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RUMOR: NX more powerful than PS4, Splatoon/Mario Maker ports in development

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Overall market really loves realism. It doesn't help there is perception that cartoons are something only kids watch or play while live action and more realistic looking stuff are more adult.

Unique art styles can be just as powerful, if not more than some attempts at realism. The phrase, do not judge a book by its cover comes to mind. Also there are so many more styles out there besides realism too. So many. There are a ton of things yet to be explored visually.
I'd even say that realistic styles have a much more difficult time making an impact. Stylized games have a leg up at emotional resonance by default.


By the way I think OOT and TP are the top-selling Zelda games for other reasons.

OOT was a lot of people's first Zelda game. The franchise's leap to 3D was also perceived as a huge leap forward in 3D gameplay at the time. TP was perceived as the OOT sequel people had always wanted. Not sure how much art direction played into that.

There is too much data to say the art style wasn't a big reason for the better sales. That's just a cultural thing. Hopefully the art style doesn't hurt Zelda U too much.


OMG we're all NX rumour crack whores! Lol I don't know how much more I can take.
(Well, maybe just me :/ )

It is kind of a drug. Someone give us a leak, and the effect duration depends on the leak quality, and when we finish or take the leak, we are left with a hunger of more... NX rumors and leaks are just like drugs, haha.


SS, Zelda U (what we've seen) and aLttP have my favorite Zelda aesthetics. I like WW style too and it certainly aged better than the N64 Zeldas or TP. I do think TP has the best Zelda (character) look though. Sad she was such a non-entity in the game, but I guess she is in most of the games :p.

I guess I'm weird though. I'd even like an 'anime' Metroid. Idk think Nausicaa.
OMG we're all NX rumour crack whores! Lol I don't know how much more I can take.
(Well, maybe just me :/ )

The NX is actually a series of card games. Nintendo truly going back to their roots on this one. The cards have 4K resolution, hence all of this 4K talk of course. The cards are the best looking cards around, industry leading prints.

Trust me, because I know a guy who's cousin's roommate went to college with a girl who baby sat for a Nintendo employee's daughter.

Boom goes the dynamite.
The NX is actually a series of card games. Nintendo truly going back to their roots on this one. The cards have 4K resolution, hence all of this 4K talk of course. The cards are the best looking cards around, industry leading prints.

Trust me, because I know a guy who's cousin's roommate went to college with a girl who baby sat for a Nintendo employee's daughter.

Boom goes the dynamite.

Yay! 4K Hanafuda!!!


Any new leaks/rumors this afternoon or evening? 😪




The issues with Wind Waker in the West, I would argue, is the chibi-like form of Toon Link vs the cell-shaded direction. You had other cell-shaded games that didn't seem to seen as for only for "children".


Any new leaks/rumors this afternoon or evening? 😪

Nothing I could verify with multiple sources. So I just posted what I heard on Twitter. If something ever comes of it and I get more info I'll post it. But I think I blew my load and will just stop investigating now lol. Let Nintendo reveal the thing.


Honestly I'm pretty satisfied with leaks for now. I'm just waiting on the official Nintendo announcement of a Direct or event where the NX gets revealed. Which probably won't be for weeks if it happens at all.


What's the date of the investors meeting? I think some gaffers were expecting NX to be mentioned there...
Nothing I could verify with multiple sources. So I just posted what I heard on Twitter. If something ever comes of it and I get more info I'll post it. But I think I blew my load and will just stop investigating now lol. Let Nintendo reveal the thing.
Thanks for your hard work, it was a good run :)


Nothing I could verify with multiple sources. So I just posted what I heard on Twitter. If something ever comes of it and I get more info I'll post it. But I think I blew my load and will just stop investigating now lol. Let Nintendo reveal the thing.

Mmm...Custom Polaris 14nm...

I mean I don't know shit about tech but it sounds good :p

Hope there ends up being some truth to it.


They have to say something before then. Im sure ita been said already but maybe they'll announce the NX before so they can be free to discuss it at the investors meeting.


