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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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the piano man
err.. I lost this thread like 20 pages ago..

anything relevant happened in the last 24 hours?? or is just speculation and forum talk?
DECK'ARD said:
That was nothing to do with wireless, but to do with how they were interpreting motion. You have to do the motion to register it, or predict the motion as early as possible. The lag came from that, not the data being sent and its delay which is minuscule compared to the data and lag involved with sending video wirelessly.
Deck'ard, take into consideration that i've never mentioned the reason of perceived latency in some Wii games. But the fact is people got the sensation of "out of fase" response when playing. Nintendo doesn't like that but they went ahead with it anyway cause its an amazing product.

Continuing with "Lag" talk. Look at a product like Kinect, the thing has (to what some sensitive people) consider very noticiable latency. Yet the product is a massive succes. My point is if Nintendo sees the feature as wotrhwhile they could be more flexible with their control standars. And if you look what Onlive acomplishes in orders of magnitude more complex setting, specting to get acceptable response with a low resolution video feed at short distances don't seem so outrageous.

And disseminating what is possible from what isn't possible is the first thing you do with rumours. And then move on to what downsides it may have as well as the upsides, because the downsides will be as much a focus for Nintendo as the upsides which people on forums only tend to consider.
To tell you the truth the screen stuff doesnt seem too interesting to me also, at least not in the same league as with the Wiiremote. The screen rumor is reported by multiple and somewhat credible sites, if they opted to get on with this withouth at least confirm it, they deserve all the bad sh!t they could get.

Finally, its not that outrageous because its something that relates to things Nintendo has experimented with in the past. Altough people shouldn´t be specting 1 6'' touch screen in each control -for the 1000000th time-.

DECK'ARD said:
If you want a standalone tablet, then you'd buy a standalone table. And you'd sell it as a standalone tablet.
^This... Why people are calling the screen a tablet? I don't get it.


thehillissilent said:
I hope we will learn some solid details next Tuesday from the Investors meeting. I hope that they might show real game footage unlike that Pre-rendered? Pokemon Battle stuff they did for the Wii.
A name/logo, some specs and a 'yes we are working on this' statement is the best you can expect. The full blow out will be at E3.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Plinko said:
Just a question: Is anybody in here even remotely interested in what the vitality sensor can do? I have absolutely no interest in it and can't see how it would benefit gaming in the least.

As a gamer? Not even in the slightest. As someone interested in new technology and crazy ideas, aye. Sometimes it's just fun to see what could be done rather then what will be or should be done with these toys.
DECK'ARD said:
If you want a standalone tablet, then you'd buy a standalone table. And you'd sell it as a standalone tablet. Not bundle it with a console, because it will cost loads to make and they are serving 2 completely different purposes.

It would be like Apple giving you an iPad with the AppleTV to control it with. It's madness.
But it's not "standalone" in that sense. It's part of the whole Wii 2 experience.

I don't think anyone here is arguing that this is cost effective or even that it completely makes sense, but it's the only speculation I've seen so far regarding these rumors that doesn't sound outright ridiculous.

I guess you're of the mind that these rumors are false and that there won't be any screens to speak of with the Wii 2 other than the TV?


DECK'ARD said:
So, Nintendo are going to give up on multiplayer for the sake of this alleged screen in your hands? Or carry on as before and have the television as the focus for the multiplayer, like consoles have been since the dawn of time.

I think there could be two types of controller: One with a screen, bundled with the system, and one without for more affordable experiences. I think this can be done without dividing the market too much.


DECK'ARD said:
If you want a standalone tablet, then you'd buy a standalone table. And you'd sell it as a standalone tablet. Not bundle it with a console, because it will cost loads to make and they are serving 2 completely different purposes.

It would be like Apple giving you an iPad with the AppleTV to control it with. It's madness.
It's purpose is to expand the gameplay possibilities. In that regard, I think a standalone tablet serves that purpose much more than a gigantic classic controller with a 6" screen stuck in the middle.

The_Darkest_Red said:
But it's not "standalone" in that sense. It's part of the whole Wii 2 experience.


sphinx said:
err.. I lost this thread like 20 pages ago..

anything relevant happened in the last 24 hours?? or is just speculation and forum talk?

No. Just third tier websites trying to cash in on the buzz (and not even being clever enough to make up anything new).

