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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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shinobi602 said:
Yea, I've seen that list before. Out of all those I'm only interested in:

Conduit 2
Goldeneye 007
Sonic Colors
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Not enough to warrant buying a Wii for me =/

Of course, since all of those four games you listed played better with other controllers.

Classic Controller is more a VC thing.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Zombie James said:
The tech sounds impressive, but they need to address other issues as well:

Online. No friend codes, please.
Price. I hope the 3DS isn't a trend.
Controls. Launch with a standard, normal, symmetrical controller in the box.

These three, please. I really hope the 3DS price thing (based on hype, apparently) doesn't become a trend at all.

Heh, GAF keeps dying on me. Imagine what'll happen when E3 rolls around. Sheesh!

mr stroke

Wario64 said:

EDIT: Kotaku reports more powerful than X360/PS3

Is there a possibility the next Zelda will look this good




JordanLMiller said:
Skyward Sword port incoming!

Whachoo talkn'bout Willis?

Embrace western gamers...beasty online console sounds pretty good. I wonder how it's gonna look though. Surely they won't abandon their japanese visual aesthetic?
Mrbob said:
Nintendo better not half ass this. Best be significantly more powerful than the PS3 and 360.
I reckon it'll be as powerful as PS360. Then PS4 and 460 will will be so much more powerful. So Wii 2 will receive a whole bunch of ports from the current generation and miss out on all the PS4720 stuff. It'll start all over again!


Now to sit back and watch as everyone is impressed with visuals that a mid-spec PC could do in 2009.
Sure, for hella monies.

I think this is great news and all, but if Nintendo wants to appeal to the western gamer again as well as the "hardcore" market, what kind of evolution will they bring to the "bald space marine" genre? Mario is fine for nerds and feminine manbabies, but the rest of us "hardcore gamers" will need the biggest, baddest-assiest, head-explodin'est, chainsaw-to-the-ballsiest, beer-swillin'est, "DEW"-fest they can come up with. Maybe some kind of game where the entire world tries to invade 'Merica and players have to shoot them with "freedom guns" that have U.S. flags for bayonetts?


Who will make games for it? Mark Rein? I don't see how successful launch is possible when most of the internal studios right now are preoccupied with 3DS games. Will it support 3D? How much time will pass before we see a new Zelda game? How can we expect Nintendo to deliver decent functionality at launch when they couldn't prepare eShop for 3DS's launch? Too many questions and I'm not sure answers will please everyone.

And I believe you should do the opposite when nothing is working out for you, not the other way.
Willy105 said:
Of course, since all of those four games you listed played better with other controllers.

Classic Controller is more a VC thing.

That's what I'm saying.

I'm praying this next console has standard controller compatibility with all its games. Otherwise I won't get it :(

I don't enjoy using the Wiimote...
Moofers said:
Sure, for hella monies.

I think this is great news and all, but if Nintendo wants to appeal to the western gamer again as well as the "hardcore" market, what kind of evolution will they bring to the "bald space marine" genre? Mario is fine for nerds and feminine manbabies, but the rest of us "hardcore gamers" will need the biggest, baddest-assiest, head-explodin'est, chainsaw-to-the-ballsiest, beer-swillin'est, "DEW"-fest they can come up with. Maybe some kind of game where the entire world tries to invade 'Merica and players have to shoot them with "freedom guns" that have U.S. flags for bayonetts?

I'll try and convince Jocchan to make Dudebro launch with it.
I have to wonder how thought out their strategy was - because I could see this as having been planned all along.

I wonder if...

1. They were confident in their "casual gamer" approach and the ability for motion controls to bring people in
2. So they make their console SD, less powerful, etc. and make lots of money by selling it at $250 for years.
3. MS and Sony make their consoles uber powerful by comparison, sell them at a loss, which makes lengthening the console life-span important in order to recoup costs / make money
4. MS and Sony gravitate toward the "casual" market, pin their hopes on motion controls to extend the console life-span
5. Nintendo is free to move first in ending their console's lifespan, releases something significantly more powerful right at the time when MS and Sony are trying to extend their consoles through motion controls (the general concept of which is no longer novel)
6. Sony and MS are now pressured to do what they don't want to do: release their next system sooner rather than later, etc.

