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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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It is a rumor. I dont know if it is true. But mods verified his sources and allowed the topic. I think this is enough to avoid shitting on 10k.

You dont believe him and that is fair, but others can believe it. And everyone can discuss it.

That and 10k said from the very beginning, before he posted his info, not to get super excited or hyped. He never said he had mind-blowing revelations to share. He was explicitly clear on that point before he made his post. I guess some just chose to ignore that.

As for LCGeek, I can't remember if he was verified in the other thread or not(I believe he was), but he made it very clear that he had sources who knew. He's still around as well. If he was spouting BS and couldn't back it up, he would already be banned.


All this talk about power and graphics might be missing a big point here-

We have it on pretty good authority that the NX CPU is a decent step ahead of PS4, and (unless I missed some more updates) we have the rumors in the OP that the GPU and RAM should be above PS4 specs, but those don't seem to be as clear cut rumors as LCGeeks CPU discussion in the last thread.

So right now we "know" that the CPU is noticeably improved over current consoles, and potentially even higher than the PS4k if they decide not to upgrade the CPU. This leads me to believe that third party devs aren't too insistent about increased CPU performance for consoles, but Nintendo wants a better CPU for other reasons.

Also first Gaf post, yay!

All the 14 nm CPU's X86 or ARM that are sensible picks are better than Ps4 and Xb1 CPU, thats what 3 years does. Dont think its anything in a grande scheme.

If Ps4k or Xb1 or NX are going for true power they will wait as long as they can (2016) and go for 14 nm ZEN ...think Sony will do this for PSVR is my guess....


If you didn't get kicked out after collecting each Star/Sprite in Super Mario 64 and Sunshine, they'd already be open-world games.
Basically. This is what I've wanted for years, mario 64 without being booted back to the castle/hub upon completing an objective. Youd have your critical path objectives and then you could have extra objectives that change the form of the level that unlock after finishing those.


Explain top-tier... why pikmin not top-tier is it sales?

For me it's just how Nintendo treats it and yes sales. Also, what Legend says. It's like a bonus. Its not a "system seller." It's not a series Nintendo would put out in November as their big game.

It's sorta like how I feel where it stand in terms of Nintendo IPs. It's not quite Mario, Zelda, Smash, and Mario Kart ya know?

Don't get me wrong, Pikmin is one of my favorite franchises. I love the games. It was painful t wait 10 years or whatever for Pikmin 3 lmfao.


You don't think doubling the previous game's sales on a platform that sold about half as well as the one that game released on is an incredible success?

Nintendo didn't release a brand-new 2D Mario game* for almost 15 years, despite that franchise being their bread and butter.

It's been almost six years since Super Mario Galaxy 2 and we still have people saying the 3D _____ games aren't real 3D Mario games.

There are literally no guarantees that "the Mario game you want" is gonna be there. And so there is literally no way to make an informed purchasing decision with the information we currently have about NX.

Yes, I do think that's how everyone "should" make purchasing decisions.

* I'm not counting Yoshi's Island since its trajectory is not the same as 2D Mario's.

Doubling a previous game's sales is a success, for sure. Metroid is a success. However, Metroid Fusion sold nearly as well as Metroid Prime. I think that IP was just positioned perfectly at that time, and then again positioned very well with the third game when everything Wii was selling excellently. Regardless, the numbers do not bear out Metroid being one of Nintendo's biggest franchises. Big, yes, biggest, no.

There was a defined (and an argument can be made as to whether it was wise or not) reason for why 2D Mario went on a long hiatus. At the time, though, 2D Mario had become 3D Mario. Gamers demanded their games be in 3D, and Nintendo pioneered and followed this trend. I don't think it can be so easily compared. Since 2D Mario has come back, it has not gone away. Since 3D Mario has come onto the scene, it has not gone away. You indicated earlier than 2D or 3D Mario has skipped a gen, but I still am wondering when 3D Mario skipped any console or what you meant by that so I can respond to it properly.

