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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Why was your first reaction to the image to check it's file format?

On topic: I'm not against a more powerful console... but I can't help but think it's not going to help them... Nintendo did awesome with the Wii not just because of it's gimmick, but because of it's price. The Wii at launch was $250 in a world of $400 to $600 consoles. This put it at the perfect price for "secondary console" territory. The Wii U's problem is that the tech was expensive at launch, and hasn't really come down at all in price. This black friday we're going to be seeing PS4's selling for practically the same price as the Wii U currently is, and the tech is just plain inferior.

If Nintendo is going to push more power... it needs to keep the price down... It should be aiming to be the PS4 owner's second system... it has to make them question "Is it worth getting the PS4K when I own a PS4 already? Or should I buy the NX for it's exclusives and higher quality (HOPEFULLY) 3rd parties and keep the old PS4 for exclusives". The best way to do that is to keep the price WELL below the PS4K.

Agreed with everything except the last part, which I think you have backwards. Nobody should kid themselves into thinking that NX will have enough third party support to replace PS4 or even XB1 as a main console. Or at least not the same type of 3rd party support (i.e you'll still continue to play COD/Madden/etc. on PS4/XB1, because all your friends have already had those for years).

Like you said, only way for NX to succeed is to be a low-priced "secondary" console, one that will likely only be used for exclusives (1st or 3rd party). But if these PS4K rumors are true, with it being $399 & current PS4 dropping to around $250, NX is pretty much doomed from the start.
You must have not seen what Naughty Dog is doing with UC4, Guerrilla Games is doing with Horizon, or what Quantic Dreams is doing with Detroit. Nintendo isn't known for actual ridiculous graphical showcases like those games will be. Where they exceed is great art design and managing to get their games to run very well. Expecting Nintendo to jump above the aforementioned studios just because the NX will have a little more power than the PS4 is crazy.

You forgot Studio Bend's Dreams. Literally the best looking non-realistic videogame atm on the horizon.

And it's not even using a single polygon.


It's just the ultra hardcore, like neogaf, that actually care. And it's only really for epeen and console wars purposes. People that actually care about power and games generally running to their liking already own gaming grade PCs

That's not entirely true. Anecdotally speaking, people would come into gamestop when I worked there wondering 'which system had the best graphics" or "my friend told me that so and so game looks better on 360." Casuals care more than they actually do, because the perception to a lot of them is that, given the choice (and cost being relatively close), they want the 'most powerful' one or they feel like they wasted their money. This is usually when their focus is on multiplatform games like madden or call of duty and they could care less about exclusives. I assure you none of these people would go on message board and stuff to research, it was just so that, when talking to friends, they could brag that they have the one with the best graphics, whether it actually has the best graphics or not.

Not saying this is the majority of people or anything (most people just get the system their friends already have), but there are quite a bit of people out there who care about the most powerful/best looking system simply for bragging rights reasons.
I'm sorry, I remember the reaction to the PS4 unveiling and nowhere could you find web sites reporting it as a 'let down'.

In fact, people were positively raving about the 8GB of GDDR5 and the GPU specs, the only slight downplaying of the spec reveal was the AMD Jaguar CPU, which wasn't considered that important at the time because of the promise of shifting over more of the heavy lifting to the GPU from the CPU.

It's not really Sony's fault that the majority of developers haven't been capable of learning new ways with the available tech.

You remember people that were hyped because it was E3 and Sony had just put a beat down on Microsoft. The RAM was the only aspect that was a pleasant surprise and I mentioned that. The CPU is a major letdown and the GPU isn't anything to write home about. I don't remember any raving from anyone not labeled a fanatic of the brand.

Also blaming developers for Sony being conservative with their specs is a bit silly. What new ways should they be learning? Sony gave them an underpowered platform and we're seeing the results of that. No need to defend them on this.


This guy gets it.

