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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Hardcore gamers are still playing Nintendo systems. Look at what a thoroughly hardcore title like Fire Emblem does on the 3DS. The 3DS is a 100% hardcore gamer's system. It's been successful without getting any free ride from 'casuals' like the DS. It started out as something no one quite knew what was, but Nintendo managed to turn around the initial sales issues by focusing on gamers' games.

The hits on the WIi U too. They're not kids games, casual games, like on the Wii. The demand is there. Get these combined customers interested in the idea of an all-inclusive Nintendo line-up and you don't need anything revolutionary to be succesful. They don't need to appeal to mobile gamers to be successful. That would be a bad strategy.

People look at hardware sales in such a black and white way it's crazy.It doesn't take that much for the NX to be a succesful. Some adjustment and a better software flow and then you're in a position where you offer something no one else does. And the sales will come. Western third parties will just be a bonus, not a necessity.

Calling for COD as a killer app is beyond silly.
Cause it's meaningless.

Nintendo can accept relevancy and keep themselves afloat whatever ways they do or they can adapt.

I think most people with your opinion don't want to accept this reality. Deal with it nintendo is not going anywhere nor do they care to cater to hardcore types who want to play their games but not purchase the hardware. That point is even more meaningless with cube or wii being what they were but the hardcore refusing to buy plenty of titles that were up their alley as sales showed. Nintendo needs to learn to ignore and not appease this crowd cause they have been all talk since n64 and even when nintendo do something right like RE4 or bayonetta doesn't show up.

It has nothing to do with "appeasement" or salt or what have you.

"Deal with it, Nintendo isn't going anywhere" does nothing to refute what are clearly very unfavorable market realities, nor are RE4 or Bayonetta titles one would reasonably expect to sell well given the dearth of exclusive content for their target demographic on those platforms.


A lot of people did, sure. But anecdotally, I haven't seen a lot of uptake of Wii consoles in my circle of friends and family that i'd classify as people who are big into gaming. My mom and my sister both owned one though.

I have to think that the target demographic for the Wii console is very different than the crowd that's currently buying XB1 and PS4.

While that much is true, it doesn't explain the insane software sales.

I doubt grandmothers and soccer moms bought more than two or three games.

Let alone Mario Kart and Smash Bros.
Bro, Zelda wont be this game.
The most appealing OW game will still GTAV.
GTA outsells any other OW.
It wont be diferent with Zelda.

Maybe you don't remember this, but Zelda used to outsell GTA, even though GTA was on PlayStation and Zelda was on N64. GTA didn't blow up until GTA III on PS2.

Popularity isn't a fixed quantity. It can grow and shrink depending on how well you appeal to your target audience.

Now, I'm not saying Zelda is likely to ever outsell new GTA games, but Zelda could stand to grow a lot more (instead of shrinking like it's currently doing) given that there's a huge appetite for open-world games and in particular open-world fantasy RPGs. And I don't see why, just like how Zelda used to outsell Elder Scrolls, it couldn't make that happen today.

While that much is true, it doesn't explain the insane software sales.

I doubt grandmothers and soccer moms bought more than two or three games.

Let alone Mario Kart and Smash Bros.

I know this might be shocking to some people, but both grandmas and soccer moms have other family members who might also want to play games.

It's been successful without getting any free ride from 'casuals' like the DS.

Judging by the HW/SW sales ratio for 3DS vs. DS, much of that "success" is an illusion and driven by people buying multiple iterations of the system. The software on 3DS, outside of a handful of outliers like Fire Emblem that only appeal to a niche audience, has performed generally quite badly compared to DS.



They need to capture as many of the 360 and PS3 players who are planly to move on to the PS4 and Xbox1 when they hit a certain price range. Its imperative that they are the cheapest path and they have the third party games like COD etc. Having Mario, Zelda might just prove to be competitve edge.
300$ with the speculated specs, is that even doable? Genuine question as Nintendo doesn't usually sell at a loss...


If Nintendo makes a console that is:

1. Comparable to PS4 power
2. Easy to develop/port for (ie doesn't have a gimmick controller, uses x86)

Then they should at least get third party ports that are also being released on PS4 and Xbone. PS4K ports will shit on the all when it comes to performance, but I have to imagine that, considering the current PS4 install base, devs are going to make PS4/Xbone/NX ports for a while. As long as Nintendo is selling this thing at a profit, I think they'll be fine.

