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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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KenOD said:
"Il s'agit en fait d'une erreur de traduction d'un des utilisateurs du forum NeoGAF."

Oh NeoGAF and mistranslations.

So they say no Blu-Ray, Backward compatibility with Wii may not be there. Roughly the same as the 360. That they speculate.

They don't say no Blu-Ray, they say that their source doesn't indicate anything about Blu-Ray one way or the other. It's more powerful than the 360 but only a touch...


If the next xbox and playstation launch in 2013 and Nintendo manages a launch in 2012, it will be an interesting year.

I'd bet that Nintendo titles themself will make only moderate use of the new graphical power. Kind of comparable to the 1st party - 3rd party situation on the 3DS right now. Think of Emulated Wii games on Dolphin + use of shaders etc. Looking good, but not great - I would be perfectly fine with that.
But if they get online right and launch in autumn they will propably get the best looking console version of CoD 2012, which alone could be some sort of system seller.
ecosse_011172 said:
They don't say no Blu-Ray, they say that their source doesn't indicate anything about Blu-Ray one way or the other. It's more powerful than the 360 but only a touch...

So, basically, the French site is worthless, really?
It's basically "Um... This might be it! Or... maybe not..."
antonz said:
Everything indicates that the Wii 2 is not just another 360/PS3. Even the Speculation the french made totally contradicted the idea of just another 360/PS3 by the fact they speculated on a GPU that was multiple times greater than this Gens Consoles.

That's not really true. All the French site said was "R700 Series GPU from AMD" The R700 product line included everything from 80 shader budget cards to 800 shader cards at the high end. And AMD changed the way they counted shader between the creation of the 360 GPU and the R700 series so you can't directly compare the 48 shaders in the 360 to the 80 shaders in a Radeon 4350 card. And even if the new Nintendo design has more shader power, there are other concerns like memory bandwidth that could limit the hardware's potential. There isn't enough information to go on. We might assume the Wii2 will have more advanced shading capabilities, but we don't know what the real world performance implications will be yet.


AceBandage said:
Why would I need two screens when one is enough!
Why would I need motion controls when I have buttons!
Why would I want touch screen when I have analog sticks!
Why would I want an interactive camera when I have a controller!

Just saying...
I don't think DS's success can be attributed to dual screens and I consider it mostly useless. In other cases introduction of new technologies allowed new gameplay possibilities (and worked terribly with the old ones). I still fail to see the use of the tiny screen on your controller.

Jay Sosa

mjc said:
Make it even slightly stronger than PS3/360 and I'll be content. The HD is my biggest desire atm.

Yep, glad I waited. I hope it does a nice job upscaling the Wii 1 games..Xenoblade/Mario Galaxy here I come!!!

Not sure about the touchscreen controller but I have faith in Big N.


Amir0x said:
Well, again, I still don't think that particular detail rings true. I don't know about remote play of WII HD games. I think perhaps it'll be remote play of maybe the virtual console games, or some of the Wii HD downloadable games. Or mini-games you can develop to play on the controller, or whatever. I think we don't know enough details about the functionality to believe it's gonna actually remote play Wii HD games imo. I think if it's not an HD resolution and all that, it's pretty pointless to have such a feature particularly when coupled with the fact that you'll be losing buttons in order to not get in the way of the game on the screen when you take it with you.

I'll bet that little gem is saved for the 3DS.


Brad Grenz said:
That's not really true. All the French site said was "R700 Series GPU from AMD" The R700 product line included everything from 80 shader budget cards to 800 shader cards at the high end. And AMD changed the way they counted shader between the creation of the 360 GPU and the R700 series so you can't directly compare the 48 shaders in the 360 to the 80 shaders in a Radeon 4350 card. And even if the new Nintendo design has more shader power, there are other concerns like memory bandwidth that could limit the hardware's potential. There isn't enough information to go on. We might assume the Wii2 will have more advanced shading capabilities, but we don't know what the real world performance implications will be yet.
What they said was Probably an R700 based GPU which other sites ran with 100% confirmed Bingo Dino DNA!.

The reality is even if Nintendo goes with an R700 based GPU they will not be using an antiquated AGP style budget card that performs many times under the 360s GPU


szaromir said:
Why would I need a tiny 6' screen on my controller when I'm supposed to be looking at 50' TV? Please kill this rumor with fire, it makes no sense.
Play four swords adventures with friends.. That's why.


French said:
What I don't understand is why would big N go next-gen first ?

The Wii is selling less than before but it's still selling good ( first or close second worldwide ) and they have room to cut the price.
In business sense it's good to move to next gen before the sales of current generation hit rock bottom. Otherwise Nintendo's stock would get hit pretty hard.


xyla said:
If the next xbox and playstation launch in 2013 and Nintendo manages a launch in 2012, it will be an interesting year.