Nintendo needs to aim for a secondary console spot, entering a head-on war with X1 and PS4 is a really tough war to win. Unlike Sony & MS studios, Nintendo doesn´t need huge power to make really impressive games, so let them fight each other in that front and seduce people with unique experiences at an affordable entry price.

Note that a secondary console could turn out to be the biggest seller of the generation, just like happened with the Wii.

This is where you are wrong. Nintendo being everyone's 2nd system made it irrelevant when the GFC hit and people were only buying one system. What Nintendo needs to do is find a way to leverage the high install base Nintendo handhelds attract with a traditional console experience. Also Nintendo needs EA. a lack of quality 3rd party support ultimately killed the Wii U
Whew these last few pages

"Nintendo isn't appealing to me in particular, so lol good luck nintendo"

The Nintendo fans nearly completly left this thread so you have a lot of people here who only shit on Nintendo and would never consider to get their next console.


I'm getting bored with these rumors. We need an official reveal. Before E3 preferably. Wii U has like nothing coming out and sales probably can't get any lower. No point in holding back.


I am hoping this rumor is complete crap. If it's true, they're making the exact same mistake they made with the Wii U.

- Push out a box midway through the console generation, whose power is roughly on par with the existing boxes.
- Price it $300+++ (accessories, let's be honest, jack the price up to 400-500)
- Have a smattering of third party games.. which are pointless because most people by that point who have any interest in console gaming already have a PS4/Xbox One, and are more than happy to continue buying games for that ecosystem

Nobody is paying that much to play only Nintendo developed/exclusive games. Nobody.

I feel like Nintendo is way more likely to fail with an overpowered box than an underpowered one.


The Nintendo fans nearly completly left this thread so you have a lot of people here who only shit on Nintendo and would never consider to get their next console.

I don't get that mentality. I know I didn't go into the PS4K thread to brag about how i'm not getting one. Whatever makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.
Agreed with everything except the last part, which I think you have backwards. Nobody should kid themselves into thinking that NX will have enough third party support to replace PS4 or even XB1 as a main console. Or at least not the same type of 3rd party support (i.e you'll still continue to play COD/Madden/etc. on PS4/XB1, because all your friends have already had those for years).

Like you said, only way for NX to succeed is to be a low-priced "secondary" console, one that will likely only be used for exclusives (1st or 3rd party). But if these PS4K rumors are true, with it being $399 & current PS4 dropping to around $250, NX is pretty much doomed from the start.

This. Nintendo just needs a console for $249-299 with comparable horse power to PS4/XB1.


The hardware needs to be competitive enough to avoid hamstringing engine development on the platform- no more, no less. The question of having the best hardware is a non-starter for me considering that my PC will be better than any console ever moving forward.


Agreed with everything except the last part, which I think you have backwards. Nobody should kid themselves into thinking that NX will have enough third party support to replace PS4 or even XB1 as a main console. Or at least not the same type of 3rd party support (i.e you'll still continue to play COD/Madden/etc. on PS4/XB1, because all your friends have already had those for years).

Like you said, only way for NX to succeed is to be a low-priced "secondary" console, one that will likely only be used for exclusives (1st or 3rd party). But if these PS4K rumors are true, with it being $399 & current PS4 dropping to around $250, NX is pretty much doomed from the start.

This kind of pessimism is hilariously over the top. The NX family of systems is set to do at least as well the 3DS if it has the same flow of software and a better launch year than that.

Yes it will be a 2nd console to most - 2nd to PC, probably. The problem with PS4 and XBO is that they're not compatible with the PC - they're doing exactly the same thing. So Nintendo needs to avoid copying that at all costs. They will have to offer a Japanese console experience that is not available on Steam.
I guess since so few people bought the Wii U, they'll gladly buy these (great) games for the first time on NX, should they be inclined to trust Nintendo with a console again.

