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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Mistle said:
A screen on the controller just doesn't seem practical or, really, beneficial in any way.

So says someone who never played Four Swords Adventures. Or a quiz game. Or a sports strategy game. Or poker. Or anything involving secrecy or individual information.


EatChildren said:
I look foward to the reveal where most of not all of the games shown look worse than late generation PS3/360 titles.

yeah probably so!

I think it'll be better looking than PS360 titles but not by much.
Something just occured to me, had to let it all out before going to bed.

Nintendo's philosophy has become one of bringing gaming to the masses. But they ran into an issue with the wii, hardcore gamers felt alienated.

So how do they maintain and even further expand the blue ocean philosophy of the wii and motion controls, yet win back the hardcore gamer?

Look at the codename, and combine it with the few hints we have.

Cafe? A cafe is a place you go to have a caffeinated drink, or milkshake etc with a few friends. It's an open, public place, it brings you outside into the world.

So we have a controller, that has some sort of touch sensitive display, the touch feedback ain't too fancy, but apparently the controller itself is multipurpose.

So it got me thinking. What if it's a segmented controller with a flexible display, and what if you wear it when you go out for a drink with friends? What if it's not meant to be a handheld semi-console you take with you out of the house, but something you actually put on and wear? Maybe around your arm?

Both hardcore and casual hip all at once.


Graphics Horse said:
When I suggested an e-ink screen, I was actually thinking of a Liquivista/Samsung electrowetting screen, which is a bit different.


I was thinking this earlier, low power decent refresh rate.

I like the idea of a smart-control and it doesn't rule out the idea that the remotes themselves being nothing but wireless screens having everything streamed from the console.

The slidepad from 3ds is also a no brainer on the control. The nunchuck would probably be a bit more comfortable with a slidepad.
Andrex said:
I'd be happy if they didn't mess it up anymore. The series gets flak for not changing (and from not being a game, mostly from you), but it does change, it's just that those changes usually aren't good decisions... City Folk, ugh. :/

Animal Crossing GCN with proper online melded with the portable-ness of Wild World would be fricking awesome though.

City Folk had changes?


EatChildren said:
I look foward to the reveal where most of not all of the games shown look worse than late generation PS3/360 titles.

The obligatory Capcom ports will still look better, and the discussion will rage on for years, debating if it's really that more powerfull than the 3DS.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Amir0x said:
yeah probably so!

I think it'll be better looking than PS360 titles but not by much.

In the long run sure, but not for the reveal I dont think, not if these hardware rumours are accurate.

Jaagen said:
The obligatory Capcom ports will still look better, and the discussion will rage on for years, debating if it's really that more powerfull than the 3DS.

Mid 2012 launch. SSFIV:AE best launch title.


EatChildren said:
I look foward to the reveal where most of not all of the games shown look worse than late generation PS3/360 titles.
Is that not always the case that early hardware doesnt reach potential till near the end of its cycle though?


maniac-kun said:
Still not believing anything until the official unveil. Especially no specs.

You're unlikely to get specs from Nintendo at an official reveal.

If *that* does happen, *then* I will agree with Andrex and Ami about them focusing on 'us' again.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Medalion said:
Is that not always the case that early hardware doesnt reach potential till near the end of its cycle though?

Yes, absolutely. But its still going to be weird if Nintendo's next system, after all these years, has reveal titles that look worse than 360/PS3 games.


EatChildren said:
In the long run sure, but not for the reveal I dont think, not if these hardware rumours are accurate.

Mid 2012 launch. SSFIV:AE best launch title.

Well, the R700 is architecture is a lot more powerfull and flexible that the Xenos, which basically was a X800 with slapped on DX10 capabillities.


EatChildren said:
Yes, absolutely. But its still going to be weird if Nintendo's next system, after all these years, has reveal titles that look worse than 360/PS3 games.
There are early 360 games I still enjoy seeing.... If we can get those but with Nintendo IPs behind em, I still say bring it
This is my take on what it could look like.



EatChildren said:
I look foward to the reveal where most of not all of the games shown look worse than late generation PS3/360 titles.
Well, given Nintendo's 3DS output so far, and the fact that they like 60 FPS, we could get some very... "interesting" looking titles.


swerve said:
So says someone who never played Four Swords Adventures. Or a quiz game. Or a sports strategy game. Or poker. Or anything involving secrecy or individual information.
I mean, sure, it'd be extremely useful in it's niche but I just don't see it as a necessity for the overall gaming genre. Maybe if it was a side-product or something, but being a part of the controller and a huge marketing point for the N6 just doesn't seem right. It definitely would have its advantages though.
EatChildren said:
Yes, absolutely. But its still going to be weird if Nintendo's next system, after all these years, has reveal titles that look worse than 360/PS3 games.

