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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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Eric C

Mistle said:
Has anybody thought that maybe it'll look something like this? Replace the keyboard with a screen:

Mistle said:
Here's my mock up:


Screen is detachable. Don't take it too seriously, lol. I do believe it's much more ergonomic than the other mock ups though.

EDIT: Btw- I in no way wish for Skyward Sword to be moved to next-gen, haha

I like it.

Amir0x said:
This is my bet:


The screen would of course be able to change what is presented on it, and the controller itself would be somewhat wider than the Wiimote we have now. The screen would have d-pad or A buttons and 1+2 buttons etc depending on orientation, etc. And of course the screen would recognize what direction you're holding the wiimote.

Amir0x, STILL not a wireless nunchuck?
gundamkyoukai said:
They were first to talk about the controller , they also gave specs for the NGP and they were mostly right . Either way as gofreak said not every one see upgrades the same way.

I'm willing to bet they're just looking to capitalize on their rep as getting NGP right to get traffic. a 6" single touch screen seems like a pointless, terrible idea.

Actually a 6" screen sounds terrible period.


We still don't know what "the big surprise" saved for E3 is. Something tells me that all those rumors contain only half of the truth (like saying DS has two screens... and one of them is touch-capable, or Wii has a pointer controller... and it can also detect motion in 3D). As it is now that big screen on the controller and streamable games don't make any sense, but when we see E3 presentation it should all come together.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Another thing, we've never seen nintendo franchises with "next gen" tech. It's not like when wii launched, where you had Zelda basically on the same hardware that you played luigis mansion on.
I'd be happy with something a bit more powerful than the 360. In my opinion the visual leap in graphics beyond that point is minimal at best.
Doc Holliday said:
Another thing, we've never seen nintendo franchises with "next gen" tech. It's not like when wii launched, where you had Zelda basically on the same hardware that you played luigis mansion on.

Was Galaxy a launch? Even if a few months later, the game still looks better than a lot of current generation games.


Maturity, bitches.
Doc Holliday said:
Another thing, we've never seen nintendo franchises with "next gen" tech. It's not like when wii launched, where you had Zelda basically on the same hardware that you played luigis mansion on.
They released Pilotwings and Nintendogs the other day.


TheExecutive said:
What do you mean?

I think he means... how can a game like Uncharted 2 look a TON better?

I don't think it really can unless you are going for photorealism, which Nintendo doesn't do.

but then that wraps around to... does Nintendo still not care about 3rd party devs?


evilromero said:
I'd be happy with something a bit more powerful than the 360. In my opinion the visual leap in graphics beyond that point is minimal at best.
This is what a HD 4870 can put out if properly coded for(this is a real time demo created by AMD specifically to show what developing for one GPU console style can pull off):

Now tell me that the visual leap beyond 360 is minimal at best.


Maturity, bitches.
Futureman said:
and? He's saying "next gen" CONSOLE tech, not handheld.
He said next-gen tech actually. Currently 3DS is the only thing that can be considered so.

Or maybe 3DS is current gen and everything else is old hat. ( ゚∀゚)


Rekubot said:
Everybody is so quick to forget what IGN said the 3DS was capable of. Graphics equal to the 360/PS3, they said. Why are we trusting their word again?
IGN said:
Nintendo has not revealed any specs for the 3DS system, but expect it to well surpass the Nintendo DS in visual and processor capabilities. To provide stereoscopic 3D effects the system must have the ability to render each game field twice, one for each of the player’s eyes, a technique that will require significant horsepower to produce.

Several developers that have experienced 3DS in its current form have reported, off the record, that it has processing capabilities that far exceed the Nintendo Wii and bring the device with abilities that are close to HD consoles such as PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.