It's going to be so interesting to see how the market responds to the PS4K. If they buy this supposed $400 console in droves and it quickly replaces the PS4, that could mean trouble for Nintendo and MS. Nintendo is back to square one: a console that is too under-powered to receive third party ports.


Saint Titanfall
It has nothing to do with "appeasement" or salt or what have you.

"Deal with it, Nintendo isn't going anywhere" does nothing to refute what are clearly very unfavorable market realities, nor are RE4 or Bayonetta titles one would reasonably expect to sell well given the dearth of exclusive content for their target demographic on those platforms.

TBF the Gamcube was extremely cheap had a reasonible amount of 3rd party exclusives. Which is about as definitive proof as ay that hopes of a secondary system are hogwash most people don't have those.


The fundamental question here, for me, is: what audience that Nintendo isn't currently reaching is still realistically available to them? Most of us can agree that mobile has the casual audience locked down. The PS4/XB1 audience is already well served by those platforms. What's left?

And other than making the porting process easier, what is Nintendo actually doing to win back third parties? When EA asks them what they're doing to proactively cultivate an audience for Madden and Battlefield on NX, what's their response going to be: slightly better graphics? Our platform has Mario on it? We'll pay for ads that only mention the NX version, like we did back in the GC era to no effect?

Well, considering that there are about 60 million Xbox One and PS4 owners out there and last generation the PS3 and Xbox 360 sold 160 million (although there most likely a good percentage of overlap) There are about 100 million to 80 million customer that Nintendo could theoretically sale to. Furthermore, the "hook" (aka gimmick on Neogaf), who is the say that it will not bring lapped gamer or even expanded audience back.


Lol Nintendo, releasing a more stronger PS4/XB1 just as both of those consoles are about to upgrade their power...

They aren't gonna win this fight..

They better have a shiny new gimmick as backup

I don't think anyone here is arguing Nintendo is winning any "fight".

Nintendo has never had the most powerful hardware on the market and that will continue to be the case.
Hardcore gamers are still playing Nintendo systems. Look at what a thoroughly hardcore title like Fire Emblem does on the 3DS. The 3DS is a 100% hardcore gamer's system. It's been successful without getting any free ride from 'casuals' like the DS. It started out as something no one quite knew what was, but Nintendo managed to turn around the initial sales issues by focusing on gamers' games.

The hits on the WIi U too. They're not kids games, casual games, like on the Wii. The demand is there. Get these combined customers interested in the idea of an all-inclusive Nintendo line-up and you don't need anything revolutionary to be succesful. They don't need to appeal to mobile gamers to be successful. That would be a bad strategy.

People look at hardware sales in such a black and white way it's crazy.It doesn't take that much for the NX to be a succesful. Some adjustment and a better software flow and then you're in a position where you offer something no one else does. And the sales will come. Western third parties will just be a bonus, not a necessity.

Calling for COD as a killer app is beyond silly.

If the NX really is a single ecosystem across multiple devices and every Nintendo studio will be working on games for it, then I agree. I'm still amazed at the overall sales of the 3DS. It's being supported almost exclusively by Nintendo, with the occasional big Japanese third party exclusive.

If NX contains Nintendo's entire output on one ecosystem, it will be successful. It won't be successful in the same way the XB1 and PS4 are, but why should that matter to us? I own and love my PS4 and XB1. I'm excited for the NX because it will feature games that are unavailable on those platforms.

That being said, if the NX isn't a shared ecosystem, I think things aren't going to be all that different from Wii U. It's impossible for Nintendo to support two platforms these days.


A lot of people did, sure. But anecdotally, I haven't seen a lot of uptake of Wii consoles in my circle of friends and family that i'd classify as people who are big into gaming. My mom and my sister both owned one though.

I have to think that the target demographic for the Wii console is very different than the crowd that's currently buying XB1 and PS4.

This is anecdote, and serves as statistically irrelevant evidence. I can just as easily say that everyone I knew in high school had a Wii in their house, as did many of my X360 friends with whom I played Halo. But its a meaningless sample size.

The numbers are numbers and tell a very different story (of over a hundred million units of hardware and nine hundred million units of software), unless you want to also tell me that no "hardcore fans" bought a PS2 either. Casuals and hardcore all buy the "popular thing", and that thing last gen was the Wii and they bought a lot of it, and a lot of its games.