You have to wonder how much of this "all according to plan." :)


Zee-Row said:
My Virtual Console and Wiiware games better transfer to this new console or there will be hell to pay.
Damn straight. There better be Muscle March in the next generation!


miksar said:
Who will make games for it? Mark Rein? I don't see how successful launch is possible when most of the internal studios right now are preoccupied with 3DS games. Will it support 3D? How much time will pass before we see a new Zelda game? How can we expect Nintendo to deliver decent functionality at launch when they couldn't prepare eShop for 3DS's launch? Too many questions and I'm not sure answers will please everyone.

And I believe you should do the opposite when nothing is working out for you, not the other way.

I think Nintendo has a good amount of studios preparing for launch. And with the "delaying" of games for 3rd party to try and take advantage of the 3DS, maybe some of the studios working on 3DS games have already completed their games.


shinobi602 said:
That's what I'm saying.

I'm praying this next console has standard controller compatibility with all its games. Otherwise I won't get it :(

I don't enjoy using the Wiimote...

That sucks. But I doubt it, since in all likely hood their next console will build upon the Wii, Kinect, and Move. They won't revert back to the old stuff, risking some very awkward moments.


This is welcomed news! I'm somewhat satisfied with the graphical output of PS3/360 games so I'm sure it will be more than enough for the next Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. I'm also hoping it will upscale existing Wii games and be BC with Wiiware and VC.
crisdecuba said:
I have to wonder how thought out their strategy was - because I could see this as having been planned all along.

I wonder if...

1. They were confident in their "casual gamer" approach and the ability for motion controls to bring people in
2. So they make their console SD, less powerful, etc. and make lots of money by selling it at $250 for years.
3. MS and Sony make their consoles uber powerful by comparison, sell them at a loss, which makes lengthening the console life-span important in order to recoup costs / make money
4. MS and Sony gravitate toward the "casual" market, pin their hopes on motion controls to extend the console life-span
5. Nintendo is free to move first in ending their console's lifespan, releases something significantly more powerful right at the time when MS and Sony are trying to extend their consoles through motion controls (the general concept of which is no longer novel)
6. Sony and MS are now pressured to do what they don't want to do: release their next system sooner rather than later, etc.

You have to wonder how much of this "all according to plan." :)

Romance of the 3 Consoles. A battle of wits and strategy.


It make sense for Nintendo to launch first, given the fact that the Wii is somewhat cold and the insane drought of game + a pathetic 3rd party support. Microsoft and Sony will possibly launch in 2013 if this is true.


BroHuffman said:
I think Nintendo has a good amount of studios preparing for launch. And with the "delaying" of games for 3rd party to try and take advantage of the 3DS, maybe some of the studios working on 3DS games have already completed their games.
There is definetly alot of attention shifted to this at internal studios. We keep finding out games we assumed were internal are indeed external developers. So alot of assumed busy developers were not working on what we picked them to be.

The M.O.B

Zenith said:
Um, you realise PCs can do this today? Where's your "OMAOMGSDMGAOGW" for them?

I know my PC can play it at 1080p too :D

But imo Crysis 2 is the current pinnacle of graphics on consoles that desperately needed a higher resolution. Plus 60FPS would show just how powerful this thing is hehe


miksar said:
Who will make games for it? Mark Rein? I don't see how successful launch is possible when most of the internal studios right now are preoccupied with 3DS games. Will it support 3D? How much time will pass before we see a new Zelda game? How can we expect Nintendo to deliver decent functionality at launch when they couldn't prepare eShop for 3DS's launch? Too many questions and I'm not sure answers will please everyone.

And I believe you should do the opposite when nothing is working out for you, not the other way.

there are enough internal studios to get stuff up and running for a 2012 launch. easily. it was a 2011 launch that looked really hard to do.

next console zelda is probably 2014. maybe 2015 if it's the ocarina of time they always wanted.
miksar said:
I don't see how successful launch is possible when most of the internal studios right now are preoccupied with 3DS games.