Mr_Brit said:
This is what a HD 4870 can put out if properly coded for(this is a real time demo created by AMD specifically to show what developing for one GPU console style can pull off):

And other than odd man out IGN (prone to exaggerate), nobody is talking about it being more powerful though. Nintendo is more likely to be using something like the 4350. People would have to be crazy to be disappointed with 4870. It's a solid, sensible choice from a performance/price POV.


miksar said:
We still don't know what "the big surprise" saved for E3 is. Something tells me that all those rumors contain only half of the truth (like saying DS has two screens... and one of them is touch-capable, or Wii has a pointer controller... and it can also detect motion in 3D). As it is now that big screen on the controller and streamable games don't make any sense, but when we see E3 presentation it should all come together.

We still don't if any of this stuff is true.


This is the reason why I usually never post in a rumor thread. So many conflicted rumors and people who act like the rumors are facts. Please wait guys. We'll know in less than 10 days/or at E3.
evilromero said:
I'd be happy with something a bit more powerful than the 360. In my opinion the visual leap in graphics beyond that point is minimal at best.

You're being naive to think the visuals on the Xbox Next / PS4 won't be significantly better, they will.


Neo Child said:
The only reason I play on Nintendo systems is for their games like Mario and Donkey Kong. At this point I could really care less if Nintendo became a third party, beacause having a Mario/Pokemon game with online community like XBox Live, achievements etc would be fantastic.
Glad to see you still care

Like going into the Wii/PS3/360 generation, this is going to be a fascinating new time to see what happens when it comes to third party support. The Wii took off early and quickly staked its position as the system with the largest install base. Looking back at what happened with the PS2, everybody assumed that this advantage would help make up for it being the weakest system and everyone would jump on to support it. That...largely didn't happen. Some publishers gave it a shot, but for the most part it became the home of B-team efforts or nothing of substance at all while everyone moved their "real" projects to the HD brothers.

So now we have word of Nintendo hoping to break back into the hardcore market and make a more powerful machine, something that can at least stay within spitting distance of Sony and MS's next-gen. But the last time Nintendo's machine had power comparable to the competition we had the Gamecube...which also lost out on third party support compared to the rest. What other answers can they come up with?
I'll wait for more info and the E3 revealing, but sounds rather discouraging...I just can't see a 6'' screen (resistive?...wtf) attached to some controller, isn't that fucking big? I mean a galaxy tab is just a bit more bigger, and I certainly wouldn't accept a controller that big....

Also specs looks really unimpressive, it may be enough to have HD ports for the next 2 years, but when Sony and MS releases their new hardware, Nintendo console will be left again in the dust..., even if Sony and MS takes a more conservative aproach with the hardware....

Well, they say seeing is believing so I'll wait before make a final judgement...
Opus Angelorum said:
You're being naive to think the visuals on the Xbox Next / PS4 won't be significantly better, they will.

All I care about those consoles are realistic animations and facial expressions like that of LA Noire that should be mandatory in every game.


Celine said:

Unfortunately, most games require more than two characters and a static background. You could easily make the argument Pilotwings is the most impressive game graphically (among those rendering a whole world of polygons), And not only is it not really that impressive, the framerate is pretty sucky to boot. The 3D does seem to smooth framerate jitteriness out, but I swear that game is dropping to 20 fps a lot of the time.


KAL2006 said:
Exactly in the first year for Wii HD, it could get
Battlefield 3
Crysis 2
Witcher 2
Deus Ex 3
Mass Effect 2 and 3
Bioshock Infinite
Mortal Kombat
Tekken Tag 2
Dark Souls
Shadows of the Damned
Batman Arkham City
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Tomb Raider
Dragons Dogma
Dead Rising 2
and etc

all superior versions with the best graphics and optional wiimote pointer controls

I dunno, the time and money devs/publishers put in to them is just as important as the hardware.

I mean if devs set out to make a superior version or to take advantage of the hardware then you're probably correct. However if they set out with a mindset of releasing it in a small time frame or for launch then rush jobs and inferior ports can happen.
TheExecutive said:
What do you mean?
I guess I mean even if it was more powerful than the PS360 like originally claimed that it wouldn't be a considerable difference for me. Just as powerful or significantly more powerful today doesn't have the same effect as it did ten years ago.


Doorman said:
What other answers can they come up with?

Nintendo isn't hardcore enough....

