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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Even if you set aside current PS4/XB1 owners: what exactly will make NX a more compelling upgrade path for PS3/360 gamers than those platforms? Is it slightly better specs, Mario, or what?

Strong 1st party lineup, close to third party parity, somewhat better specs, whatever NX's gimmick being compelling.

There's more than one pool of gamers for them to pull from and if they get a healthy 3rd party ecosystem set up, they're going to retain kids in their ecosystem when they grow up and become core gamers.

No one will take them seriously if they don't get GTA and Bethesda games on their console.

They basically have a huge publisher checklist to get through, and it's gonna be a hell of a fight for them.

They have at least some relationship with all the major publishers but EA, Take 2, and Bethesda. As I mentioned before, just out of Western publishers, Activision, Disney, Ubisoft, and WB all published Wii U games in the last 8 months.

If NX is what's rumored, it can run Frostbite/Ignite engines pretty easily and that makes 95% of EA's games an easy port job. So that shouldn't be a huge challenge to get them on board.

It's daunting, but not the impossible task some people make it out to be.


Saint Titanfall
He never said there would be cross libraries, he said they might share similar architecture to allow ports between the two to fill gaps in their respective lineups. Not fully shared libraries that shittons of people here misinterpreted that statement as.

He mentioned that they would be developing for 1 platform across several form factors the entire point and reasoning for this was they couldn't support two different systems. So yes he implicitly said cross library.

That's what NX as a platform was supposed to fix.


I think we haven't any rumors about the handheld version because Nintendo has the chance to keep pushing the 3DS until the very last. They don't have any sort of competition there and they are going to release the next generation of Pokémon this holiday wich will sell loads. Wii U is the one that needs to be replaced ASAP.


Neo Member


I would say the likeliest #1 reason was because they figured out that MS was going to come out with an upgraded Xbox One because they were tired of being outclassed, so they reacted to that. But this assumes MS came up with the idea first, which we don't know. But it's no coincidence that they're both coming up with upgrades this year (or early next), and it certainly isn't because of Nintendo.
Well, there may very well be more than one reason. Nintendo has been on the low end of 2 consecutive hardware generations, now that the Wii-U has failed relative to the Wii, I think it was kinda expected they would launch something more beefy around mid-way the XB1/PS4 cycle. If you look at Sony's trend this gen, they've attempted to 1up the competition in every case, hardware, software launches and VR. They always want something of theirs to be going up against a major release of the competition.

The way I see it, Sony now has the mindshare for better multiplats, If Nintendo comes along and Need For Speed is now running at 60fps, Mirrors Edge is at 60fps there, some of that mindshare may dwindle and they can lose some momentum, not withstanding that the beefier PS4 can boost their VR launch and also combat's MS's 1.5 plans as well.

It's also very possible that Nintendo launches their new hardware this year, so in all likelihood, it will be the first product which they feel they have to compete with in 2016.


I think this is more a matter of scale than anything else. Particularly on NX, there shouldn't be a meaningful difference between developing for a handheld than a console except for the fact that the console will have more detailed assets and a few extra graphical effects enabled. It's not like the whole "HD development" aspect of working on the Wii U, which was as much a matter of moving from a fixed function to fully programmable graphics architecture as it was asset complexity.

In any case, if Nintendo is truly going to move to near-100% cross-device development, it's not a case of "developing it for the handheld and porting up to the console". As is the current situation with pretty much any third party, whether they're working on UE4, Unity or an internal engine like Frostbite, they don't develop for one device and then port, they develop for all devices at the same time and then have a small team responsible for optimising for each platform. Most employees at third party studios could do their job perfectly well without having a damn clue what platforms their game is due to run on, so long as they're given sensible instructions on expected asset complexity, etc. Developing a game that runs across both a Nintendo home console and a Nintendo handheld wouldn't be enormously different. You create assets that are either as detailed as your highest-end target can handle or as detailed as you can afford and then you scale down to the lower targets. You write game logic that can properly run on each device, and then you compile everything together and optimise and go through QA for each one.