specifically, i think gen 9 is going to be defined be iterative hardware. microsoft might call the xbox 1 revision something completely different or simply launch a much more powerful platform in 2017. it could render sony as the only company doing the 'half-step' in marketing. in which case, the ps4k, new xbox, and nx would all be part of a ninth, and final, generation where iterative hardware is the defining feature among all platforms.

going forward it might be impossible to define generations again unless they all try and match one another with some other feature, be it vr or holograms or some other futuristic-sounding stuff. i'd be more comfortable slotting in 3ds, vita, ps4, xb1, and wii u into one group, and nx console, nx handheld, ps5, and new xbox into another. and if you go from the entry of the first two platforms to the first new platform, it would be five years. it's sort of similar to the dreamcast kicking things off in gen 6 a couple years before its other contemporaries (and not lasting the whole way through either).

I just felt the strangest chill run down my spine. :/

Nintendo made two 3D Mario games designed to bridge the gap between 2D and 3D Mario in the last five years.

Neither of them really succeeded at the mission of growing the appeal of 3D Mario.

While neither of them were Other M-style disasters, this isn't a niche franchise that mostly appeals to hardcore players; it's Nintendo's most important brand. I think there might be a serious question about whether 3D Mario sees a Metroid-like hiatus while Nintendo tries to figure out where to take the series next.

And, frankly, I see the revitalization of the 2D Mario brand being a bigger priority for Nintendo since the business opportunities are clearly bigger there, as NSMBDS and Wii proved (NSMBWii drove the best-ever quarter for game consoles in the middle of a recession). You can kind of see Super Mario Maker as a way of trying to reconnect people with that brand.

It's not just about there being no solid guarantees about which games will appear.

It's about there being no solid guarantees about the form those games take being one that those Nintendo fans will actually want to buy, especially when those franchises have a history of ups and downs based on people having varying levels of acceptance for the form they're taking.

Sure, some Nintendo fans may buy stuff regardless just because of the IP. But you're not going to see me endorse that either.

I don't empirically disagree with anything you wrote here. But I do want to point something out. There are 101 million Wii owners and 12.59 of them bought Super Mario Galaxy. There are about as many Wii U owners as there are SMG owners. Sales of 3DW represent just over 1/4 of the install base. Considering the install base, the game sold remarkably well, and relatively much better than SMG did. We also have 3DL, which sold 10.6 million copies and 3DS itself has sold 58 million. That install base is quite good as well, and significantly better than SMG's sales. As you said NSMB was the breakaway hit of Wii. So I don't think we can say in a vacuum that SMG is significantly more successfully. By one metric, the 3D series games are actually more successful. All of them are quite critically acclaimed and there's no "CinemaScore" equivalent to use to tell which series is preferred by gamers.

I was thinking, should they make deals with publishers to cut licensing fees for those that jump in early?
Right now, licensing fees are like $10+ per $60 game?
Charging just 50% or less for a big publisher like Ubi or EA to support their systems could result in bigger profits and could make the ports make more financial sense especially while the system needs to prove itself.
If they make the system cross platform play compatible with better ports than ps4 (and their new form of achievements) it could convince consumers to buy on there and publishers to feel better about investing in the platform

Absolutely. Whatever they can reasonably fiscally do to bring in 3Ps, they need to.

To be fair, we haven't had a full overworld since 2007, enormous environments in a 3D Mario game since 2010, constant camera control since 2010, or the ability to run without a run button since 2010 either. Additionally, we haven't had a non-linear 3D Mario since 2002! Sometime after Galaxy 2 Nintendo decided to "New"-ify the series, and it only hurt it. Sure Galaxy was linear, but it was still 3D Mario and had some large areas and original concepts every time. Then 3D Land happened and it became like NSMB.

3DL/3DW have plenty of original concepts, and are generally no more or less linear than all but a few SMG/2 levels. I thought we also had constant camera control in 3DW, no?

I agree that the possibility of 3D Mario not making launch shouldn't be ignored but Nintendo's dev cycles and history say otherwise. I think they want to repeat having a 3D Mario in NX' first holiday season (i.e. launch) as with 3D Land on 3DS.