I mean, I think I own 28 wii games ;_;

That number was calculated assuming 70 million "casuals who only bought Wii Sports" and 30 million "Nintendo/core fans". And that assumes all 30 million of them bought 28 pieces of software.

If you use the WiiU as the barometer at ~15 million, and a 85/15 split, every core fan would have had to buy 54 pieces of software. Each.


Hardcore gamers are still playing Nintendo systems. Look at what a thoroughly hardcore title like Fire Emblem does on the 3DS. The 3DS is a 100% hardcore gamer's system. It's been successful without getting any free ride from 'casuals' like the DS. It started out as something no one quite knew what was, but Nintendo managed to turn around the initial sales issues by focusing on gamers' games.

The hits on the WIi U too. They're not kids games, casual games, like on the Wii. The demand is there. Get these combined customers interested in the idea of an all-inclusive Nintendo line-up and you don't need anything revolutionary to be succesful. They don't need to appeal to mobile gamers to be successful. That would be a bad strategy.

People look at hardware sales in such a black and white way it's crazy.It doesn't take that much for the NX to be a succesful. Some adjustment and a better software flow and then you're in a position where you offer something no one else does. And the sales will come. Western third parties will just be a bonus, not a necessity.

Calling for COD as a killer app is beyond silly.

COD is a killer app if Nintendo wants to attract the mainstream consumer/more casual audience to their system. The PS4 has little in the way of exclusives and it's sold 40+ million units. Why? Because of third party, multiplatform games. Third party support isn't a "bonus", it's a necessity. The NX will go the way of the Wii U without it. The 3DS can pull it off because it's the only traditional handheld still on the market and because of how popular handhelds still are in Japan, the NX won't have either of those luxuries.


If Nintendo makes a console that is:

1. Comparable to PS4 power
2. Easy to develop/port for (ie doesn't have a gimmick controller, uses x86)

Then they should at least get third party ports that are also being released on PS4 and Xbone. PS4K ports will shit on the all when it comes to performance, but I have to imagine that, considering the current PS4 install base, devs are going to make PS4/Xbone/NX ports for a while. As long as Nintendo is selling this thing at a profit, I think they'll be fine.

It's going to be so interesting to see how the market responds to the PS4K. If they buy this supposed $400 console in droves and it quickly replaces the PS4, that could mean trouble for Nintendo and MS. Nintendo is back to square one: a console that is too under-powered to receive third party ports.

NX and PS4K and putting us into an unprecedented time in gaming history. Something like this has never happened before, so it'll be really interesting to see how it shakes out. I honestly don't think PS4K will do all that well, but I have no idea of knowing if that's true or not. I only see it being appealing to a subset of a subset of gamers. NX has the nintendo stigma that they've been building for nearly 20 years now, so It'll be interesting to see if they can overcome that. Exciting times ahead.

That number was calculated assuming 70 million "casuals who only bought Wii Sports" and 30 million "Nintendo/core fans". And that assumes all 30 million of them bought 28 pieces of software.

If you use the WiiU as the barometer at ~15 million, and a 85/15 split, every core fan would have had to buy 54 pieces of software. Each.

No need to explain yourself, I know the point you were trying to make ;)


If they buy this supposed $400 console in droves and it quickly replaces the PS4, that could mean trouble for Nintendo and MS. Nintendo is back to square one: a console that is too under-powered to receive third party ports.

Isn't Nintendo prepared to deal with that, though? I mean, based on everything we know about the NX, isn't the entire point of the NX to allow Nintendo to build a shared gaming library that can be accessed and played on numerous devices, even when new systems with hardware improvements are released?


Saint Titanfall
300$ with the speculated specs, is that even doable? Genuine question as Nintendo doesn't usually sell at a loss...

It's doable they just won't be making any profits. They weren't with the Wii U for that matter. The PS4 was a midrange PC specs at launch, for a hundred dollars cheaper it's not impossible to beat it specs wise with no profit. $400 seems more likely though
Nintendo NEEDS Call of Duty, FIFA, Madden and NBA2K.

There's no if ands or buts about that. Casuals buy these systems for sports games alone. Nintendo has to has to have these games no matter what.


formerly sane
These are bad examples.

