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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.



So your Number 1 criteria to buy a system is how well it runs third-party games? What about exclusives?

What about exclusives ? I enjoyed SMG, Excite truck, RE4 on Wii was da best, Halo's, Crackdown, Uncharted, Infamous, Ratchet....

But they pale into insignificance with the amount of time I invest in big AAA third party games. For example, I probably played more hours Mass Effect multiplayer than all those games above combined (maybe exaggerating to make a point tehee). Last gen I had all consoles anyway, but mainly played 360. I estimate 80 - 90 % of my game collection was 3rd party.

The third party effect has been made by many posters, even Y2kev keeps reminding people in every NPD thread about how is Sony doing so well. If you console plays such games the best (consoles) and is well supported with X party chat and social experience...thats what Joe bloggs wants imo. Its also where I stand.

I would love to play Witcher 3 at 60 FPS.., so much so my save file is only 2 hours in, I can wait a long time.....But I cannot be bothered going PC, its not for me. I just want to press start.

To me its blatantly obvious, but hey, what do I know. Maybe if MS creates a console experience on its windows store and controller segregation...maybe thats MS strategy...would not be surprised....

I dont buy the Sony is winning because MS fucked up its DRM online message, they removed it pretty quick, Kinect was also a fuck up but I digress. If Sony 4.5 has a zen CPU and is 500 cost in 2017, then my opinion is shared by Sony as well .....

I think for me personally Nintendo have shown that you don't necessarily need the most power to make the best games.

I had more fun playing Mario Kart 8 than any other racing game.

I think the fact Nintendo don't generally go for photo realism goes a long way too on low powered devices.

Preferred excite truck and Sonic racing to Mario kart (on Wii), but just opinions. Nintendo make the best games for you, if they were generally accepted as the best games then WiiU would not have bricked.

Nintendo used to make games I loved, Excite truck, Mario Galaxy, Metriod prime.......but everyone has different tastes.


Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.

Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.

Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.
Wut. Sony is first because puts the best offers possible with the best price possible. Powerful console don't sell automatically because are powerful. And I hardly doubt the hypothetical ps4k it's just because Nintendo will announce a new console soon. This company it's completely ignored from the big AAA industry actually.


And I hardly doubt the hypothetical ps4k it's just because Nintendo will announce a new console soon. This company it's completely ignored from the big AAA, that's nothing of worrying about it for now.


A ps4 with 4K capabilities is to push 4K into people's homes the way blu-ray was used on the PS3.

The ps4k (if it happens) would be happening regardless of whatever Nintendo come up with.


I want this to be my first Nintendo console and my first purchase of a Mario Game ever. Hopefully everything turns out good.
I have owned every Nintendo console since the NES, but I honestly feel like the Wii U is the last Nintendo console I will ever own. Between work, hiking, family, and other real life stuff I barely have time for one console. Also I feel like I never got my money's worth on the Wii U, and the time I have spent playing Nintendo consoles has continued to drop with every console since the N64. I will always be some form of a Nintendo fanboy, but I should of stopped after the Wii.

Edit: I said the same thing about the Wii U, but nostalgia for Mario and a new Zelda got me to jump on a couple of years in the cycle. That said while I loved Super Mario 3D World it was no Galaxy, and still waiting for that Zelda...So I don't think it will get me this time.


I love the idea of the NX. The My Nintendo online has been great so far and the possible lineup looks really strong. With the exception of Smash 4, I haven't played any other games. (Obviously not Zelda) but the idea of having MM and Splatoon on the NX is fantastic. I fully expect the new Mario too.

I just hope we get an initial reveal in May to get people understanding the concept, whatever it may be. All the bells and whistles come E3, then ride the wave all the way to launch, which is hopefully October or November.


