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Rumor: Wii 2 at E3; 6" Touch Controller [Up: Cafe Header On Nintendo Site, More]

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plex said:
Don't think so, most people only hated waggle controls.
The pointer is perfect for navigating menus, aiming in shooters and such things.

I'm a fan of defined motions. Not general motions like "shake the remote". To me, the best thing added to gaming has been pointer controls and using a motion to reload. Damn, if I could get a game like Bioshock with these controls options, I'd be in heaven. Which is why I hope they don't get rid of the remote + nunchuck style.


Mojojo said:
Maybe they aren't ditching anything.
As someone said, the codename Cafe could mean the console is a 'gathering place', a hub of sort for all Nintendo devices (which would go with the rumor that it's upgradable over time :future nintendo products could be used with it). It could be used for the 3DS, DS, with Wiimotes, with the new tablet-thingy control, depending of what usage you have.
Of course the downside is, it's confusing and a lack of single focus can be a pitfall.

imo project cafe probably means you can play relaxing casual games on the controller when enjoying a cup of coffee, much like the hipsters sitting in starbucks with their ipads.
the tablet market is booming and people love the crappy toilet games on them. this is nintendos answer, play your typical wii games on the console, have to poop? no problem take the controller with you and play angry birds when pressing out coco snake.


If Nintendo ever announces a Pokemon MMORPG or just an expansive Pokemon RPG in general then I will buy this thing day-1 no matter the price.


I thought the discussion on the IGN podcast where they said it was going to be an AMD processor over the IBM was pretty interesting.

They also said that there were dev kits in the wild and basically not to believe any info that's been released after Friday.


M_Night said:
If Nintendo ever announces a Pokemon MMORPG or just an expansive Pokemon RPG in general then I will buy this thing day-1 no matter the price.

Nintendo needs a practice MMO first. Then release a pokemon MMO.
thefro said:
I thought the discussion on the IGN podcast where they said it was going to be an AMD processor over the IBM was pretty interesting.

They also said that there were dev kits in the wild and basically not to believe any info that's been released after Friday.
Im having a hard time making sense of that. Did they mean before Friday?


From The Dust said:
Im having a hard time making sense of that. Did they mean before Friday?
No, they said "after". The first round of rumors were pretty much spot on (according to IGN, they're not even rumors, but verified facts), while pretty much everything reported after that, the GTAV rumor for example, is wild speculation or just plain bullshit spread by random sites to get hits.
needlejuice said:
Could someone reiterate the comments made regarding Sony's engineers being involved with this. Thanks.
An engineer who worked on the Cell processor and RSX gpu (and thus knows the ends and outs) is working with Nintendo Technology Development
From The Dust said:
An engineer who worked on the Cell processor and RSX gpu (and thus knows the ends and outs) is working with Nintendo Technology Development

PS3 sideways compatibility confirmed!

Man E3 will be epic again this year, hope they won't blow the lid off everything during the next few weeks.
Sidewinder said:
PS3 sideways compatibility confirmed!

Man E3 will be epic again this year, hope they won't blow the lid off everything during the next few weeks.

This is Nintendo, dude. They employ a clan of ninja specifically to keep their secrets secret.
Lonewolf_92 said:
This is Nintendo, dude. They employ a clan of ninja specifically to keep their secrets secret.

You're right, not like Sony leaking/divulging almost everything before their press conference. I miss the days when all I had was an E3 video game magazine filled with surprises and stuff ;)


From The Dust said:
An engineer who worked on the Cell processor and RSX gpu (and thus knows the ends and outs) is working with Nintendo Technology Development


StickSoldier said:
Oh yeah, if it's coming out in late 2012, I don't see how the graphics would be worse than the 360/PS3. Even though the Wii was a huge success, it missed out on a lot of games because of the graphics, which sucks. Atleast it's good to know that with the 3DS, and this new Wii, that Nintendo is trying really hard to get good relations with 3rd parties again.

They've been trying to get good relations with third parties for over a decade now, don't see this changing the game much.
Mistle said:
My memory is fuzzy... before the reveal of the Wiimote, how close did the rumors get? Any of them turn out to be true?

This would be interesting to hear. I don't remember any of the rumours being close to the truth before the Wiimote reveal, but perhaps that wasn't the case.


The question is, how do you design a controller with the said features with making everything confortable to reach.

Possibility 1: The screen is very high, probably foldable with the controls on the side.

Possibilty 2: The screen is wide and narrow, with the controlls on top/bottom.

And I remember one "Iwata asks..." were one of the designers showed a design with contol bricks(d-pad, stick) to change them for every game. It will probably have that, too.