I'm on the fence about the idea, but I'm very open to see how they can prove to me that they shouldn't just be a 3rd party publisher, and that it's worth shelling out hundreds of dollars for their hardware, like it is for Sony and Microsoft.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
The PS4 and Xbox are universally considered a let down in specs. They were underpowered when they came out. What gave you any indication that they would be closer to what the WiiU was than what we got? I can't find anything in what you said that jives with what just about everyone was assuming (aside from maybe RAM).

Just my own expectations after the Wii U reveal, launch. I never really followed leaks, rumors for consoles. By the time I did the XBO, PS4 were already announced.

As far as the specs being considered a letdown...not talking from a dev or enthusiast, forum folks point of view but a general public point of view.

I dont think the general public thought they were a let down in specs. All they had to hear was 8GB of ram and they were hyped. Especially compared to 256MB, 512MB.


I feel like Nintendo is way more likely to fail with an overpowered box than an underpowered one.

It depends. An underpowered box doesn't necessarily equate to low cost at retail. As Wii U showed us.

An overpowered box makes third party happy, gives Nintendo devs some breathing room, and also satiates the internet's constant demand for more power.

Good press can go a long way. Just look at how Wii U was shit on by gamers, developers, journalists. A powerful box makes that go away.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Agreed with everything except the last part, which I think you have backwards. Nobody should kid themselves into thinking that NX will have enough third party support to replace PS4 or even XB1 as a main console. Or at least not the same type of 3rd party support (i.e you'll still continue to play COD/Madden/etc. on PS4/XB1, because all your friends have already had those for years).

Like you said, only way for NX to succeed is to be a low-priced "secondary" console, one that will likely only be used for exclusives (1st or 3rd party). But if these PS4K rumors are true, with it being $399 & current PS4 dropping to around $250, NX is pretty much doomed from the start.

I don't get this sentiment for two reasons:

1) The PS4K, if it exists, isn't going to magically boost Sony's sales. If, like rumors say, it won't fragment the userbase and will be used mainly for 1080p/60fps, that's not enough to get anywhere near a majority of current PS4 owners to go buy it. Plus, with 4K, predictions are only 10% of households will own a 4K display at the end of 2018. That's 3 years away, and a relatively small number of consumers.

2) I think, given the choice, there may be a surprisingly high number of consumers that have wanted a higher-powered Nintendo system for a while and would jump back in to the company if it came out. That doesn't mean they would sell their other systems--just that the power would be enough to draw gamers back into the fold where they use it as a nice secondary system.

Biglittleps said:
This. Nintendo just needs a console for $249-299 with comparable horse power to PS4/XB1.

And then, two years down the road, be left in the dust with third-party ports again? I don't think they can afford that this time.


You remember people that were hyped because it was E3 and Sony had just put a beat down on Microsoft. The RAM was the only aspect that was a pleasant surprise and I mentioned that. The CPU is a major letdown and the GPU isn't anything to write home about. I don't remember any raving from anyone not labeled a fanatic of the brand.

Also blaming developers for Sony being conservative with their specs is a bit silly. What new ways should they be learning? Sony gave them an underpowered platform and we're seeing the results of that. No need to defend them on this.

This. I mean, this is how Sony won this gen lol.


The Nintendo fans nearly completly left this thread so you have a lot of people here who only shit on Nintendo and would never consider to get their next console.

I don't get that mentality. I know I didn't go into the PS4K thread to brag about how i'm not getting one. Whatever makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.

It's so true. It'd be nice to just get to talk and discuss these things with people interested in it, and not just wanting to stir the pot and rehash the same things.

I think what we've seen with these rumors and everything else is just how tightly they've got this thing nailed down. They've been secretive before, but this is on a whole new level. Are they just keeping things in Japan in an effort to avoid leaks at different spots in the world, or what? I'm just curious HOW they are doing this, especially this day and age. NDA-related threats, sure, but plenty of places have them and more information still comes out.


I don't get that mentality. I know I didn't go into the PS4K thread to brag about how i'm not getting one. Whatever makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.

I was told yesterday that PS4 enthusiasts are butthurt about the possibility of a Ninendo console being stronger than their console lol.