We're all getting hyped, but the console won't launch until late 2012. 3DS should be on its second round of software by then.
Instro said:
What do you think the ARG is for? Simultaneous announcements of the next Nintendo console shipping with Steam and EP3 obviously.

In all seriousness, giving Valve free reign to create the console's online infrastructure is just about the smartest thing Nintendo could do. They'd have a service that craps all over Xbox Live available from launch and wouldn't have to pay a penny for it.

Giving up control isn't really in Nintendo's DNA but they'd capture the attention of the hardcore market straight away and be the darlings of the development community by going with a solution that many are all ready using.


Azelover said:
Graphics don't matter as much as you think they do. If that hasn't entered your head yet you're not going to understand Nintendo's moves either, unless they completely lost their minds I don't see this new console being as powerful as these journalists are saying. It's yet another bogus rumour of a Wii successor.
Not in this age when high-end blockbuster games designed with $20-$60 million budgets are becoming equally important to driving the sales of hardware and overall software. The 360 has been bursting at the seams for years now, despite it being aggressively designed on the outset. Had the competition been better designed, they could have plausibly overtaken the 360's market share of blockbuster games.

Yes, Nintendo is always at a disadvantage of delivering hardware power at the initial onset. This will become extremely evident when MS and Sony releases their next generation consoles 1-2 years after Nintendo, and will draw off a lot of developer and publisher interest. However, Nintendo can avoid ending up in the same position as the Wii if they choose to do so by doing what their competition is NOT doing -- controls, software, market demographic, AND hardware design. They already do the former three, but it hasn't been enough. They can certainly trump Sony and MS if they design the next generation console with scalability in mind.
Wow! LOTS of stuff going on today o_O

Anyway, the next thing I want to hear is that LoZ:SS has officially become a "Wii2" title and will be released at launch.


At least they could make it Wii2 enhanced.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
darkwing said:
looks like Pachter was right all along

Yes, in the sense that he predicted Nintendo's next console would be in HD. That's it.
crisdecuba said:
6. Sony and MS are now pressured to do what they don't want to do: release their next system sooner rather than later, etc.

You have to wonder how much of this "all according to plan." :)

Depends on how powerful the Wii2 ends up being. If it truly is significantly more powerful than a PS3, then I agree, but if it only brings Nintendo up to par with the 360 and PS3, then I don't think MS and Sony will be in such a rush.
crisdecuba said:
I have to wonder how thought out their strategy was - because I could see this as having been planned all along.

I wonder if...

1. They were confident in their "casual gamer" approach and the ability for motion controls to bring people in
2. So they make their console SD, less powerful, etc. and make lots of money by selling it at $250 for years.
3. MS and Sony make their consoles uber powerful by comparison, sell them at a loss, which makes lengthening the console life-span important in order to recoup costs / make money
4. MS and Sony gravitate toward the "casual" market, pin their hopes on motion controls to extend the console life-span
5. Nintendo is free to move first in ending their console's lifespan, releases something significantly more powerful right at the time when MS and Sony are trying to extend their consoles through motion controls (the general concept of which is no longer novel)
6. Sony and MS are now pressured to do what they don't want to do: release their next system sooner rather than later, etc.

You have to wonder how much of this "all according to plan." :)
You know too much.


shinobi602 said:
That's what I'm saying.

I'm praying this next console has standard controller compatibility with all its games. Otherwise I won't get it :(

I don't enjoy using the Wiimote...

Why? Much more comfortable.
GodDuckman said:
Hell, the 3DS barely matches the GameCube.
Are we sure about that or just judging from Ghost Recon screenshots?
By the way, great game, go get it people!

Game Cube, Wii and Xbox are all similar, so the 3DS has about the same power which is pretty much enough for a handheld.
Willy105 said:
Don't forget the Gamecube. Something that size, more powerful than a competing console that was $100 more expensive (and much larger at launch) is a very impressive feat.

Yup, the GC is probably my favorite console design ever (technologically speaking) because it's just so dang elegant and efficient.
The mario galaxy squad is going to do some ridiculous things with that amount of horsepower at 60fps...if it's true, that is. I'm sure Retro will show people how its done as well. Not that they haven't already, but you know.
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