I'd bet that Nintendo titles themself will make only moderate use of the new graphical power. Kind of comparable to the 1st party - 3rd party situation on the 3DS right now. Think of Emulated Wii games on Dolphin + use of shaders etc. Looking good, but not great - I would be perfectly fine with that.
But if they get online right and launch in autumn they will propably get the best looking console version of CoD 2012, which alone could be some sort of system seller.

If COD still uses the same old engine as all the other COD's then it is nothing special, I have seen Black Ops on PC, yes it does look way better but nothing to write home about. The games that would especially benefit from extra power are, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, GTA5 and etc. It could get those PC exclusive games too like the Witcher 2.


Why do people keep assuming this screen on the controller will act as the main screen to play the games? That is not replacing ur hdtv anytime... It is only an option to stream it there...
those reports of a screen on the controller remind me of the Dreamcast VMU

Woffls said:
This is basically what I had in mind, and you could either use the two side bits separately like a Wii remote, or stick them together like a normal controller. The screen could just be a screen and nothing more, but what if they made it a mini-tablet? A low powered one for sure, but something that had your save files on it and could play mini-games, browse the web, and that kind of thing? Dreamcast was so ahead of its time xD
Sega was always terrible in this regard. Being so ahead of the curve isn't always the best move business wise, but I'll be damned if it was cool as hell whenever they would do it.


xyla said:
But if they get online right and launch in autumn they will propably get the best looking console version of CoD 2012, which alone could be some sort of system seller.

I'm not sure if yearly releases such as COD would be able to meet its deadline if they had to develop for 3 consoles simultaneously. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3/360 versions released in November as usual and the Wii-2 version a couple months down the line.

Unless of course Activison and/or Nintendo hired more programmers to help out.

G Rom

Did anyone suggest that the sensor bar on the controller might be used to track the controller/player like in the famous demo made by Johnny Lee ?

This would be a cheap way to make fake free 3D. It would only work for single-player games though.
M_Night said:
I'm not sure if yearly releases such as COD would be able to meet its deadline if they had to develop for 3 consoles simultaneously. I wouldn't be surprised if the PS3/360 versions released in November as usual and the Wii-2 version a couple months down the line.

Unless of course Activison and/or Nintendo hired more programmers to help out.

If the rumors are true, then A N6 version would be easily portable and updatable from the 360/PC version.
xyla said:
If the next xbox and playstation launch in 2013 and Nintendo manages a launch in 2012, it will be an interesting year.
I personally think that Ps4 and nextBox will launch within a year of this new Wii, I can't imagine either of them being so stupid as to give them more than a years head start.


abstract alien said:
Sega was always terrible in this regard. Being so ahead of the curve isn't always the best move business wise, but I'll be damned if it was cool as hell whenever they would do it.
Oh totally, but Nintendo don't go ahead of the curve just for the sake of it (with that one exception), they'll usually have an idea first, then build hardware around that. Dreamcast felt more like Sony's recent approach of piling technology into it and building ideas around that.

I'll admit, this feels a little bit less like Nintendo's traditional approach, but they've earned the benefit of the doubt over the last 25 years.

[edit] IGN mockup is pretty cool, but someone stick a ruler next to it xD
I really don't see what is so nice about the IGN mockup. If its just the new classic controller, then sure, its nice. For the controller that is supposed to lead us to new and innovative game ideas...nope. I understand the need for a traditional controller, but tradition is just that...tradition. The future shouldn't be held back by it, which is why the wiimote was such a great thing in the right hands.
I don't really care how this controller looks, it just has to feel comfy and not detract from the gameplay experience.

At the moment it sounds batshit insane, but so did the Wiimote when it was first revealed. As soon as I starting using it is when it clicked and that will probably be the case here.

I doubt Nintendo pre-Wii because of the Gamecube, I'm not going to make that mistake again now.



I pretty puch agree with this, except everything would fit more tightly like NGP (still maintaining handles on the side though). As for motion, I think they will just bundle the WiiMote with it too. Also the left side of the controller can be detached so you can use it as a Nunchuck with the WiiMote.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
MrBelmontvedere said:
those reports of a screen on the controller remind me of the Dreamcast VMU


I picked up a dreamcast controller for the first time in years today. I can't believe my teen hands loved it so much. Controller design has come a long way.