"We like Nintendo. They're a great company and we wish them the best, but our target demographics don't line up."
Mr_Brit said:
This is what a HD 4870 can put out if properly coded for(this is a real time demo created by AMD specifically to show what developing for one GPU console style can pull off):

Now tell me that the visual leap beyond 360 is minimal at best.
Only the robot is being rendered. The city is real footage.


"One last big surprise" what a load of BS. More like you have no idea what you're talking about and you just want to generate discussion on your site!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Door2Dawn said:
This. Didn't CVC and 01.net flat out say they don't ANYTHING about the CPU and the RAM?


In terms of hardware there are no concrete or rumoured specifications at all. It's all speculation and guesses.

In terms of horsepower, the only thing we know is that sources are stating it's a little bit more powerful than the Xbox 360, or in the case of IGN much more powerful than the PS3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
EatChildren said:

In terms of hardware there are no concrete or rumoured specifications at all. It's all speculation and guesses.

01net does 'flat out' say the CPU is a tri-core PowerPC variant. They're less definitive on the GPU though, but they say 'probably' a R700 derivative.

Big One

Opus Angelorum said:
You're being naive to think the visuals on the Xbox Next / PS4 won't be significantly better, they will.
The philosophy behind Microsoft and Sony's rebrandings says otherwise, however. I think it's more foolish expecting Microsoft to release another Xbox soon when they've said mulitple times that the Xbox 360 + Kinect is meant to be the new one. The philosophy on Microsoft's front seems to be pretty much rebrand your console and extend it's lifespan, and Sony has also said they're interested in extending the lifespan of the PS3. So in other words it's very doubtful that either successor system will come out anytime soon in the next few years, and we barely know anything to suggest what they're going to be like.


I'm perfectly happy with slightly about 360 levels. Why, because I'm not a graphics whore. All I want is Nintendo's franchises in HD, that's it, since Nintendo's console is the only one I'm going to get next gen. I have a kid now, I can't afford to buy all 3 systems anymore (and honestly, this gen really disappointed me).
EatChildren said:

In terms of hardware there are no concrete or rumoured specifications at all. It's all speculation and guesses.

In terms of horsepower, the only thing we know is that sources are stating it's a little bit more powerful than the Xbox 360, or in the case of IGN much more powerful than the PS3.

Which means it won't be a huge generational leap, but it'll definitely be noticeable.
Angry Fork said:
Nintendo fans have got to be the most forgiving fans ever. I like Nintendo (sometimes) but I'm amazed that people are willing to accept 360-level power or 'just a notch above' this current gen.

Even if they have a better online system, more games etc. all that, it's like people magically forget the Wii for some reason and are okay with Nintendo again. It's amazing. Everyone just welcomes then with open arms no matter what they do. It's like those stockholm girlfriends that get beaten and then when the boyfriend does 1 nice thing for them they love them again (and forget about/ignore all the beating).

For me personally the Wii's terrible'ness will linger and won't go out of my mind for a looooong time. So they really need to court me at E3 with some mind blowing stuff and not this 512mb ram 360-level bullshit. They need to show like 10 core games from various franchises and some new IPs also developed by Nintendo, like really go all out. And no Wii Sports new IP bullshit, that's cheating. It needs to be something that can rival Mario/Zelda status. I'm tired of the laziness and print money strategy bullshit, if they go for that again there's no way I'd support it.

Except despite having such incredibly inferior hardware this gen they were still able to make by far the best games (IMO of course). Also my favourite looking games this gen have been on the wii as well. You call them lazy i call them the only reason i haven't stopped gaming altogether (besides blizzard).

Personally i wouldn't care if nintendos next console wasn't that much more powerful than the 360/PS3. Nintendo have shown what they are capable of with even the wiis hardware so i suspect they can do quite a bit with that level of power, im especially looking forward to zelda.