I've come up with a bit of a crazy theory. There is a problem with the handheld and console playing the same games when the NX is at or above the PS4, and that is that the handheld simply couldn't be powerful enough to directly port games, there would just be a ton of wasted resources. This problem simply exists with a 480p to 540p handheld and a 1080p console, however there is a solution... a 4k console, now third parties, especially western ones would target 1080p still because there is no way that NX would be powerful enough for 4k PS4 quality games, however games that would play on the handheld with say 128gflops on GCN 1.3 or Polaris (Polaris for the handheld is likely if it is AMD simply because the handheld would almost certainly be 14nm as there is no quantity issues with chips of this size.) These games would run at 4k on a PS4 level piece of hardware, and 128gflops polaris gpu @ 540p would have ~2x the performance of Wii U @ 720p.

TL;DR: Nintendo and their handheld 3rd parties makes handheld games at 540p that are ~2x more graphically impressive than Wii U, then up port these games to the console more powerful than the PS4 @ 4k. Then finally, Western 3rd parties port PS4/XB1 games at 1080p. This would give the Console an absolutely huge library of games, even without western 3rd parties, the library would be far larger than Wii U's, feeling more similar to the combined software of both 3DS and Wii U.

Nintendo games simply don't really need that much performance, but 4K would make Nintendo games far better, as their IQ is probably the biggest blemish they have. They could of course still make exclusives for the console at 1080p if they ever wanted to really show off.


Saint Titanfall
I think we haven't any rumors about the handheld version because Nintendo has the chance to keep pushing the 3DS until the very last. They don't have any sort of competition there and they are going to release the next generation of Pokémon this holiday wich will sell loads. Wii U is the one that needs to be replaced ASAP.

They have plenty of competition their, their marktshare is being rapidly erode, the 3Ds hasn't even sold a half of the DS. It's far more company critical and in danger.

The thing is Nintendo can't afford to fuck that up otherwise it's game over.


1) where's this May 9 date coming from?

2) can someone explain about the HH and exclusives and downporting part at the end and what's meant by all that?

3) any new leaks today?


They have at least some relationship with all the major publishers but EA, Take 2, and Bethesda. As I mentioned before, just out of Western publishers, Activision, Disney, Ubisoft, and WB all published Wii U games in the last 8 months.

If NX is what's rumored, it can run Frostbite/Ignite engines pretty easily and that makes 95% of EA's games an easy port job. So that shouldn't be a huge challenge to get them on board.

It's daunting, but not the impossible task some people make it out to be.

I don't think they'll be on board unless the NX has a modern online infrastructure that's at least on the level of what the Xbox 360 has. Online connectivity is the major way the vast majority of publishers get any kind of longevity with their games.


Exciting times ahead. I'm so thirsty for information, I could drink a lake.

So, a few times I've seen May 9th thrown out there. Are there rumors/speculation going around that points to this date as the reveal for NX? Can someone shed some light on this? Haven't been able to keep up with the whole thread, so I apologize.


Well, I mean there's no such thing as an easy port job but if it runs Frostbite getting the Battlefields/Mass Effects/Dragon Ages/NFSs won't be a fucking nightmare the same way the PS360/Wii U was.
1) where's this May 9 date coming from?

2) can someone explain about the HH and exclusives and downporting part at the end and what's meant by all that?

3) any new leaks today?

Since you asked this question a couple times before:

1. May 9th is a rumor that comes from twitter. Probably doesn't mean anything.

2. Handheld is implied to be a different thing and much less powerful so don't expect a "shared library" that was heavily speculated upon and games to be downported if it does.

3. No


He mentioned that they would be developing for 1 platform across several form factors the entire point and reasoning for this was they couldn't support two different systems. So yes he implicitly said cross library.

That's what Nx as a platform was supposed to fix.

Last year Nintendo reorganized its R&D divisions and integrated the handheld device and home console development teams into one division under Mr. Takeda. Previously, our handheld video game devices and home video game consoles had to be developed separately as the technological requirements of each system, whether it was battery-powered or connected to a power supply, differed greatly, leading to completely different architectures and, hence, divergent methods of software development. However, because of vast technological advances, it became possible to achieve a fair degree of architectural integration. We discussed this point, and we ultimately concluded that it was the right time to integrate the two teams.