Pocks said:
It's purpose is to expand the gameplay possibilities. In that regard, I think a standalone tablet serves that purpose much more than a gigantic classic controller with a 6" screen stuck in the middle.



You never replied to my inventory comment. It's just completely illogical and impractical to get up and walk to your coffee table to switch weapons in RE6.

Plus, there's a reason the Apple competitors aren't beating Apple on price. Tablets (of any respectable capacity) are expensive.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Shiggy said:

Thanks. :) Interesting stuff.

Plinko said:
That sounds useless. I mean, it's kind of neat from a psychological perspective, but that's about it.

Haha it's really not. I'm not going to delve into it right now (1-D_FTW already did a little bit though) but Nintendo and Valve having so much interest, backing, and praise for it should tell you a lot on how it can (and will) change gaming.

MatthewB92 said:
If he was still around this whole thing would be 100 times better but he is over at Apple doing something.

Agreed. :(

This is really making me miss Bozon, Craig, and Matt C. I loved their Revolution/Pre-Wii coverage.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
DECK'ARD said:
And what happens when you have a second controller with a screen?

It's just become twice as difficult. Then three times. And then four times. The resulting lag which would be bad initially, would by then become absolutely ridiculous.

So, Nintendo are going to give up on multiplayer for the sake of this alleged screen in your hands? Or carry on as before and have the television as the focus for the multiplayer, like consoles have been since the dawn of time.

Common sense says the latter.
Depends again on how it is used. Assuming a scaled resolution as compared to the DS a 6" screen would be 512x384=1/4 of 720p. So as long as you have the bandwidth for 720p in close to realtime and even wireless G does, as evidenced by onlive, then you could have up to 4 controllers receiving video. Not perfect, but quite likely good enough.


Plinko said:
Just a question: Is anybody in here even remotely interested in what the vitality sensor can do? I have absolutely no interest in it and can't see how it would benefit gaming in the least.

Checking your pulse in horror or action games can lead to very interesting gameplay mechanics: think on Eternal Darkness doing whacky stuff when you're specially stressed instead of just relying on a random bar or health regenerating only if you actually manage to calm down in a Clock Tower game. And it's not like you need an abomination like the medical device they showed on the E3, just some metallic sensors in the controller handles like those found on gym machines will do the trick.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
onQ123 said:
Wii 2 is 80% More Powerful than 360

has this been posted?

This is about as correct as using the number of USB ports to determine which console is more powerful.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Refreshment.01 said:
Deck'ard, take into consideration that i've never mentioned the reason of perceived latency in some Wii games. But the fact is people got the sensation of out of fase response.

Continuing with "Lag" talk. Look at a product like Kinect, the thing has (to what some sensitive people) consider very noticiable latency. Yet the product is a massive succes. My point is if Nintendo sees the feature as wotrhwhile they could be more flexible with their control standars. And if you look what Onlive acomplishes in orders of magnitude more complex setting, specting to get acceptable response with a low resolution video feed at short distances don't seem so outrageous.

I know you like considering everything that's possible, but you are comparing apples and oranges. The benefits of touch is that it's immediate. The benefits of being able to touch the TV screen picture in your hands (if it was possible) would be completely destroyed if whatever you touched took time to register and respond. Lag on things like the wiimote and Kinect can be easier hidden, and because you aren't physically touching something and expecting a response back from that you are more likely to tolerate it.

For direct controls though, Nintendo would rather walk over broken glass than do this. And the lag would affect everything from d-pad, to analog controls to the touch itself. A DS or iPhone that didn't respond immediately to touch would drive people insane.

To tell you the truth the screen stuff doesnt seem too interesting to me also, at least not in the same league as with the Wiiremote. The screen rumor is reported by multiple and somewhat credible sites, if they opted to get on with this withouth aty least confirm it, they deserve all the bad sh!t they could get.

Finally, its not that outrageous because its something that relates to things Nintendo has experimented with in the past. Altough people shouldn´t be specting 1 screen in each control -for the 1000000th time-.

^This... Why people are calling the screen a tablet? I don't get it.

You have 3 lines of speculation going on based on the hard to believe 6" touchscreen rumour:

1) Screen in controller
2) Attachable screen to controller / separate screen that is self-powered
3) Standalone screen, ie a smart screen in other words a tablet

The options get more expensive, and therefore less likely, as you go up.