The better examples are Assassin's Creed III and Call of Duty at Wii U launch, and almost no one jumping to Wii U for those titles + Nintendo's lineup even though they were perfectly willing to jump to PS4 and Xbox One without Nintendo's lineup the next year.

No they are highlighting my point Nintendo is wasting time on ports for the hardcore that will do nothing for them. Neither of those audiences really buy Nintendo. I remember need for speed as well on WiiU and it had shit sales too. Let's encourage Nintendo to waste another generation on ports or things that won't really sell be it big or small sales vs getting things people want on their platforms. If even some of the worst Turok games on n64 outsell Cod you have problem in reaching your audience or understanding them. Until Nintendo does this well and third parties try to give a shit don't see how you get a healthy platform.


A lot of people did, sure. But anecdotally, I haven't seen a lot of uptake of Wii consoles in my circle of friends and family that i'd classify as people who are big into gaming. My mom and my sister both owned one though.

I have to think that the target demographic for the Wii console is very different than the crowd that's currently buying XB1 and PS4.

Do you think that demographic, i.e. the moms and sisters, would buy another console? I'm not convinced they would, regardless of any gimmick with the controls. Now that touchscreens and motion controls are an integral part of smartphone gaming, what is there left to woo them with? On one hand I accept Nintendo need to try recapture the approach that was so effective with DS and Wii, but on the other hand I can't imagine what they can do this time, unless they have some magic technology that lets you control Mario with your brain waves....


Nintendo isn't going to compete directly with Sony and MS. They aren't making a better PS4 or X1. Please get that idea out of your heads.

IT goes against their entire corporate culture.

They do their own thing. And leave the door open for 3rd party publishers to join them.

That's Nintendo.


Because cyberlink hasn't released their software yet and Samsung is literally the only offering right now. So, they can charge bleeding edge prices for ridiculous margins. It's just business.

Samsung is probably making close to $350 profit on every one of those units.

Damn, that even beyond Apple profit margins. (minus the high storage models i.e. the 128 GB and the 64 GB devices Apple makes a hell of a lot on them)


It's doable they just won't be making any profits. They weren't with the Wii U for that matter. The PS4 was a midrange PC specs at launch, for a hundred dollars cheaper it's not impossible to beat it specs wise with no profit. $400 seems more likely though
Gotcha, thanks.
Nintendo coming out with decent hardware this time around maybe the #1 reason Sony rolls out the PS4K. I don't think Sony wants any console to be more powerful than the PS4 this generation.

I would say the likeliest #1 reason was because they figured out that MS was going to come out with an upgraded Xbox One because they were tired of being outclassed, so they reacted to that. But this assumes MS came up with the idea first, which we don't know. But it's no coincidence that they're both coming up with upgrades this year (or early next), and it certainly isn't because of Nintendo.

Mory Dunz

A lot of people did, sure. But anecdotally, I haven't seen a lot of uptake of Wii consoles in my circle of friends and family that i'd classify as people who are big into gaming. My mom and my sister both owned one though.

I have to think that the target demographic for the Wii console is very different than the crowd that's currently buying XB1 and PS4.

Anecdotally, I don't think the wii existed. I mean, I never saw one, so...


The fundamental question here, for me, is: what audience that Nintendo isn't currently reaching is still realistically available to them? Most of us can agree that mobile has the casual audience locked down. The PS4/XB1 audience is already well served by those platforms. What's left?

And other than making the porting process easier, what is Nintendo actually doing to win back third parties? When EA asks them what they're doing to proactively cultivate an audience for Madden and Battlefield on NX, what's their response going to be: slightly better graphics? Our platform has Mario on it? We'll pay for ads that only mention the NX version, like we did back in the GC era to no effect?

Is the PS4/XB1 audience completely served tho? There are still like 50M+ who haven't upgraded to next gen. That is who Nintendo should be targeting IMO. Casuals arent coming back. And any 'in between' audience is better served by a handheld.

