture? What about the console and the handheld sharing some of the same games!?

Why wouldn't you base all these decisions on what is better for the handheld, considering that is has always been, you know, what makes the most money?

It seems more reasonable to go with the unified architecture route: both console and handheld to be ARM.

The transition would definitely be easier with a no so powerfull console. Nintendo's developers won't have to suffer another awfull transition like from wii to wiiu. Remeber the first year? lol and people want them to release "ps4 level games".

Develop one version of most games then optimize it to both the console and the handheld.

Keep developing simple "nintendo like games", with relatively small teams. You don't have to release a different game of each franchise to each platform anymore, you simply release one. Take advantage of that to release plenty of " nintendo quality" games. By the way, now that you don't have to release two 3d marios, two mario karts, two zeldas, two smash games etc... maybe now you have time to use other franchises.

And so on.

You're severely underestimating Nintendo's capacity to deliver high production value games. That's not cause it's cartoony that it's not technically amazing. Hell even that Toad game looked like a pixar movie, regardless of teh available power. I'm speaking assets and art there.


Yes, i mentioned Smash4K earlier in the thread.
Holy shit I wonder if that really is possible. I mean if the Wii U could handle it at 1080p, a higher resolution should be possible on NX. I'd personally take better textures, shaders and lighting over 4k considering most people dont have 4ktvs yet. The graphicsin SmashBros arent really that pretty and 4k alone wouldnt do much for me personally.


The recent Digital Foundry details on the PS4K raised a lot of questions about it. They noted that while they have sources confirming that a prototype does exist in Sony HQ, they can't find any developer that has a kit. And they even noted that well placed sources within Sony didn't even know it existed until the leak. Companies have lots of prototypes that never make it to market.
Which is weird as well if we compare it to "GAF insiders" especially the one that broke all that info on the ps4k who said that devs out there do have kits. So either someone is lying or someone doesn't have as good sources as they make it out to be.


Mario Maker would be really sweet. Wanted to try it but no way I'm getting a WiiU at this point

Same here, though I have a Wii U and all major games, I am missing Mario Maker and Splatoon. And there's just no way I am still going to buy anything for Wii U anymore, I'll wait for NX and be happy with my PS4 in the meantime!

Which is weird as well if we compare it to "GAF insiders" especially the one that broke all that info on the ps4k who said that devs out there do have kits. So either someone is lying or someone doesn't have as good sources as they make it out to be.

Lying. No person here knows anything. Everybody who claims so is an attention whore and nothing else.


Lots of rumors going around!

With NX supposedly being/having a unified OS that is designed to support multiple consoles (console/portable), in a manner similar to iOS (which supports multiple iphones, ipods, and ipads), do you think it's possible nintendo not only adopts the incremental upgrade scenario, but planned for it all along?

Either upgrading the handheld/console every few years, or allowing some other mechanism (external box, power of the cloud, etc), to allow console/handheld upgrades? They've already tested the waters with NN3DS. What if one upgrade gives better performance while the next upgrade is on part with a brand new console, allowing exclusive games while still being mostly backward compatible with old games?

You can skip out on the 'minor' upgrades if you want (or wait for the minor upgrade) but are heavily encouraged to pick up the 'major' upgrade as it's almost like a new console.

Obviously too early to think about since we know nothing about the system - but it's possible nintendo is planning something like this in a more robust way than sony/MS did.

Other than map, what would you need a second screen for? I know tapping on the map to launch after a respawn is a thing, but that can just pop up on the TV.

Just trying to piece things together by looking at the original post and comments like this. But, the talk about the optional second screen is actually pretty interesting. I was actually wondering if Nintendo was making a tablet that is an optional piece of hardware to go along with the NX. There are some patents Nintendo filed that show a tablet with a charging base (that also doubles in doing other functions, like playing music and displaying information). The tablet is primarily to log data from other things, primarily QOL stuff (like using a scale that can sync to it), but can also do other things like track steps, help improve your sleep, etc.

