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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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At this point it seems that people lower on the game development food chain are just being shown glimpses of Nintendo's new hardware and are leaking what they think they saw or might have overheard. But between Game Informer, IGN and french site I just learned about 12 hours ago, I'm leaning toward the former 2.
TekkenMaster said:
There's no way Nintendo would be stupid enough not to realize they need a console that can receive competitive ports of PS4 and Xbox 720 games.

If they don't realize this, they truly learned nothing from the Wii. Can Nintendo really be that stupid?

Are you serious? What is the best selling home console this generation?

That's right. If nintendo were stupid, they would start emulating the financial black holes that are microsoft/sony game divisions.


DeathNote said:
How do you play games on the screen tho?

Well, again, I still don't think that particular detail rings true. I don't know about remote play of WII HD games. I think perhaps it'll be remote play of maybe the virtual console games, or some of the Wii HD downloadable games. Or mini-games you can develop to play on the controller, or whatever. I think we don't know enough details about the functionality to believe it's gonna actually remote play Wii HD games imo. I think if it's not an HD resolution and all that, it's pretty pointless to have such a feature particularly when coupled with the fact that you'll be losing buttons in order to not get in the way of the game on the screen when you take it with you.


First of all, I don't believe Nintendo's focus here is to make a typical "controller". Nintendo hasn't abandoned the idea of bringing gaming to everyone, they're not reversing the Blue Ocean strategy and making a "GameCube 2" here.

My bet is that the controller that's beeing talked about here is a smartcontroller, a controller with a lot of stand-alone functionality. It might even have universal remote functionality, both for IR and BT devices. Part of the design philosophy behind the Wii Remote was to make a controller that looked more like a TV remote and less like a game controller to avoid alienation towards non-gamers. You shouldn't be ashamed to have it on your coffee table, to pick it up and play games when people come over. Well, it's time to go outside, to meet people where people are. Bring your controller from the coffee table, and to the café. Project Café.

The new controller will not just be a screen to stream content to from your home console, it'll have built-in software, wi-fi technology for "streetpass" and other notification and messaging functionality, apps, maybe even full support for Virtual Console. Bring it with you wherever you go, make it a part of your daily life.


Amir0x said:
Well, again, I still don't think that particular detail rings true. I don't know about remote play of WII HD games. I think perhaps it'll be remote play of maybe the virtual console games, or some of the Wii HD downloadable games. Or mini-games you can develop to play on the controller, or whatever. I think we don't know enough details about the functionality to believe it's gonna actually remote play Wii HD games imo. I think if it's not an HD resolution and all that, it's pretty pointless to have such a feature particularly when coupled with the fact that you'll be losing buttons in order to not get in the way of the game on the screen when you take it with you.
Didn't a DEV recently say the 3DS would do something with the Wii2? Maybe there's a mixup.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ



boyshine said:
First of all, I don't believe Nintendo's focus here is to make a typical "controller". Nintendo hasn't abandoned the idea of bringing gaming to everyone, they're not reversing the Blue Ocean strategy and making a "GameCube 2" here.

My bet is that the controller that's beeing talked about here is a smartcontroller, a controller with a lot of stand-alone functionality. It might even have universal remote functionality, both for IR and BT devices. Part of the design philosophy behind the Wii Remote was to make a controller that looked more like a TV remote and less like a game controller to avoid alienation towards non-gamers. You shouldn't be ashamed to have it on your coffee table, to pick it up and play games when people come over. Well, it's time to go outside, to meet people where people are. Bring your controller from the coffee table, and to the café. Project Café.

The new controller will not just be screen to stream content to from your home console, it'll have built-in software, wi-fi technology for "streetpass" and other notification and messaging functionality, apps, maybe even full support for Virtual Console. Bring it with you wherever you go, make it a part of your daily life.

i don't know. If you ask me 3DS alone is evidence Nintendo has shifted decisively back to the hardcore in terms of focus.


redbarchetta said:
Sure it does. Dual analog, one on the Wiimote, the other on the nunchuk, then they simply add a second button onto the back of the Wii Remote, just like the Nunchuk's C-button.