Exactly. It needs a few brand new system sellers at launch (Zelda, Mario, Pikmin, Nintendo Land 2) but porting Wii U's big online/community based games is the ideal way to fill out the launch library. I think alot of people still actively play those games and would like to continue gameplay on the new system. It's much more effective than having the likes of Steel Diver and Game & Wario as filler, who would pay full price for that type of game nowadays.

Very good point about 3DL on 3DS in the first holiday. And, that was definitely one of the big drivers for gaining momentum with the system.

tbh, no one should be interested in buying NX yet. It hasn't been announced and we don't even really "know" anything about its library.
It is literally impossible to make an informed decision about whether you're interested in purchasing it.

Are you disagreeing with this?

It's that strange to you that any new Nintendo console would be of immediate interest? It sounds like you're doing that thing...I can't think of the term. Something to the effect of playing devil's advocate for the sake of it.

Basically, the system is being made by Nintendo. Since the NES released, that alone has been enough to garner interest from many.

The excitement should really be held at bay since it is a very likely possibility that a good bit of the library will be full priced Wii U ports that would basically be a slap in the face to anyone that bought the Wii U. Hopefully that won't be the case and some sort of bone will be thrown out to those that supported Nintendo through a rough gen.

Very likely possibility and good bit are huge leaps here, though. We may get, say, 4 ports in the first 6-12 months, with one of them (Zelda) being a game we haven't already played yet. I wouldn't assume the least compelling outcome yet. We know from Kimi-san's Time interview that he wants Wii U owners to be happy.

Uncharted 4 is a defined reason to buy a PS4.

No such reasons exist for NX.

Strictly speaking you don't really know any of your favorite IPs will be there since there isn't a single announced game for the platform and almost every Nintendo IP (literally the only exception I can think of is Zelda, since 3D and 2D Mario have both been MIA at various points) has skipped at least one platform.

I guess I asked this above, but when has 3D Mario been MIA? If anything, Wii U has been arguably MIA for an exclusive Nintendo-developed Zelda (except for Nintendo Land Zelda, which to me is terrific but I understand it's not a fully-fledged Zelda.)


Which is fine. I would like more of that, too.

Yep Nintendo should go the opposite direction and make the 3d mario games more complicated. Play up the strengths of 3d.

3d games don't have a problem selling. GTA V. CoD. Various 3d rpgs. .....Monster Hunter is huge in Japan and it's complicated and 3d.

Nintendo has some many "hold your hand" features as it is I don't see why they can't do a huge complex detailed world of a 3d Mario game and have it appeal to overwhelmed as well.
Pikmin being absent from Nintendo's lineup would have no significant impact on the outlook of their business.

For me it's just how Nintendo treats it and yes sales.

It's sorta like how I feel where it stand in terms of Nintendo IPs. It's not quite Mario, Zelda, Smash, and Mario Kart ya know?

Don't get me wrong, Pikmin is one of my favorite franchises. I love the games. It was painful t wait 10 years or whatever for Pikmin 3 lmfao.

Just asking, it makes sense.

Sometimes people be making imaginary names for stuff with no basis.


Did you cross check all that or just assume it's true. YOu're talking 10 and 15 years ago. :) It's a rumor !!!!! IT isn't news.

And I don't believe the 10k rumor is an independent source. He played up his posting of information and then ....he posted nothing new. That's a red flag for me that the source of his rumors are the same internet reports we all read the past week or so.

10k has 4 sources, all verified by Gaf mods. LCGeek has proven to be trustworthy and having connections in the industry. Doesn't matter if that's 10 years ago.

Obviously until the official press release, everything is a rumor. That doesn't mean it's any less likely or less true.


Pikmin being absent from Nintendo's lineup would have no significant impact on the outlook of their business.
To be fair, you can say that about nearly every game. It's about having a variety of content, and Pikmin 4 contributes to that. And if they want something to showcase what their system can do graphically, there is almost no better choice than Pikmin.
Nintendo should worry about having a nice variety of games at launch.

Zelda NX is the big game. It's a system seller. Then they can have two mid tier games like a Pikmin 4 and Luigis Mansion 3.