I have owned every Nintendo console since the NES, but I honestly feel like the Wii U is the last Nintendo console I will ever own. Between work, hiking, family, and other real life stuff I barely have time for one console. Also I feel like I never got my money's worth on the Wii U, and the time I have spent playing Nintendo consoles has continued to drop with every console since the N64. I will always be some form of a Nintendo fanboy, but I should of stopped after the Wii.

I personally find its easier owning a Nintendo console as a primary console when you're limited on time.

The games for me are more pick up and play. I know it might sound silly but with a lot of games nowadays if I don't play them in a while I like need a refresher, or a bit of time to get me back to speed.

But with the likes of mario kart, super mario etc I can pretty much just jump straight back in.
I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

Why was your first reaction to the image to check it's file format?

On topic: I'm not against a more powerful console... but I can't help but think it's not going to help them... Nintendo did awesome with the Wii not just because of it's gimmick, but because of it's price. The Wii at launch was $250 in a world of $400 to $600 consoles. This put it at the perfect price for "secondary console" territory. The Wii U's problem is that the tech was expensive at launch, and hasn't really come down at all in price. This black friday we're going to be seeing PS4's selling for practically the same price as the Wii U currently is, and the tech is just plain inferior.

If Nintendo is going to push more power... it needs to keep the price down... It should be aiming to be the PS4 owner's second system... it has to make them question "Is it worth getting the PS4K when I own a PS4 already? Or should I buy the NX for it's exclusives and higher quality (HOPEFULLY) 3rd parties and keep the old PS4 for exclusives". The best way to do that is to keep the price WELL below the PS4K.


I would love to play Witcher 3 at 60 FPS.., so much so my save file is only 2 hours in, I can wait a long time.....But I cannot be bothered going PC, its not for me. I just want to press start.


So use your controller of choice with a PC game and press start.
I doubt it would happen but my dream NX is a bit more powerful PS4 with improved Wiimote+Nunchuck (with 2 analogue sticks maybe). I think there still is a ton of potential to that controller scheme and games like RE4 prove to me that traditional games not only work but are even better when put in correctly. Also the motion controls could be totally optional.

Motion controls got a bad rep just because the market focus was on casual gaming resulting on tons of waggleware and the specs prevented current gen ports. Not only is that controller style cheaper to implement than gamepad it would diffrentiate the NX from the competitors.

As a nice bonus it would be perfect controller for VR if they wanted to implement it later.

Wii just always felt to me that it never reached it's full potential.


Why is this a gif?

Gifs were originally made as a low file sized format with colour, animation was added a couple of years later, if you want to limit a file size and don't really care much for quality/ aren't using many colours or if you want to load your website quickly, single image gifs are great.

Less than 2 weeks until the Fiscal Year Earnings release. I doubt that we'll hear much from it, something will probably happen in late May before E3 though.


Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.

Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.

Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.

Playstation 4 being the most powerful console and the best seller is a fuck'n coincidence. lol

PS4 has no games is not even funny anymore.

And Sony is fully aware they can't just sit and do nothing while other manufacturers are working.


I doubt it would happen but my dream NX is a bit more powerful PS4 with improved Wiimote+Nunchuck (with 2 analogue sticks maybe). I think there still is a ton of potential to that controller scheme and games like RE4 prove to me that traditional games not only work but are even better when put in correctly. Also the motion controls could be totally optional.

Motion controls got a bad rep just because the market focus was on casual gaming resulting on tons of waggleware and the specs prevented current gen ports. Not only is that controller style cheaper to implement than gamepad it would diffrentiate the NX from the competitors.

As a nice bonus it would be perfect controller for VR if they wanted to implement it later.

Wii just always felt to me that it never reached it's full potential.

Now I do agree with you there. I never understood why Wii sensor bar was not extendible so that you could stretch it to that the red lights were at the corners of your TV. Using standard 16:9 calculations Nintendo could of had an absolute pointer instead of the crappy relative one.

Wii had so much potential for light gun goodness, but failed miserably imo due to the loss of calibration and drifting. And yes, RE4 Wii was one of the best games last decade for me.

