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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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The game I want to see on Wii2 with better graphics is a new Jet Set Radio.

Too bad there is no chance in hell of it ever happening.
Solid_Rain said:
You don't want 3rd party support for your next console?

I respect GTA for what it did (big budget sandbox games), but I'm just not a fan. Modern realistic settings are just so boring for these kinds of games.
Give me a RDR or something unique that you can plaster the Rockstar logo all over.


Solid_Rain said:
I personally think that Ps4 and nextBox will launch within a year of this new Wii, I can't imagine either of them being so stupid as to give them more than a years head start.

Could be, but MS has Kinect, which could easily get them over the year, if they get some big seller and features for it and Sony has to establish the NGP which could benefit from a later playstation 4 launch because it can still get more PS3 ports.

KAL2006 said:
If COD still uses the same old engine as all the other COD's then it is nothing special, I have seen Black Ops on PC, yes it does look way better but nothing to write home about. The games that would especially benefit from extra power are, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, GTA5 and etc. It could get those PC exclusive games too like the Witcher 2.

It probably will, but if marketed right, it will make a difference. Imagine the slogans: "First time Nintendo gets the real CoD, the best version etc pp." And a screen in the controller could mean watching achievement bars fill without a menu - defintive version.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
scorcho said:
so, we're looking at a console that's roughly parable with 360/PS3 graphics, but with more expensive controllers?

i'm real interested to see how Nintendo will price this...

A lot. Microsoft/Sony will price at a loss for launch. Nintendo will always price at profit.


AceBandage said:
Please no GTA. Please no GTA
Given how well Chinatown Wars went over as what was supposed to be a big pull, I would hope that Nintendo's trying to court them into crafting some sort of new open world style outside of GTA. Sort of like a Nintendo-centric version of RDR. At least that would be my hope, because GTA doesn't interest me at this point.

$200 said:

Well, at least we know it could handle a port of Steel Battalion.


brain_stew said:
The 360 would have 192 shader units by AMD's current way of counting them but they were a first generation implementation of unified shaders whereas 4xxx series products were AMD's 4th generation implementation. Even a 160 shader part (dual SIMD) from that generation should have little trouble achieving higher real world ALU throughput especially considering the much higher clocks they can run at.

For reference, AMD have started shipping midrange CPUs that integrate a 400sp part on die. Coupled with the right memory setup, that sort of chip could absolutely decimate the 360 in graphics performance with a a modest 50-60w TDP. I could understand why someone would call that a modest upgrade over 360, heck the theoretical CPU FP performance will probably be decreased , but you're still looking at a system that should be capable of running this gens games in 1080p @60fps, with much higher resolution textures when deployed in a closed box.

If you don't think that's a large leap forward then you're going to be disapointed by the other machines, as there's very little chance the jump from this systeem to them will be any bigger than the jump from the current generation to it.

Why do you keep mentioning AMD's dual CPU/GPU chips? The French site says it's a triple core from IBM (for ease of 360 ports) and maybe helpful in backwards compatibility with Wii/Gamecube. There's no reason to dispute any of this info. Especially since it's in keeping with Nintendo not liking to change partners. They establish a relationship and don't like to move. There is absolutely zero reason to think Nintendo is getting one of these GPU on a CPU die from AMD. If the rumors of AMD having a contract for one of these in 2012 is correct, it's in all likelyhood for MS. Which only highlights the folly of Nintendo not rushing their concoction to market as quickly as possible to try and build up a Wii like lead before people catch on.