Nintendo should worry about having a nice variety of games at launch.

Zelda NX is the big game. It's a system seller. Then they can have two mid tier games like a Pikmin 4 and Luigis Mansion 3.

I think a Nintendo IP racer and Nintendo party game are a better fit than Lugi's Mansion 3 at launch. That's actually a terrible launch title.


Had the Prime trilogy maintained those sales figures, sure. But Prime 2 did half of Prime and Prime 3 was roughly the same as Prime 2. One strong entry doesn't make the Prime series a runaway success.
I was under the impression Prime 3 did close to Prime 1. I believe it was:

Prime - 2.1M
Prime 2 - 875k
Prime 3 - 1.7M


It is a rumor. I dont know if it is true. But mods verified his sources and allowed the topic. I think this is enough to avoid shitting on 10k.

You dont believe him and that is fair, but others can believe it. And everyone can discuss it.

Yeah except I can't imagine the mods are Judge Judy or anything. And someone doesn't have to be nefarious in order for me not to believe their information or to not believe their information doesn't ultimately come from the same internets rumors we've already heard.
I think a Nintendo IP racer and Nintendo party game are a better fit than Lugi's Mansion 3 at launch. That's actually a terrible launch title.
I don't see how that's a terrible launch title, but I was actually going to say Zelda, Pikmin 4 and F-Zero.

Luigis Mansion sold like 4 million on the 3DS. That has more appeal than F-Zero, but I feel like F-Zero is goodwill for hardcore and it's a different type of racer from Mario Kart.

I'm taking into consideration Smash is there.


Neo Member
All I could want from a 3D Mario is 64/Sunshine kinda stuff but without kicking you out of stages every time. Throw some of 3D World's controls and general visual style into the mix and you have what's essentially my pipedream Mario game, lol. Bonus points if there's multiplayer.

Also I believe there's no chance 3D Mario is going anywhere, and that it and Zelda are practically given for NX. The only thing I could wonder is what else they would do.. and no, just making a bunch of 2D platformers like they did for Wii U won't fix the problem.


I don't see how that's a terrible launch title, but I was actually going to say Zelda, Pikmin 4 and F-Zero.

Luigis Mansion sold like 4 million on the 3DS. That has more appeal than F-Zero, but I feel like F-Zero is goodwill for hardcore and it's a different type of racer from Mario Kart.

NSMB and Animal Crossing also outsold Zelda on the 3DS, but I think you can admit neither would provide the wow factor a flashy 3D game would.


This guy gets it.

Nintendo needs to aim for a secondary console spot, entering a head-on war with X1 and PS4 is a really tough war to win. Unlike Sony & MS studios, Nintendo doesn´t need huge power to make really impressive games, so let them fight each other in that front and seduce people with unique experiences at an affordable entry price.

Note that a secondary console could turn out to be the biggest seller of the generation, just like happened with the Wii.
Boy have I got news for you.....


I just realized that the new Splatfest is Spongebob vs Patrick. Clearly Nintendo was watching the NX speculation thread yesterday.


I think the rumors on the OP could be a controlled leak. It's a bit weird that we get exactly one tiny bit of information once a week.It's like Nintendo saying: "We are not ready to reveal it but don't worry it's gonna be fine."
NSMB and Animal Crossing also outsold Zelda on the 3DS, but I think you can admit neither would provide the wow factor a flashy 3D game would.
I think you underestimate Animal Crossing. I think Animal Crossing would be an amazing launch title. NSMB is different because people are burnt on the repetitiveness of that series.


I feel like Metroid Prime could have done better if marketed better. The problem is that the audience that MP appeals was kind of abandoned by Nintendo. It's a game where graphics and presentation etc matter, but MP3 was put to shame graphically be the games on x360 and PS3.

With the NX, a hypothetical Metroid Prime could be more of a graphical showcase and convince people to buy it if the rest of the system is appealing.
Doubling a previous game's sales is a success, for sure. Metroid is a success. However, Metroid Fusion sold nearly as well as Metroid Prime.

There was literally only one Metroid game that had been released at the time that Fusion actually outsold.