For example, currently it requires a huge amount of effort to port Wii software to Nintendo 3DS because not only their resolutions but also the methods of software development are entirely different. The same thing happens when we try to port Nintendo 3DS software to Wii U. If the transition of software from platform to platform can be made simpler, this will help solve the problem of game shortages in the launch periods of new platforms. Also, as technological advances took place at such a dramatic rate, and we were forced to choose the best technologies for video games under cost restrictions, each time we developed a new platform, we always ended up developing a system that was completely different from its predecessor. The only exception was when we went from Nintendo GameCube to Wii. Though the controller changed completely, the actual computer and graphics chips were developed very smoothly as they were very similar to those of Nintendo GameCube, but all the other systems required ground-up effort. However, I think that we no longer need this kind of effort under the current circumstances. In this perspective, while we are only going to be able to start this with the next system, it will become important for us to accurately take advantage of what we have done with the Wii U architecture. It of course does not mean that we are going to use exactly the same architecture as Wii U, but we are going to create a system that can absorb the Wii U architecture adequately. When this happens, home consoles and handheld devices will no longer be completely different, and they will become like brothers in a family of systems.

Still, I am not sure if the form factor (the size and configuration of the hardware) will be integrated. In contrast, the number of form factors might increase. Currently, we can only provide two form factors because if we had three or four different architectures, we would face serious shortages of software on every platform. To cite a specific case, Apple is able to release smart devices with various form factors one after another because there is one way of programming adopted by all platforms. Apple has a common platform called iOS. Another example is Android. Though there are various models, Android does not face software shortages because there is one common way of programming on the Android platform that works with various models. The point is, Nintendo platforms should be like those two examples. Whether we will ultimately need just one device will be determined by what consumers demand in the future, and that is not something we know at the moment. However, we are hoping to change and correct the situation in which we develop games for different platforms individually and sometimes disappoint consumers with game shortages as we attempt to move from one platform to another, and we believe that we will be able to deliver tangible results in the future.

The quote mainly refers to making the architecture between handhelds and consoles similar to make porting over software, that will fill gaps in their respective system's lineups, easier. If you want an example, look at the Donkey Kong Country Returns port for 3DS, expect more stuff like that. Nowhere does he state that they'll be fully integrated, sharing the exact same library across both the handheld and console, at this point they haven't even decided how many form factors they're going to have. But judging from these rumors, and the amount of money they've made off of a dedicated handheld line, they're sticking with a proper handheld device that won't be coming out this year.


I'm not putting much weight to any Nx rumours at this point, but I will say that it would be a hilariously bizarro generation if Nintendo had the most powerful console. I don't think that has ever happened. Or maybe NES.

gc was basically a tie

it's really only wii and wii u that they went with the underpowered + gimmick controller strategy
I understand that but all rumours are pointing to the handheld coming much later or being secondary. That, to me, is a mistake.

I could see handheld debuting first in Japan, console debuting first in the West, and then the other form factor releasing sometime in 2017.


What if the NX's gimmick was sort of based on Johnny Lee's experiment with headtracking ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw ). But maybe this will just be like the 3D effect from the 3DS on the TV, I don't know if they really could do something more with that gimmick...

Holy that is awesome, first time seeing this... It was a short demo but it looked more "3D" then most movies is saw in theater... Amazing i just don't know if there is a big performance hit in a visually intensive games


1) where's this May 9 date coming from?

Exciting times ahead. I'm so thirsty for information, I could drink a lake.

So, a few times I've seen May 9th thrown out there. Are there rumors/speculation going around that points to this date as the reveal for NX? Can someone shed some light on this? Haven't been able to keep up with the whole thread, so I apologize.

There's not much to back up May 9th I think. According to the reddit rumor thread (search for May 9th on the page) it comes from a random YouTube user and for whatever reason people picked it up.


Holy that is awesome, first time seeing this... It was a short demo but it looked more "3D" then most movies is saw in theater... Amazing i just don't know if there is a big performance hit in a visually intensive games

There is no performance hit because it isn't 3D (two viewpoints for two eyes). It's standard rendering except the camera moves with your head.


Saint Titanfall
The quote mainly refers to making the architecture between handhelds and consoles more similar to make porting over software, that will fill gaps in their respective system's lineups, easier. Nowhere does he state that they'll be fully integrated, sharing the exact same library across both the handheld and console, at this point they haven't even decided how many form factors they're going to have. But judging from these rumors, and the amount of money they've made off of a dedicated handheld line, they're sticking with a proper handheld device that won't be coming out this year.