Unconfirmed Member
1-D_FTW said:
Why do you keep mentioning AMD's dual CPU/GPU chips? The French site says it's a triple core from IBM (for ease of 360 ports) and maybe helpful in backwards compatibility with Wii/Gamecube. There's no reason to dispute any of this info. Especially since it's in keeping with Nintendo not liking to change partners. They establish a relationship and don't like to move. There is absolutely zero reason to think Nintendo is getting one of these GPU on a CPU die from AMD. If the rumors of AMD having a contract for one of these in 2012 is correct, it's in all likelyhood for MS. Which only highlights the folly of Nintendo not rushing their concoction to market as quickly as possible to try and build up a Wii like lead before people catch on.
If Microsoft have a new machine coming that soon, they'll want to announce it at E3 to counter all this Nintendo hype.
And if that's the case...wow. NGP, N6, Xbox 3, and the blowout of 3DS software all at one E3? Ridiculous.
Didn't Activision basically come right out and say that Sony and MS have no plans of releasing a new system any time soon?
And they'd be the first to know if MS was going to jump the gun.
Original-Blue said:
I wouldn't be surprised if they went crazy and did something like having memory cards for games instead of discs.
Ericsc said:
I would LOVE that. Hopefully no more LOADING!
Today's cards aren't like yesterday's carts. Perhaps you didn't notice, but games like Ridge Racer 3D have been shat upon for having excessive load time.
Souldriver said:
I dunno. If Sony/MS release their consoles 1 year later than Nintendo and theirs leapfrog the Wii2 in power, how different would that be from this gen?
This gen Nintendo's system arrived a year after HD console games started being released. If they beat the X360/PS3 successors by a year the next time time, it's as if Wii gained two years. If Wii had arrived in 2004 and found success out of the gate, it would have grabbed ahold of the market more solidly than our real-world Wii did, and got more developers onboard before they transitioned to HD-only projects. Going into speculative specifics, a 2004 Wii would be able to get more PS2/Xbox multiplatform games that mattered during their last few years, like San Andreas and early Guitar Hero. And if there's RE4 Wii tearing up the charts from the beginning, perhaps RE5 heads to Wii by default.
brochiller said:
Nintendo is currently losing in monthly sales, and while they currently have the total sales lead, they can't afford to let the others catch up before they announce a new system, which will surely happen.
The most X360 ever outsold Wii in the US was the December after Wii released. With supply short, X360 beat it by half a million. If it started to do that every month, it would still not catch up until well into 2012.
onQ123 said:
Ahh, a Metroid controller.
IGN said:
It's worth keeping the scale in mind. If the 6" screen is legitimate, this controller mockup is about 11" wide. All the buttons/d-pad/sticks would be 50% greater in height and width than on the Classic Controller it's mocked up from.
awa64 said:
Prediction: The screen on the controllers won't be a traditional LCD/LED screen, but rather an eInk screen.
Not sure if serious. That has some advantages for reading and power consumption, but cost, lack of color, slow refresh rate, and inability to easily see in the dark would be baaaad here.
brain_stew said:
If you don't think that's a large leap forward then you're going to be disapointed by the other machines, as there's very little chance the jump from this systeem to them will be any bigger than the jump from the current generation to it.
You really think so?
Even if Sony use their NGP strategy for their next console and go with a current gen 2011 mid range PC GPU - opposed to a year old GPU for the ps3 at it's launch - for a ps4 in 2013. I'm pretty sure there will be a decent sized difference.


redbarchetta said:
God I hope this doesn't mean it's resistive. Fine on DS with a stylus, not fine on a console where you're using your thumbs.
Resistive touch on the 3DS work fine with Thumbs.
I love Pin in!

Oh, PIKMIN you say? :p

Anywho, I'm STOKED if Pikmin 3 has been moved to the Wii 2, the wait would indeed be worth it!

Sure we could've had Pikmin 3 Wii years ago and then Pikmin 4 on the Wii 2, but meh, better late than never, and in shiny new graphics and hardware. :D
xyla said:
Could be, but MS has Kinect, which could easily get them over the year, if they get some big seller and features for it and Sony has to establish the NGP which could benefit from a later playstation 4 launch because it can still get more PS3 ports.

I doubt MS is just going to ride out Kinect for the next two years. This thing is bound to slow down. And Sony doesn't seem to want to do ps3-ngp ports in the first place.

Any potential benefit of waiting until 2013/14 is negated by allowing their competitor to have 1-2 years on the market by themselves. Sony/MS won't even be able to rely on leapfrogging Wii2's technology this time around either. It can get every multiplatform game unlike the Wii.


Sammy Samusu said:
If WiiHD is slighty more powerful than Xbox 360 I'll be damned. :(
My hairdryer is more powerful than a 360, I hope Nintendo gets their shit together and include processors at least 5 times as powerful.


Unconfirmed Member
AceBandage said:
Didn't Activision basically come right out and say that Sony and MS have no plans of releasing a new system any time soon?
And they'd be the first to know if MS was going to jump the gun.
Good point.
So the 2012 AMD contract has to be for Nintendo, in which case they seem to be using a combined GPU/CPU, in which case 01net's PowerPC information is wrong. Unless AMD have something else cooking up for that period yet to be announced.

EDIT: Oh, and it was THQ who said that, while implying a new Nintendo machine was coming.
Hero of Legend said:
I love Pin in!