There was a defined (and an argument can be made as to whether it was wise or not) reason for why 2D Mario went on a long hiatus. At the time, though, 2D Mario had become 3D Mario. Gamers demanded their games be in 3D, and Nintendo pioneered and followed this trend.

Which gamers? What demand? To date, no 3D platformer has come even remotely close to matching the demand for 2D Mario. In fact, when Super Mario 64 debuted, it was closer to 50% of 2D Mario sales than it was to meeting 2D Mario sales.

Why do you think there's so much literature where Nintendo talks about why 3D Mario isn't as appealing as 2D Mario?

Since 3D Mario has come onto the scene, it has not gone away. You indicated earlier than 2D or 3D Mario has skipped a gen, but I still am wondering when 3D Mario skipped any console or what you meant by that so I can respond to it properly.

Not console, but Nintendo never attempted to carry over a N64-like Mario game over to GBA like they did with Mario Kart and even Mario RPGs. Of course, such a game wouldn't have been a true 3D game, but something with a perspective akin to 3D Land could have been made on GBA.

don't empirically disagree with anything you wrote here. But I do want to point something out. There are 101 million Wii owners and 12.59 of them bought Super Mario Galaxy. There are about as many Wii U owners as there are SMG owners. Sales of 3DW represent just over 1/4 of the install base. Considering the install base, the game sold remarkably well, and relatively much better than SMG did.

I think the "it did well given the install base" argument can be made when you look at the install base for a platform and see that a game manages to really break trends that go beyond the install base.

For example, I say Metroid Prime is a uniquely good and successful game because it managed to cultivate a larger audience than we'd seen for the Metroid franchise in 15 years on a really poor-selling Nintendo platform.

I don't think the same argument holds as strongly for a game like 3D Land, where the game was itself a core driver of the install base but the demand for 3D Land in specific wasn't really anything special for either Mario generally or 3D Mario specifically. 3D Land was just an average-performing 3D Mario game that happened to exist on a platform that didn't have a whole lot of appeal.

Attach rate just tells you what the install base is buying; it's not remotely useful at measuring relative performance or popularity when the install bases are wildly disparate. SM3DL has a high attach rate on 3DS compared to Galaxy on Wii because 3DS was narrowly appealing beyond people who liked SM3DL compared to the broad appeal Wii enjoyed beyond people who liked Galaxy.

It's that strange to you that any new Nintendo console would be of immediate interest? It sounds like you're doing that thing...I can't think of the term. Something to the effect of playing devil's advocate for the sake of it.

Basically, the system is being made by Nintendo. Since the NES released, that alone has been enough to garner interest from many.

Is it strange that people would be interested in finding out more? No. I, too, am interested in finding out more!

Is it strange that people are interested in a new Nintendo console coming out soon? No! I'd love something that's a solid next step to NX and would love games that are better and more appealing than what we got on Wii U!

Is it strange that people would be interested in making a purchase decision before there's any solid information? After what happened with 3DS and Wii U, where Nintendo failed to live up to hope and hype even after all details were known? Absolutely fucking yes. And I think the industry is suffering because early adoption of unproven products is becoming more and more commonplace.

This is not just me "being a contrarian" or "playing devil's advocate." It's just an offhand remark that somehow became a debate.

I guess I asked this above, but when has 3D Mario been MIA? If anything, Wii U has been arguably MIA for an exclusive Nintendo-developed Zelda (except for Nintendo Land Zelda, which to me is terrific but I understand it's not a fully-fledged Zelda.)

When has Nintendo's business and the appeal of their IP been in such a precarious position that they've abandoned ship on a home console after four years (it's really more like three given the trajectory of Wii U's library last year)?

Recall everything I said about Nintendo having lots of anxiety about whether 3D Mario is appealing and how making games for 3D Mario fans will result in games that are even narrower in appeal. Does this sound like a franchise that a Nintendo in this position of weakness should (or at least that they will without question) prioritize?


Face it. The MP franchise just isn't that big. IT doesn't resonate with that many consumers.

Given the success that other single player first person shooters have had, in particular the BioShock games, I would say there is definitely an audience for this type of game.


