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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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01net.com said:
- Developer quotes: graphics capabilities "roughly equal to those of the Xbox 360", performance "over the Xbox 360, but just a notch"

Must have Nintendo titles like Mario/Zelda/Metroid etc. looking 360-ish? I can live with that.


Project Cafe....internet cafe? Maybe Nintendo is alluding to their online strategy finally coming together with this new system or some kind of social aspect of the system. Also, could it have something to do with ordering/customizing stuff a la Starbucks? Probably reading too much into it, I bet it's just the name of the CPU or something.


Buckethead said:
How did we get on GTA?

Anyway there's a 0% chance that GTA V will be on 'Wii 2'.


If developers follow this pattern they have with porting, then I see nothing strange with GTA 5 being released on all three systems. Wouldn't hurt them in the slightest.

There is no fricking way that happens. Their largest demographic couldnt care less about online compatibility. If this system is only marginally more powerful than the 360 then they are adopting their strategy they had this generation. Don't expect Nintendo to care about online, or a hardcore community all of a sudden because a new console is coming out. If the power specs are true then its very telling.

If Nintendo wants to rope the "core" group in, then online play and community would have to be part of their master plan, otherwise there's no real way they could convince them to sign up. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a headset in the box, but I do think there will be a headset available at launch.


zeioIIDX said:
Project Cafe....internet cafe? Maybe Nintendo is alluding to their online strategy finally coming together with this new system or some kind of social aspect of the system. Also, could it have something to do with ordering/customizing stuff a la Starbucks? Probably reading too much into it, I bet it's just the name of the CPU or something.

This is exactly how I interpreted it.


WrikaWrek said:
A notch above the 360? Jesus, my interest has just flat lined.

Nothing at all is confirmed though, all of this stuff is talk from "sources". No one who has seen the system has come out and said "Yeah, it's this and that and blah blah blah".
WrikaWrek said:
A notch above the 360? Jesus, my interest has just flat lined.
Why would nintendo change their business model when the one they have works so well for them? The days of nintendo vying for hardcore console dominance are gone. Their main demographic is not you and I. They will build a cheap to buy console with a innovative controller to try and recapture the magic of the wii. At least thats my opinion.
EDarkness said:
If developers follow this pattern they have with porting, then I see nothing strange with GTA 5 being released on all three systems. Wouldn't hurt them in the slightest.

If Nintendo wants to rope the "core" group in, then online play and community would have to be part of their master plan, otherwise there's no real way they could convince them to sign up. I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't a headset in the box, but I do think there will be a headset available at launch.

I dont think they do, oh how many of us own wii's on here? I know I do. Do you? My point being is that the "core" group is the least demographic they should be worried about. We always find an excuse to buy a console.


Sammy Samusu said:
Yeah, I'm not sure why we the french site information is being discussed as the real tea. IGN said WiiHD is "significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360".
Everybody is so quick to forget what IGN said the 3DS was capable of. Graphics equal to the 360/PS3, they said. Why are we trusting their word again?
TheExecutive said:
Why would nintendo change their business model when the one they have works so well for them? The days of nintendo vying for hardcore console dominance are gone. Their main demographic is not you and I. They will build a cheap to buy console with a innovative controller to try and recapture the magic of the wii. At least thats my opinion.

That's not what there saying , they want to get back the hardcore market.
Just look at 3DS which is trying to get both.
Even if Nintendo next gen system is stronger than Xbox360\PS3 i have to see there online .


From "way more powerful than the PS3" to "slightly better than the 360"? This just the latest rumor, right? Not the more accurate one I hope. If it is...well, at least their killing my hype before the E3 conference. Nothing's worse than going in with high expectations and then having them stomped during the show.
TheExecutive said:
Why would nintendo change their business model when the one they have works so well for them? The days of nintendo vying for hardcore console dominance are gone. Their main demographic is not you and I. They will build a cheap to buy console with a innovative controller to try and recapture the magic of the wii. At least thats my opinion.
Gamers get screwed because 3rd party devs say fuck it. Sure you please the 4 year olds and grandmas with bowling with the controller but when it comes down to straight up games...well look at the Wii.


GAF's Bob Woodward
TheExecutive said:
Why would nintendo change their business model when the one they have works so well for them? The days of nintendo vying for hardcore console dominance are gone.

Some of the early reports were all 'nintendo's coming back for the hardcore', 'they're serious', 'they want to recapture the western gamer' etc. etc.

They might tempt some of that demographic over in a transitional way if MS/Sony take their time with systems - something that plays notably better versions of big third party games for a year or two might do that - but the impression of the above has people wanting and hoping that Nintendo will also have enough power to remain in the loop with big third party games from the PS4/720 generation too.