None of this must mean Nintendo makes their own tablet (I mean, why couldn't other tablets just install some software to do similar tasks?), but maybe it could have additional features specific to gaming in a controlled OS just for Nintendo. For instance, one of those features could be providing a second touch screen for the NX; optional, but provides additional data. Related to having extra power, maybe the tablet could also relieve some processing/data management load from the system? (SCD-style.)

Then, hearing that some Wii U games are actually getting remastered just makes me think that it's possible that there will not be another touchscreen as we may be thinking of it associated with the NX. (Again, this is optional.) However, thinking back to the idea of a controller with the screen and buttons appearing on it, maybe the controller will have small touchscreens primarily for changing buttons, layouts, etc. in addition to regular buttons, but not for mirroring the TV or anything like what the Wii U does. Heck, Nintendo left open the option with their Wii controller and nunchuck to have touchscreens on it. (They recently updated the patent and the new claims listed all deal with this very thing.) I'm just really thinking they are going to have touch and some screens, but not try to replicate the DS console style like the Wii U tried because Nintendo saw how much this didn't work, wasn't desired, etc.

Just some entirely random thoughts, but also just trying to tie things together and see what this all may be!
NX rumours continue to fulfil every fantasy of Nintendo fans. It's the perfect console!

Trying my hardest not to get hyped, because every generation I get super excited until it's reveal and the specs get leaked, and my brain goes full Hindenburg.

There is a part of me that wants Nintendo to get it right, realize they're part of a large market and their current ways have hurt them for so long (save for the Wii, that was lightning in a bottle for it's time)
The thing about NX, if the shared library works out, it wouldn't matter too much if the NX is too powerful/expensive.
They can get the casual audience that doesn't want to spend so much to play Nintendo games to buy the handheld as the low end system with the console being more for enthusiasts. Better to try and get one audience per system then try and get both and fail like with Wii u


I'd expect it to be more powerful than the PS4. It would be really bad if it wasn't considering this console will release at least 4 years after the release of the PS4.
People who are desperate for information and who can't temper their expectations. It's crazy how many people are driving at conclusions and making assumptions with only the tinest inkling of info about any of the upcoming systems.

It's like people judging upcoming albums when all they know are the number of tracks or the name (basically nothing)

That's kind of the point of a rumor. To talk about it until we hear something more concrete.
What this rumor has as opposed to a dozen others is that the sources provided are at least verified by mods here so they're not just "lol random troll leak".

Don't act like yall don't know what I'm talking about. This thread was already starting with confirmation bias. People coming into the thread trying to counter this rumor with another rumor and people using this rumor to basically talk down the systems of this gen that has already done enough to be successful in their approaches. I obviously have no problem with hypotheticals drawn to explain Nintendo strategy of this "system" based on the rumor which lots of people have talking about especially comparing it to the Wii U success and the Financials etc etc...

But the confirmation bias is real and it's a logic I don't understand. You can't counter a rumor with another rumor.

And for the record just to add my two cents on this rumor... I believe that it will be on par with everything that exist today but with Nintendo flare. I don't believe any power rumors from any company until the final confirmation because playing with power is something people all too well fall for way too much and then when it's confirmed, everyone has an issue with it. So I'm not twisting anything to fit a narrative at this point.



I think its been widely discussed that to make a game capable of rendering actual 4K as opposed to upscaling would not only be basically impossible on a console size box but also cost at least a grand

He asked if someone had talked about it, i said i mentioned it. I never claimed it would be possible, i asked the question. On the other hand, if the game is running in FHD on WiiU, then why wouldn't it be possible on a console more powerful than PS4?


I highly dount that the focus is going to be on console. I mean yeah mobile has been killing handhelds, but their handhelds are still bigger than their home console competition

Also PC's are increasingly becoming popular amongst gamers in the west. The console could very well be more powerful than the ps4 but I still don't see how they'll get gamers beyond the hardcore nintendo fans

Yeah, PC is killing it at the moment but there will always be consoles. It may be decreasing but for a lot of people who play games consoles are the way to do it.