They have to say something before then. Im sure ita been said already but maybe they'll announce the NX before so they can be free to discuss it at the investors meeting.
You're thinking an NX direct before hand? Hopefully soon. What're the chances?


Nothing I could verify with multiple sources. So I just posted what I heard on Twitter. If something ever comes of it and I get more info I'll post it. But I think I blew my load and will just stop investigating now lol. Let Nintendo reveal the thing.

You posted on twitter about what you heard. Or you posted here what you "heard" on twitter?

EDIT: nevermind, i found this crazy guy on twitter, called tenkay23, claiming to have heard that "Nintendo is using a custom Polaris GPU at 14nm. One of the first customers to use it. Features Primitive Discard Accelerator feature." and further that the controller has a screen that can stream games over wifi and taken anywhere. Do you have any idea who this tenkay guy is, 10k?


You posted on twitter about what you heard. Or you posted here what you "heard" on twitter?

EDIT: nevermind, i found this crazy guy on twitter, called tenkay23, claiming to have heard that "Nintendo is using a custom Polaris GPU at 14nm. One of the first customers to use it. Features Primitive Discard Accelerator feature." and further that the controller has a screen that can stream games over wifi and taken anywhere. Do you have any idea who this tenkay guy is, 10k?
No idea at all.


In any case... if any of that is true, and mainly another controller with a screen... i'm wondering what the cost would be at retail. Or if they just will somehow replace it with the handheld...


EDIT: nevermind, i found this crazy guy on twitter, called tenkay23, claiming to have heard that "Nintendo is using a custom Polaris GPU at 14nm. One of the first customers to use it. Features Primitive Discard Accelerator feature." and further that the controller has a screen that can stream games over wifi and taken anywhere. Do you have any idea who this tenkay guy is, 10k?

No idea at all.

My money is on IdeaMan.


Junior Member
There is too much data to say the art style wasn't a big reason for the better sales. That's just a cultural thing. Hopefully the art style doesn't hurt Zelda U too much.

For got to add: I don't see Nintendo as the kind of company to bow to western sales trends like that, but then again that's kind of what got it into this situation. These recent rumors suggest Nintendo paying a bit more attention to western sales trends in terms of hardware, but I don't expect it to change what kind of software it's making internally in Kyoto and Tokyo specifically to suit people across the Pacific, especially not for an already in-development game. Zelda U is going to stay cel shaded, believe that.


You posted on twitter about what you heard. Or you posted here what you "heard" on twitter?

EDIT: nevermind, i found this crazy guy on twitter, called tenkay23, claiming to have heard that "Nintendo is using a custom Polaris GPU at 14nm. One of the first customers to use it. Features Primitive Discard Accelerator feature." and further that the controller has a screen that can stream games over wifi and taken anywhere. Do you have any idea who this tenkay guy is, 10k?
I'm taking anything that isn't verified in some way with a huge pile of salt.

In any case... if any of that is true, and mainly another controller with a screen... i'm wondering what the cost would be at retail. Or if they just will somehow replace it with the handheld...
3 jobs


this is good news

nintendo going for a "secondary console market" (if that even exists) is boring as fuck

fight with the big boys

It doesn't. There has yet to be a single instance of a "secondary console" being successful because most people pick the system they feel will give them the better value and stick with it until something more appealing comes along.

And no, the Wii was not a secondary console in the true sense of the word.
Has the BitBlock guy (Josh) ever been right? He's teasing movies(or TV shows) for Nintendo characters in the latest GameXplain about this thread.
He later pondered if Splatoon 2 might be happening alongside a TV show or a movie which would delay its release a bit and would explain why we're getting a port instead of a sequel


I'm taking anything that isn't verified in some way with a huge pile of salt.

You should take stuff that's verified with a pile of salt too, even 10k says so in his post.

I wouldn't be surprised if 10k could get the source of that twitter rumor verified here if he wanted to. But it's probably smart to hold back unless he can confirm it with multiple people. Lots of info, true or false, must be floating around out there even among "legit" sources.