They can do absolute pointer games in arcades, Wii just needed a bit more tech in the pointing department. Maybe thats NX secret sauce, motion controls done so well we cannot ignore it. I would be in for some light gun goodness. Nobody has done really good faultless 1:1 motion controls except maybe Vive, but thats out of my bracket.


Havent owned a Nintendo since the snes, Doesn't matter how powerful it is, I still dont wanna play Mario anymore or any other nintendo game.

Hate to point out the obvious....but you probably aren't Nintendo's target demographic if you have no interest in playing Nintendo games.

I mean honestly, what's the point in these drive by posts? It's essentially going out of your way to say "I have no interest in this thread".


Reading through the thread I started thinking that at the very same time we're discussing these rumors, Nintendo employees must be doing some of the following at Kyoto HQ:

-Finalizing target designs for the console, controller and other peripherals.
-Deciding color schemes, logos, typography and basic marketing between several options.
-Working on technical demos, playable demos and trailers.
-Testing latest stable build of NX OS in prototypes destined to E3/press event.
-Sending memos to key third parties about deadlines for E3 demos/trailers.
-Maybe recording/editing the next Nintendo Direct and designing/sending invitations for the press.
-Recording interviews with Nintendo engineers, designers and third party members about development.
-Recording promotional videos with actors showing the new controller possibilities (and non-specific-action-figure).

...right now, as we speak, they're working frenetically against the clock, designing, touching, playing the NX...

it's almost here...

hype! :p

So true! Great to think about all the final pieces starting to come together and the "vision" seeing fruition!

We should use this list as a start of NX bingo:

Target designs for the console, controller and other peripherals - Lots of rounded corners (remember the donut-shaped controller!)
Color schemes, logos, typography, basic marketing - NX will come in white, black, and red with everything using a modified SNES-era font. Barring that, it'll come in Gamecube colors and use the font "Garamond."
Technical/playable demos and trailers - Because I'm thinking there'll be touchscreen button elements and things, I'm envisioning lots of demos focused on all the things you can do with that, like changing buttons and their purposes on the fly, to get people used to that. With the trailer, I'm thinking specifically of their one "big" trailer that shows a lot of the games at once, usually at least a little bit. They'll show some enhanced ports, 3rd party games that are getting released for all systems, and their own exclusives, with Mario winking at us and flying away on a comet at the end.
NX OS - I think they'll find a way to show this off too, via Nintendo Direct or E3, especially in how your account links everything, how your purchases and such are tied in to this, plus how seamlessly NX can interact with additional hardware (either a handheld or, my favorite, a special tablet), plus maybe SCD things?
Memos - "Dear EA, hurry up!"
Nintendo Direct - I can't wait to see Kimishima get up and do this! Think he'll be goofy or totally serious, but in a deadpan way? I know he can smile, but imagining Pikmin climbing all over him and him not caring makes me laugh.
Interviews - They mentioned this before, but I think they'll especially want to start highlighting their young guns now and try to make a name for them! Miyamoto is great and all, but I think they have an interest in showing Nintendo is more and has more talent than just that.
Promotional videos - Non-specific-action-figure will be back with an amiibo showing off a new amiibo platform that does neat projection things. Actors will include Ben Hawkey as Reggie's son, Stephen Curry, and various twins goofing off showing how the NX and the handheld/tablet/your phone/whatever interacts.
Magic - Very important, but I don't know where they'll get it from?!

Just curious--why did you feel like sharing this in a thread about a Nintendo system? Why even click the thread?

Haha, so true. It just derails things!

I doubt it would happen but my dream NX is a bit more powerful PS4 with improved Wiimote+Nunchuck (with 2 analogue sticks maybe). I think there still is a ton of potential to that controller scheme and games like RE4 prove to me that traditional games not only work but are even better when put in correctly. Also the motion controls could be totally optional.