Also you need to remember that everything you have been reading is nothing but rumours. I think it will end up being a decent amount more powerful than the 360/PS3 and thats enough for me. Developers are struggling enough as it is.
AdventureRacing said:
Except despite having such incredibly inferior hardware this gen they were still able to make by far the best games (IMO of course). Also my favourite looking games this gen have been on the wii as well. You call them lazy i call them the only reason i haven't stopped gaming altogether (besides blizzard).

Personally i wouldn't care if nintendos next console wasn't that much more powerful than the 360/PS3. Nintendo have shown what they are capable of with even the wiis hardware so i suspect they can do quite a bit with that level of power, im especially looking forward to zelda.

Also you need to remember that everything you have been reading is nothing but rumours. I think it will end up being a decent amount more powerful than the 360/PS3 and thats enough for me. Developers are struggling enough as it is.

Even with its shit power, the Wii got most of my favorite third party games of this generation.
People really didn't give that system a fair shake.
Big One said:
The philosophy behind Microsoft and Sony's rebrandings says otherwise, however. I think it's more foolish expecting Microsoft to release another Xbox soon when they've said mulitple times that the Xbox 360 + Kinect is meant to be the new one. The philosophy on Microsoft's front seems to be pretty much rebrand your console and extend it's lifespan, and Sony has also said they're interested in extending the lifespan of the PS3. So in other words it's very doubtful that either successor system will come out anytime soon in the next few years, and we barely know anything to suggest what they're going to be like.

Except THQ the big publishers are pushing for the next gen already, obviously the lifespan will be larger, but there's no way MS and Sony are gonna spend several years stuck in the same hardware, there basically no need, NGP showed that you can have a gen leap with a more conservative hardware aproach.

Yeah, we remember the Sony PR about having 10 years of lifespan and such, but I'll give this gen 2 more years, before new consoles will appear leaving Wii 2 (depending of the final hardware specs) left behind by big publishers...
Kind of confused on this part, but if Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than the 360, wouldn't that be a problem? I mean, Nintendo announces it at E3, releases it in 2012, then Sony and Microsoft come out with even more powerful systems in 2013. Nintendo is still behind the graphics curve. Again.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
1-D_FTW said:
Unfortunately, most games require more than two characters and a static background. You could easily make the argument Pilotwings is the most impressive game graphically (among those rendering a whole world of polygons), And not only is it not really that impressive, the framerate is pretty sucky to boot. The 3D does seem to smooth framerate jitteriness out, but I swear that game is dropping to 20 fps a lot of the time.

Did you see Revelations?


Dax01 said:
Kind of confused on this part, but if Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than the 360, wouldn't that be a problem? I mean, Nintendo announces it at E3, releases it in 2012, then Sony and Microsoft come out with even more powerful systems in 2013. Nintendo is still behind the graphics curve. Again.

Nintendo would still have a year on the market with the most powerful system which would be different from last gen. And maybe I'm wrong here, but it seems like downporting from PS4/720 -> Wii 2 would result in much better/acceptable results than porting a top tier 360 game to Wii.

And in the end, if you are correct, it may not matter if they are behind the curve as it CERTAINLY did not matter this gen.
Dax01 said:
Kind of confused on this part, but if Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than the 360, wouldn't that be a problem? I mean, Nintendo announces it at E3, releases it in 2012, then Sony and Microsoft come out with even more powerful systems in 2013. Nintendo is still behind the graphics curve. Again.

It'll be a far smaller gap than Wii->PS3.
The N6 will be above the 360 and be able to handle pretty much all the little graphical effects that the PS4/720 can, just with less geometry and less AA.
It'll still allow for multiplatform games, and launching early means they'll have a good userbase.
Dax01 said:
Kind of confused on this part, but if Wii 2 is only slightly more powerful than the 360, wouldn't that be a problem? I mean, Nintendo announces it at E3, releases it in 2012, then Sony and Microsoft come out with even more powerful systems in 2013. Nintendo is still behind the graphics curve. Again.

At least we'll get more FUD from the tech demos, like the 360/PS3 reveals.


civilstrife said:
Only the robot is being rendered. The city is real footage.
The graphics are amazing. But it doesn't look real to me at all. The whole screenshot is real time I would say.
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