You should take stuff that's verified with a pile of salt too, even 10k says so in his post.

I wouldn't be surprised if 10k could get the source of that twitter rumor verified here if he wanted to. But it's probably smart to hold back unless he can confirm it with multiple people. Lots of info, true or false, must be floating around out there even among "legit" sources.
I don't trust anyone here! I don't even trust you telling me not to be too trusting!
*runs away screaming*


I'm taking anything that isn't verified in some way with a huge pile of salt.

It seems like a more dangerous rumor indeed. If true, great, but it also has a "faint" whiff of fanboy fiction, so i understand why 10k wouldn't post it here himself. However, i thought the rest of the thread deserved to know what exactly was said.

I'll keep it in mind, but i'm not going to go dancing in the streets naked just yet.


OMG we're all NX rumour crack whores! Lol I don't know how much more I can take.
(Well, maybe just me :/ )

I guess I'm kind of satisfied. What was driving me nuts was not having any idea of what area the specs would be and what direction Nintendo will be going (weaker with a "gimmick" or decent horse power and standard controller or a combo of the two etc). With this info I feel I have a general sense of the console and possibly the types of games I can look foward to. I'm pretty much just ready to se the thing/the games.

You're thinking an NX direct before hand? Hopefully soon. What're the chances?

Well I honestly have no knowledge on this sort of thing lol just guessing. We at least have that guy Oregon who said we'd likely see something before e3 but that's really all we have right now. I'm not sure how credible he is though

They don't have to say anything before the meeting, imo

True there's a chance they won't, they can just decide to do it in May or wait for e3. While they'd probably steal the show by announcing a new console and revealing new games, I'd like them to spread it out and build hype instead of doing one big blow out. And I want to see the thing right now.


That's a good thing. I was getting tired of Nintendo releasing underpowered hardware. If you're coming out with a new system 2 years later, you might as well make it more powerful. It would make no sense otherwise.


Mmm...Custom Polaris 14nm...

I mean I don't know shit about tech but it sounds good :p

Hope there ends up being some truth to it.

AMD would really have to give Nintendo a deal given the yield issue. Although theoretically Nintendo may not be expecting a huge initial sales on the console, so they may not be too worried. Color me surprised if that happens, and it comes out in 2016. If we were talking the handheld I'd say no brainer.

Has the BitBlock guy (Josh) ever been right? He's teasing movies(or TV shows) for Nintendo characters in the latest GameXplain about this thread.
He later pondered if Splatoon 2 might be happening alongside a TV show or a movie which would delay its release a bit and would explain why we're getting a port instead of a sequel

Well we know Nintendo is shopping it's properties for movies, etc.


Basically, this is the time for Arkam and Lherre to come in here and laugh at the latest rumor (about the GPU) to keep us all in check.


Basically, this is the time for Arkam and Lherre to come in here and laugh at the latest rumor (about the GPU) to keep us all in check.

I mean, in the end he still says his source is telling him that it's marginally better than PS4. So I'm not sure this matters much in the grand scheme of things.


It seems like a more dangerous rumor indeed. If true, great, but it also has a "faint" whiff of fanboy fiction, so i understand why 10k wouldn't post it here himself. However, i thought the rest of the thread deserved to know what exactly was said.

I'll keep it in mind, but i'm not going to go dancing in the streets naked just yet.
Agreed on it sounding like a too good to be true wankfest.