I know it technically has two analog sticks and two potential triggers, but I don't see how that wouldn't just feel strange to hold and control with the analog stick placements, especially if you have both bumpers and triggers (which 01.net indicated it did).

The reason dual analog can feel comfortable (minus in shooters) is because of the way your hand grips the controller, with your fingers naturally resting on the triggers and your thumbs naturally positioned near the analog sticks and buttons, and with the rest of your fingers all having some sort of grip.

But stranger things have happened, I suppose.
gofreak said:
However, it doesn't jive with info of being able to stream full games. That would require a 16:9 aspect ratio.

Not really... the chances of it streaming a full Wii 2 game are slim, it would mean the screen would be more or less redundant any time you're not doing that for the two play styles to be compatible.
I think it will only be able to stream stuff specifically designed to be streamed, so a traditional, iPhone style 3:2 ratio would work fine. The controller could end up being the same height as a 360 controller, and 1 inch wider.
I'm horrible at Paint, but I couldn't resist getting into the mockup bandwagon. Hopefully my idea is clear:


Forgot to mention in the pic that it would also have an accelerometer and/or gyroscope and a built in speaker. In the picture it's orientated to be worn on the left arm.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Just read the corrections, which further convince me this new controller is going to be a "motion/traditional" hybrid. The built in camera might implement a technology akin to the Kinect one, but used for scanning the environment the controller is pointing at rather than the user. Such a 3D scanning tech would allow for controller tracking in the 3D space without the need of a sensor bar located on the screen.


Amir0x said:
i don't know. If you ask me 3DS alone is evidence Nintendo has shifted decisively back to the hardcore in terms of focus.

Because they launched it with Nintendogs and PilotWings?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Graphics Horse said:
Not really... the chances of it streaming a full Wii 2 game are slim, it would mean the screen would be more or less redundant any time you're not doing that for the two play styles to be compatible.
I think it will only be able to stream stuff specifically designed to be streamed, so a traditional, iPhone style 3:2 ratio would work fine. The controller could end up being the same height as a 360 controller, and 1 inch wider.

That's a possibility, just based on the IGN info that it can stream 'entire games like a miniature television' it would require something different (if they're talking about entire Wii2 games). If it's not, they can play with aspect ratio and form a lot more for sure.


Unconfirmed Member
boyshine said:
First of all, I don't believe Nintendo's focus here is to make a typical "controller". Nintendo hasn't abandoned the idea of bringing gaming to everyone, they're not reversing the Blue Ocean strategy and making a "GameCube 2" here.

My bet is that the controller that's beeing talked about here is a smartcontroller, a controller with a lot of stand-alone functionality. It might even have universal remote functionality, both for IR and BT devices. Part of the design philosophy behind the Wii Remote was to make a controller that looked more like a TV remote and less like a game controller to avoid alienation towards non-gamers. You shouldn't be ashamed to have it on your coffee table, to pick it up and play games when people come over. Well, it's time to go outside, to meet people where people are. Bring your controller from the coffee table, and to the café. Project Café.

The new controller will not just be a screen to stream content to from your home console, it'll have built-in software, wi-fi technology for "streetpass" and other notification and messaging functionality, apps, maybe even full support for Virtual Console. Bring it with you wherever you go, make it a part of your daily life.
This is good thinking, and I could easily see them going in that direction.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
swerve said:
Because they launched it with Nintendogs and PilotWings?

Because Nintendogs and PilotWings were never the focus of their attention like, say, OoT3D has been. And because SSF4 3D is the best-selling 3DS game, which is a game from probably the most "hardcore" of genres. And it's a third party game.

And its power is nothing snuff at.


Igor Antunov said:
Are you serious? What is the best selling home console this generation?

That's right. If nintendo were stupid, they would start emulating the financial black holes that are microsoft/sony game divisions.