And maybe they do. But similar power to 360/PS3 could be cutting it fine and would be disappointing when people know a lot more would be possible and would like Nintendo to bring that 'more' to the table, and bring a machine in 2012 that can really last in a more comprehensive way for the coming generation.

I realise I'm not answering your question, but it would explain why people are hoping for 'a change of approach'.


SykoTech said:
From "way more powerful than the PS3" to "slightly better than the 360"? This just the latest rumor, right? Not the more accurate one I hope. If it is...well, at least their killing my hype before the E3 conference. Nothing's worse than going in with high expectations and then having them stomped during the show.
Yeah, my hype has been on a steady decline with every new rumor.


Maturity, bitches.
TheExecutive said:
Why would nintendo change their business model when the one they have works so well for them? The days of nintendo vying for hardcore console dominance are gone. Their main demographic is not you and I. They will build a cheap to buy console with a innovative controller to try and recapture the magic of the wii. At least thats my opinion.
Their demographic is everyone, so apparently not to be in that demographic means you are no one. That's on the system side of things of course. Their games however will have more specific demographics like everyone who likes Mario, everyone who likes dogs or cats with dogs (but not cats on their own), or those with a brain age greater than 20.
A little over 360? Seriously?

I mean I love the 360 but good lord Nintendo, you cheap bastards.
I'm not expecting "PS4 level" whatever that means but how disappointing.

They rake in piles of fucking money and all they can come up with is "slightly better than 360"? Jesus.

Definitely more of a Nintendo/frugal thing to do, but if they think that'll get the hardcores... LOL.

Angry Fork

Nintendo fans have got to be the most forgiving fans ever. I like Nintendo (sometimes) but I'm amazed that people are willing to accept 360-level power or 'just a notch above' this current gen.

Even if they have a better online system, more games etc. all that, it's like people magically forget the Wii for some reason and are okay with Nintendo again. It's amazing. Everyone just welcomes then with open arms no matter what they do. It's like those stockholm girlfriends that get beaten and then when the boyfriend does 1 nice thing for them they love them again (and forget about/ignore all the beating).

For me personally the Wii's terrible'ness will linger and won't go out of my mind for a looooong time. So they really need to court me at E3 with some mind blowing stuff and not this 512mb ram 360-level bullshit. They need to show like 10 core games from various franchises and some new IPs also developed by Nintendo, like really go all out. And no Wii Sports new IP bullshit, that's cheating. It needs to be something that can rival Mario/Zelda status. I'm tired of the laziness and print money strategy bullshit, if they go for that again there's no way I'd support it.


SykoTech said:
From "way more powerful than the PS3" to "slightly better than the 360"? This just the latest rumor, right? Not the more accurate one I hope. If it is...well, at least their killing my hype before the E3 conference. Nothing's worse than going in with high expectations and then having them stomped during the show.
I'm hearing "you will say 'wow'" all over again.

I am a Nintendo whore, so if they produce the machine and there's a Mario game on it, I'll buy it. If the more recent talk of it only being around or just a small notch above Xbox 360 is to be believed, though, then they'll be in trouble. Motion will be part of MS and Sony's new consoles to some extent, so unless Nintendo has another control revolution in mind, what will they have anymore that entices third parties to develop for Cafe?


I can not fathom how a R700 family gpu coudl ever be merely a slight notch above xbox 360.
Even the low end of the family spits all over the x1600 derivative in the 360.
Unless they gimp it so much when it comes to amount of steamprocessors or memorybandwidth.


TheExecutive said:
Why would nintendo change their business model when the one they have works so well for them? The days of nintendo vying for hardcore console dominance are gone. Their main demographic is not you and I. They will build a cheap to buy console with a innovative controller to try and recapture the magic of the wii. At least thats my opinion.

How inovative is it really though? I guess that's the 10 million dollar question. Because if it's just a poor man's iPad, casuals aren't going to be flocking to this. iPad is selling like gangbusters despite its price. Casuals aren't clamoring for a 6 inch version, in standard def, and single input touch. Plus, iPad 3 will be out in 2012 and be more powerful than Wii 2 by the time it launches.

An enhanced Kinect, with redone controller, that has a Fusion GPU/CPU and can do today's BF3 at 1080P and 60fps could appeal to both casual and hardcore much better than whatever Nintendo is cooking up. Past success doesn't guarantee anything. And if we're judging current success, clearly Kinect has more buzz than Wiimotes at present.


Beyond3D said:
My guess is Nintendo went to AMD for a GPU design to integrate with the PowerPC design they wanted to use, but AMD wouldn't let them use their current tech unless they bought whole Fusion APUs for the system. Instead they licensed their older R700 series tech to Nintendo to do what they want.

Interesting idea...