Which is what I'm arguing, you implied all that that has gone but considering what mentioned here makes little sense if the purpose was to combine platforms to that degree. Noone said every single game would work or work perfectly on both platforms, hell even in the ipad comparison there was intially separation, but this is much closer than simply ports between the two


If they can get a Splatoon port to work and feel like adding extra content to entice people to upgrade, I suggest:

- New single-player content that lets you play as Callie and Marie: Many Splatoon fans would LOVE this and be all over it like stank on shit (and the players with good taste would naturally choose Callie)

This is something I'd really like! Even without playing as Callie and Marie, just more single player content would be great. As much as I love Splatoon's multiplayer, I also found its single player content to be excellent.

Some more local muliplayer options would be great too. I had fun with what was there, but some more modes would be nice.
Dont know if this has already been posted, but someone on reddit compiled the rumored games in an image.


Whoever made this should add that Trev said to take the two FFs with a grain of salt, but otherwise, god DAMN if this is true this is a hell of a lineup.

Wasn't there also a rumored FF6 remake exclusive to NX?

First I've heard of it. I know Verendus has mentioned such a thing for Playstation though.

Uh, when did Trevelyan999 mention FFXV?

Before his big, legit 3DS lineup leak, he mentioned he heard from a source that it was coming, but he wasn't sure of it. It got taken down with his later legit leaks.


I don't believe NX will support 4K. In my opinion, only for 4K-Blurays, Netflix and similar media channels. Perhaps for cinematics included in games, but not games themselves.


Nintendo getting Square Enix support on its home console would be amazing, indeed.
Edit : I remember someone at Square talking about how they wanted to remake FF VI, but not about NX specifically.
Wonder if mario maker NX will have a smb2 USA template. That should spice things up enough to warrant a new release. Offer the paid dlc to Wii u owners of course


I could see handheld debuting first in Japan, console debuting first in the West, and then the other form factor releasing sometime in 2017.

I think that in a globalised world that's a disaster. You're just going to upset fans with that approach, and upset devs, cause localisation issues. I don't see the advantage of it.

Look at the reaction when the US didn't get the standard N3DS.

I know I'd be upset if Japan got the NX handheld long before Europe.


Since you asked this question a couple times before:

1. May 9th is a rumor that comes from twitter. Probably doesn't mean anything.

2. Handheld is implied to be a different thing and much less powerful so don't expect a "shared library" that was heavily speculated upon and games to be downported if it does.

3. No

Thank you. Were you waiting for me to asking multiple times to see if I really cared enough to be worthy of a response? XD

In all seriousness--isn't it still possible we get a HH with a mostly shared library of significantly downported games? Or is the rumored tech side of things making that less likely?


Saint Titanfall
I don't believe NX will support 4K. In my opinion, only for 4K-Blurays, Netflix and similar media channels. Perhaps for cinematics included in games, but not games themselves.

4K Bluray, nah Nintendo is too cheap for that. Wii and wii u don't even support regular dvd's due to licensing. you'll get 4k for games or apps. Probabaly just apps.
That would be pretty damn good if Nintendo got FFXV and FF7 remake on NX. That would mean that KH3 wouldn't be out of the question considering it runs on unreal engine 4 and would probably sell alot better than the XONE version.


Saint Titanfall
I think that in a globalised world that's a disaster. You're just going to upset fans with that approach, and upset devs, cause localisation issues. I don't see the advantage of it.

Look at the reaction when the US didn't get the standard N3DS.

I know I'd be upset if Japan got the NX handheld long before Europe.

Didn't that happen with the 3DS hell didn't that happen with the XB1. I mean the PS4 launched in Japan months later

Ray Down

That would be pretty damn good if Nintendo got FFXV and FF7 remake on NX. That would mean that KH3 wouldn't be out of the question considering it runs on unreal engine 4 and would probably sell alot better than the XONE version.

Trev said he didn't really trust the source he heard that from or something of that effect.
I think that in a globalised world that's a disaster. You're just going to upset fans with that approach, and upset devs, cause localisation issues. I don't see the advantage of it.

How is it a disaster? Consumption habits aren't globalized, and the primary benefit of different form factors is that they allow for different consumption habits. It's not like Monster Hunter is going to get a global launch anyway, and Pokemon inevitably won't show up for a year or two.

Look at the reaction when the US didn't get the standard N3DS.

I know I'd be upset if Japan got the NX handheld long before Europe.

I highly doubt the average consumer will know or care what kind of hardware is out in Japan already.
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