Thats who the market is, its the people who don;t buy tons of games but pick up a console each generation - usually the ones their friends have - to play Cod, Fifa, madden, watch netflix. They doesn't follow game news much, if at all. Thats who the console makers all go for. People who just want a box under the TV thats all ready to go.
This sounds suicidal.

Nintendo doesn't want to depend on third parties or anyone else. They don't want to sell expensive hardware and they absolutely don't want to develop AAA PS4 level games.

Nintendo are the platform holders, so, by going with one hardware configuration or the other, they're deciding what kind of games can be done for their platform. If they released a powerfull console, they would have to use said power as third parties would use it. Nintendo doesn't want to enter that game.

Nintendo is a small company, yet they develop many polished, mechanical refined, "nintendo quality" games. A quick look at the competiton will tell you how they do that. Nintendo's games are simple, smaller in scope, "technically unimpressive" and have small teams and modest budgets.

Now you may be thinking about Zelda, the proof that nintendo can have an actually big team developing a more ambitious game while maintaining nintendo's desing philosophies, polish and "nintendo quality". Well, how often do they release one of those? When was skyward sword released? :p

Developing multiple "the legend of zelda level games" would probaby end up in dissaster.

And how would nintendo even compete graphically!? A significant part of nintendo's developers are used to 3ds level games for jesus christ! the rest to wiiu level games.

And what would going with a powerfull console mean for the handheld!? What about the plan of, from now on, going with a single architecture? What about the console and the handheld sharing some of the same games!?

Why wouldn't you base all these decisions on what is better for the handheld, considering that is has always been, you know, what makes the most money?

It seems more reasonable to go with the unified architecture route: both console and handheld to be ARM.

The transition would definitely be easier with a no so powerfull console. Nintendo's developers won't have to suffer another awfull transition like from wii to wiiu. Remeber the first year? lol and people want them to release "ps4 level games".

Develop one version of most games then optimize it to both the console and the handheld.

Keep developing simple "nintendo like games", with relatively small teams. You don't have to release a different game of each franchise to each platform anymore, you simply release one. Take advantage of that to release plenty of " nintendo quality" games. By the way, now that you don't have to release two 3d marios, two mario karts, two zeldas, two smash games etc... maybe now you have time to use other franchises.

And so on.

This has to be a fucking joke post? No? Ok, I'll bite.

Nintendo is a small company no they're not. They're a fucking big company with a shit ton of developers.

Keep developing simple "nintendo like games" What the fuck does this even mean? There are numerous examples of 20 hour + Nintendo games with complex mechanics.

And how would nintendo even compete graphically!? A significant part of nintendo's developers are used to 3ds level games for jesus christ! the rest to wiiu level games.
What the fuck? Are Nintendo somehow unable to progress from one hardware gen to another, unlike say, Ubi or EA.

And the rest that I simply can't be arsed to respond to.

This is honestly one of the worst posts I've ever read on GAF. Unless it's a satire, in which case, well done.
Which is weird as well if we compare it to "GAF insiders" especially the one that broke all that info on the ps4k who said that devs out there do have kits. So either someone is lying or someone doesn't have as good sources as they make it out to be.

In the case of DF, we know they have connections. They were the first to mention PS2 emulation coming to the PS4 and they had the specs correct for the PS4, with the exception of it having 8GB of GDDR5 instead of 4GB. But we later learned that the 8GB upgrade was something last minute and a surprise to a number of developers. Some have speculated that the PS4.5 might be a controlled leak by Sony to gauge reactions from gamers and developers. That would certainly explain why DF can't find anyone that has a kit.


If its just a port of of Smash U, why not? They re-released Zelda TP just now and it doesn't look anywhere near as good as games made natively for the system.