Oh, PIKMIN you say? :p

Anywho, I'm STOKED if Pikmin 3 has been moved to the Wii 2, the wait would indeed be worth it!

Sure we could've had Pikmin 3 Wii years ago and then Pikmin 4 on the Wii 2, but meh, better late than never, and in shiny new graphics and hardware. :D

You know what should do for a future Pikmin game? Claymation. Call me mad, but it's been done before, and it'd look astonishing in HD...


From The Dust said:
It will be worth it though :D
Upgraded Pikmin 2 graphics with Wiimote is more than I would want. Please just give me Pikmin 3 on the Wii and do a brand new installment later for project cafe.


EatChildren said:
In the long run sure, but not for the reveal I dont think, not if these hardware rumours are accurate.

yeah i think maybe it will. I think devs will take the opportunity of Wii HD's launch to port PS360 games that have the benefit of all the years of HD gen experience, and so the games will look slightly better than their PS360 versions.

In fact, I think that's entirely how most devs are going to choose to fill the Wii HD's launch window until they have more time to develop good games for it.
1-D_FTW said:
Why do you keep mentioning AMD's dual CPU/GPU chips? The French site says it's a triple core from IBM (for ease of 360 ports) and maybe helpful in backwards compatibility with Wii/Gamecube. There's no reason to dispute any of this info. Especially since it's in keeping with Nintendo not liking to change partners. They establish a relationship and don't like to move. There is absolutely zero reason to think Nintendo is getting one of these GPU on a CPU die from AMD. If the rumors of AMD having a contract for one of these in 2012 is correct, it's in all likelyhood for MS. Which only highlights the folly of Nintendo not rushing their concoction to market as quickly as possible to try and build up a Wii like lead before people catch on.

Whatever CPUs are integrated is kind of irrelevant, Current 360s actually integrate PowerPC cores and an AMD GPU on die already. I'm simply demonstrating the sort of GPU performance you can get in an integrated ~50w package in 2012, unless people expect Nintendo to release a console with a GPU weaker than last years integrated part.

P.s. There's absolutely no way Microsoft launches in 2012 with a system that merely matches modern day integrated graphics. They'll be miles away from the PC high end but not that far away.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Amir0x said:
yeah i think maybe it will. I think devs will take the opportunity of Wii HD's launch to port PS360 games that have the benefit of all the years of HD gen experience, and so the games will look slightly better than their PS360 versions.

In fact, I think that's entirely how most devs are going to choose to fill the Wii HD's launch window until they have more time to develop good games for it.

How the hell am I out cynicing you?

What the fuck is going on?

Where am I?
Solid_Rain said:
You really think so?
Even if Sony use their NGP strategy for their next console and go with a current gen 2011 mid range PC GPU - opposed to a year old GPU for the ps3 at it's launch - for a ps4 in 2013. I'm pretty sure there will be a decent sized difference.

It would be a decent sized difference. Just as the leap from Xennos to a modern 400sp GPU is a "decent sized difference."


Really interested in how their online system is going to work will it come with a headset or mic and a earpiece in every box?

I mean they want to attract third parties who know that if your game doesn't have a decent MP it may well sink, also DLC delivery is probably going to be another massive sticking point. the Wii as we've seen has an absolutely shocking online setup. MS and Sony have spent years getting their online areas in order. I can't see Nintendo having a service worth a damm for at least 4-5 years.

Just think of all those years they could have invested and they floundered. I feel it's going to bite them in the ass especially if they're targeting the 'hardcore' again. MS and Sony can start their next gen with a base to work from and users already on board with their services.

Even if this thing was outputting obscene power. I highly doubt many 'core' gamers would stick around if the online is shit.
New rumors suggesting a console that's a notch above the current gen falls in line with my predictions. I remember falling prey to the hype train with the Wii. People will make all sorts of crazy, outlandish predictions only to have Nintendo pull the rug out from under them. Of course I'd love to be wrong and have Nintendo release a console that's 5 times more powerful than the PS3, but that just doesn't fall in line with what they've been doing for the last 5 years.


JoshuaJSlone said:
It's worth keeping the scale in mind. If the 6" screen is legitimate, this controller mockup is about 11" wide. All the buttons/d-pad/sticks would be 50% greater in height and width than on the Classic Controller it's mocked up from.


6" would be the diagonal.

If we presume that the screen is 16:9 we can solve to get the exact length

a^2 + b ^ 2 = 36 per the Pythagorean theorem.