It's mostly the Sony fanboys coming in here.


They're going to struggle with building a sustainable ecosystem for third parties without targeting core gamers. A cheap Nintendo Ouya wouldn't have a very high attach rate for core third party games.

Keep in mind they always have their cake and eat it too with the NX if there's a cheaper machine that comes out down the road (i.e. a Vita TV version of the NX portable) to specifically sell to the people that would want to buy a $100-150 machine.

They don't have to "beat" Sony or Microsoft this gen, just carve out market share and grow a sustainable ecosystem for third parties and build from there.
That´s another path they could take, but I still think Nintendo would do better if they strongly position themselves as something different. Trying to catch up now in the power race will be really difficult and even if they manage to do it with an under 400$ pricetag, Nintendo still has to defeat the stigma that their games are for kids and such. Many people, even fully grown ups, will only consider a Nintendo system for their kids, while looking at a PS4/X1 for themselves.

I´d love for a Nintendo system with graphics that blow my mind, but after the initial surprise, I don´t think I could enjoy it more than I´m enjoying Bayo2, MK8, Splatoon or SMM this gen. Use a low price to open the door and then make people remember what it is to play awesome, extremely polished and fun games that have no bugs and no several GB sized zero day patches.
I don't get that mentality. I know I didn't go into the PS4K thread to brag about how i'm not getting one. Whatever makes them feel better about themselves, I guess.

It's the same with nearly every NX thread. The first 20+ pages are filled with normal conversations and then after that it starts to drift in stupid talks about how bad Nintendo is and you can clearly see that a whole buncj of other users enter the thread.
But to be honest it is the same with PS4K or XBox threads.


Don't go down the money route haha. Miitomo isn't about making money. If it were....$40k isn't something to brag about to be honest.

Well, that roughly equates to about $15 million per year. I don't know what the average gamedeveloper earns, but let's say that a gamedev employee costs Nintendo roughly $8000 per month (I have no idea how taxes/care/... in Japan work or costs), that would mean this little app can pay for a team of over 150 developers. Which is immense by Nintendo's standards. Or they could maube buy a few small devs like Tantalus/Straight Right?

Also, i don't know if the goal of the app is to actually make money, but rather "snatch" as many potential customers for other Nintendo products down the line.


The difficult thing for NX is going to be selling 3rd party games. WiiU had some support, and some very decent games, but they bombed hard. Even having an amazing console can't change the situation if only Nintendo games sell on the platform.

Still curious on the handheld front, it would be great to get some WiiU-like visuals on the handheld. I wonder how possible it is to run games like say Xenoblade and keep some decent battery life.
Power is not just about graphics.
Good hardware can get you better ai, more enemies on screen, larger maps, and even improve loading.:d

None of which necessarily improves a game in a meaningful way.

Console power discussion always seems to be more about a feeling of superiority, which is 100 percent stupid.


The hardware needs to be competitive enough to avoid hamstringing engine development on the platform- no more, no less. The question of having the best hardware is a non-starter for me considering that my PC will be better than any console ever moving forward.

It's also helpful to somewhat temper expectations to avoid the outrage feedback loop that seems to happen around console launches.

I think you can expect it to be competitive with the Xbox One and PS4, and offer some attempt by Nintendo at disruptive technology. Beyond that I think we're dealing in wish thinking.


No, I know. My point was that in the grand scheme of things the ports aren't a big deal.

And it's not a complete waste of everyone's time. It is for people like you and me who already have it. Won't be for those gamers who didn't get it on Wii U, cause they skipped Wii U, but get it for NX. That's the point of the port.

Why should I care at all for people that didn't get a Wii U to play those titles?

And I don't think Nintendo should care either. If they weren't strong enough to sell people on the Wii U, they won't be strong enough to sell people on the NX.