Well that happened at E306 and no-one cared :p

I kinda see it being a halfway house between current gen and next gen. Nintendo can't make next-gen affordable (or won't, whatever) but it can't be current-gen, it'd be silly. Really silly. There would be very little incentive for neither consumers nor developers to invest in the platform.
boyshine said:
Part of the design philosophy behind the Wii Remote was to make a controller that looked more like a TV remote and less like a game controller to avoid alienation towards non-gamers. You shouldn't be ashamed to have it on your coffee table, to pick it up and play games when people come over.
hmmm, should be better than a Move at least.


Green Scar said:
I kinda see it being a halfway house between current gen and next gen. Nintendo can't make next-gen affordable (or won't, whatever) but it can't be current-gen, it'd be silly. Really silly. There would be very little incentive for neither consumers nor developers to invest in the platform.

Wii2 could be an enhancement like the N64DD or satellaview.


EatChildren said:
Yes, absolutely. But its still going to be weird if Nintendo's next system, after all these years, has reveal titles that look worse than 360/PS3 games.

Nintendo doesn't necessarily need their system to be that powerful to make great-looking games, because their games (particularly first-party) usually go with an art style that isn't very demanding.

If devs are looking to make their shader-intensive, "realistic" games then they may have to once again first go to Sony and Microsoft, or preferably the PC. The difference is that this time the Wii 2 will likely be powerful enough that third-party devs don't feel as hamstrung in developing for it.

There's no use in having three different consoles that all offer the same things, and it would be particularly strange to see that out of Nintendo these days. I think they'll stick with a similar philosophy of stylized games that aren't performance-intensive but still look really great. There's room for eye-catching art styles that don't demand significant tech but will look stunning in 1080p, and if performance costs are kept low enough, you could even potentially add 60 FPS on top of it.


Will probably be a small form factor console like the Wii using chips that are designed for low power consumption, like mobile versions of R700 gpus. That would explain why it's only marginally more powerful than a 2004 console.

Best part? They could release it for cheap, provided the controller tech isn't too bleeding edge. We could even see Wii launch prices if true. * Could *(of course, Ninty would likely up it for the same reason a dog licks his balls -because it can)
i still can't see how this would allow nintendo to sell it at a mass market price while making a profit. Not unless they're willing to break their usual business model...


FlyingTeacup said:
i still can't see how this would allow nintendo to sell it at a mass market price while making a profit. Not unless they're willing to break their usual business model...
If it's a 360 1.2 as reported in some rumors then I see no problem at all with selling it at usual Nintendo prices next year (with the usual Nintendo profit margin).


FlyingTeacup said:
i still can't see how this would allow nintendo to sell it at a mass market price while making a profit. Not unless they're willing to break their usual business model...
Using either the trinity or a CPU+Mid tohigh end 4000 or 5000 series GPU would not break the bank at all and would grealty improve over the 360 and PS3.
FlyingTeacup said:
i still can't see how this would allow nintendo to sell it at a mass market price while making a profit. Not unless they're willing to break their usual business model...
If the rumours are true about the console hardware they could easily make a profit even by launching it at $300. The only unreasonable aspect is 6" LCD controller which complicates things, unless they are willing to sell those things at around $100 - or more.
Another one, buttons below analog on right piece to replicate wii's A/1/2 buttons... parts clip over screen to keep size down. Wii games using NES orientation controls would play a bit cramped though, that's for sure!



FlyingTeacup said:
i still can't see how this would allow nintendo to sell it at a mass market price while making a profit. Not unless they're willing to break their usual business model...
Going by the rumors the console itself is really no different - from a state of the art perspective - than the Wii was at the time it launched. So no problem there. So it's a question of how much more expensive is it to have controllers with a 6" touch screen than it was in the Wii launch window to have a controller with an infared light and accelorometer and a sensor bar.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Zeliard said:
Nintendo doesn't necessarily need their system to be that powerful to make great-looking games, because their games (particularly first-party) usually go with an art style that isn't very demanding.

If devs are looking to make their shader-intensive, "realistic" games then they may have to once again first go to Sony and Microsoft, or preferably the PC. The difference is that this time the Wii 2 will likely be powerful enough that third-party devs don't feel as hamstrung in developing for it.

