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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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wsippel said:
The touchscreen is an addition to a regular tactile controller, not a replacement.
You said controllers never have enough buttons. My point still stands, you cannot feel the additional touch buttons, making it a pointless application.


M_Night said:
If Nintendo ever announces a Pokemon MMORPG or just an expansive Pokemon RPG in general then I will buy this thing day-1 no matter the price.
PLEASE make this happen, Ninty.


DeathNote said:
You said controllers never have enough buttons. My point is you cannot feel the additional touch buttons, making it a pointless application.
If developers try to emulate buttons. Who says they have to?
I laugh at the ones saying they wont buy this. If you're posting in this thread regularly you will buy it.

It's like that guy that got pissed off when Popeye's ran out of chicken saying he'll never come back. I'd bet my life he went back soon after.
Doc Holliday said:
If motion controls are out......good fucking riddance!!! That shit almost ruined dk returns. Oh let me blow on this flower, waggle, oops I'm rolling in to some hot ass lava. Arghhhhh

they won't. that's doesn't even have to be a rumor.
GregLombardi said:
And just to clarify my previous comment: Third Party software is going to be extremely key this generation if Nintendo is going back to the hardcore. It will define or break people's purchase decisions on consoles. So Nintendo better show the games or they're returning to the Gamecube with Project Cafe.

Third party support is key for any of the Big Three. If Sony hadn't been in the fortunate position of being port-buddies with the 360, they would have been utterly fucked this time around, instead of muddling along in third place and scratching their way back to profitability simply because their first-party software just wouldn't have driven sales in any significant way.

Microsoft would have been in a similarly terrible position if they'd had to rely on their internal studios, instead of getting in early and securing exclusives and strong support before either of the other systems launched.

Nintendo - strongest of the three in terms of internal development - managed to push their system almost single-handed, thanks to good titles, a fantastic hook and genuine excitement, but even they can't hold it any longer alone. Unless they've managed to bottle lightning again for Wii2, they're going to be even more in need of strong, early support from third parties.

supabrett said:
I laugh at the ones saying they wont buy this. If you're posting in this thread regularly you will buy it.

It's like that guy that got pissed off when Popeye's ran out of chicken saying he'll never come back. I'd bet my life he went back soon after.

I think this is a bit of an open secret - the "hardcore" are often the easiest to win over, simply because they have such defined desires that it's easy to know how to cater to them. The more mainstream audience is a trickier nut to crack.

For all the bitching about being "burnt" by the Wii, it wouldn't take a great deal to win those people back: Hardcore gamers are like grumpy old dogs - they'll bark and make offensive smells in the corner, but the moment someone starts rubbing their bellies...


Skiesofwonder said:
That would be the dumbest strategy in the world for Nintendo (IMO). Who cares what a bunch of jaded "hardcore" stuck-in-the-mud gamers think? Nintendo has always been about giving Casual, Hardcore, and Bridge titles so everybody can get their fair share of gaming experiences.

And motion control has been proven sales and quality-wise. The Wii line-up, along with all the other huge salers that involve motion controls. Then we have titles like Shattered Memories, Red Steel 2, and the upcoming Skyward Sword which are (or will be) high quality titles that NEED motion control.

Causal gamers, lapsed, and non-gamers will never ever be able to play with a Dual-Analog setup. It's too complicated, awkward, and stupid. Hell some people barely can still use the Wiimote.

Nintendo should be building upon the Wiimote, not acting like it doesn't exist.

Depends how seriously they view MS and Kinect. If they believe that MS is giving off an aura of caring more about casuals than hardcore (which there are signs of lately), do they really want to try and compete in a tech race there? You're going to have to be bleeding edge to win that escalating race and that costs money.

Between the touch pad and streaming (Which is uder-rated for casuals. The local multi-player angle of people controlling enemies with their touch screen in party games for example), I think they could release some truly innovative casual games.

Honestly, if this thing is using dual analogs, it's worthless to me for FPS. I'm not thrilled with this scenario (although I'm in the minority who hates dual sticks for shooters). But it's a scenario that I can take all the facts and quotes, look at the industry and where people are moving, and can say it makes sense. Kinect has passed them by in the mindshare of casuals and motion gaming. Nintendo is a company that's about filling voids.

DeathNote said:
You said controllers never have enough buttons. My point still stands, you cannot feel the additional touch buttons, making it a pointless application.