Game-streaming isn't feasible with any of them, and becomes increasingly less feasible the more controllers/screens you add.

Playing games on it would only be possible if it was a standalone tablet, which would be like Apple giving you an iPad with every Apple TV. Not going to happen.


The Amiga Brotherhood
poppabk said:
Depends again on how it is used. Assuming a scaled resolution as compared to the DS a 6" screen would be 512x384=1/4 of 720p. So as long as you have the bandwidth for 720p in close to realtime and even wireless G does, as evidenced by onlive, then you could have up to 4 controllers receiving video. Not perfect, but quite likely good enough.

So you boost your console to HD, with all the increase in visual complexity and detail this gives you. And then scale it down to a much lower resolution and make people view that on a 6" screen? That sounds logical. If I was Nintendo I'd prefer them to look at the TV ;)

And all this scaling and decompression is just going to add more lag, multiple players will either be out of sync or framerate will suffer while it makes sure they are all in sync and that all the controllers/screens have received the massive amount of data correctly.

I mean really, you are suddenly turning local multiplayer into a complete expensive nightmare rather than just all looking at the bloody TV! Let's get back to planet Earth ...


I could see the "screen/tablet" just being a new controller. Nintendo loves rolling out new controllers. See: Wii Balance Board + dozens of others.
What I've been hearing from industry folks is that there are specs for all three of the next consoles starting to go around, and many aren't happy about a looming console transition. Basically hearing that it's just "more" but not really new ways to play, but that they're feeling the hurt right now from the expanded dev costs (basically what Iwata was saying before this generation began). Many are not eager for higher specs because they're worried about the increasing costs.

With that in mind (and again, I've only heard vague statements) I think Nintendo's leap isn't going to be a massive one. I certainly expect more powerful than PS3 and 360, but my guess is their focus is going to be on new interaction types that are going to be unique to the system or at least costly to duplicate.

Wish I heard more, and I'm not saying I have any more info than that.


What if the tablet isn't part of the controller at all, but instead serves as some kind of hub for all the Café's features? When not in use, it rests in its dock on your coffee table and receives new messages, updates etc. via CaféConnect24. In the morning you'd pick it up to read some latest news and the weather forecast. You also accept new friend requests, browse the eShop and use it as a virtual keyboard when chatting. Of course it could also play VirtualConsole games and maybe some kind of modern board games (party aspect!). The general idea is to have the tablet as an extended arm of the actual console, a companion for everyday.

Edit: And in the dock it would also work as a screen for maps, inventory etc.


timetokill said:
What I've been hearing from industry folks is that there are specs for all three of the next consoles starting to go around, and many aren't happy about a looming console transition. Basically hearing that it's just "more" but not really new ways to play, but that they're feeling the hurt right now from the expanded dev costs (basically what Iwata was saying before this generation began). Many are not eager for higher specs because they're worried about the increasing costs.

With that in mind (and again, I've only heard vague statements) I think Nintendo's leap isn't going to be a massive one. I certainly expect more powerful than PS3 and 360, but my guess is their focus is going to be on new interaction types that are going to be unique to the system or at least costly to duplicate.

Wish I heard more, and I'm not saying I have any more info than that.

Talk Worm!
plex said:
What if the tablet isn't part of the controller at all, but instead serves as some kind of hub for all the Café's features? When not in use, it rests in its dock on your coffee table and receives new messages, updates etc. via CaféConnect24. In the morning you'd pick it up to read some latest news and the weather forecast. You also accept new friend requests, browse the eShop and use it as a virtual keyboard when chatting. Of course it could also play VirtualConsole games and maybe some kind of modern board games (party aspect!). The general idea is to have the tablet as an extended arm of the actual console, a companion for everyday.
Yep, that's what Pocks has been talking about. It seems reasonable to me, especially relative to all the other speculation going on in this thread. It also sounds kind of, dare I say it, useful.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Gamer98 said:
I heard that they are making a controller that fits on your face.

I would lmao at Nintendo if they came out with a system that required you to wear something on your face after their constant bashing of 3D glasses at last year's E3.


timetokill said:
What I've been hearing from industry folks is that there are specs for all three of the next consoles starting to go around, and many aren't happy about a looming console transition. Basically hearing that it's just "more" but not really new ways to play, but that they're feeling the hurt right now from the expanded dev costs (basically what Iwata was saying before this generation began).
So it would be fair to say that developers/publishers would be more inclined to work with the Nintendo 6 platform because the dev costs would be, presumably, substantially less than PS4/XB3?