Still, I agree that 4K won't be a priority.

Of course they could but it makes the messaging very weird.

'Here's the NX! it's all new! It plays old games at 4K but new ones in HD''

I mean i suppose they could dick around calling it 4k when they mean 4k for old games and upscaled for new ones but it'd be a weird thing. and if there's one thing they should have learnt from the WiiU its that messaging the system's benefits and differentiating from the previous system is vital.


What are the chances of NX targeting 4K?
Targetting? None. 4k is just too expensive to be feasible this generation, even with a midcycle refresh. Support for 4k output? That's possible. Even if games can't hit 4k native, 1440p upscaled (or downscaled on older tvs) isn't too crazy. Though the NX would need to be approaching 2x PS4 levels (like the PS4K) in order to pull it off.

But anyway I wouldn't hold my breath. While possible, there no guarantee Nintendo will go that direction.

Daft Punk

Which is weird as well if we compare it to "GAF insiders" especially the one that broke all that info on the ps4k who said that devs out there do have kits. So either someone is lying or someone doesn't have as good sources as they make it out to be.

Or maybe Sony is putting out red herrings to keep people off their trail and every Tom, Dick, and Harry that has access to an insider is trying to be that person getting a scoop.


He asked if someone had talked about it, i said i mentioned it. I never claimed it would be possible, i asked the question. On the other hand, if the game is running in FHD on WiiU, then why wouldn't it be possible on a console more powerful than PS4?

Sorry, i didn't mean to be aloof and dismissive at you. Rude of me.

And yes, you're right . In theory that is possible.
I think people are forgetting that Nintendo can make a powerful console in the current market at a reason price point

Going with a mass market chipset just makes sense
I'd expect it to be more powerful than the PS4. It would be really bad if it wasn't considering this console will release at least 4 years after the release of the PS4.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was less powerful than the ps4. Did you forget this is Nintendo we're talking about? They will always prioritize doing something "unique" over high spec hardware.
This sounds suicidal.

Nintendo doesn't want to depend on third parties or anyone else. They don't want to sell expensive hardware and they absolutely don't want to develop AAA PS4 level games.

Nintendo are the platform holders, so, by going with one hardware configuration or the other, they're deciding what kind of games can be done for their platform. If they released a powerfull console, they would have to use said power as third parties would use it. Nintendo doesn't want to enter that game.

Nintendo is a small company, yet they develop many polished, mechanical refined, "nintendo quality" games. A quick look at the competiton will tell you how they do that. Nintendo's games are simple, smaller in scope, "technically unimpressive" and have small teams and modest budgets.

Now you may be thinking about Zelda, the proof that nintendo can have an actually big team developing a more ambitious game while maintaining nintendo's desing philosophies, polish and "nintendo quality". Well, how often do they release one of those? When was skyward sword released? :p

Developing multiple "the legend of zelda level games" would probaby end up in dissaster.

And how would nintendo even compete graphically!? A significant part of nintendo's developers are used to 3ds level games for jesus christ! the rest to wiiu level games.

And what would going with a powerfull console mean for the handheld!? What about the plan of, from now on, going with a single architecture? What about the console and the handheld sharing some of the same games!?

Why wouldn't you base all these decisions on what is better for the handheld, considering that is has always been, you know, what makes the most money?

It seems more reasonable to go with the unified architecture route: both console and handheld to be ARM.

The transition would definitely be easier with a no so powerfull console. Nintendo's developers won't have to suffer another awfull transition like from wii to wiiu. Remeber the first year? lol and people want them to release "ps4 level games".

Develop one version of most games then optimize it to both the console and the handheld.

Keep developing simple "nintendo like games", with relatively small teams. You don't have to release a different game of each franchise to each platform anymore, you simply release one. Take advantage of that to release plenty of " nintendo quality" games. By the way, now that you don't have to release two 3d marios, two mario karts, two zeldas, two smash games etc... maybe now you have time to use other franchises.