Inventory management and more importantly, social networking (multi-tasking) while playing. It's not replacing buttons.
GregLombardi said:
And just to clarify my previous comment: Third Party software is going to be extremely key this generation if Nintendo is going back to the hardcore. It will define or break people's purchase decisions on consoles. So Nintendo better show the games or they're returning to the Gamecube with Project Cafe.
Nintendo is aiming for the casual market as well, Project Cafe (lol) is not just a Game Cube in high definition. I can assure you casual games are already been planned.

Ubisoft: (laughs)


Will QA for food.
From The Dust said:
Ditching the wiimote is a bad idea, I think. :(

Like others said, if it has backwards compatibility, they're not ditching it. There will just be another option that you can sync up controller wise.


EvilMario said:
Like others said, if it has backwards compatibility, they're not ditching it. There will just be another option that you can sync up controller wise.
That's not saying much because I had to buy a Gamecube controller to play Gamecube games on my Wii. Who can say they won't do the same this time?


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
DeathNote said:
I wonder how good a mmo could be, or any game, without tactile buttons.

An MMO could work pretty awesomely on this tablet controller I would think. Wouldn't need to design the UI to be much different from the PC version, just use the touch screen for stuff like menu selection, then the analog sticks and buttons for actual gameplay.

Of course, assuming this thing has either a hard drive or at least 20 GB of flash storage.
EvilMario said:
Like others said, if it has backwards compatibility, they're not ditching it. There will just be another option that you can sync up controller wise.

Yeah. I imagine that you can pair a Wiimote to the WiiHD for the express purpose of playing Wii games. The only hardware required would be a sensor bar. Of course, the new "sensor bar" could be some newfangled thing that also puts out the traditional two IR lights, not necessarily the same thing the Wii has.

Maybe they will even let developers use the Wiimote for WiiHD games, kind of like some games support the Wavebird.
Andrex said:
An MMO could work pretty awesomely on this tablet controller I would think. Wouldn't need to design the UI to be much different from the PC version, just use the touch screen.

Of course, assuming this thing has either a hard drive or at least 20 GB of flash storage.

how expensive would 20 gigs of flash storage be? Nintendo is better off going hard disk rather than solid state or whatever. they know they will need to keep costs down for the consumer. if the direction we hear is true, then their profit margins will sink considerably compaired to the Wii
H_Prestige said:
Good riddance to that stupid ass pointing/waggle shit.

honest opinion. I love wiimote and nunchuck. I can not play games with traditional game pad but I have to be honest I only started playing game this gen after snes gen and only own wii. my two hand stay apart and it is very comfortable to hold.
Cosmonaut X said:
For all the bitching about being "burnt" by the Wii, it wouldn't take a great deal to win those people back: Hardcore gamers are like grumpy old dogs - they'll bark and make offensive smells in the corner, but the moment someone starts rubbing their bellies...

haha its odd but I like that analogy...
rub my belly Nintendo!

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
The Wiimote Plus can be packaged in with the "casual" games that use it or you can buy it separately. If you think about it, that is how Nintendo has been selling the software anyway. Buy Wii Play, Flingsmash, Wii Party, Wii Play Motion and a controller comes packed in.
Question, if their new console has bluetooth built in then wouldn't they be able to support existing Wiimote/nunchuk controllers natively? That could be the direction that they're taking, although I'd prefer to see their new controller build upon the existing motion controls of the Wii.

Doc Holliday said:
If motion controls are out......good fucking riddance!!! That shit almost ruined dk returns. Oh let me blow on this flower, waggle, oops I'm rolling in to some hot ass lava. Arghhhhh
If that happened to you then that means you accidentally held the joystick forward when you were trying to hold it down. Sounds like your problem should be with joystick controls, not waggle.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
From The Dust said:
how expensive would 20 gigs of flash storage be? Nintendo is better off going hard disk rather than solid state or whatever. they know they will need to keep costs down for the consumer. if the direction we hear is true, then their profit margins will sink considerably compaired to the Wii

Honestly I think it could go either way. Nintendo is a huge fan of durability in their hardware and there's no denying solid state is an order of magnitude more reliable than hard disks. Then again as you said it's more expensive, especially if we're comparing the 100 GB+ models, but would Nintendo really go for that much storage? That's the question.


So let's presume a family has four touchscreen controllers (plus a TV) in use... What (innovative? traditional?) games could they play?

All I can really think of is Scrabble, Monopoly, other board games and card games.


BowieZ said:
So let's presume a family has four touchscreen controllers (plus a TV) in use... What (innovative? traditional?) games could they play?