Still... Nostalgia <3
KAL2006 said:
If COD still uses the same old engine as all the other COD's then it is nothing special, I have seen Black Ops on PC, yes it does look way better but nothing to write home about. The games that would especially benefit from extra power are, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, GTA5 and etc. It could get those PC exclusive games too like the Witcher 2.
That's dependant on lead platform though, right?
I mean there are many examples last gen of developers leading on ps2 and porting up to XBox and the results weren't that significantly different. But i'm not an expert in the area and hopefully someone will explain weather this is a fair assumption to make in the context of the current generation.
Router said:
I picked up a dreamcast controller for the first time in years today. I can't believe my teen hands loved it so much. Controller design has come a long way.

Still... Nostalgia <3
You could slice deli meat on that damn dpad. My thumb was constantly destroyed playing fighters, but I kept at it. Any true gamer worth his weight in shoryukens would :^)


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
_Xenon_ said:
I bet you probably can use 3ds as your wii 2 controller.

Now all the dots are connected.

Why would they do that when they are making a controller for the system?


testicles on a cold fall morning
so, we're looking at a console that's roughly parable with 360/PS3 graphics, but with more expensive controllers?

i'm real interested to see how Nintendo will price this...
Medalion said:
Why do people keep assuming this screen on the controller will act as the main screen to play the games? That is not replacing ur hdtv anytime... It is only an option to stream it there...
I think people want to know why you would want to stream games to your controller, when i'm pretty sure most people don't even look at them whilst playing. And for split screen games it's easily displayed in sections on your TV.
As of right now I am one of those that can't understand what it will offer in terms of improving the gameplay experience but i'll wait till E3 before totally dismissing it.
DimmuBurgerKing said:
"Just a touch" above X360 performance is fine by me; I just want my HD Nintendo games.
Honestly, that amount of horse power in nintendo's hands is scary. I simply can not wait to see what they churn out from their top teams, especially with the design philosophies they have.

Also, Shin'en might be even more absurd to think about, considering what they did with Jett Rocket.


Very disappointed if the rumors of 'near 360' performance is true.

Sure it will allow Nintendo games in HD but for a new console with an expected life of about 5 years, it is hard to see this as anything other than them going after the kids and casuals first and foremost, and leaving the hardcore to sony and MS.

brain_stew said:
The 360 would have 192 shader units by AMD's current way of counting them but they were a first generation implementation of unified shaders whereas 4xxx series products were AMD's 4th generation implementation. Even a 160 shader part (dual SIMD) from that generation should have little trouble achieving higher real world ALU throughput especially considering the much higher clocks they can run at.

For reference, AMD have started shipping midrange CPUs that integrate a 400sp part on die. Coupled with the right memory setup, that sort of chip could absolutely decimate the 360 in graphics performance with a a modest 50-60w TDP. I could understand why someone would call that a modest upgrade over 360, heck the theoretical CPU FP performance will probably be decreased , but you're still looking at a system that should be capable of running this gens games in 1080p @60fps, with much higher resolution textures when deployed in a closed box.

If you don't think that's a large leap forward then you're going to be disapointed by the other machines, as there's very little chance the jump from this systeem to them will be any bigger than the jump from the current generation to it.
I hope that the 'near 360' statement is a misunderstanding from someone who doesn't understand what the implications of the tech are, and not a realistic assessment of the capabilities.
Brad Grenz said:
That's not really true. All the French site said was "R700 Series GPU from AMD" The R700 product line included everything from 80 shader budget cards to 800 shader cards at the high end. And AMD changed the way they counted shader between the creation of the 360 GPU and the R700 series so you can't directly compare the 48 shaders in the 360 to the 80 shaders in a Radeon 4350 card. And even if the new Nintendo design has more shader power, there are other concerns like memory bandwidth that could limit the hardware's potential. There isn't enough information to go on. We might assume the Wii2 will have more advanced shading capabilities, but we don't know what the real world performance implications will be yet.

The 360 would have 192 shader units by AMD's current way of counting them but they were a first generation implementation of unified shaders whereas 4xxx series products were AMD's 4th generation implementation. Even a 160 shader part (dual SIMD) from that generation should have little trouble achieving higher real world ALU throughput especially considering the much higher clocks they can run at.

For reference, AMD have started shipping midrange CPUs that integrate a 400sp part on die. Coupled with the right memory setup, that sort of chip could absolutely decimate the 360 in graphics performance with a a modest 50-60w TDP. I could understand why someone would call that a modest upgrade over 360, heck the theoretical CPU FP performance will probably be decreased , but you're still looking at a system that should be capable of running this gens games in 1080p @60fps, with much higher resolution textures when deployed in a closed box.

If you don't think that's a large leap forward then you're going to be disapointed by the other machines, as there's very little chance the jump from this systeem to them will be any bigger than the jump from the current generation to it.
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