Or maybe theyre banking on the idea that sony and ms next gen won't be that big a step up, because they learned from the wii situation. So that the wii 2 won't be as underpowered as wii was compared to ps360.
Also Including a rgular amd/ati pc gpu with competent specs could make downporting allot easier, coupled with the fact that they will have an advantage with a established installbase,
they hope to get the multiplats even well after the others launched their systems.
The new controller will not just be a screen to stream content to from your home console, it'll have built-in software, wi-fi technology for "streetpass" and other notification and messaging functionality, apps, maybe even full support for Virtual Console. Bring it with you wherever you go, make it a part of your daily life.

You just described the 3DS?


i think if nintendo is really serious about competing with apple (and they've said so in the past) they could be trying to make the controller a truly separate entity from the console that turns into a tablet that can be used around the house or on the go with wifi etc. maybe it would even have an app store of sorts built in and smaller games that can run natively on the thing. who knows... and the traditional controller bits would be like a sleeve or a separate part that is only attached when using the whole thing as a controller in conjunction with the console + tv. although if the tablet had its own cpu & gpu capable of doing all that, that would imply some truly horrible things about the price :/ ... then again, maybe it will have full functionality as a tablet, but only as long as you're in the vicinity of the console and all the content will be streamed from there with the system itself doing all the processing. how much sense that would make i really don't know...


swerve said:
Because they launched it with Nintendogs and PilotWings?

no because outside of the fact that those were clearly laughably rushed low tier efforts with sales that reflect that (and of course they also launched with Steel Diver, an equally low tier hardcore effort), virtually all their focus is on being better with third parties and their hardcore games (they've even said precisely this), and virtually all their announced future products for the moment is of the more hardcore variety outside of Animal Crossing. And the fact that the system itself is clearly designed with a more hardcore feature set. Hell, the 3D is a visual flair that is something that appeals more to hardcore gamers.

They've moved beyond catering to the game hater market. I think they realize those ADHD-addled freaks only stay with them so long, since game haters will never turn into game lovers.

With the Wii HD discussion, it similarly sounds like they're now catering toward the hardcore once more.

It's fine by me. Hardcore Nintendo is the only good Nintendo


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Dead Man said:
Wow, it's a wasteland of bannings. 6 years does a lot of things.

I think it's pretty neat banned users now have gray names. Although since the avatar switchover, old threads are practically completely image-less too.

Also- Amirox before he was a mod! Dragona when she still was one! bishoptl... as bishoptl!
gofreak said:
That's a possibility, just based on the IGN info that it can stream 'entire games like a miniature television' it would require something different (if they're talking about entire Wii2 games). If it's not, they can play with aspect ratio and form a lot more for sure.

Yeah, I read that as possibly meaning it can behave like a television, i.e. a device for recieving and displaying remotely broadcast pictures. ;)


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
If this controller has a screen, they aren't going to have on-screen d-pads and buttons on it. Not only would there be a total lack of response but you wouldn't be able to consistently press the correct buttons while looking at the TV screen. It would be like playing the 360 version of SSFIV with iPhone controls.
wsippel said:
R700 was the codename for the HD4870X2, yes. But the term is also used to describe the whole RV7x0 series, ranging from the RV710 (HD4350) all the way up to the RV790XT (HD4890).

Here's my guess. Nintendo wants to build an inexpensive console with capabilities comperable to the 360. They talk to AMD and AMD's like "great, we have these awesome new Fusion chips you can use with DX11 graphics and either our Bobcat or Phenom II CPU cores in dual or quad configurations!"

But Nintendo was like, "actually, we're thinking we'd keep using PowerPC CPU cores. IBM already said they'd give us basically the same thin MS got, but those DX11 shaders sound awesome."

But, as it turns out, AMD has some pride and aren't just gonna let someone else undercut their Fusion initiative by pairing their latest shader architecture with some PowerPC shit. "Err, how about this. If you don't want to just use our Fusion chips, you can license one of our older GPU designs and do what you want with it. These Radeon 4XX0 designs are pretty cool. They're DX10.1, but they were really successful a few years ago and are a couple steps beyond the 360 GPU. An 80 shader configuration would be more than that had and take up very little space on your die. And we'll even cut you a sweet deal"

And Nintendo was like, "Great, sign us up!"