Footage of -Horizon- after losing his sanity in the NX speculation threads:

Naked and twitching on stairs? That's pretty accurate.
I imagine it's been metioned before, but it would be pretty great if Nintendo offered some discounts for the remasters if you owned the previous version digitally.
They did it with the Wii U, VC games were cheaper if you bought them on Wii but you still need to pay. I wouldn't assume Nintendo would give those away for free, but at a discount to those that bought digitally would be a pretty nice gesture.
Especially if there's no BC. Something to appease loyal consumers is highly recommended.
Well we know Nintendo is shopping it's properties for movies, etc.
I guess they have hinted at it several times. I really do want to see it soon. Would spread brand awareness which is something they desperately need


Has the BitBlock guy (Josh) ever been right? He's teasing movies(or TV shows) for Nintendo characters in the latest GameXplain about this thread.
He later pondered if Splatoon 2 might be happening alongside a TV show or a movie which would delay its release a bit and would explain why we're getting a port instead of a sequel

Well, as much as I hate the guy...he seems to know things about Disney's theme parks before anyone else. Now I wonder if he actually has a small source in disney. I don't know. I'm just speculating.

My gut says he is doing it for attention cause he needs it, but there's a chance because of the connection with him and Disney. He loves Disney and there's that rumor or report that Nintendo and Disney are working on a show or something.
You posted on twitter about what you heard. Or you posted here what you "heard" on twitter?

EDIT: nevermind, i found this crazy guy on twitter, called tenkay23, claiming to have heard that "Nintendo is using a custom Polaris GPU at 14nm. One of the first customers to use it. Features Primitive Discard Accelerator feature." and further that the controller has a screen that can stream games over wifi
Goddam Nintendo never learns SMH


I mean, in the end he still says his sources (hmm..? Interesting) are telling him that it's marginally better than PS4. So I'm not sure this matters much in the grand scheme of things.

On the other hand, there is also mention of "putting it close to the rumored PS4K specs" if i read that correctly. It's a tad contradictory i think:

"My sources say it is marginally better than the PS4 and theoretically would be close to the "rumoured" PS4K specs."

The jump in GPU performance between PS4 and PS4K is supposed to be x2. So marginally better than PS4 yet close to PS4K... what does that mean? About 1.5x PS4 GPU? That's not 15-30% anymore.


You posted on twitter about what you heard. Or you posted here what you "heard" on twitter?

EDIT: nevermind, i found this crazy guy on twitter, called tenkay23, claiming to have heard that "Nintendo is using a custom Polaris GPU at 14nm. One of the first customers to use it. Features Primitive Discard Accelerator feature." and further that the controller has a screen that can stream games over wifi and taken anywhere. Do you have any idea who this tenkay guy is, 10k?

This one feels like too much for me to get excited about. When things are too good I just gotta tilt my head a bit. I mean to have a 14nm Polaris is possible, maybe Nintendo decided it was worth it to get the extra horsepower and reduced power, but that coupled with a controller with all of those added features and a screen would get really expensive imo. Tho I guess it's still possible, I want it to be true.


If Nintendo wants to sell a ton of NX, they could have preinstalled games on it like a NES/SNES library and people would eat it up. But they rather sell them for the ninth time of course. Same for ports.
Well, as much as I hate the guy...he seems to know things about Disney's theme parks before anyone else. Now I wonder if he actually has a small source in disney. I don't know. I'm just speculating.

My gut says he is doing it for attention cause he needs it, but there's a chance because of the connection with him and Disney. He loves Disney and there's that rumor or report that Nintendo and Disney are working on a show or something.
Yeah, if it's from anywhere I'm guessing it's Disney since he loves them so much.
But yeah, probably not worth too much thought


Yeah, if it's from anywhere I'm guessing it's Disney since he loves them so much.
But yeah, probably not worth too much thought

Yeah, his love for Disney and how he knows certain inside things is the only reason I'm giving this a 5% chance of being for real lol.


This one feels like too much for me to get excited about. When things are too good I just gotta tilt my head a bit. I mean to have a 14nm Polaris is possible, maybe Nintendo decided it was worth it to get the extra horsepower and reduced power, but that coupled with some special controller with all of those added features and a screen would get really expensive imo. Tho I guess it's still possible, I want it to be true.
Price, I think is something that they'll be conscious about. They got burned by the 3ds starting price and the U gamepad tacking on an extra almost $100 or something.
I just find it hard to believe that they'll do something similar for a 3rd time and price their console high. Maybe they figured out a cheap way. But that's even more unlikely to me.
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