And so on.

You say Nintendo developers are used to 3ds level games, yet there are some wii u games (MK8) that are on par, if not better looking, that numerous ps4/X1 games... On a console that is a bit stronger than last gen consoles.

If they can achieve ps4 level graphics at 60 fps (ok technically 59 but w/e) on a wii u, imagine what they can achieve with a system that is rumored to be noticeably more powerful than a ps4. Just because they choose to use a cartoon graphic style for most games over a realistic one doesn't mean they haven't mastered optimizing their games for their systems.


In the case of DF, we know they have connections. They were the first to mention PS2 emulation coming to the PS4 and they had the specs correct for the PS4, with the exception of it having 8GB of GDDR5 instead of 4GB. But we later learned that the 8GB upgrade was something last minute and a surprise to a number of developers. Some have speculated that the PS4.5 might be a controlled leak by Sony to gauge reactions from gamers and developers. That would certainly explain why DF can't find anyone that has a kit.
A controlled leak would make sense. But I have still have to wonder...

Or maybe Sony is putting out red herrings to keep people off their trail and every Tom, Dick, and Harry that has access to an insider is trying to be that person getting a scoop.
...is Sony known for doing stuff like this?

If Sony is reading this: no, I don't need a ps4k


Yes he could have? Gamecube saw clock changes before launch, 3DS had an entirely different vendor in the end, Wii U also saw huge changes to its clock a year before release. Adding CUs before the GPU is finalized and fabricated, they didn't even get test samples til winter last year afaik.
Do you actually believe that a new president gets his job, sits on his chair and says "ok guys, let's upclock the NX and add a few CUs!"?

Jokes aside, like i said in my previous post, Kimishima said that he will continue what Iwata was doing. Whatever the NX will end up to be, it was decided when Iwata was still president.

This sounds suicidal.

Nintendo doesn't want to depend on third parties or anyone else. They don't want to sell expensive hardware and they absolutely don't want to develop AAA PS4 level games.

Nintendo are the platform holders, so, by going with one hardware configuration or the other, they're deciding what kind of games can be done for their platform. If they released a powerfull console, they would have to use said power as third parties would use it. Nintendo doesn't want to enter that game.

Nintendo is a small company, yet they develop many polished, mechanical refined, "nintendo quality" games. A quick look at the competiton will tell you how they do that. Nintendo's games are simple, smaller in scope, "technically unimpressive" and have small teams and modest budgets.

Now you may be thinking about Zelda, the proof that nintendo can have an actually big team developing a more ambitious game while maintaining nintendo's desing philosophies, polish and "nintendo quality". Well, how often do they release one of those? When was skyward sword released? :p

Developing multiple "the legend of zelda level games" would probaby end up in dissaster.

And how would nintendo even compete graphically!? A significant part of nintendo's developers are used to 3ds level games for jesus christ! the rest to wiiu level games.

And what would going with a powerfull console mean for the handheld!? What about the plan of, from now on, going with a single architecture? What about the console and the handheld sharing some of the same games!?

Why wouldn't you base all these decisions on what is better for the handheld, considering that is has always been, you know, what makes the most money?

It seems more reasonable to go with the unified architecture route: both console and handheld to be ARM.

The transition would definitely be easier with a no so powerfull console. Nintendo's developers won't have to suffer another awfull transition like from wii to wiiu. Remeber the first year? lol and people want them to release "ps4 level games".

Develop one version of most games then optimize it to both the console and the handheld.

Keep developing simple "nintendo like games", with relatively small teams. You don't have to release a different game of each franchise to each platform anymore, you simply release one. Take advantage of that to release plenty of " nintendo quality" games. By the way, now that you don't have to release two 3d marios, two mario karts, two zeldas, two smash games etc... maybe now you have time to use other franchises.

And so on.
This post is the 2016 version of "Square just shot themselves in the foot". Only worse.