Amir0x said:
no because outside of the fact that those were clearly laughably rushed low tier efforts with sales that reflect that (and of course they also launched with Steel Diver, an equally low tier hardcore effort), virtually all their focus is on being better with third parties and their hardcore games (they've even said precisely this), and virtually all their announced future products for the moment is of the more hardcore variety outside of Animal Crossing.

Andrex said:
Because Nintendogs and PilotWings were never the focus of their attention like, say, OoT3D has been. And because SSF4 3D is the best-selling 3DS game, which is a game from probably the most "hardcore" of genres. And it's a third party game.

Well, they've certainly got the marketing right for you guys at least this time!

They have outsourced OoT and most likely StarFox. They didn't outsource Nintendogs and they won't outsource Animal Crossing or Mario Kart. Nintendo haven't changed their software focus, they've just changed their marketing. A little.

I should qualify - I don't think they ever stopped catering to the hardcore (ie, me), they just turned a lot of people off with the lighter stuff.


Andrex said:
I think it's pretty neat banned users now have gray names. Although since the avatar switchover, old threads are practically completely image-less too.

Also- Amirox before he was a mod! Dragona when she still was one! bishoptl... as bishoptl!

Just think in six years people will be looking back at this thread and our names will be grayed out.


Jealous Bastard
Dead Man said:
Wow, it's a wasteland of bannings. 6 years does a lot of things.

it's bizarre, and feels almost eerie, because for the practical purposes of people who just post here and never meet these posters in person, a permanent ban is essentially like death. looking at that thread is like watching video of a lot of dead people, and they're all making fun of the wii remote even as a giant one topples over to crush them beneath it.


The more we hear it begins to sound like a nintendo xbox 360 with a controller with built in 6 inch sub hd screen and motion controls better than the sony move


Graphics Horse said:
Yeah, I read that as possibly meaning it can behave like a television, i.e. a device for recieving and displaying remotely broadcast pictures. ;)

Yeah, but I... have a TV. I'd just stick to a 3DS or iPhone for this. Whyyy


Medalion said:
The more we hear it begins to sound like a nintendo xbox 360 with a controller with built in 6 inch sub hd screen and motion controls better than the sony move

Because we only have those things as a frame of reference. And once we see it it will no longer feel like that.


swerve said:
Well, they've certainly got the marketing right for you guys at least this time!

They have outsourced OoT and most likely StarFox. They didn't outsource Nintendogs and they won't outsource Animal Crossing or Mario Kart. Nintendo haven't changed their software focus, they've just changed their marketing. A little.

I should qualify - I don't think they ever stopped catering to the hardcore (ie, me), they just turned a lot of people off with the lighter stuff.

well of course because they only need a team of like 2 people to develop a Animal Crossing game or a Nintendogs game.

"hey, Yokimoto, what feature should we add to Animal Crossing today?"
"I dunno another rug maybe? Yeah, more rugs. Some wallpapers too!"
"Oh dude that is SUCH AN AWESOME IDEA! A rug with pink frills would be amazing..."


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Amir0x said:
well of course because they only need a team of like 2 people to develop a Animal Crossing game or a Nintendogs game.

"hey, Yokimoto, what feature should we add to Animal Crossing today?"
"I dunno another rug maybe? Yeah, more rugs. Some wallpapers too!"
"Oh dude that is SUCH AN AWESOME IDEA! A rug with pink frills would be amazing..."

I'd be happy if they didn't mess it up anymore. The series gets flak for not changing (and from not being a game, mostly from you), but it does change, it's just that those changes usually aren't good decisions... City Folk, ugh. :/

Animal Crossing GCN with proper online melded with the portable-ness of Wild World would be fricking awesome though.


Amir0x said:
well of course because they only need a team of like 2 people to develop a Animal Crossing game or a Nintendogs game.

So what you're saying is, all the other internal developers working on Games We Know Nothing About, are working on games to support your argument rather than games to support mine?