Guerrillas in the Mist said:
This would be interesting to hear. I don't remember any of the rumours being close to the truth before the Wiimote reveal, but perhaps that wasn't the case.
Someone on GAF posted a picture of a modular controller - a wand type device that broke off from a nunchuk type device... I think.
antonz said:
3 AM EST on the 26th is what financial sites are reporting

havent really been any thread update.

Rockstar stuff is most likely absolutely true. Launch Window GTA5 is perfectly logical
I'm probably wrong, but 4PM Japan time?


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Ok frick this. If Nintendo goes back to a two handed non-motion controller as their main focus and basically giving me a DS experience (without 3D) on my main TV... yeah I'm not interested in a Gamecube 2.0.

I love my Wii, and I either want something totally new (as the Wii did) or a successor to it. Not a step back (imo). Of course I'm jumping to conclusions right now, but if IGN is to be believed; I'll be giving most of my time to Microsoft and Kinect 2.0.
So based on all the latest commentary, and based on the Wii release schedule, it does appear as though Nintendo is abandoning their blue ocean.

This means their next product may be a luxury type console, which means they won't have the same success they did this generation. But they may be okay with that.

It will be very interesting to see how far they go.


Mistle said:
My memory is fuzzy... before the reveal of the Wiimote, how close did the rumors get? Any of them turn out to be true?

We knew Nintendo was working with the acclerometer company, so a lot of people guessed that would be there in some form.

There were so many mock-ups made a couple fans got pretty close to right and basically had broken the controller apart similiar to what the Remote/Nunchuk did. That got posted on GAF at some point.


Skiesofwonder said:
Ok frick this. If Nintendo goes back to a two handed non-motion controller as their main focus and basically giving me a DS experience (without 3D) on my main TV... yeah I'm not interested in a Gamecube 2.0.

I love my Wii, and I either want something totally new (as the Wii did) or a successor to it. Not a step back (imo). Of course I'm jumping to conclusions right now, but if IGN is to be believed; I'll be giving most of my time to Microsoft and Kinect 2.0.

I'm beginning to think this is the case. They'll pack in an old nunchuk and Wiimote Plus (for games that absolutely require this scheme) and the new uber-core controller.

Nintendo doesn't really care about innovating as much as distancing themselves from the competition. If Sony and MS are going to go hardcore after casuals with motion, they'll build the ultimate hardcore dual analog controller to pander to the hardcore.

And if IGN is to be believed and they actually are going to have a decent AMD solution in it, it would align with "No gimmicks. Doing it right this time." They're giving the developers and hardcore "stuck-in-the-muds" exactly what they want. A significant bump from 360/PS3 and a dual analog controller that has the added bonus of inventory management from the touchscreen.

Can you create more casual and innovative local multi-player experiences with this? Yes. But my bet is they're abandoning the more hardcore motion because they don't want to compete with Kinect in this new battleground. And since MS and Sony seem focused on this group, they sense an opening for the hardcore group.

It'll be interesting to see if the hardcore Nintendo haters suddenly turn on dual analog and proclaim motion to be the superior form and Nintendo gimmicky.
Dascu said:
They're too niche/small-time to make a substantial impact on public opinion of Nintendo. Just like no one gives a shit that they published Sin&Punishment 2, Fatal Frame 4 and The Last Story, no one would give a shit if they'd publish MadWorld Zero or The Silver Case Redux.

They need something bigger, really, if they want to change their public perception of kids-only. Something like a Rockstar exclusive or a shooter from Bungie. I'm not sure how realistic that is. Personally I don't really care since I don't really enjoy such games.
I think just getting the same content from Rockstar, Bethesda, Valve, etc, would be enough, no need to pay out for "big exclusives" that would just get ported 6 months later anyway. Nintendo has enough inhouse talent between Retro and NST that they could make a "mature" western franchise inhouse if they wanted, and enough cash that they could pick up an attractive studio if need be. And maybe they should, Rare/SK did used to fill that niche and it hasn't ever really been addressed since they left.


Microsoft and Sony announce that their new systems come bundled with new Kinect/Move and Nintendo loses all 3rd party support because of that. The irony.
1-D_FTW said:
I'm beginning to think this is the case. They'll pack in an old nunchuk and Wiimote Plus (for games that absolutely require this scheme) and the new uber-core controller.

Nintendo doesn't really care about innovating as much as distancing themselves from the competition. If Sony and MS are going to go hardcore after casuals with motion, they'll build the ultimate hardcore dual analog controller to pander to the hardcore.

And if IGN is to be believed and they actually are going to have a decent AMD solution in it, it would align with "No gimmicks. Doing it right this time." They're giving the developers and hardcore "stuck-in-the-muds" exactly what they want. A significant bump from 360/PS3 and a dual analog controller that has the added bonus of inventory management from the touchscreen.

Can you create more casual and innovative local multi-player experiences with this? Yes. But my bet is they're abandoning the more hardcore motion because they don't want to compete with Kinect in this new battleground. And since MS and Sony seem focused on this group, they sense an opening for the hardcore group.