All I can really think of is Scrabble, Monopoly, other board games and card games.
Pretty much everything that would be splitscreen with current systems for example.
Andrex said:
Honestly I think it could go either way. Nintendo is a huge fan of durability in their hardware and there's no denying solid state is an order of magnitude more reliable than hard disks. Then again as you said it's more expensive, especially if we're comparing the 100 GB+ models, but would Nintendo really go for that much storage? That's the question.

if Nintendo is sucking off third parties like the rumors say, some of them are bound to say "game rips." I expect 10 GB at the very least. for game rips, that's fucking insane, but it's very possible Nintendo would do it if you take the Wii in consideration and not the 3DS. but if you look at the 3DS, then I would say a 20GB harddrive. of the non-proprietary sort.


A screen on the controller will bring back the vision of Dreamcast's VMU. I can see already that in sports games the uses are endless, especially in Madden where you could pick plays when you are playing against friends locally.



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
BowieZ said:
So let's presume a family has four touchscreen controllers (plus a TV) in use... What (innovative? traditional?) games could they play?

All I can really think of is Scrabble, Monopoly, other board games and card games.

Yugioh would be pretty awesome. No one could see your hand.

Crystal Chronicles 2 would be pretty awesome.

Splitscreen games as mentioned.

Heck any multiplayer game stands to benefit in some way from touchscreens in every controller.

Btw I think FPS's will be great if they include a touch to aim option, like the DS/3DS but improved.


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
I'm not suggesting Nintendo and Wii2 is not going to support motion control gaming and/or motion+ Wii controllers. But it's looking like motion controls might be put on the back burner for a more traditional gaming pad and that's complete BS imo. Because 95% support will go to that controller making motion gaming an afterthought, and still a "casual-only" experience.

I want more experiences like Red Steel 2 and Skyward Sword. But if Wii 2 turns out to be like it is rumored to be.... we are unlikely to get many more of those from Nintendo.
Andrex said:
Yugioh would be pretty awesome. No one could see your hand.

Crystal Chronicles 2 would be pretty awesome.

Splitscreen games as mentioned.

Heck any multiplayer game stands to benefit in some way from touchscreens in every controller.

Btw I think FPS's will be great if they include a touch to aim option, like the DS/3DS but improved.

touch to aim would be cool. the only problem I see is the weight of the device.


H_Prestige said:
What's your source?

Common sense? Motion controls are here to stay.

For the Wii2 to be Backwards Compatible with the Wii, it HAS to be able to replicate the motion control set up. There is no sensible reason for them to stop creating games with motion control, considering the system will AT LEAST be capable of Wii control.


Doc Holliday said:
If motion controls are out......good fucking riddance!!! That shit almost ruined dk returns. Oh let me blow on this flower, waggle, oops I'm rolling in to some hot ass lava. Arghhhhh
Blow is down + waggle.

Roll is forward + waggle.

If you get roll instead of blow its because you weren't holding down. That minor fault is because of the game design and use of modifier keys (in this case down/right), not waggle. A digital input would cause the exact same problem.

Stop using "teh bad waggles" as a scapegoat for every bad design decision (which, in this case, is extremely minor)
BroHuffman said:
Common sense? Motion controls are here to stay.

For the Wii2 to be Backwards Compatible with the Wii, it HAS to be able to replicate the motion control set up. There is no sensible reason for them to stop creating games with motion control, considering the system will AT LEAST be capable of Wii control.

Was the wiimote capable of gamecube controls? It will sync with the wii2 without any problems for backward compatibility.


Are we to believe motion control will be more accurate than move? That, IMO, messes with the thought that the Wii remote will be what works on the new system.


From The Dust said:
I'm convinced that people who actually think that pointing/motion controls are gone are delusional fools.

Do you really think Nintendo would leave out gyroscopes or a pointer enabling camera in the Frankenstick? Of course they'd still be in there. Just not as the sole emphasis.

Only people who can't analyze trends and back history think Nintendo is going to stick a little screen on the Wiimote and call it a day. Kinect is the new leader in motion. Whether you think it sucks or not is irrelevant. To the casual masses, it's Motion 2.0.

So where does that leave us? Trying to make sense of the more reliable info that's been released. And if you piece it together, there's a semi-coherent direction you could argue.
DeathNote said:
Are we to believe motion control will be more accurate than move? That, IMO, messes with the thought that the Wii remote will be what works on the new system.

Not unless there's some way to make a RemotePlus more accurate at the console end - can anyone come up with anything, or is its accuracy determined by the tech in the RemotePlus?