But the ones we do know about, are working on games to support mine. So...


Typical smartphone is around 3" - 4", a 6" screen on a controller just sounds like it'll be awkward

If it was smaller I could see the benefit of it, as you could hold it like a remote and just slide and tap your thumbs and index finger with ease to register inputs, makes it even more user friendly than the wii possibly.

I'm thinking this controller will either be something creative no one has ever thought about and works great or a complete joke, don't see any middle ground here.
Slightly more powerful than an Xbox 360? The same Xbox 360 that released in 2005 before the Wii?

Come on Nintendo, spend some fucking money every once in a blue moon, for the fans.
Gahiggidy said:
This makes me doubt the rumor. Nintendo's not likely to show video of games running 18 months before launch. We didn't see a single game running on the Wii until the E3 before its November release. Even the Spaceworld 2000 stuff was mostly renders. Nor do I believe Nintendo is showing off the game to anyone outside of top management.
The system will very likely be derived from PC parts and current dev kits will simply be off the shelf parts. Its not going to take very long for third parties to port their PC wares to the system, they already run on the same hardware under a different environment, the likes of Epic could have an engine demo up and running in weeks if they wanted to.


Andrex said:
I'd be happy if they didn't mess it up anymore. The series gets flak for not changing (and from not being a game, mostly from you), but it does change, it's just that those changes usually aren't good decisions... City Folk, ugh. :/

Animal Crossing GCN with proper online melded with the portable-ness of Wild World would be fricking awesome though.

It doesn't change because there's no gameplay. It should be called OCD: The Software. Basically it's an outlet for people to horde all sorts of items that do absolutely nothing and write letters to animals with terrible A.I. who have absolutely no idea what you're saying. You can't change nothing. They have to start with something.

If they made some real gameplay - like, more Sims-like character evolution, an endgame if you do poorly or fail to pay back your debts (you get kicked from town), add depth to fishing and bug catching - and changed it into a MMO-type game it might be pretty ok. And by MMO game I don't mean like World of Warcraft, I mean in terms of an evolving online community. A world map with zones where each individual lives and can visit and trade with each other, but in a fluid way not requiring someone open their gates to someone if they don't want.

swerve said:
So what you're saying is, all the other internal developers working on Games We Know Nothing About, are working on games to support your argument rather than games to support mine?

But the ones we do know about, are working on games to support mine. So...

No, for the moment, most of the games they have announced in development are of the hardcore variety. So we'll wait and see if that changes, but everything about the 3DS design and game support and internal development suggests hardcore oriented platform.


RaijinFY said:
Just saw this. I'm glad they cleared up the part about the sensor, I was wondering that myself yesterday. About the mistranslation bit, I could have done a better job, sure. But...

Holy Order Sol said:
Not to mention, the French text was ambiguous to begin with. More like "state things clearly if you want them translated properly".
...the original text is kinda ambiguous, cause the source can't be specific, of course. The translation from Gofreak is more accurate. Thanks dude, and sorry that this mistake made things even foggier.

Anyway, I shot an e-mail to the guys at 01.net and aplogized for this. I hope they didn't took it the wrong way.

That being said, let's see more crazy mockups.


This is becoming so messy. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if none of this turned out to be true, and these "sources" only fluked a few key points.

A screen on the controller just doesn't seem practical or, really, beneficial in any way.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I look foward to the reveal where most of not all of the games shown look worse than late generation PS3/360 titles.

Dead Man

Andrex said:
I think it's pretty neat banned users now have gray names. Although since the avatar switchover, old threads are practically completely image-less too.

Also- Amirox before he was a mod! Dragona when she still was one! bishoptl... as bishoptl!
Yeah, weird.

beelzebozo said:
it's bizarre, and feels almost eerie, because for the practical purposes of people who just post here and never meet these posters in person, a permanent ban is essentially like death. looking at that thread is like watching video of a lot of dead people, and they're all making fun of the wii remote even as a giant one topples over to crush them beneath it.
I joined just after the Revolution madness, but yeah, perm bans are strange when there are so many in one spot.
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