Angry Fork said:
Nintendo fans have got to be the most forgiving fans ever. I like Nintendo (sometimes) but I'm amazed that people are willing to accept 360-level power or 'just a notch above' this current gen.

Even if they have a better online system, more games etc. all that, it's like people magically forget the Wii for some reason and are okay with Nintendo again. It's amazing. Everyone just welcomes then with open arms no matter what they do. It's like those stockholm girlfriends that get beaten and then when the boyfriend does 1 nice thing for them they love them again (and forget about/ignore all the beating).

For me personally the Wii's terrible'ness will linger and won't go out of my mind for a looooong time. So they really need to court me at E3 with some mind blowing stuff and not this 512mb ram 360-level bullshit. They need to show like 10 core games from various franchises and some new IPs also developed by Nintendo, like really go all out. And no Wii Sports new IP bullshit, that's cheating. It needs to be something that can rival Mario/Zelda status. I'm tired of the laziness and print money strategy bullshit, if they go for that again there's no way I'd support it.

I don't think it really has anything to do with being a Nintendo fan. I'm just in general not a graphics whore. Super Meat Boy and Limbo were two of my favorite games this gen and they could have easily been done on the Dreamcast.

why would I want to "magically forget about the Wii" when I thought it was a great system with a ton of fun titles?


Amir0x said:
I think if there was console exclusive games I'd probably get the Wii HD version IF the one controller doesn't abandon many buttons for touch screen control. The only exception would be if there is a online game, 'cause the online community is way more developed on PS360 and so I'd get one of those.

At least until PS4 and Xbox Next arrive.

If the Wii 2 is better than the others, then yeah, that's pretty much a no brainer, but I worry about this controller. I'm with you on the buttons thing. No buttons? Ugh. I can deal with screens and even big screens, but video buttons is why I don't play games on my iPhone.


Can we just assume we don't know how much more powerful this thing will be than current gen consoles? The reports have been very conflicting, and people's interpretation of "significant" or "a notch above" will always differ. We just don't have enough information yet.
Just a notch over 360? It's been over five years since that thing came out. That's really, really disappointing. Any hype I had for the system is gone.


Woffls said:
Can we just assume we don't know how much more powerful this thing will be than current gen consoles? The reports have been very conflicting, and people's interpretation of "significant" or "a notch above" will always differ. We just don't have enough information yet.

NO! We must take all of this information and use it as if it were fact! Instead of having an interesting discussion about the possibilities of the system and taking the information with a grain of salt, we must say things like "Oh lawdy Nintendo, only slightly more powerful than the 360? Hype train derailed!"


GAF's Bob Woodward
-MB- said:
I can not fathom how a R700 family gpu coudl ever be merely a slight notch above xbox 360.
Even the low end of the family spits all over the x1600 derivative in the 360.
Unless they gimp it so much when it comes to amount of steamprocessors or memorybandwidth.

The 4350/4550 derivatives are certainly less powerful than Xenos?

I'd hope for something closer to the 4650 or 4670 configuration at least though.


Nintendo-4Life said:
So will this thing have motion controls or not? all the mockups i've seen say no..

Maybe it comes with both a wiimote-esque motion controller and a classic controller with screen. I dunno.


Weren't nintendo in talks with rockstar last time. And all we got was chinatown wars and a port of bully. Would be amazing if nintendo can get GTA V as a timed exclusive for wii2
Woffls said:
Can we just assume we don't know how much more powerful this thing will be than current gen consoles? The reports have been very conflicting, and people's interpretation of "significant" or "a notch above" will always differ. We just don't have enough information yet.
I see your point but then we just sit on our hands and wait for 2 months.

As we all know that's what 95% of life is - waiting and bullshitting until something good finally happens.

Would be amazing if nintendo can get GTA V as a timed exclusive for wii2
grap3fruitman said:
Just a notch over 360? It's been over five years since that thing came out. That's really, really disappointing. Any hype I had for the system is gone.

What is the first word of this thread's title?


Doorman said:
I'm hearing "you will say 'wow'" all over again.

I am a Nintendo whore, so if they produce the machine and there's a Mario game on it, I'll buy it. If the more recent talk of it only being around or just a small notch above Xbox 360 is to be believed, though, then they'll be in trouble. Motion will be part of MS and Sony's new consoles to some extent, so unless Nintendo has another control revolution in mind, what will they have anymore that entices third parties to develop for Cafe?
Additionally, if they're a year+ ahead of the competition as expected, there's plenty of time for Sony to steal anything worth stealing.


aka andydumi
richisawesome said:
Maybe it comes with both a wiimote-esque motion controller and a classic controller with screen. I dunno.

I hope so.

Otherwise a large touch screen like that would make the controller sort of unwieldy. I mean 6 inches is a huge screen, its like having a Kindle for a controller. There is almost no possible way to make that easy to hold and play with.