It's the same with nearly every NX thread. The first 20+ pages are filled with normal conversations and then after that it starts to drift in stupid talks about how bad Nintendo is and you can clearly see that a whole buncj of other users enter the thread.
But to be honest it is the same with PS4K or XBox threads.

Yes but who is jumping into these threads lol? Is it the Sony and Xbox fans jumping into each other or is it Nintendo fans?

Just curious.

Why should I care at all for people that didn't get a Wii U to play those titles?

And I don't think Nintendo should care either. If they weren't strong enough to sell people on the Wii U, they won't be strong enough to sell people on the NX.

1. Because it helps the NX sell and that is good. I don't know about you but I dont want the NX to turn up dead after 3 years like Wii U.

2. Nintendo should care because they know how to run a business lol. Wii U was toxic. People didn't want to buy it after a couple years so of course they weren't going to pay for an overpriced system for Splatoon or whatever. NX is a fresh start.


The Wii U came later vs 360 PS3 than the NX vs XBO PS4 and as such was lagging farther behind in power.

The problem with this statement is that you have the generations wrong;
Wii x ps3 x xbox 360
Wii u x xboxone x ps4
Nx x ps4.5 x Microsoft?

Nintendo is generally first of the generation by a year or so and don't care about the arms race in power.

You could frame it that way, but its important to keep in mind that the current info on the PS4.5 has it with twice the GPU power of the PS4. Comparatively the PS4/XBO are a full generation ahead of the WiiU.


Yeah, it's kind of bad right now. Why come into a topic if you don't like Nintendo or even plan on buying their system?

Console wars. I mean honestly that's it. People think they are cool or funny or whatever. It's the equivalent of a dick-measuring contest.
You remember people that were hyped because it was E3 and Sony had just put a beat down on Microsoft.

The PS4 wasn't unveiled at E3, it had its own reveal show in February 2013.

All you need to do is pull up some articles at the time of the reveal and see the reaction, it was nothing like what is being described in this thread.

Nothing like it whatsoever.


The PS4 wasn't unveiled at E3, it had its own reveal show in February 2013.

All you need to do is pull up some articles at the time of the reveal and see the reaction, it was nothing like what is being described in this thread.

Nothing like it whatsoever.

Did you not watch the E3 press conference where they cheekily said "and yes the PS4 will play used games" and the crowd erupted into applause and multiple gaf threads blew up with how bad Sony burned Microsoft?


Nintendo can release a high-spec machine and succeed IF they get everything right. Many point to N64 and GC as reasons why Nintendo shouldn’t bother going the power route.

However, we need to remember…


Cartridges. As a result of sticking with this format, Nintendo games were quite expensive in comparison to PS1 and Saturn. If Nintendo had moved to CDs, I think things would’ve been quite different. I believe N64 would’ve got Final Fantasy VII as well as many other big releases which found a home on other competing systems. I believe the cartridge format hurt them very much.


Mini DVDs. Nintendo finally moves to a disc format, but they go with a proprietary 1.5 GB disc for all their games while PS2 and Xbox discs had a larger/standard DVD capacity. That and it lacked the ability to play DVD movies and audio CDs.

Controller. First and foremost, I LOVE the GC controller, BUT I understand that it strayed from the traditional layout gamers were used to. The face buttons are very different, the D-pad is very small and it lacks L2 & R2 buttons.

Purple box. Yes, it’s rather shallow to judge a console on its exterior, but many gamers did just that. As powerful and impressive as the GC is, the form-factor, apparently, was off-putting to many people and painted the console as having a kiddie image.

Online. Xbox had entered the console market and introduced Xbox Live which became a big hit. While Nintendo had online-capable games, it was super bare-bones. Hell, there were just a few online games for the system’s entire life-span if my memory is correct. PS2 was lacking in this area as well, but it didn’t matter. Sony had already established itself as a serious force in the console world and, well, I don’t need to remind anyone of the impressive library and insane sales the PS2 had.