It'll be interesting to see if the hardcore Nintendo haters suddenly turn on dual analog and proclaim motion to be the superior form and Nintendo gimmicky.

Can we please get past this "Do it right" thing? I don't care which side of the gaming fence you sit on, from a business perspective the Wii was a masterful stroke. They absolutely did it right.

For gamers, they did it mostly wrong, I agree, but at least give context to statements.


Boken said:
People pissed off at pointer controls... Nintendo makes traditional controller, people pissed off at traditional controls. Yeaaah.

Different people, different desires. If Nintendo was smart, they'd just apply both. I for one am quite pleased to hear indications of traditional controls returning.
lunchwithyuzo said:
I think just getting the same content from Rockstar, Bethesda, Valve, etc, would be enough, no need to pay out for "big exclusives" that would just get ported 6 months later anyway. Nintendo has enough inhouse talent between Retro and NST that they could make a "mature" western franchise inhouse if they wanted, and enough cash that they could pick up an attractive studio if need be. And maybe they should, Rare/SK did used to fill that niche and it hasn't ever really been addressed since they left.
They could just license third parties to create games for the Cafe like they are doing with the wii. The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Etc. I expect them to continue this trend


Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
1-D_FTW said:
I'm beginning to think this is the case. They'll pack in an old nunchuk and Wiimote Plus (for games that absolutely require this scheme) and the new uber-core controller.

Nintendo doesn't really care about innovating as much as distancing themselves from the competition. If Sony and MS are going to go hardcore after casuals with motion, they'll build the ultimate hardcore dual analog controller to pander to the hardcore.

And if IGN is to be believed and they actually are going to have a decent AMD solution in it, it would align with "No gimmicks. Doing it right this time." They're giving the developers and hardcore "stuck-in-the-muds" exactly what they want. A significant bump from 360/PS3 and a dual analog controller that has the added bonus of inventory management from the touchscreen.

Can you create more casual and innovative local multi-player experiences with this? Yes. But my bet is they're abandoning the more hardcore motion because they don't want to compete with Kinect in this new battleground. And since MS and Sony seem focused on this group, they sense an opening for the hardcore group.

It'll be interesting to see if the hardcore Nintendo haters suddenly turn on dual analog and proclaim motion to be the superior form and Nintendo gimmicky.

That would be the dumbest strategy in the world for Nintendo (IMO). Who cares what a bunch of jaded "hardcore" stuck-in-the-mud gamers think? Nintendo has always been about giving Casual, Hardcore, and Bridge titles so everybody can get their fair share of gaming experiences.

And motion control has been proven sales and quality-wise. The Wii line-up, along with all the other huge salers that involve motion controls. Then we have titles like Shattered Memories, Red Steel 2, and the upcoming Skyward Sword which are (or will be) high quality titles that NEED motion control.

Causal gamers, lapsed, and non-gamers will never ever be able to play with a Dual-Analog setup. It's too complicated, awkward, and stupid. Hell some people barely can still use the Wiimote.

Nintendo should be building upon the Wiimote, not acting like it doesn't exist.


GregLombardi said:
So based on all the latest commentary, and based on the Wii release schedule, it does appear as though Nintendo is abandoning their blue ocean.

This means their next product may be a luxury type console, which means they won't have the same success they did this generation. But they may be okay with that.

It will be very interesting to see how far they go.

Well the question there is, how can one possibly top such a great magnitude of success this generation in the next? Perhaps it's best to just go with the tide and succeed as much as the tide can give. In time they might reach that height again (maybe the console after Wii2?).
robor said:
Well the question there is, how can one possibly top such a great magnitude of success this generation? Perhaps it's best to just go with the tide and succeed as much as the tide can give. In time they might reach that height again (maybe the console after Wii2?).
Agreed. My personal console decision will be based on the software at this point if that's the case. Last gen it was based on console price / technology (I was about to go with PS3 until I saw the price. While I'd love to have all 3 consoles, it is not financially prudent for me to do so.) As such, show me the games and I'll buy your console after this generation. Software is going to be extremely key this generation if Nintendo is going back to the hardcore.
And just to clarify my previous comment: Third Party software is going to be extremely key this generation if Nintendo is going back to the hardcore. It will define or break people's purchase decisions on consoles. So Nintendo better show the games or they're returning to the Gamecube with Project Cafe.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
If motion controls are out......good fucking riddance!!! That shit almost ruined dk returns. Oh let me blow on this flower, waggle, oops I'm rolling in to some hot ass lava. Arghhhhh


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Gvaz said:
I don't really like those tablet mockups at all. Why can't we just have normal controllers :(
You mean this?

Or this?

I am down with the second one, not so sure why you would want to go back to the 'normal' console controller.
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