There's no use in having three different consoles that all offer the same things, and it would be particularly strange to see that out of Nintendo these days. I think they'll stick with a similar philosophy of stylized games that aren't performance-intensive but still look really great. There's room for eye-catching art styles that don't demand significant tech but will look stunning in 1080p, and if performance costs are kept low enough, you could even potentially add 60 FPS on top of it.

Oh I know this, and agree with this. Your last paragraph is basically the reason I love the Wii so much, probably more than I lot of folk. I get my hardware pushing 'traditional' game fix on my PC, and now my PlayStation 3. The Wii offers me shit I cant get anywhere else. Flaws and all, I at least know a Wii game is going to be a different experience than the other stuff on the market. It's for that reason too that I probably enjoyed the Wii, this generation, more than I enjoyed the GameCube relative to the last.

I just enjoy humouring the inevitable GAFlash when the system is revealed, with it's absurd controller that nobody can understand, and games that look on average worse than the better looking PS3/360 titles.

I'll still buy it no matter how much it grinds my gears. Nintendo software/creativity is one of the reasons I game.


Solid_Rain said:
If the rumours are true about the console hardware they could easily make a profit even by launching it at $300. The only unreasonable aspect is 6" LCD controller which complicates things, unless they are willing to sell those things at around $100 - or more.

IGN estimates they could make it for $25... they make the current Wii controller for $6. They would just have to cut their markup down.


According to sources with knowledge of peripheral production, a controller of that complexity could easily cost $25 in factory costs alone, whereas a wireless Wiimote is estimated to cost Nintendo only $6 per unit. On the other hand, if Nintendo really wanted to push the concept, they could forfeit a portion of the markup to keep retail costs down.


this console sounds totally mental, and i love it when we see stuff like this. of course it's either going to be an amazing success or it's going to be a massive failure as is always the case when nintendo does insane stuff like this

seriously the NGP and Wii 2 are going to make E3 for me. it's going to be the best one ever

Foil said:
I think you're onto something here. Just think of the possibilities. Developers/Gamestop could send ads to the controllers screen without messing up your gameplay. You can now buy DLC while in a game from the controller screen!

holy shit man. so EA gets the best of both worlds. a terrible quality games + plenty of moneymaking/ripoff oppurtunities. Riccitiello must be giddy with excitement


the androgyne said:
Another one, buttons below analog on right piece to replicate wii's A/1/2 buttons... parts clip over screen to keep size down. Wii games using NES orientation games would play a bit cramped that's for sure!


This is basically what I had in mind, and you could either use the two side bits separately like a Wii remote, or stick them together like a normal controller. The screen could just be a screen and nothing more, but what if they made it a mini-tablet? A low powered one for sure, but something that had your save files on it and could play mini-games, browse the web, and that kind of thing? Dreamcast was so ahead of its time xD
the androgyne said:
Another one, buttons below analog on right piece to replicate wii's A/1/2 buttons... parts clip over screen to keep size down. Wii games using NES orientation controls would play a bit cramped though, that's for sure!

Interesting design, and it would mean the cost of the actual controller wouldn't be affected by the cost of the screen - which could be sold separately. Although personally I can't see what a screen on a controller offers to improve gameplay but maybe i'll need to see it in action.


EatChildren said:
Yes, absolutely. But its still going to be weird if Nintendo's next system, after all these years, has reveal titles that look worse than 360/PS3 games.

So Wii 2 games will start looking better than last generation games when Xbox 720 will be out, lol.


I just don't get why Nintendo isn't releasing this Fall 2011. And it should have been 2010 if they were just going to do this (Low power mobile parts that could do 360 graphics were cheaply available even then.) That would have given them 2 - 3 years where they could have had third parties giving them high quality 360/PS3 ports on their system.

By waiting till 2012, MS is at worst going to launch in 2013 (and might even be persuaded to go 2012). Even if they only go the XBox 2.5 route, Nintendo is still going to be dead with third party ports. This really is an asinine approach. And good luck getting anyone other than the Nintendo hardcore interested. I don't even think casuals will carry over. Why will they need a new system? And for the casuals, in what way does this controller monstrosity beat Kinect? Nintendo seems to be going hardcore, with a system that's going to be laughed at by the hardcore.


1-D_FTW said:
I just don't get why Nintendo isn't releasing this Fall 2011. And it should have been 2010 if they were just going to do this (Low power mobile parts that could do 360 graphics were cheaply available even then.) That would have given them 2 - 3 years where they could have had third parties giving them high quality 360/PS3 ports on their system.