These systems, while powerful, didn’t fail because they were high-spec. They failed because of other decisions Nintendo made. Now, I’m not gonna sit here and ignorantly believe that Nintendo will nail every single aspect with NX. There’s usually a catch or unusual factor that comes into play. I’m just saying that it is possible, though unlikely. Every component and facet of the system has to hit all the right notes if it goes high-spec. It can be done, but Nintendo has a track record that we are all very familiar with. Time will tell.

Hurry up, Nintendo!!!!

down 2 orth

I think, given the choice, there may be a surprisingly high number of consumers that have wanted a higher-powered Nintendo system for a while and would jump back in to the company if it came out. That doesn't mean they would sell their other systems--just that the power would be enough to draw gamers back into the fold where they use it as a nice secondary system.

That's me (and probably a lot of other gamers) in a nutshell. I never bought a WiiU but I definitely wanted to get in on its exclusives. Having the ports, some decent power, and the promise of more good first party games is probably going to be enough to reel me in.
Lol not gonna happen. I can see Wii u dropping to $250 this fall and NX out at $350. I can't see anything less than $100 discrepancy, and I can't see Wii u dropping to $200..

Miyamoto said they wanted to release a cheaper system though. I can see them doing it to get people to buy it. Nintendo has bad perception right now of being "a non powerhouse" company when it comes to consoles and if they release something expensive people won't buy it.

Once they get their image turned around to being a more hardcore powerhouse type of company then they can do it in the future.


None of which necessarily improves a game in a meaningful way.

Console power discussion always seems to be more about a feeling of superiority, which is 100 percent stupid.
Long loading times, empty maps, dumb ai, and restricting enemy quantities. Are things that would definitely detract from playing a video game.

Don't understand the need to downplay it all the time. If Nintendo had this mentality we would be stuck with shit hardware, and even worse games. So glad they don't see it that way.


Lol not gonna happen. I can see Wii u dropping to $250 this fall and NX out at $350. I can't see anything less than $100 discrepancy, and I can't see Wii u dropping to $200..

Priority #1 for Nintendo is going to be moving as many NX systems as they can produce while making $$$.

Clearing out Wii U stock is going to be way down the list.

They're not going to intentionally set the price of NX higher than it needs to be in order to move their last million or so Wii Us.
Did you not watch the E3 press conference where they cheekily said "and yes the PS4 will play used games" and the crowd erupted into applause and multiple gaf threads blew up with how bad Sony burned Microsoft?

I was referring to the reaction of the hardware specs being revealed in Feb 2013, nothing to do with E3.

Some people in here are trying to portray the unveiling as a disappointment, and how everyone was crying 'underpowered' when it wasn't, far from it.

Reaction to the hardware itself was overwhelmingly positive.
Lol not gonna happen. I can see Wii u dropping to $250 this fall and NX out at $350. I can't see anything less than $100 discrepancy, and I can't see Wii u dropping to $200..

If they price at $349 then it has to offer more than what PS4/XB1 can do (in hardware, os features and great launch library including 3rd party games of this holiday) as PS4/XB1 will reach $299 price point if there is a hardware revision (with free games) by holiday ($249 in black friday). $100 difference is really big one and they need to show big difference to attract gamers to choose them over PS4/XB1 or (PS4.5/XB1.5 $399).
There is a $299 sweet spot for the console this holiday. If the console really is slightly more powerful than PS4 and the software/ecosystem is there, that price point offers a solid value, even though the PS and Xbone libraries will remain larger.

Nintendo may have to take a slight loss on hardware. They've done it before (Gamecube and Wii U at least) despite common misconception. They could also shave off like $30 if they drop the optical drive.

14nm yields for larger chip remains to be seen. It would be a very surprising move for them to release a console the size of a PS4 or Xbone, which 28nm would pretty much guarantee.


Nintendo loves profit, but they would be wise to take an initial loss on hardware at launch and recoup costs through software sales. The entry price needs to be appealing to those who aren't there day 1(or not there at all) for Nintendo hardware.
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