I'm not saying it will be easy and Nintendo will have to change a lot to get them. But I think that is a better strategy than betting big on some quirky gimmick to get people to come off mobile. The Wii was truly revolutionary and its very naive to think they can replicate that every 10 years let alone every 5 years. At some point, they need make inroads with the core gamer market.


ohhh look, the usual consoles guerrilla cycle in between 2 3D printed leaks. People were at the same point in 2012 around Wii U's launch. At the same exact point,with the same arguments now just barely updated. The same people minus newcomers. lol. Still doing circles around wii's attach rate ^^


Nintendo coming out with decent hardware this time around maybe the #1 reason Sony rolls out the PS4K. I don't think Sony wants any console to be more powerful than the PS4 this generation.

Power doesn't mean shit if the mainstream audience isn't going to buy it and developers are going to have to keep parity across older hardware.


Saint Titanfall
No they are highlighting my point Nintendo is wasting time on ports for the hardcore that will do nothing for them. Neither of those audiences really buy Nintendo. I remember need for speed as well on WiiU and it had shit sales too. Let's encourage Nintendo to waste another generation on ports or things that won't really sell be it big or small sales vs getting things people want on their platforms. If even some of the worst Turok games on n64 outsell Cod you have problem in reaching your audience or understanding them. Until Nintendo does this well and third parties try to give a shit don't see how you get a healthy platform.
They won't be selling big numbers on Nintendo systems any time soon this is obvious. But honeslty there no point in not getting. There's so few AAA games this gen, it's far easier for Nintendo to get a reasonable level of 3rd party support even if they don't sell great. especially as these games need to sell more than ever aswell. it's an approach that will only really pay off in several generations but look at Xbox, it barely existed during the PS2 gen and screw up and major push and it was very successful. The point is to have foot in the door rather than continue to be outside in the rain.


Funny coming from someone who is so adamant in suggesting Nintendo has nothing to offer or persuade 3rd parties to release software on their console.

I'd like to think i'm at least taking Nintendo's past history into account when suggesting something. My ideas are based on that. And honestly, the things i've said about third parties are pretty rational coming from a business perspective. We've also seen the exact scenario play out before. But feel free to refute my suggestions and propose arguments as to how i'm wrong. This is a gaming forum after all.

And sure, it's a lot of fun to close your eyes and imagine a world where Nintendo finally launches a perfect product that fulfills all dreams and does everything right, but I personally think there's way more value in discussing a slightly more realistic and down-to-earth future. Because no matter what people say, Nintendo still has quite an uphill battle ahead if it wants to re-establish itself in the market in a big way.
They won't be selling big numbers on Nintendo systems any time soon this is obvious. But honeslty there no point in not getting. There's so few AAA games this gen, it's far easier for Nintendo to get a reasonable level of 3rd party support even if they don't sell great. especially as these games need to sell more than ever aswell. it's an approach that will only really pay off in several generations

Betting the farm on dividing up existing gamers among themselves and PlayStation/Xbox has zero chance of paying off in the long run since that pool of gamers is shrinking and will definitely continue to shrink unless they instead bet on expanding the gaming population.

They can't bet on both of these things simultaneously. One of them has to give.


No they are highlighting my point Nintendo is wasting time on ports for the hardcore that will do nothing for them. Neither of those audiences really buy Nintendo. I remember need for speed as well on WiiU and it had shit sales too. Let's encourage Nintendo to waste another generation on ports or things that won't really sell be it big or small sales vs getting things people want on their platforms. If even some of the worst Turok games on n64 outsell Cod you have problem in reaching your audience or understanding them. Until Nintendo does this well and third parties try to give a shit don't see how you get a healthy platform.

But what do they do then? They need third parties to make royalty money. Or should they be content with Wii U sales from now on?

I do agree it isn't as easy as making it powerful and easy to port. They need to build an audience. There were a lot of shooters and platformers on N64 because of Mario64 and GoldenEye. There were a lot of FPS on Xbox cos of Halo. Nintendo needs to make a similar high budget game to attract and grow that audience on their platform.


No they are highlighting my point Nintendo is wasting time on ports for the hardcore that will do nothing for them. Neither of those audiences really buy Nintendo. I remember need for speed as well on WiiU and it had shit sales too. Let's encourage Nintendo to waste another generation on ports or things that won't really sell be it big or small sales vs getting things people want on their platforms. If even some of the worst Turok games on n64 outsell Cod you have problem in reaching your audience or understanding them. Until Nintendo does this well and third parties try to give a shit don't see how you get a healthy platform.