H_Prestige said:
Was the wiimote capable of gamecube controls? It will sync with the wii2 without any problems for backward compatibility.

If you want to believe the next wii will not have any sort of new/updated motion device (outside of being able to function as a wii control) despite it still being popular and in (as kinect has shown) then I don't know what to say to you.
I personally really like the idea of the touchscreen fused with a traditional controller. My only concern would be the cost.

My other major concern with this console is with the overall horsepower. Graphics are never first on my list in terms of importance when it comes to gaming, but I do hope this thing at least leapfrogs the PS3 in terms of power.

Still, as always is the case with Ninty, I'm in day one. I've never been disappointed with a system by them, despite game droughts and lacking third party support.


H_Prestige said:
Was the wiimote capable of gamecube controls? It will sync with the wii2 without any problems for backward compatibility.
Except it still needs a sensor bar, but let's ignore that. You still haven't demonstrated what makes you think you're gonna get your wish... What's your source?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Andrex said:
Yugioh would be pretty awesome. No one could see your hand.

Crystal Chronicles 2 would be pretty awesome.

Splitscreen games as mentioned.

Heck any multiplayer game stands to benefit in some way from touchscreens in every controller.

Btw I think FPS's will be great if they include a touch to aim option, like the DS/3DS but improved.

Only if the controllers are pretty damn powerful and standalone. Things like Crystal Chronicles worked because the handheld is doing all the work. All these things are better done by just wireless linking to say the 3DS, which even has Download Play ready to do it.

Using a separate console to do all the work and fire things out to each controller in realtime is very problematic, and also not a good use of a console. With the television display as well, you'd be rendering 5 things squandering the gains from moving to HD.

Unless you keep things very simple, which would be bizarre with a 6" screen. There's basically an incredible level of redundancy going on with these rumours. A huge overlap between the console experience and the handheld one, leveraging the strengths of neither.

Despite how certain people like IGN seem about all this, there's so many logical problems with it. It's very odd indeed.


Hyper Hyper!



ZAK said:
Except it still needs a sensor bar, but let's ignore that. You still haven't demonstrated what makes you think you're gonna get your wish... What's your source?

If the system is backwards compatible, it's going to need a sensor bar anyways. Maybe some new things are included in that bar, but there's going to be a bar.
Cosmonaut X said:
Not unless there's some way to make a RemotePlus more accurate at the console end - can anyone come up with anything, or is its accuracy determined by the tech in the RemotePlus?

The only ways that I can think of doing that:

- putting an extra sensor inside an attachment for the RemotePlus,

- making use of multiple positional sensors -- effectively creating trig points in your living room that the remote can use to calculate position,

- using a camera to capture the remote / player actions - much the same way that the PS Eye does in the PS Move setup, or Kinect on the 360.

- augmenting the standard sensor bar with another thing for the remotes to pick up, the two LEDs in the current sensor bar are not providing sufficient data for the remote to guess its position in the room, and the gyros/accelerometers cannot be used to track it as they are subject to noise and miscalibration


Maturity, bitches.
Fernando Rocker said:
I hope they keep the pointer controls.
I hope they use pointers since it makes selecting things on screen much easier.

Though I suppose if all options are displayed on the controller screen, a pointer will not be necessary for that.

Still not fond of the idea of going back to a one unit controller. My hands want to be free.
1-D_FTW said:
If the system is backwards compatible, it's going to need a sensor bar anyways. Maybe some new things are included in that bar, but there's going to be a bar.

Most likely.

What would really be neat is if the camera on the controller could look at the screen and make decisions based on the action on the screen. Kind of like Duck Hunt and other Zapper games used to. As in, using parts of the HUD, characters/NPCs/environment to get relative position. I realize this might be a programming nightmare, but it would still be awesome.


BGBW said:
I hope they use pointers since it makes selecting things on screen much easier.

Though I suppose if all options are displayed on the controller screen, a pointer will not be necessary for that.

Still not fond of the idea of going back to a one unit controller. My hands want to be free.

Has anyone considered that a touchscreen could also be used as a trackpad?
ZAK said:
Except it still needs a sensor bar, but let's ignore that. You still haven't demonstrated what makes you think you're gonna get your wish... What's your source?

There is more than one claim in this thread saying the new controller resembles a GC controller with a screen in the middle. One a few pages back. I haven't seen anyone mention an updated wiimote.

And the "sensor" bar is not a problem. Nintendo can easily include a port to plug that thing in. Or just start making them battery powered instead. They're just small LED's.
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