(let's say a is the height of the screen = 9x and b is the horizontal width = 16x).

(9x)^2 + (16x)^2 = 36

81x^2 + 256x^2 = 36

337x^2 = 36

18.358x = 6

x = 0.3268

Ergo, the height of the Wii2 controller screen is 2.94 inches and the screen width is 5.23 inches
Graphics Horse said:
A 6 inch screen doesn't look too bad when you put it next to a rubbered up Wii remote with motion+.

Something else to consider:
That kinda needs a more ergonomic form. Nintendo is sure to give it one so there is no point in worrying about that.


EatChildren said:
How the hell am I out cynicing you?

What the fuck is going on?

Where am I?

Heh. Come on, you don't think that's exactly how devs are going to push it? These ports will be "new to Nintendo fans", and they'll add in little extra features and a few new graphical flourishes and call it a day and that's how they will justify it.

Then we'll have a host of gamers and reviewers citing how much of a critical success this launch which is populated by pure ports and a SKYWARD SWORD 1080p and how it was clearly the best launch in years despite that port-y fact.

And then after a few months everyone will stop pretending the launch was any good and things will normalize with Wii HD receiving PS360 ports with slight upgrades each time until PS4 and Xbox Next come.*

*This is still cynical enough though, no?


Amir0x said:
yeah i think maybe it will. I think devs will take the opportunity of Wii HD's launch to port PS360 games that have the benefit of all the years of HD gen experience, and so the games will look slightly better than their PS360 versions.

In fact, I think that's entirely how most devs are going to choose to fill the Wii HD's launch window until they have more time to develop good games for it.

Exactly in the first year for Wii HD, it could get
Battlefield 3
Crysis 2
Witcher 2
Deus Ex 3
Mass Effect 2 and 3
Bioshock Infinite
Mortal Kombat
Tekken Tag 2
Dark Souls
Shadows of the Damned
Batman Arkham City
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Tomb Raider
Dragons Dogma
Dead Rising 2
and etc

all superior versions with the best graphics and optional wiimote pointer controls


KAL2006 said:
Exactly in the first year for Wii HD, it could get
Battlefield 3
Crysis 2
Witcher 2
Deus Ex 3
Mass Effect 2 and 3
Bioshock Infinite
Mortal Kombat
Tekken Tag 2
Dark Souls
Shadows of the Damned
Batman Arkham City
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Tomb Raider
Dragons Dogma
Dead Rising 2
and etc

all superior versions with the best graphics and optional wiimote pointer controls

Well superior unless the one controller really is mostly touch screen controls as replacement for legitimate buttons. Then, sadly, we must abandon that ship :(

Green Scar said:
It'd be great if this thing could run uncompromised ports of The Witcher 2 and Battlefield 3.

LOL. Damn GAF knows how to dream big. I think I need to start dreaming bigger
Amir0x said:
yeah i think maybe it will. I think devs will take the opportunity of Wii HD's launch to port PS360 games that have the benefit of all the years of HD gen experience, and so the games will look slightly better than their PS360 versions.

In fact, I think that's entirely how most devs are going to choose to fill the Wii HD's launch window until they have more time to develop good games for it.
PlayStation 3 is slightly better than Xbox 360.

WiiHD is a new hardware so we should expect bugged ports and the worst version of multiplatform games. Also, why develop a WiiHD exclusive if has the same power of the current generation?

This console is a mess. Nintendo you betta get your shit together this time, I want to play Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter and Dead Space on the same platform!
Green Scar said:
You know what should do for a future Pikmin game? Claymation. Call me mad, but it's been done before, and it'd look astonishing in HD...

I can see where you're coming from with the Pikmin 2 box and such, and it'd be a lovely alternative, but I personally would prefer if they stuck with the realistic visuals. Pikmin in photo-realistic visuals someday = DROOL!

Strange, I'd go as far to say it's one of the few games that has done realistic visuals right on the GC (and Wii...). They seem really realistic as opposed to cartoony to me, even though the characters are cartoony.

Sammy Samusu said:
PlayStation 3 is slightly better than Xbox 360.

WiiHD is a new hardware so we should expect bugged ports and the worst version of multiplatforms games. Also, why develop a WiiHD exclusive if has the same power of the current generation?

This console is a mess. Nintendo you betta get your shit together this time, I want to play Animal Crossing, Monster Hunter and Dead Space on the same platform!

You mostly have that on Wii, as long as you really like Extraction. :p
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