Motion controls got a bad rep just because the market focus was on casual gaming resulting on tons of waggleware and the specs prevented current gen ports. Not only is that controller style cheaper to implement than gamepad it would diffrentiate the NX from the competitors.

As a nice bonus it would be perfect controller for VR if they wanted to implement it later.

Wii just always felt to me that it never reached it's full potential.

I'm actually secretly hoping that this is what it turns out to be. You could have your triggers underneath, two buttons that double as sticks (an old NX thread was discussing this cool technology that can detect button presses, directions, and even squeezing!), maybe one other smaller button under each, then a touchscreen area all around the face of each. This area could then show what buttons do, provide some real estate for quick swipes, provide additional buttons, change colors for game immersion, etc. You could even easily pop them into a shell of some sort with an optional screen to have a handheld, super controller, or semi-Wii U gamepad replacer.

I really liked motion controls honestly, and I'm sure there's more ways they can improve on it. Also, like you mentioned, with VR coming up, what a great scheme!

Plus, there were rumors about the controller being donut shaped. What's more natural then holding two donuts? Great ergonomics!
Who is Trev? Interestingly enough according to Kagari FF7 is partially funded by Sony and shouldn't come to other consoles. Who knows with Square tho.

If Nintendo manages to have a good KH3 trailer at reveal event or E3 I promise to buy NX.


Nintendo needs some lasting games at launch, not another NSMB game (no offense).

I know what you mean, but at the same time I have put in over 210 hours into NSMB (inc Luigi download). The others in my top 5, time-wise, are 150 hours in Splatoon, 110 hours in MK8, 100 hours into Nintendoland (really!), 70 hours into SM3DW.


Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.

Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.

Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.

Impressive statement. Wrong in almost every regard.


Wii had so much potential for light gun goodness, but failed miserably imo due to the loss of calibration and drifting.

IR pointing was perfectly fine.
There's no calibration nor drifting occurring, that's when gyro aiming is involved (which is a wiimotion plus-only feature)

And yes, I'd LOVE an improved wiimote/nunchuck control scheme.


No they don't!!


Gifs were originally made as a low file sized format with colour, animation was added a couple of years later, if you want to limit a file size and don't really care much for quality/ aren't using many colours or if you want to load your website quickly, single image gifs are great.

I think...

Why is this a gif?

The question is why is this an ANIMATED gif. For images using less than 256 colors, gifs are great, and depending on the complexity of the image, the color compression works much better than jpg compression. However, there is no point in animating a still image and hence increasing filesize (which is the opposite goal of compression).

Who is Trev? Interestingly enough according to Kagari FF7 is partially funded by Sony and shouldn't come to other consoles. Who knows with Square tho.

If Nintendo manages to have a good KH3 trailer at reveal event or E3 I promise to buy NX.

A guy that leaked some leaks... not an industry insider, but he knew people who knew people (i think). His leaks turned out legit iirc.


Can you refute what he is saying though instead of being snarky? He brings up several good points especially that Nintendo is trying to be disruptive by releasing it in the middle of a generation and has a realistic chance of backfiring. While I'm not calling Nintendoom, I'd be a fool to assume Nintendo is somehow going to pull a rabbit out of their ass and be back in the thick of things.

Yep, while his delivery is somewhat caustic, he has a ton of valid points that I worry about as well. Nintendo is going to have to pull off something exceptional to get real traction. That said I personally would buy it for sure if it was more powerful than a PS4 with a normal controller. That's kind of my Nintendo dream, but I don't know how successful that would be for Nintendo.
I personally find its easier owning a Nintendo console as a primary console when you're limited on time.

The games for me are more pick up and play. I know it might sound silly but with a lot of games nowadays if I don't play them in a while I like need a refresher, or a bit of time to get me back to speed.

But with the likes of mario kart, super mario etc I can pretty much just jump straight back in.