Targetting? None. 4k is just too expensive to be feasible this generation, even with a midcycle refresh. Support for 4k output? That's possible. Even if games can't hit 4k native, 1440p upscaled (or downscaled on older tvs) isn't too crazy. Though the NX would need to be approaching 2x PS4 levels (like the PS4K) in order to pull it off.

But anyway I wouldn't hold my breath. While possible, there no guarantee Nintendo will go that direction.

You'd need far more than twice the PS4's performance to push 4K at an acceptable frame rate. My PC struggles with it and it dwarfs the performance of the PS4.

Nintendo isn't going to spend money on targeting 4K for anything but streaming media, otherwise they'd price themselves out of the market.
You'd need far more than twice the PS4's performance to push 4K at an acceptable frame rate. My PC struggles with it and it dwarfs the performance of the PS4.

Nintendo isn't going to spend money on targeting 4K for anything but streaming media, otherwise they'd price themselves out of the market.

What about fidelity scaling

Wouldnt you just need 4K capability to make very simplistic games at 4K?


I think people are forgetting that Nintendo can make a powerful console in the current market at a reason price point

Going with a mass market chipset just makes sense

True. Around the PS4 level would be amazing for Nintendo but unless it gains massive traction early on, it is in danger of getting left behind once the Xbox and PS4 successors get announced 2 or 3 years down the line. (If they both don't go down the .5 upgrade path of course)


You'd need far more than twice the PS4's performance to push 4K at an acceptable frame rate. My PC struggles with it and it dwarfs the performance of the PS4.

Nintendo isn't going to spend money on targeting 4K for anything but streaming media, otherwise they'd price themselves out of the market.

Yep, pretty much my point.

What about fidelity scaling

Wouldnt you just need 4K capability to make very simplistic games at 4K?

You could do. Simple 2D games may be able to hit that target if there's no major bottleneck preventing them. That way I see it. 4K will be to the PS4K what 1080p was to the PS3. Same would be true for NX if it's comparable.


It was a factor in the Wii U, among many others admittedly. It matters in the fact that Nintendo needs to have a platform that 3rd parties can have a big presence on.

And unless Nintendo gamers actually start buying third party games instead of the handful of yearly first-party Nintendo titles, that will never happen.

That alone is a way bigger issue than any power concerns.


Of course they could but it makes the messaging very weird.

'Here's the NX! it's all new! It plays old games at 4K but new ones in HD''

I mean i suppose they could dick around calling it 4k when they mean 4k for old games and upscaled for new ones but it'd be a weird thing. and if there's one thing they should have learnt from the WiiU its that messaging the system's benefits and differentiating from the previous system is vital.

... how is that any different from having Windwaker in 1080p but most other games in 720p on WiiU??

First you said it was widely known to not being possible, and now "sure, obviously it's possbible but...". So which is it?
True. Around the PS4 level would be amazing for Nintendo but unless it gains massive traction early on, it is in danger of getting left behind once the Xbox and PS4 successors get announced 2 or 3 years down the line. (If they both don't go down the .5 upgrade path of course)

We are hitting peaks though

The difference will be smaller than it was in the past and it might just need to be "powerful enough"

Hell WiiU might have done better had they threw in an HDD and leaned hard on how well their games ran at 1080p

Among a mountain of other "fixes" WiiU needed


41 > 38
An upgraded port of Smash 4 makes all the sense in the world. A true Smash 5 would be years and years in the making unless they made it a straight sequel to Smash 4, meaning using the same engine and many of the same assets... at which point, why not just release Smash 4 Complete now and reap the income that it would provide? You can even continue adding DLC over time.

Mario Kart is a totally different animal, as the turnaround on sequels has been about 3 years since Double Dash. We're technically due for another Mario Kart in 2017 anyway, so porting 8 in 2016 would more directly compete with the sequel in a way that a 2016 Smash 4 Complete won't be competing with a 2020/21 Smash 5.
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