By waiting till 2012, MS is at worst going to launch in 2013 (and might even be persuaded to go 2012). Even if they only go the XBox 2.5 route, Nintendo is still going to be dead with third party ports. This really is an asinine approach. And good luck getting anyone other than the Nintendo hardcore interested. I don't even think casuals will carry over. Why will they need a new system? And for the casuals, in what way does this controller monstrosity beat Kinect? Nintendo seems to be going hardcore, with a system that's going to be laughed at by the hardcore.

Everything indicates that the Wii 2 is not just another 360/PS3. Even the Speculation the french made totally contradicted the idea of just another 360/PS3 by the fact they speculated on a GPU that was multiple times greater than this Gens Consoles.

like 95% of sources are saying the Wii 2 will blow this gen away yet because one site says well we dont know then speculates on specs that are totally opposite to what they say everyone jumps on the one site bandwagon.

The French no offense to them couldn't even keep their story straight and say one thing while showing something entirely different then the wonderful state of gaming journalism just goes confirmed! to half ass speculation.


Zeliard said:
Nintendo doesn't necessarily need their system to be that powerful to make great-looking games, because their games (particularly first-party) usually go with an art style that isn't very demanding.

True, and while that is the case, I'd love to see textures on their characters.

Mario from Smash bros is an example where the clothes look to be "real" fabric instead of a smooth one colored texturesurface.

This and more would be nice for some of their games.


antonz said:
Everything indicates that the Wii 2 is not just another 360/PS3. Even the Speculation the french made totally contradicted the idea of just another 360/PS3 by the fact they speculated on a GPU that was multiple times greater than this Gens Consoles.

like 95% of sources are saying the Wii 2 will blow this gen away yet because one site says well we dont know then speculates on specs that are totally opposite to what they say everyone jumps on the one site bandwagon.

The French no offense to them couldn't even keep their story straight and say one thing while showing something entirely different then the wonderful state of gaming journalism just goes confirmed! to half ass speculation.


Why would I need a tiny 6' screen on my controller when I'm supposed to be looking at 50' TV? Please kill this rumor with fire, it makes no sense.


1-D_FTW said:
By waiting till 2012, MS is at worst going to launch in 2013 (and might even be persuaded to go 2012). Even if they only go the XBox 2.5 route, Nintendo is still going to be dead with third party ports. This really is an asinine approach. And good luck getting anyone other than the Nintendo hardcore interested. I don't even think casuals will carry over. Why will they need a new system? And for the casuals, in what way does this controller monstrosity beat Kinect? Nintendo seems to be going hardcore, with a system that's going to be laughed at by the hardcore.
People like new stuff? Ohh, its by Nintendo? I love me some Wii and Mario!


Why are the "corrections" more likely than the original rumor? And how would the system be only a hair more powerful than a 360 if its GPU is multiple generations better?

It would not make sense to release a machine that's merely on par with the HD twins.


szaromir said:
Why would I need a tiny 6' screen on my controller when I'm supposed to be looking at 50' TV? Please kill this rumor with fire, it makes no sense.
The console is still a console to be played on ur big screen... The small screen can be used as a short range portable but is not the main feature of the system


gkryhewy said:
Why are the "corrections" more likely than the original rumor? And how would the system be only a hair more powerful than a 360 if its GPU is multiple generations better?

It would not make sense to release a machine that's merely on par with the HD twins.
The corrections are more addressing the fact that Sites like CVG took speculation made by people on what could be included as fact and ran stories saying this is fact.

For instance the French said they have no information on how much ram the Wii 2 has but it would have to have at least as much as the 360 for HD. So CVG runs a story saying It has 512MB of ram confirmed yet thats not what was said at all.


What I don't understand is why would big N go next-gen first ?

The Wii is selling less than before but it's still selling good ( first or close second worldwide ) and they have room to cut the price.
szaromir said:
Why would I need a tiny 6' screen on my controller when I'm supposed to be looking at 50' TV? Please kill this rumor with fire, it makes no sense.

Why would I need two screens when one is enough!
Why would I need motion controls when I have buttons!
Why would I want touch screen when I have analog sticks!
Why would I want an interactive camera when I have a controller!

Just saying...

French said:
What I don't understand is why would big N go next-gen first ?

The Wii is selling less than before but it's still selling good ( first or close second worldwide ) and they have room to cut the price.

Because, while the Wii is still selling, it's a lost cause. They need to get in good with third parties, and quick. They need to have third parties making games for their system right out of the gate to keep their system relevant.
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