Need for Speed is a pretty bad example, to be fair. It was released months later than on other platforms, by which time it was more expensive, had missed the holiday period and the game's advertising had been wound down. It had absolutely no chance on Wii U.

That's no to say I expect a huge wave of people jumping ship from PS4/XBO to buy third party games on NX, but there's a middle-ground scenario where there's a big enough customer base and small enough porting costs that the console could still get the bulk of third party games.


Do you think that demographic, i.e. the moms and sisters, would buy another console? I'm not convinced they would, regardless of any gimmick with the controls. Now that touchscreens and motion controls are an integral part of smartphone gaming, what is there left to woo them with? On one hand I accept Nintendo need to try recapture the approach that was so effective with DS and Wii, but on the other hand I can't imagine what they can do this time, unless they have some magic technology that lets you control Mario with your brain waves....

Does anybody have any statistical evidence that the bolded demographic actually went to "mobile" gaming or did they just drop out of gaming all together. Everybody on the internet says this but I yet to see any definite proof that mobile gamers are the same gamers that would actually buy dedicated gaming hardware.


We are basiclly getting a better WiiU with a new name.

We are getting a better PS4 with the same name.

We are getting a better Xbone with the same name.

This E3 will be pretty intresting I hope we dont get lost in mostly hardware talk and less about video games thats where Im worried the most.
Nintendo isn't going to compete directly with Sony and MS. They aren't making a better PS4 or X1. Please get that idea out of your heads.

IT goes against their entire corporate culture.

They do their own thing. And leave the door open for 3rd party publishers to join them.

That's Nintendo.

It's not really their culture. They just went with it when Gamecube flopped. Wii was a big hit, but after that their strategy of trying something "different" didn't work.

Why shouldn't Nintendo try to compete? Their market is people who want to play videogames on their tv. That's the same market as the one Playstation is going for.
Does anybody have any statistical evidence that the bolded demographic actually went to "mobile" gaming or did they just drop out of gaming all together. Everybody on the internet says this but I yet to see any definite proof that mobile gamers are the same gamers that would actually buy dedicated gaming hardware.

It's hard to say.

Nintendo isn't pulling a DS or Wii like phenomenon because those platforms were both designed to be simple and low-price, and both 3DS and Wii U are much more complex and sold at a higher price than DS and Wii.

There simply isn't a major dedicated game platform in today's market that's as simple or simpler than DS or Wii and as cheap or cheaper than DS or Wii, with a lineup as broadly appealing as DS or Wii, so who knows if the opportunity to sell such a platform still exists.


Saint Titanfall
Betting the farm on dividing up existing gamers among themselves and PlayStation/Xbox has zero chance of paying off in the long run since that pool of gamers is shrinking and will definitely continue to shrink unless they instead bet on expanding the gaming population.

The expanding console that is perfectly served playing f2p games. The console model and model that currently satifies those customers are incompatible. They have no need to play complex graphically intensive video games that require a set up box specifically to play on their tv (a shrinking marketshare in itself).

If Nintendo plans on sticking around with consoles they're going to have to play ball with that userbase. Either that or they're better off ditching entirely as it's a wasted effort. The wii worked because it was basically a health fad and considering Kinect that market has left. Amazon is already doing crappy casual games for a set to box and it's not th first. None of those are successful because noone cares.
I don't think anyone here is arguing Nintendo is winning any "fight".

Nintendo has never had the most powerful hardware on the market and that will continue to be the case.
Their goal is to put out an appealing product which didn't work last time but even they know this isn't about winning any fight, it's about winning back some consumers and getting people excited about the company again. Power won't make them get to the top of the icy hill but it will allow them to take off their rollerskates and make some headway. They won't win any race but they have a chance to be noticed again with the right moves and substantial marketing.


Personally, I dont see 3D Mario coming at launch. I think we'll get a trailer for it at e3, but I believe it's a Holiday 2017 title. Akin to how the Wii released.

Now for launch I think we'll see Zelda, Smash 4 port, and Pikmin 4. However, I think Retro's project will slide into the launch window. Wouldn't doubt something like Luigi's Mansion 3 either. Also, Nintendo will probably have a Wii sports/Nintendo Land like game I guess.

I'm not expecting Nintendo to go guns blazing on day 1. Everything I said up top is within reason.

I can agree to that.