If current technologies will work well on N6, and it's launching at least a year ahead of the competition, with dev kits out already, this could easily be an attractive home for 3rd parties.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
timetokill said:
What I've been hearing from industry folks is that there are specs for all three of the next consoles starting to go around, and many aren't happy about a looming console transition. Basically hearing that it's just "more" but not really new ways to play, but that they're feeling the hurt right now from the expanded dev costs (basically what Iwata was saying before this generation began). Many are not eager for higher specs because they're worried about the increasing costs.

Am I mistaken, or isn't it the developers own fault costs have gotten out of control?


Graphics Horse said:
OK last mockup I promise.


Probably the most realistic yet if you're required to make the screen 6 inches. It's as ergonimical as your could probably make it.

It's not a transformer - which is good since a Wiimote like detachment would need a condom on it.

And it has the dual sticks, which in thinking back to the developer who told GI "It's not a gimmick like the Wii", is probably what he meant. There are a large contingent who just want there games stuck with dual analog (and it would make fps ports super easy).


Another rumour. A game journalist I know told me that he has been told Nintendo is going for a winter 2011 release on the Wii2. I told him he was barmy. No way it was 2011. His source was a dev in the US.

If I get any more I'll pass it on.


Skiesofwonder said:
I would lmao at Nintendo if they came out with a system that required you to wear something on your face after their constant bashing of 3D glasses at last year's E3.

True story. The buttons are on your face its fucking crazy.


Vagabundo said:
Another rumour. A game journalist I know told me that he has been told Nintendo is going for a winter 2011 release on the Wii2. I told him he was barmy. No way it was 2011. His source was a dev in the US.

If I get any more I'll pass it on.

No fucking way. I mean, the rumors came in quickly, which would make the think it's possible - but the same year as their handheld?


Plinko said:
Am I mistaken, or isn't it the developers own fault costs have gotten out of control?

A combination of factors, actually. Art assets for HD are expensive, even if outsourced. That's why many developers are so risk-averse nowadays, especially western ones.
Vagabundo said:
Another rumour. A game journalist I know told me that he has been told Nintendo is going for a winter 2011 release on the Wii2. I told him he was barmy. No way it was 2011. His source was a dev in the US.

If I get any more I'll pass it on.
I honestly think the Wii 2 will come out this year. It just makes sense when you look at the Wii's software lineup for 2011.
Pocks said:
Clock speed isn't the only thing that matters. In fact, looking at it out of context can be misleading.

Also, I thought there were several units within the R700 series? Although, some have argued in the past that R700 was only used to refer to a specific chip.
What they are talking about here is the baseline speed of the R700 GPU, there's currently no R700 GPU slower than the speed they are talking about. Of course this doesnt account for the number of stream processors enabled or disabled on the chip, but that is at the discretion of the hardware manufacturer, not AMD. AMD just makes the chip as it is, the rest is handled by the manufacturers.


The_Darkest_Red said:
I honestly think the Wii 2 will come out this year. It just makes sense when you look at the Wii's software lineup for this year.

Yes, only it seems insane that Nintendo would come out with its new handheld and console in the same year. That's... nuts.

EDIT: That said, if they could pull that off, it would give Nintendo upwards of 2 years uncontested by MS or Sony's next-gen platform.


Vagabundo said:
Another rumour. A game journalist I know told me that he has been told Nintendo is going for a winter 2011 release on the Wii2. I told him he was barmy. No way it was 2011. His source was a dev in the US.
Winter means early 2012, right? I don't really understand where Fall, Holiday and Winter fall in the US. I'm sure I saw a suggestion in the original rumours that they were aiming for early 2012. I'll see if I can find it.


The_Darkest_Red said:
I honestly think the Wii 2 will come out this year. It just makes sense when you look at the Wii's software lineup for 2011.

Me too. Nintendo hasn't given dev kits out 2 years in advance in ever? Certainly not in the modern era (Post N64).

Couple this with extremely easy 360 ports and only the 3DS struggling would possible gum this up IMO.
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