Speaking of which, do you have anything new? Any little tidbits just waiting to surprise us? C'mon man I'm an NX rumour/leak junkie now and I need a fix lol ;p
Working on it. Need to get some more info, then when I feel like I have enough from multiple sources, I'll verify again with mods and post in here.


I feel like Metroid Prime could have done better if marketed better. The problem is that the audience that MP appeals was kind of abandoned by Nintendo. It's a game where graphics and presentation etc matter, but MP3 was put to shame graphically be the games on x360 and PS3.

With the NX, a hypothetical Metroid Prime could be more of a graphical showcase and convince people to buy it if the rest of the system is appealing.

The "problem" with Metroid Prime is that despite being more of an adventure game, it looks and plays like a FPS. And most people that really really like FPS (dudebros?) don't really want to get lost playing, they just want to shoot. I guess a robust multiplayer mode would be great for those people, while leaving the great story mode to Metroid fans and people that do want to get lost in the world.


Yeah except I can't imagine the mods are Judge Judy or anything. And someone doesn't have to be nefarious in order for me not to believe their information or to not believe their information doesn't ultimately come from the same internets rumors we've already heard.

Well, maybe you should try it. Try to feed the mods some bullshit/made up leak. See if they find out, and see what they'll do next. You can post a topic on Gamefaqs to tell us how it went.

Tbf Prime 3 had a userbase that in comparison leaves this a bit poor.

Prime 3 didn't have the "core" userbase either. Wii had the soccer moms and Nintendo faithfuls. Basically it had the GCN userbase with tens of millions of casuals on top that didn't care about "core" games. At a time that games from a similar genre, looked miles better on other consoles.


I am continuously put off by Nintendo's approach to the treatment of the 3D Mario games. The only way they will make a Mario that appeals to everyone is to dilute it of almost all challenge and quirky design. By that point is it worth it? I don't mean in regards to sales either; just from an artistic POV, is it worth it?

The idea of pursuing complexity just for the sake of it is terrible, but Nintendo seems to be underestimating how much decent measures of complexity (in the right dosages) can immensely increase the fun factor out of a gaming experience. For all the complaints of hand-holding modern AAA games get (got?), Nintendo is just as guilty in a lot of ways. There's concisely explaining systems and rules to the player, versus undermining their intelligence and enabling them into a fetal state. Curbing complexity can help curb difficulty (but this isn't completely true obviously; see many old arcade games w/ simple mechanics but absurd difficulty. I'm speaking about the ones that are fair which is by and large most of them of course, not the poorly-balanced ones that make a mockery of that design philosophy), but it can also curb the ways in which players explore and experience the game's world. It doesn't have to enable open-ended possibilities; just enough to tickle their curious fancy.

For a company that's known for creating fantastic game mechanics and systems, and at one point was known for pushing the envelope in in game design of certain genres (which inevitably would also include increasing complexity), it's always odd and indicative of odd form to see Miyamoto or Nintendo in general musing like this regarding the 3D Mario games. They can exist alongside the 2D-oriented ones easily; it doesn't have to be an either/or and they don't need to dilute both by continuously attempting to merge them together.

I feel like Nintendo has gone overboard with the appealing to casual fans. They have made decisions where the game starts to become unappealing to both. See the unnecessarily long tutorials in Zelda. However, I think they have gotten better. I never played it, but I heard the later levels of 3D World were very challenging. Zelda Wii U/NX also seems like they are going to do less hand holding.

I think inherently, 3D Mario is not going to be as appealing as 2D Mario. Controlling a 3D character is just intimidating to some, and they don't want to spend the time learning it. They should just accept that 3D Mario's won't sell as well. Nintendo isn't exactly a purely business driven company, so they should be okay with that artistic decision. Trying to simplify it feels like over thinking the situation to me.

I also think 3D Mario's are important as it can build excitement for the core gamer, which helps the brand and marketability. Not everything has to come down to pure sales. They also need to be epic again. I think the more low keyness of 3D World didn't do as much as it could have to sell Wii U's.
I feel like Nintendo has gone overboard with the appealing to casual fans. They have made decisions where the game starts to become unappealing to both. See the unnecessarily long tutorials in Zelda.