I get that 100%. Those games just click automatically for me, and I pretty much love most of the Nintendo franchises (I do hate Super Smash Bros and every Starfox since the first one). Still the lack of 3rd party support and other issues have turned Nintendo into a secondary console since the Wii (well really the Gamecube when it never got GTA). They have made it impossible for me to have one of their consoles as my main console. If you can, you are lucky, because I wish I could.


I am hoping this rumor is complete crap. If it's true, they're making the exact same mistake they made with the Wii U.

- Push out a box midway through the console generation, whose power is roughly on par with the existing boxes.
- Price it $300+++ (accessories, let's be honest, jack the price up to 400-500)
- Have a smattering of third party games.. which are pointless because most people by that point who have any interest in console gaming already have a PS4/Xbox One, and are more than happy to continue buying games for that ecosystem

Nobody is paying that much to play only Nintendo developed/exclusive games. Nobody.


Dunno how's Nintendo's marketing on the NX will be, but if they release this as the start of the 9th Gen, it has to be a LOT more powerful than the Playstation, even more than the "PS4.5/4K". Otherwise they'll be outclassed by other competitors to come in the near future. But then again, they have to keep it cheap, otherwise it'll fail just as much as the WiiU. Nintendo has a lot of work in their hands to make this work. Unless they're pulling a "GB Colour" on this, though I don't believe they are.



IR pointing was perfectly fine.
There's no calibration nor drifting occurring, that's when gyro aiming is involved (which is a wiimotion plus-only feature)

And yes, I'd LOVE an improved wiimote/nunchuck control scheme.


This of course makes "light gun" games (Link's Crossbow Training, HOTD, Umbrella Chronicles, The Conduit, etc) rather un-lightgun like. You can't, for example, use the Nyko Perfect Shot (it's hard to be very accurate with a Wiimote by itself), point it at the screen, and have the cursor track to the physical screen location you're pointing at. It is only capable of tracking relative to the sensor bar, which, though it can be mitigated slightly by providing lots of configuration settings (eg, The Conduit), is still very sub-optimal.

Currently the calibration only holds up well if you remain standing in the same position as when you calibrated it. It does work from alternate angles, but accuracy begins to suffer (targeting was off by about 2 inches in the corner of the screen when I calibrated from the front, and then tried shooting from about 45 degrees to the side).

That, only 2 reference dots meant if you moved about the accuracy was crap and light gun games were lacking accuracy. Yeah I had a Nyko and those games....


they're making the exact same mistake they made with the Wii U.

- Push out a box midway through the console generation, whose power is roughly on par with the existing boxes.

In what way was the WiiU pushed out midway through the last generation?
WiiU being what it is but being released in 2010 could well have done better than releasing when it did when most people cosnumers and producers alike were looking forward to a new generation.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
I am hoping this rumor is complete crap. If it's true, they're making the exact same mistake they made with the Wii U.

- Push out a box midway through the console generation, whose power is roughly on par with the existing boxes.
- Price it $300+++ (accessories, let's be honest, jack the price up to 400-500)
- Have a smattering of third party games.. which are pointless because most people by that point who have any interest in console gaming already have a PS4/Xbox One, and are more than happy to continue buying games for that ecosystem

Nobody is paying that much to play only Nintendo developed/exclusive games. Nobody.

If it is "noticeably more powerful" than current systems like the rumor says, how do you manage to translate that as "roughly on par" with current systems?


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
In what way was the WiiU pushed out midway through the last generation?
WiiU being what it is but being released in 2010 could well have done better than releasing when it did when most people cosnumers and producers alike were looking forward to a new generation.

I agree.

I know the Wii U was a failure on some levels...but it was most definitely a next gen console when it released. It was the first 8th gen home console. It didnt release midway thru last gen or at the end of last gen. It started the next gen. I know some look at the specs of the Wii U and XBO, PS4 and think differently but just because Nintendo went with the specs they did doesnt mean the Wii U was a 7th gen console.
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