I think we will see a new 3D mario but no date. I think we will see pikmin 4 for a launch window not day one I think Zelda is a day one for the system. Smash port I think is a launch window. I think we will get lots of 3rd party support from up coming games from EA UBI Square. I just want to be surpised
The expanding console audience that perfectly served playing f2p games. The console model and model that currently satifies those custoers are incompatible. They have no need to play complex graphically intensive video games that require a set up box specifically to play on their tv (a shrinking marketshare in itself).

I don't know if you've noticed or not, but a lot of Nintendo's recent patents reflect this.
Well, considering that there are about 60 million Xbox One and PS4 owners out there and last generation the PS3 and Xbox 360 sold 160 million (although there most likely a good percentage of overlap) There are about 100 million to 80 million customer that Nintendo could theoretically sale to. Furthermore, the "hook" (aka gimmick on Neogaf), who is the say that it will not bring lapped gamer or even expanded audience back.

Is the PS4/XB1 audience completely served tho? There are still like 50M+ who haven't upgraded to next gen. That is who Nintendo should be targeting IMO. Casuals arent coming back. And any 'in between' audience is better served by a handheld.

I'm not saying it will be easy and Nintendo will have to change a lot to get them. But I think that is a better strategy than betting big on some quirky gimmick to get people to come off mobile. The Wii was truly revolutionary and its very naive to think they can replicate that every 10 years let alone every 5 years. At some point, they need make inroads with the core gamer market.

Even if you set aside current PS4/XB1 owners: what exactly will make NX a more compelling upgrade path for PS3/360 gamers than those platforms? Is it slightly better specs, Mario, or what?


Nintendo coming out with decent hardware this time around maybe the #1 reason Sony rolls out the PS4K. I don't think Sony wants any console to be more powerful than the PS4 this generation.

Pretty sure the reason is that PSVR's high hardware demands is the rationale behind PS4K. High frame rate high resolution games=a huge demand. PSVR is probably not going to be great on vanilla PS4.
But what do they do then? They need third parties to make royalty money. Or should they be content with Wii U sales from now on?

I do agree it isn't as easy as making it powerful and easy to port. They need to build an audience. There were a lot of shooters and platformers on N64 because of Mario64 and GoldenEye. There were a lot of FPS on Xbox cos of Halo. Nintendo needs to make a similar high budget game to attract and grow that audience on their platform.
Be content with Wii U sales. Get the other revenue from wheverver else.. amiibo, theme parks whatever.


ohhh look, the usual consoles guerrilla cycle in between 2 3D printed leaks. People were at the same point in 2012 around Wii U's launch. At the same exact point,with the same arguments now just barely updated. The same people minus newcomers. lol. Still doing circles around wii's attach rate ^^

The hope is that Nintendo learned from Wiiu.

A Power competirle consolé plus a better devolver aproach aré a must of they want my money.


Gold Member
I'm not putting much weight to any Nx rumours at this point, but I will say that it would be a hilariously bizarro generation if Nintendo had the most powerful console. I don't think that has ever happened. Or maybe NES.


Their goal is to put out an appealing product which didn't work last time but even they know this isn't about winning any fight, it's about winning back some consumers and getting people excited about the company again. Power won't make them get to the top of the icy hill but it will allow them to take of their roller skates and make some headway. They won't win any race but they have a chance to be noticed again with the right moves and substantial marketing.

Basically this. They want brand recognition. Movie deals, theme park attractions, and mobile are part of that plan.

Not some stupid console war.


Saint Titanfall
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but a lot of Nintendo's recent patents reflect this.

You mean those patents that are likely for their next handheld? The wii u also exists. What on earth are you arguing for? What do you think Nintendo should do to chase after that audience, because your saying a whole lot of nothing.


Personally, I dont see 3D Mario coming at launch. I think we'll get a trailer for it at e3, but I believe it's a Holiday 2017 title. Akin to how the Wii released.

Now for launch I think we'll see Zelda, Smash 4 port, and Pikmin 4. However, I think Retro's project will slide into the launch window. Wouldn't doubt something like Luigi's Mansion 3 either. Also, Nintendo will probably have a Wii sports/Nintendo Land like game I guess.

I'm not expecting Nintendo to go guns blazing on day 1. Everything I said up top is within reason.

I recall reading that Retro is working on an new IP or some type of new idea.
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