It's funny, because tutorials are anathema to casual gamers.

They don't have the patience to wait for a game to become fun like hardcore gamers do.


The "problem" with Metroid Prime is that despite being more of an adventure game, it looks and plays like a FPS. And most people that really really like FPS (dudebros?) don't really want to get lost playing, they just want to shoot. I guess a robust multiplayer mode would be great for those people, while leaving the great story mode to Metroid fans and people that do want to get lost in the world.

That's a fair point. But I still feel like the series could do a lot better if marketed better. It might not do COD success, but I imagine it could do a lot better than what MP3 sold.


Working on it. Need to get some more info, then when I feel like I have enough from multiple sources, I'll verify again with mods and post in here.
Cool beans. It's not a rumour thread unless it's a 10k thread! Wooooot XD
Of course Sony is worried about more powerful consoles. Most gamers from the PS360Wii gen don't even have a current gen console yet.

Sony leads simply because they had the most powerful console. If the XOne had been more powerful it had the lead. When it comes to exclusive games the PS4 is behind both XOne and Wii U, but multiplatform games are almost always better on PS4.

Sony is fully aware why the PS4 is successful thats the reason for the PS4k.

No it's not, sure a more powerful console is helping sony in the US take the lead, but there brand worldwide is bigger, more popular then Microsoft, look at the US sales for both ps4 and xbone, they are both very close here in the US, because the xbone brand here is popular, world wide it's a different story.


I don't think Metroid needs to be as grim or as bleak as Dark Souls but that's the audience that these games need to be aimed toward, that's the audience that I think would be most receptive to a series like Prime.
I don't think Metroid needs to be as grim or as bleak as Dark Souls but that's the audience that these games need to be aimed toward.

I'd go so far as to categorize Dark Souls as a Metroidvania type game. Obviously one aimed more at the RPG/Castlevania side of those sensibilities, of course.

It's a great prestige game for Nintendo's platform on those merits, and will draw in users with a certain level of engagement that Nintendo needs for their more niche games to have consistent success.


There is an audience for MP. The first sold 2.88 million ww. The second sold 1.33. And the third sold 1.8 on a 5x greater install base.

Yes, why did all those soccer moms, the Wii Fit crowd, gramps and little ricky not buy Metroid Prime 3? Could it be because 4/5th of that userbase has 0 interest in games like that? Could it also be that the gamer that was in fact interested in such "core" experiences, found games looking a lot more impressive on the HD consoles?


There is an audience for MP. The first sold 2.88 million ww. The second sold 1.33. And the third sold 1.8 on a 5x greater install base.

My point is that it could have been more popular if it wasn't mishandled, not that it is currently popular.


Uncharted 4 is a defined reason to buy a PS4.

No such reasons exist for NX.

Strictly speaking you don't really know any of your favorite IPs will be there since there isn't a single announced game for the platform and almost every Nintendo IP (literally the only exception I can think of is Zelda, since 3D and 2D Mario have both been MIA at various points) has skipped at least one platform.

Zelda nx?


The "problem" with Metroid Prime is that despite being more of an adventure game, it looks and plays like a FPS. And most people that really really like FPS (dudebros?) don't really want to get lost playing, they just want to shoot. I guess a robust multiplayer mode would be great for those people, while leaving the great story mode to Metroid fans and people that do want to get lost in the world.

You can make a Metroid game with great characters, story, action and have it be accessible to casual/core FPS players while still keeping it non-linear with exploration as a focus for Metroid fans.

Heck, Halo's been slowly drifting towards the Prime series, especially since 343 took it over.

The single-player certainly shouldn't be a repeat of Prime 1 that turned off a lot of players.

The easy solution I can think of would be to have a friendly helper character talking to Samus, suggesting where to go next to accomplish certain objectives and popping up a big arrow. This could be shut off for hardcore Metroid players who want to get lost.

Pretty much every big AAA game that's non-linear or has an open world does the same thing and points out where to go to advance the core story.
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