Perhaps the touchscreen one is not a traditional controller at all though. But sort of a tablet accessory. Like an intermediary between the console and the actual controller. An analogy would be using a Dualshock 3 to control a PS3 but the output is streamed on a PSP in front of you. And said "PSP"/tables can have builtin camera and wiimote sensors, so you can play without being on front of the main TV.
idwl said:
Weren't nintendo in talks with rockstar last time. And all we got was chinatown wars and a port of bully. Would be amazing if nintendo can get GTA V as a timed exclusive for wii2

Rockstar should never take such a deal, if the system launches in Holiday 2012, would people really rush out to buy this fantastical system just to play GTA V...there would be way more consumers on the HD systems to make more (and would this system have a good system for DLC support, I think online details are honestly more vital than a touchscreen controller)

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
If the rumors are true you guys shouldn't worry about the power issue. This isn't the wii bs 360/ps3 thing again for a couple of reasons:

-both Sony and ms were willing to ride the tech for another few years.
-the lack of hd was really noticable. What will the ps4 and xbox2 bring that can make their systems stand out besides more polys and shaders?
-Besides guys like Dice devs seem content with current gen hardware. As it is they struggle to get shit out on time.
-There soooo many games in the pipeline for current gen that the wii 2 will benefit for years from new releases....if it's successful.
-as evidenced by the 360/ps3/pc devs will not necessarily code to the most powerful hardware.


Buckethead, I understand your "0%" as to a timed Wii2 exclusive, but why do you assume there's a 0% chance that GTA5 will release on Wii2 when it will be the most powerful system out when the game is released?


Red UFO said:
This is exactly how I interpreted it.
Actually the more I think about the customization/Starbucks analogy, it could make sense seeing as how the rumors speak of a touch screen on the controller. I could only imagine Nintendo would allow you or the developers of a game to customize the button layout and stuff on the controller!


Maturity, bitches.
grap3fruitman said:
Just a notch over 360? It's been over five years since that thing came out. That's really, really disappointing. Any hype I had for the system is gone.
The only time you should get hyped is when Nintendo confirms things. Right now everything is up in the air.

My mean for example latest sources state it has the power of 120 Stars merged with the Triforce. In order to tame this beast of a system you must raise an army and conquer your neighbourhood. If you are deemed worthy, the start button will materialise on the controller and you may now begin playing.

If you are deemed unworthy the machine will dematerialise, your warranty will be void and the receipt destroyed.

Colours available at launch will not matter for it will soon be stained with the blood of your enemies*.

*You may need to exchange friend codes in order to take advantage of this feature.

Source: My Uncle Iwata, president of Nintendo, during dinner last night.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
How do you stream games onto the controller? I mean, would you need to use the internet in order to do that? What if there are people who cannot do that?

Wouldn't you just need a wifi chip in the controller? If the system and the controller have wifi n chips inside, isn't that easily enough transfer speed to do gaming?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Doc Holliday said:
If the rumors are true you guys shouldn't worry about the power issue. This isn't the wii bs 360/ps3 thing again for a couple of reasons:

-both Sony and ms were willing to ride the tech for another few years.

If they do, a system like this will be fine. Nintendo can ride it for a few years and join MS and Sony with a new system in 2016 or whatever.

I don't think that's likely though. There'll probably be a transition across 2012-2014.

Whether Wii2 would be screwed by that from a content or hardcore appeal POV depends on a lot of variables we don't really have visibility of. But I think it's fair to say that people would rather Nintendo were generous with system power rather than to cut it fine, to give confidence their system could weather that transition and remain in play for 'big' third party titles of the next 5-6 years.


Doc Holliday said:
If the rumors are true you guys shouldn't worry about the power issue. This isn't the wii bs 360/ps3 thing again for a couple of reasons:

-both Sony and ms were willing to ride the tech for another few years.
-the lack of hd was really noticable. What will the ps4 and xbox2 bring that can make their systems stand out besides more polys and shaders?
-Besides guys like Dice devs seem content with current gen hardware. As it is they struggle to get shit out on time.
-There soooo many games in the pipeline for current gen that the wii 2 will benefit for years from new releases....if it's successful.
-as evidenced by the 360/ps3/pc devs will not necessarily code to the most powerful hardware.
These are all valid points IF Project cafe is in the same generational power as the PS4/720. Otherwise it will be the same as this generation.

Neo Child

Nintendo seems only to invest in innovation, thats great and stuff but they spent too much time on that on not on Graphics, Online etc, which is equally as important as innovation.

The only reason I play on Nintendo systems is for their games like Mario and Donkey Kong. At this point I could really care less if Nintendo became a third party, beacause having a Mario/Pokemon game with online community like XBox Live, achievements etc would be fantastic.
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